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Fallout Wiki

The New Imperial Guard are the remnants of Imperial China who retook the country following the Great War.


New Imperial Guards are fanatics who serve as the Chinese Emperor's personal bodyguards.[1]


The New Imperial Guard were to appear in 14° East's canceled Fallout Extreme.


  1. Fallout Extreme Xbox concept submission draft: "Fallout Extreme mixes the familiar characters from the Fallout line--including super mutant gang-bangers, slimy merchants, ghoulish refugees, post-Apocalyptic paladins, and crazed cultists--with the new factions introduced in Fallout Extreme Hawk man braves of the Issaquah Nation; survivalist bands of the Montauk; Chinese post-Apocalyptic warlords; the Horde of Huns riding astride the vicious Werebeasts; fanatic Imperial Guardsmen who protect their Emperor beyond death; beastling servants of the Brotherhood; and not least of all the merciless knights of the Brotherhood of Steel."