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The Brotherhood of Steel would have appeared in Fallout Extreme as a major antagonist.


The "once silent organization", has been expanding and seizing more and more territory under its control. Their area of influence stretches as far as Alaska, where the Brotherhood's new headquarters is now located. The Brotherhood's agenda "leaves little room for the survival of radiation or FEV outbreak victims." Local humans are either drafted into the Brotherhood's ranks as cannon fodder or enslaved, and mutants are outright eradicated. It's the Brotherhood that the player would oppose during the first half of the game.

The Brotherhood sent an expedition northwards into Alaska, where they found intact military infrastructure from the Sino-American War; so much so that their main headquarters were moved there. Their rule over the Northwest proved to be dictatorial, with little tolerance for victims of radiation or FEV. Local humans are drafted as either cannon fodder, enslaved or sent to work on locations such as the Alaskan Pipeline. Their reach extended to Fort Williamette in Oregon.

Eventually, their iron-fisted rule would result in the revolutionary force known as The Cause rising and overthrowing them about a century after the Great War. However, it would be revealed that the post-War Chinese Empire still threatened the former United States, which the Brotherhood had sought to stop. The Cause would manage to cross the Bering Strait and end the threat of the Chinese Empire.


Chapter One: Pacific Northwest[]

Chapter Two: Bering Strait[]


The Brotherhood of Steel was to appear in the canceled Fallout Extreme.
