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Fallout Wiki

George Stault was the final overseer of Vault 3 before its invasion by the Fiends.


Note: The summary below uses a number of terminal entries which are not used in-game, alongside ones which are. Unused terminal entries will be marked by the Cut content icon in the reference.

Following a serious water leakage issue which led to water rationing, the Vault's incumbent overseer Lincoln Davis announced a plan to open up the Vault to the surface so that they could trade for necessary resources, with Michelle Dallian taking charge as the head of the newly-formed External Associations Committee for their outside relations.[1] George believed this was the right choice for the Vault to make. With Lincoln's term coming to an end, he decided to run for overseer to follow through on Lincoln's and Michelle's mission.

George faced opposition from his longtime friend Michael Robinson and Michael's supporters, the so-called "Isolationists," who believed the outside world would be too dangerous and that they should be very cautious in dealing with the outside, if dealing with them at all. Michael decided to campaign against George for overseer, though he assured George that the new rivalry was purely out of principle, and nothing personal.[2] Nevertheless, George managed to win the election, which he attributed in part to an endorsement Lincoln gave him during one of the Vault's Town Hall meetings, though the promise of restoring the water supply was likely also a major contributor to his success. With his newfound role, George promised everyone in the Vault that he would work with Michelle to open up the Vault as quickly as possible, with the goal of fixing their water issues and "form[ing] lasting bonds with [their] neighbors in the world outside."[3][4]

With Michelle's (and his sister Sarah Kimper's) active guidance, the Vault dwellers organized into several volunteer teams that would handle affairs with the outside world. Under Michelle's (naive) belief, the teams did not carry any weapons, nor did the Vault keep a security team, since she reasoned that this would make them appear "belligerent" and hurt their efforts at diplomacy.[5] The Vault's door would even be kept open at all times. George did not oppose any of this. In fact, Michelle and George even agreed to keep all of Vault 3's weapons in two submerged storerooms in the living quarters, since they believed Michael would try to use them somehow to stop the Vault from opening.[6] They were wrong; Michael did not pull anything, other than try in vain to convince Michelle to keep the Vault's security in mind.[7][8]

Once the Vault finally opened, things went extremely well at first, and the Vault found enough trade to soon return to full operation.[9] With matters settled and Michelle at the helm, George kept his attention on (trivial) domestic affairs, such as celebrating his niece Janet Kimper's sixteenth birthday.[10] This left him and everyone else in the Vault completely unprepared when the Fiends took advantage of their hospitality to enter the Vault, slaughter everyone inside, and take control.[11]


George Stault is mentioned only in Fallout: New Vegas.

