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Fallout Wiki

The Vault 3 terminal entries are a collection of terminal entries from Vault 3 in Fallout: New Vegas. A number of terminals in Vault 3 are empty and have no text except for a header; these terminals are associated with various unused notes found in the G.E.CK. which would have appeared on the terminals as terminal entries. They are listed below as a result, but by Editor ID since their intended names do not exist.


Note: There are four of these wall terminals located throughout the Vault. Two are in the maintenance wing; one wall terminal is located on the northwest wall, to the right of the door to the locked storage in the server room. The other is located on the southwest wall, to the right of the door to the locked storage, at the end of the hallway past the server room. Two are in the living quarters; one wall terminal is located on the west wall, to the right of the door to the executive dorm. The other wall terminal is located on the northwest wall, to the right of the door behind the holding cell magazine. All four have Average-difficulty locks.


SoftLock Solutions, Inc
"Your Security is Our Security"
>\ Welcome, USER

Disengage Lock[]

Note: In the living quarters, accessing this command unlocks the door to the executive dorm, which leads to the stairway to the upper concourse. In the maintenance wing, accessing this command unlocks both locked storage rooms.


> Clearance granted, Unlocking...

Broken terminal[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in the executive dorm.


"Bad Data. Cannot Read."

Overseer's terminal[]

Note: This wall console is located in the center of the east wall of the overseer's office. It has a Hard-difficulty lock.


Welcome, Overseer.

Happy Birthday![]


From: George Stault
To: Janet Kimper

Hi Janet,
How is the school year going so far? I've heard good things from your teachers. They say you are one of the top students in your class.
Your birthday is tomorrow, sweet 16 at last! Can you even believe it? It seems like yesterday my sister told me she was going to have a little girl. Do you have big plans for your birthday? I think if you are interested, I could talk to some folks and get the dining room reserved for a couple hours. Let me know if that sounds like fun and I'll start getting the ball moving.

Uncle George


> Opening Message...

Upcoming Election[]


From: Michael Robinson
To: George Stault

George, we've been friends for a while, so I hope you didn't take my candidacy for Overseer personally. I'm going to do whatever I can to keep our friends and family safe, and if that means taking our exposure to the outside world slow, and keeping to ourselves (outside of what we need, of course), then that is what I'm going to push for. No one knows what it is going to be like out there. There could be horrific mutants, or strange wandering vagabonds, aliens, murderous gangs. WE have no idea. Let's be smart about this.

- Mike


> Opening Message...

Thank You![]


From: George Stault

Greetings Everyone!
Thank you all for putting your trust in me. I am honored to serve as your Overseer for the next term, and hopefully beyond. I am going to do everything I can to get Michelle's committee outside as soon as possible. We'll get our water issues resolved, and form lasting bonds with our neighbors in the world outside.

Thanks again for putting your trust in me.
George Stault, Overseer


> Opening Message...

Weapon Lockers[]


From: Michelle Dallian
To: George Stault

I'm not sure what Michael is planning, but I suggest that you leave the weapons in those two submerged storerooms. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have any support, and there is no need to give him the opportunity to arm himself.



> Opening Message...

Unlock Storage Room Doors[]

Note: Accessing this command unlocks the doors to the submerged storerooms A and B.


> Unlocking Doors

Broken terminal[]

Note: There are two of these terminals located in the western dorms. One is the overturned desk terminal, located on the desk in the northwestern dorm (with the working microfiche machines). The other desk terminal is located in the southwestern dorm room.


ERROR 0x00B636C6
"No Input Device Recognized."
"Reconnect Keyboard."

Terminal (William Mayson)[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in the northwest dorm of the southern dorms.


Hello Billy boy!

Compose Automated Blast Message[]


> System Offline...




REMINDER: The Vault elections are coming up, the primaries start two weeks from today. If you intend to run please announce your candidacy.





RESIDENTS: The opening protocols for the Vault door have begun. The seals will open in 24 hours.




From: William Mayson

Hi Everyone! I just received a relay message from Michelle's initial party, and they are doing well. She asked me to pass this along to anyone that was worried about her.

Terminal (Lincoln Davis)[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on a desk in the southwestern-most room of the southern dorms.

The Water Situation[]


From: Lincoln Davis
To: All Residents

Greetings Everyone,
As you all saw in the message from Vincent, we're going to have to start rationing water until we can resolve the leaking issues. Unfortunately, we don't currently have the parts required to fix the underlying cause of the leak. At this point, we have no alternative, but to seek the parts that we need from outside the Vault.
To facilitate this, I'm proud to announce that Michelle Dallian will be forming a new committee, with the goal of creating ties with whatever civilization there may be in the outside world. Michelle and I both have high hopes that we'll have no problem finding the assets we need, and hopefully forming some lasting relationships with the outside world.

Thank you,
Overseer Davis


> Opening Message...

External Relations[]


From: Lincoln Davis
To: Michelle Dallian

Thank you again for agreeing to take charge with our external relations. I am sure that you will do represent us, and our interests well. Let me know if I can be of any assistance.



> Opening Message...

Your Endorsement[]


From: George Stault
To: Lincoln Davis

Dear Lincoln,
Thank you for your endorsement at the Town Hall meeting last night. You are so well respected by the residents, that I am sure it will greatly increase my chances of following you to the "Big Chair." Since Michelle started making plans and gathering people for her External Association Committee the Isolationists have been gathering followers, as you well know. I think having me follow you as Overseer will serve to slow their efforts.

Thanks Again,


> Opening Message...

Terminal (Michelle Dallian)[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on a desk in the southeastern-most room of the eastern dorms.


Michelle Dallian
Head of External Associations Committee



From: Michelle Dallian
To: Sarah Kimper

Sarah. I'm curious if you've given any more thought to joining my task force. I'd love for the opportunity to work with you again, and I think you'd be a great fit. I really need someone with your keen interpersonal insights for dealing with the people outside.




From: Michelle Dallian

Hello Everybody,
I'm looking for volunteers for the External Association Committee. We have enough core personnel, but we can always use the extra hands. All residents are welcome to apply, and we hope to be able to accommodate any of you who are willing to donate your time. Feel free to contact me and I'll send you an application for membership.




From: Michelle Dallian

Hi! Thanks again for agreeing to help out with this momentous task. Sarah and I are going to be organizing you into teams. Teams will be in charge of trading, inventory, politics, and miscellaneous. Many of you have asked why we don't have team dedicated to security. Well, I've talked long about this with George, and we both agree that we don't want to appear belligerent to the outside world. We are certain that once the people out there realize that we are just like them, and won't threaten them at all, they'll be happy to form long lasting relationships with us. We'd like to present an open hand instead of a closed fist.

Thank you!



From: Michael Robinson
To: Michelle Dallian

I can't believe you are going forward with this naïve idea that the world is going to be peaceful and welcoming to us. We have no idea what we are going to see out there, or how the world has changed. I strongly suggest that we, at least at first, just open the doors long enough to get what we need. Allowing people to come in and out of the Vault unscheduled, can only lead to trouble.

- Mike

Terminal (Nara Robinson)[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the desk in the northwest corner of the dorm with the Fiend Daniel.


Hello Nara



From: Nara Robinson
To: Daniel Raati

Hi Danny,
Laura is going to send you a message about her grades. Could you take some time and talk to her? She's pretty upset. I know she slipped a little bit near the end of the semester, but she works really hard, and she genuinely wants to do well.




From: Nara Robinson
To: Michelle Dallian

Michelle, do you know what happened to the trading party? They were supposed to be back a few hours ago. This is the first time anyone has been late. Do you think something could have happened to them?




From: Michelle Dallian
To: Nara Robinson

I'm sure they'll be back soon. The vault door is unlocked, and it'll stay that way until they get in. If we don't hear from them in another hour I'll send out another party.

Terminal (Michael Robinson)[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on a desk along the northeastern wall of the Fiend Daniel's dorm.


Hello Michael



From: Michael Robinson
To: Michelle Dallian

Michelle, please reconsider. Take some weapons with you. Arm yourselves. I just know that you are going to bring trouble back onto all of us.

- Mike



From: Michael Robinson
To: Undisclosed-Recipients

I'm sorry to hear that all of you have abandoned the cause. Am I the only one left who sees the folly of this plan? I'm sure the outside hasn't recovered. Nevada was a desert before the bombs fell. I can hardly think to imagine what it must be like out there now. You are all cowards, and your fear is going to lead to our deaths.

- Mike



From: Michael Robinson
To: Michelle Dallian

Ok Michelle. I was wrong. The wasteland isn't as dangerous as I thought it was. AS DANGEROUS. That doesn't mean it is safe. We've had some luck trading, and it looks like we are going to be operating at full capacity soon. Let's lock the doors for a little while, set up some guards. Let's be smart. We've all seen those freaks with the strange hats lurking around outside. Every day they get a little closer, let's show them that we aren't going to be easy targets. Let's be safe and smart.


Terminal (Daniel Raati)[]

Note: This terminal is located in the dorm to the left of the entrance to the northern flooded storeroom.


Daniel Raati



From: Daniel Raati

It is with a heavy heart that I tell you that we are not going to be able to complete this school term. I'll be running some private tutorials in the screening room, but they will be informal, and attendance will not be required.
I've asked Michelle to look in the surrounding areas, to see if there are any local schools that will be willing to take on some of our teachers and students. Between this prospect and the hopes of speedy repairs, this unexpected recess will be short.

Daniel Raati



From: Daniel Raati

I'm sure you've heard by now that the doors of the schools will be close for an undetermined amount of time. Your individual classroom teachers will be sending all of you updated reading lists, and some workbooks to continue your studies. Please spend some of your newfound free time taking care of these assignments.

Thank you,



From: Laura Robinson
To: Daniel Raati

Hey Mr. Raati,
Can you look over my final paper for comp lit? I think this is so unfair! I totally completed the assignment, and she gave me a D! I worked so hard, and she can be so mean. I mean, I know it is up to her what grade she gives me, but I've never gotten anything lower than a B on anything. EVER! So can you take a look at the paper for me? I swear, if you think it is worth a D, I'll let it drop.

Thanks, Laura


Note: This desk terminal is located on a table in the southwest corner of the server room in the living quarters (the room where Bryce Anders is located). It has a Very Easy-difficulty lock.


System Online

Open Access Panel[]

Note: Accessing this command opens the passage to the entrance chamber.


> Opening Access Panel...

Close Access Panel[]

Note: Accessing this command closes the passage to the entrance chamber.


> Closing Access Panel...

Terminal (Vincent Vanmiller)[]

Note: This desk terminal is located on the cornered desk in the northeastern section in the server room of the maintenance wing.


Vincent Vanmiller
Maintenance Chief

Water Leak[]


From: Vincent Vanmiller

Hello Everyone,
I'm sorry to inform you that the small water leak that we detected a couple weeks ago appears to be more serious than we first thought. We are going to have to vent the pipes in that section to isolate the leak and stop the pressure from stressing the rest of the system.
Unfortunately, this means that we are going to have to start rationing our water. My apologies go out to anyone currently residing in one of the affected areas. We'll be working to resolve the issue as soon as possible.



> Opening Message...



From: Vincent Vanmiller
To: Jennifer Lawson

Hi Jenny! It was great getting a chance to talk to you. I am glad to hear that things are going well for you. I'm curious if you'd like to meet me for dinner one day next week. I know we don't talk that often, but I feel like we really clicked last night. I hope you feel the same way.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,


> Opening Message...

Re: Dinner?[]


From: Jennifer Lawson
To: Vincent Vanmiller

Hi there Vinny! Last night was so much fun! I can't believe it took us this long to sit down and talk. Let's do that again very soon. Next time, maybe we can have breakfast together as well.



> Opening Message...

Thank You![]


From: Vincent Vanmiller
To: William Mayson

Hey buddy, thanks for the advice. Dinner went great last night, and I'm not sure I would have been able to work up the guts to talk to her if you hadn't convinced me. I owe you big time. I know you've been pretty stressed with the water issues. So if you need a break for some rec time, let me know.



> Opening Message...

Terminal (Trent Meyer)[]

Note: This terminal is entirely cut from Vault 3, but its Editor ID V03InventoryTerminal indicates it would have been placed inside. Like the other cut/bugged terminals, it does not have any terminal entries, but there is one unused note that would likely have been used as an entry for the terminal based on the sender's name.



From: Trent Meyer
To: Vincent Vanmiller

Hey Vincent,
I've been going over our inventory of replacements parts and noticed that we've only got one reverse pulse cleaner. I know these things are supposed to last forever, but I'm a little nervous working with just one spare. Can you try to see that the air filters get a little extra love during routine maintenance, if only to calm an old man's nerves?

