Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Nara Robinson was a citizen of Vault 3 prior to its invasion by the Fiends.


Nara shared a room in the living quarters with Michael Robinson.[1]

Nara's full name is given only in unused terminal entries. She was the mother of Laura Robinson, a student in the Vault who received a bad grade on her final paper in comparative literature. This led Nara to email the Vault headmaster, Daniel Raati, entreating him to talk to Laura and work things out with her for a better grade, since Nara believed her daughter had been working hard and performing well in school until the semester's end.[2]

Nara later found that the Vault's trading team had not come back during its usual time and asked the External Associations Committee leader Michelle Dallian what had happened to them. Michelle reassured her that the trading team would likely be back soon and that the Vault door was unlocked to let them in -- this possibly being the lapse in security that allowed the Fiends to invade Vault 3.[3][4]


Nara and Laura's specific relationship with Michael Robinson is unspecified, other than sharing the same family name and room.


Nara Robinson is mentioned only in Fallout: New Vegas.

