Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Daniel "Danny" Raati was a resident of Vault 3 prior to its invasion by the Fiends.


Daniel was Vault 3's headmaster. He had a room in the living quarters of Vault 3.[2]

Daniel's role is not explained in-game, but unused terminal entries indicated that as headmaster, Daniel oversaw the Vault's education system. By the time of the Vault's opening, he had announced to the parents in the Vault that their latest school term would not be able to be completed, seemingly due to lack of space. He also indicated that he was looking for alternatives; he planned to host several private tutoring sessions in the Vault screening room, and was also working with scouting team lead Michelle Dallian to try and find any local schools in the Mojave Wasteland that might be able to accommodate their displaced teachers and students.[3]

In the meantime, Daniel encouraged the students to continue their studies, telling them their teachers would be giving them updated reading lists and new assignments to complete while out of class.[4] He also received a grade appeal email from Laura Robinson, who was incensed that her teacher had given her a D on her final paper for comparative literature.[5] He was pre-notified of this by Laura's mother Nara, who entreated him to at least talk to her and try to work things out.[1]


Daniel Raati is mentioned only in Fallout: New Vegas.

