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This utopia is free from crimes and other sociological ills that inflict the other communities in Northern California. It has existed independent since its emergence from Vault 8, and maintains a thriving economy based on exporting medical technology to Outsider communities in Northern California.First Citizen travel log

Vault City is a high-tech city-state in Northern Nevada, established by the inhabitants of Vault 8 after the Great War[1], which is best known for their medical technology, most advanced within New California. Vault City can be found twenty-one squares east and four squares south of Arroyo.


Leaving Vault 8[]

Main article: Vault 8

Vault 8 was one of the few control Vaults[Non-game 1] that had no specific experiment designed for it, thus it functioned almost exactly to the residents' expectations. The Vault was designed to house a hundred or so people. Vault-Tec, to ensure a bright future for the Vault inhabitants, planned to have two G.E.C.K.'s located in Vault 8. Due to logistical errors by the government, Vault 8 received a shipment with hundreds of water chips meant for Vault 13, which as a result received an additional GECK.[2] In 2091, 14 years after the Great War, the Vault received the all-clear signal and the Overseer ordered the opening of the Vault doors.[3][Non-game 2] While many citizens were responsible for monitoring the surface sensors,[4] the "all-clear" signal was sent by the Enclave,[Non-game 3] as well as detection from radiation sensors on the surface.[Non-game 4]

City development[]

In the following years, Vault City was built through the hard work and suffering of many people.[5] By using their only GECK, combined with power from Vault 8's fusion generator, they created fertile grounds and buildings.[Non-game 2] In 2092, Richard Moreau was exiled for murder. The details of the murder are unknown and judging from the hypocrisy filling Vault City, the entire incident is questionable.[Non-game 5][Non-game 6] In 2101 the overseer retired and a Council of Citizens was established. The Council appointed the initial First Citizen.[6]

Years after residents of Vault 8 emerged, the shelter was used primarily as a medical center, the best available in post-war America. From the beginning Vault City is one of the most advanced factions in the wasteland, possessing cutting edge medical technology, allowing it to mass-produce medical supplies and chems (such as super stimpaks) as well as perform radiation removal and sophisticated surgical procedures, including replacement of lost limbs and organs via cloning[7] and grafting armor plating to one's skeleton.[8] It is the only place that has information about the combat implant schematics. Vault City quickly became an important part of Big Circle caravan trail.[9] Aside from medical technology, it's also an advanced military force, with all guards and patrolmen rigorously trained and equipped with advanced weapons and armor.

In 2232 Leonard Boyarsky was exiled for murder and unauthorized research. The research allegations revolved around some tampering with the pregnancy cycles in the Auto-Doc that apparently put all of Vault 8 in danger, but the details were deleted from the Vault 8 computer.[Non-game 7]

NCR expansion and trouble with Gecko[]

In 2235 the town of Gecko was founded. Later that year, the community of Gecko managed to reactivate the nuclear power plant that the town was built around. This didn't go unnoticed by Vault City, who started to look upon their new neighbors with growing concern.[Non-game 8] As it turned out, the plant was in a serious state of disrepair, as of 2239[10] it began leaking waste into the local groundwater, which eventually made the entire reservoir, from which Vault City drew water for their wells, poisonous.[11] Any person who drank water from the wells would contract radiation sickness,[12] in some cases fatally so,[13] and Vault City's medical experts were concerned if the problem wasn't addressed, it could lead to sterility and/or chromosomal damage in the population.[14] As a result, the citizens' attitude towards the ghouls turned from suspicion into open animosity and even outright antipathy, as they accused Gecko of committing terror against Vault City, and although the ghouls repeatedly attempted to contact Vault City for technical help, their emissaries were always shot on sight.[15]

Meanwhile, the expanding NCR considered Vault City a fantastic candidate for inclusion into its growing organism, however, offers of joining were repeatedly declined, with Vault City preferring to stay independent. With no progress being made on the diplomatic side, the NCR Congress approved a secret initiative intended to force Vault City to join. The person selected to carry out this campaign of terror against Vault City was John Bishop of New Reno, who later employed mercenaries to act as raiders and regularly attack Vault City to eventually force it into NCR's hands[16]. In 2239 Thomas Moore, an NCR agent comes to Vault City and becomes one of its citizens. After one year he changed politically, actively seeking to convince the Citizens of Vault City to turn to democracy.[17][18] As a result of his actions he is treated like an idiot, rather than a citizen. Not one citizen takes his words seriously about democracy.[19] Although his demagogy was not effective, he did manage to steal some Vault City technology.[Non-game 9]

In February 2241 Vault City rejects offers of an alliance with both the Bishop family of New Reno and the NCR.[Non-game 10] In March, raider attacks on caravans to Vault City begin.[Non-game 11] The NCR has been getting more aggressive in their attempts to get Vault City to join the Republic, telling Vault City Councillors, if they were to join, the NCR would be able to defend Vault City from the raider attacks. Due to refusals to NCR, with the passage of time raider attacks have become more brutal.[10] Finally, during their last attack, they disabled a laser turret on the western perimeter. Despite having a clear shot into the city, they were ordered to fall back by one of their "captains." This made no sense to Sergeant Stark, who witnessed it.[20] John Bishop, under pressure from the NCR, tried to get a current roster of all of Vault City's guards, so he could see if he could "get" to one of them with drugs or other "convincing," which he ultimately failed.[Non-game 9]

Joining the Republic[]

One of the key limiting factors of Vault City was the fact that its nuclear reactor, housed in Vault 8, was not designed for the strain of powering an entire settlement. By 2241, it was operating at peak capacity, making further growth impossible. The only way to prevent that would be to source power from another location, such as Gecko.[21] Without additional power, Vault City's reactor would burn out within 15 years, dooming the settlement.[22]

Ultimately, Vault City would resolve the problem with radioactive contamination from Gecko and its power issues. However, it failed in its attempt to assert itself as an independent power, as the New California Republic spread to the north in the next decades, and by 2281 New Reno and Redding were parts of the Republic.[23] Vault City's policies changed dramatically, with the city-state becoming known for its pacifism.[24][25]


Vault City prevails, Citizen.— Common greeting among Citizens.

Vault City was a very small, but high-tech settlement. It was small particularly when compared to the hundreds of residents that lived in Redding or Broken Hills, and especially thousands in the NCR.[1] The city was ruled by a Council, led by the First Citizen, established in 2101 after the Vault overseer retired.[26] The council rules in a totalitarian way, controlling every aspect of life within the city. Their regulations are strict and enforced to the full extent of the law. For instance, no drugs, real alcohol (artificial imitations are legal), prostitution, gambling, or any other vices are allowed within the inner city.[27][1]


I'm feeling double-plus good. You?}— Vault City Citizen

One of its distinguishing features was a strict, exploitative class system in place, enforced ruthlessly through pervasive control. At the top of the social ladder sit the Vault City Citizens, born into privilege and enjoying the highest standards of living in New California, including access to top grade medical care, education, and a post-scarcity society. The City provided for every need of its Citizens,[28] and every family would receive a room in the communal housing.[29]

To maintain this quality of life, Vault City was built as a strictly planned community, with the citizen population (in all departments) just 103 according to the official census in 2241, with an unspecified number of outsiders residing in the courtyard area.[1] Limiting pregnancies and population growth was an integral part of planning, with pregnancies only permitted during Council-approved pregnancy cycles, and impregnation handled through artificial insemination by the Vault's Auto-Doc. Citizens were matched purely according to genetic favorability, according to the Vault City's central computer. Intercourse was not restricted or controlled outside of pregnancy cycles, but accidental pregnancies were rare or even non-existent. Groundwater contamination from Gecko played a significant role here around 2241, causing sterility or even chromosomal damage, and the only successful pregnancies were those facilitated by the Auto-Doc.[14]

As a result, Vault Citizens were extremely long-lived by wasteland standards and impeccably educated. They also did very little work, enjoying a luxurious lifestyle thanks to Vault City's slave-based economy, and much of what they did do consisted of making endless lists. The List Office might very well have been the single largest employer at Vault City.[30][31][32][33][34][35] Those who actually work and put their education to use can achieve impressive results: Vault City remained at the forefront of New California's medical research, beyond anything much of the wasteland has seen.[36] Even older research is impressive, as Vault City was one of the first entities to create practical combat implants, including Sub-Dermal Armor and Phoenix implants that could be installed in a human using an Auto-Doc and cannibalizing combat armor for parts.[37]

The lack of real work for most, luxuries, freedom from menial labor reserved for Servants, and the incredible pressures to conform and insularity resulted in much of Vault City's citizenry being near clones, dressing alike, acting alike, and content to live out predictable like. Many never ventured beyond the City's walls, even to visit the Courtyard. The problem was further compounded by the Vault City's culture, with most seminars and extracurricular activities geared towards octogenarians, with younger citizens getting the short end of the stick.[38] As a result, even rebellious, young citizens in their twenties could be dull and self-centered.[39] However, these sentiments were not universal: Certain exceptional Citizens could resist the conditioning and exhibit human instincts, like Senior Councilman McClure, who was not only open to diplomatic solutions, but was also sympathetic to the plight of ghouls,[40] despite living in the City all his life.[41]


People without a citizenship, usually called Outsiders, were forbidden from living alongside in the City proper, and had to acquire day passes to enter it on any kind of business (eg. as merchants offering slaves, uranium, gold, or gecko pelts, diplomats, and non-citizen agents of Vault City), and even then, only during daylight hours (8 AM to 6 PM; skipping curfew was punishable with imprisonment at the Corrections Center).[42] They were also subject to searches when entering the City, with no exceptions.[43]

They could settle in the outer area of the City, dubbed the Courtyard. However, they were expected to pay significant sums for the privilege of living in the protected confines of the Courtyard,[44] and would face expulsion if they couldn't. They were also subject to strict policing, and had to secure licenses and pay fees, especially if they operated in lucrative market segments, such as selling alcohol. Failure would result in raids and seizure of assets.[45][46] However, Outsiders could be - and were - arrested for even minor offences, such as striking a Citizen (all Vault City guards were also Citizens, meaning the risk was non-trivial). Punishment would be a substantial fine or enslavement and working off the sentence as a Servant. Such a process could take years, however, and would leave the family of the victim in financial dire straits - unless they volunteered to become Servants as well.[47]


Slaves, referred to as Servants occupied the lowest rung of the social ladder in Vault City. As slaves of the city-state, they had no personal freedom and were forced to do the bidding of their masters every day, including all manner of physical labor and even the simplest of household chores, such as cleaning and weeding gardens.[48] All were coordinated through the Servant Allocation Center, with detailed files on every servant,[49] which also handled their "breaking in".[50] Servants were indoctrinated to treat work as its own reward,[51] and see the labors they do as essential to let their superiors deal with more important matters (such as making endless lists).[52] Some were even lied to that hard work could earn Citizenship.[53] Many simply resigned themselves to their fate due to years of enslavement.[54][55]

Servants who underperformed or showed defiance would be punished by incarceration, typically on the order of a few weeks, and reallocation.[56] Most were rendered docile and obedient by a combination of these punishments and substantial incentives: Vault City treated its slaves well compared to New Reno and other places: Vault City slaves weren't mistreated, they enjoyed excellent health and strength,[57] good food,[58][59] extra rations for diligence,[60] medical care,[61] and even basic education.[62] The quality of life as a slave was a powerful incentive, and some Servants didn't even think of escape on account of how good their lives became.[63] This was especially true for people enslaved in tribal villages in Oregon, north of Vault City.[64]

However, the quality of life did not obscure a basic fact: Servants remained slaves, despite intense efforts to obscure that fact with newspeak and doublethink by the Citizens. Apart from being forced to perform work for the City with strict deadlines,[65] without pay or a choice in the matter, slaves were forbidden from speaking to anyone while working, on pain of punishment.[66] Furthermore, although Outsiders could volunteer themselves for enslavement, including children,[47] most slaves were sourced through the Slaver's Guild[67] or independent slave catchers. Vault City purchased its slaves from the same markets that supplied New Reno (with that fact used to keep slaves docile),[68] and families were routinely torn apart to feed Vault City's insatiable appetite for an enslaved workforce: Adults were sold by slavers for use as Servants, while their children taken away and sold elsewhere.[69]

Vault City also actively acquired slaves on its own, including coercing Outsiders to volunteer, bringing entire tribes into the City to serve them,[70] and even individual Citizens could sell people to the city-state in return for "finder's fees".[71]


Generally, the only normal way to become a Citizen of Vault City was to be born into it. Members of the Council could grant non-citizen citizenship at their discretion, though it was done sparingly.[72]

Outsiders could take a citizenship test (administered by the Proconsul; Gregory in 2241), which was intentionally designed to be difficult, to the point that most Citizens would have trouble with it.[73] It included subjects such as advanced mathematics, spatial relations, deductive reasoning, trigonometry, vocabulary, grammar, and language comprehension, among others, and was followed by a thorough physical exam after completion to remove the risk of inducting someone of sub-par health or a carrier of communicable diseases (or worse, a mutant) into the community.[74] Naturally, it was administered using forms (5028 and 6112), using a PIP-Boy answer console.[75]


The City was the single most technologically advanced state in New California. Although both the Enclave and the Brotherhood possessed superior combat technologies, a functioning Vault coupled with a GECK (only one, which was used for years, the other was misplaced due to a shipping error)[3] allowed it to establish a prosperous community. To Outsiders, the most noticeable element of its technological craft was the defensive wall surrounding the city, topped by heavy laser turrets. These emplacements were enough to keep even organized raider war parties at bay.[76]

Most importantly, the Vault City was the largest exporter of medical technologies in New California, and at the forefront of medical sciences. Its Vault facilities, including cloning vats and automated medical doctors, could perform virtually any procedure and were the bedrock of its population control system. In fact, entire limbs and organs[77] could be created for replacement[7] The ability to manufacture these medicines and other supplies was essential for trade, and the industrial output of the Vault in other areas was also important to keeping the City stocked.[78] The only limiting factor was the Vault City's nuclear reactor, which was nearing its limits by 2241, with any further expansion impossible without external support.[22][79]

All Citizens also received standardized inoculations, using vaccines synthesized in the Vault.[8] Synthetic vitamin supplements were also produced and used to maintain proper nutrition in citizens.[80] Everyone's health was monitored through constant tests.[81]

Synthesizers were also very common, allowing Vault City to produce a broad variety of fruit and even synthetic beers and liquor. Concoctions like vodka-H or tequila derivatives W and W2,[82] were intended to be safe, pleasant alternatives to dangerous "wasteland concoctions", which were declared illegal within the City proper and steeply taxed in the Courtyard.[83]

Relations with the outside[]

Vault City disdained any outside factions, believing themselves to be the sole capable people for ruling the wasteland, untainted by the outside world.[84] In it, it has clashed with the New California Republic, whose proposals of unifying all of California under one government were seen as a ruse at best, and an attempt to share Vault City's precious resources with the undeserving at worst.[85]

Despite their antipathy to the outside, the city maintains regular caravan routes with other cities, trading its superior medical technology for raw materials, fuel, mechanical equipment, and other items.


Gecko, the settlement of ghouls in the north-east, presented a significant been more trouble for Vault City. Apart from being considered Outsiders and mutants, the reactivation of Poseidon Oil's nuclear reactor without the necessary shielding resulted in large scale groundwater contamination. Vault City was prepared to take military action to shut the power plant down.[86]


Although Redding may appear unassuming, it had great economic clout. Redding was Northern California's primary producer and distributor of gold, and Vault City not only purchased ore from them in return for medicine,[87][1] but planned to take control of it to control the gold-backed NCR dollar. Shipments of gold ore were considered a strategic resource, and shipments slowing down due to the Jet plague caused some concern.[88]

Vault City advocates claimed theirs was the only city that could fully utilize Redding's potential and dismissed or ignored legitimate concerns that they might turn it into a slave labor camp. Doc Johnson, a staunch supporter of Vault City, was planted there to ensure the town would land under Vault City's thumb.[89][90]

Broken Hills[]

Despite being warned to "avoid Broken Hills at ALL costs," Vault City and Broken Hills maintained trade relations, trading uranium for medical supplies (in particular Rad-X and RadAway).[1][91]


Den's slavers are a frequently used source of slaves for Vault City.[67][92]


Fo2 VC Guards Patrol
Main article: Vault City guard

Despite Vault City inhabitants being generally non-violent,[24] they still possess a sizable security force.

The Vault City guard is the direct descendant of the Vault security team - a Vault police force. Vault City guards act as a universal military force, enforcing the law within the town, defending it, and securing Vault City's perimeter. While small, it is extremely well trained and equipped, able to deal with any threats when supported by laser turrets of the city, save for an all-out siege.

Captain of the Guard[]

Captain of the Guard is a title granted by the First Citizen of Vault City to exemplary citizens that have gone above and beyond the call of duty to protect the city's interest and independence. In essence, it is the highest military rank one can hold, giving them full authority over the military might of Vault City.


Vault City as a faction appears only in Fallout 2. It is also mentioned by Rose of Sharon Cassidy in Fallout: New Vegas,[24][25] Ulysses in Lonesome Road,[93] and Sarah Grey in the Fallout Pen and Paper d20 intro.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Vault City travel log
    Note: The descriptions of the settlements spell out the relationships of the various communities with Vault City and their perception of the outside world in general. Such as its descriptions of gambling and prostitution, which establishes that they are viewed as sociological ills.
  2. The Chosen One: "{166}{}{I'm looking for a Garden of Eden Creation Kit.}"
    McClure: "{169}{}{A GECK? As I understand it, we only had one. I read that it lasted a long time but it broke down a number of years before I was even born. We were supposed to have two...}"
    The Chosen One: "{170}{}{Supposed to?}"
    "{171}{}{... but apparently the old government messed up the shipments and we received a shipment that was meant to go to a Vault number... thirteen, I think it was. They probably received our other GECK.}"
    The Chosen One: "{172}{}{What was in the shipment that was meant for Vault 13?}"
    McClure: "{176}{}{Water Chips, a hundred or so. I don't know why they sent so many... we have never needed to replace ours. We have had the same water chip since the day our people lived underground in the Vault.}"
    The Chosen One: "{177}{}{What happened to the GECK that broke down?}"
    McClure: "{181}{}{It was disassembled, and its parts were used for other applications.}"
  3. 3.0 3.1 Vault City central computer's information: "{238}{}{According to the archives, there is no GECK currently in stock at Vault City's Amenities Office. The people of Vault City seem to have used the only one they had to help establish the place when they came to the surface.}"
    "{239}{}{Scroll through the remaining information.}"
    "{240}{}{From what you can make out in the archives, two GECKs were part of every Vault's standard inventory package. Only one was shipped to Vault 8, however.}"
    "{241}{}{Cross-reference the GECK shipment information.}"
    "{244}{}{Due to a shipping error, it appears Vault 8 received a box of surplus water chips intended for another Vault. The other Vault most likely received Vault 8's second GECK.}"
  4. The Chosen One: "{205}{}{How did you know when to leave the vault? I heard the vaults were isolated from the outside world.}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{216}{lyn020}{What you heard was incorrect. Our archives are quite clear: our vault received the all-clear signal two years after being sealed.}"
    The Chosen One: "{217}{}{The "all-clear" signal? From where?}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{223}{lyn021}{Why... from surface monitors, I suppose. I am certain there were sensors monitoring the environment. How else would the Overseer have known when it was safe to leave?}"
    The Chosen One: "{225}{}{So... the order to leave the vault came from the Overseer?}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{234}{lyn023}{Yes... at least, that's what I remember from the archives. However, I am certain many Citizens were responsible for monitoring the surface sensors.}"
    The Chosen One: "{224}{}{Do these monitors still exist? Can I see them?}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{229}{lyn022}{Quite likely they were disassembled and used as upgrades for other systems.}"
  5. The Chosen One: "{601}{}{That's exactly WHY a change is necessary. You should share your accomplishments with others.}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{604}{lyn095}{Vault City was built through the hard work and suffering of many Citizens. The outside world should look to our example and follow it, not sit outside our walls and beg for handouts.}"
  6. The Chosen One: "{212}{}{New government? Tell me about it.}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{272}{lyn031}{We exited the Vault 120 years ago and, with the help of our Eden kit, began construction of Vault City. Ten years later, the Overseer retired and a Council of Citizens was established. The Council appointed the initial First Citizen.}"
  7. 7.0 7.1 The Chosen One: "{290}{}{You mentioned before you were a doctor... I'm something of a doctor myself.}"
    Troy: "{124}{}{You are? It's a pleasure to meet you. If you have the time, perhaps we could compare notes? It is not often that I get the chance to speak to another physician.}"
    The Chosen One: "{125}{}{Absolutely. I'd love to learn some of the medical techniques you Citizens use.}"
    Troy: "{128}{}{Excellent! Well, first, let me take you on a tour. Over here, we have the monitoring systems...}"
    "{130}{}{... and that is how we can clone cells to make replacement limbs. We have to be careful that the tissue cultures don't get contaminated, but... in any event, I think I've talked enough... hope it was informative.}"
    The Chosen One: "{132}{}{Thanks for the tour, Doctor Troy. It's been very educational.}"
  8. 8.0 8.1 Vault City Inoculations
  9. The Chosen One: "{175}{}{Does Vault City have much contact with the outside world?}"
    Lydia: "{195}{}{Not much. Most contact we have with Outsiders is merchants travelling the Big Circle caravan trail from Broken Hills, New Reno, and Redding. Only other place outside the caravan trail that I know of is Gecko.}"
  10. 10.0 10.1 The Chosen One: "{186}{}{"Trying times?" What do you mean?}"
    McClure: "{220}{}{Things have been tough these last two years. The NCR has been getting more aggressive in their attempts to get Vault City to join the Republic.}"
    "{221}{}{They tell us that if we were to join, they would be able to defend us from the raider attacks on our city. As of late, these raider attacks have become more brutal.}"
    "{222}{}{On top of all of this, we have ghouls in Gecko contaminating our groundwater.}"
  11. The Chosen One: "{208}{}{What can you tell me about Gecko?}"
    Gregory: "{219}{}{Gecko? It's a filthy shantytown to the north, inhabited by those creatures, those... "ghouls." They're responsible for poisoning our groundwater, you know! It's an obvious act of terrorism against Vault City!}"
    The Chosen One: "{220}{}{How are they poisoning the water?}"
    Gregory: "{223}{}{Their shantytown is built around the remains of an old atomic power plant... a plant they SOMEHOW started up again and that is now leaking radiation! Those creatures need to be driven out and that plant shut down!}"
  12. Charlie: "{126}{}{Last time I drink the damned water in this town, that's fer sure.}"
    "{127}{}{Surprised I still ain't glowing...}"
    "{128}{}{Damn Rad-Away gives me the runs...}"
    "{129}{}{Thanks, stranger. I appreciate your help... I couldn't afford the Autodoc.}"
  13. Valerie: "{262}{}{Dad?!}"
    {263}{}{2 Seconds}
    Vic: "{264}{}{Valerie?! Honey, is that you?}"
    • {265}{}{2 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{266}{}{Where the hell have you been?! Still running around the wastes, selling shiny junk to tribals?}"
      {267}{}{4 Seconds}
      Vic: "{268}{}{Uh, heh-heh... ignore her, Boss, she doesn't know what she's saying... Val, honey... you see, there were slavers and...}"
      {269}{}{4 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{270}{}{Cut the crap, Dad. Are you STILL calling everybody you meet "Boss?" I always hated that about you.}"
      {271}{}{4 Seconds}
      Vic: "{272}{}{Valerie, honey, please... let me explain... you see...}
      {273}{}{2 Seconds, then Fade Out}
      Vic: "{274}{}{... and that's how we got out of the Den.}"
      {275}{}{2 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{276}{}{What a load of brahmin crap.}"
      {277}{}{2 Seconds}
      Vic: "{278}{}{It's the truth!}
      {279}{}{2 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{280}{}{Don't you start. I'm glad Mom isn't here to hear this.}"
      {281}{}{2 Seconds}
      Vic: "{282}{}{What? What happened to your mother?}"
      {283}{}{2 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{284}{}{Brain fever. Caught it out on the wastes. Probably looking for YOU.}"
      {285}{}{2 Seconds}
      Vic: "{286}{}{Oh. I... uh... I'm sorry, Val.}"
      {287}{}{2 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{288}{}{I'm just kidding.}"
      {289}{}{2 Seconds}
      Vic: "{290}{}{Wh -?!}"
      {291}{}{2 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{292}{}{She actually died of radiation poisoning. She drank some of the unfiltered water from the courtyard well.}"
      {293}{}{4 Seconds}
      Vic: "{294}{}{Wha... what?!}"
      {295}{}{2 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{296}{}{Wasn't your fault. She had too many rads running through her system for Dr. Troy to save her. She was glowing like a lamp.}"
      {297}{}{2 Seconds}
      Vic: "{298}{}{Oh. I... well, I...}"
      {299}{}{2 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{300}{}{Don't worry. She was pretty batty before that, anyway. It was only a matter of time.}"
      {301}{}{3 Seconds}
      Vic: "{302}{}{I'm still sorry I didn't get a chance to see her again.}"
      {303}{}{2 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{304}{}{No, you aren't. You used to call her the 'desert viper,' didn't you?}"
      {305}{}{2 Seconds}
      Vic: "{306}{}{Well... yes. But you shouldn't call your mother th--}"
      {307}{}{2 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{308}{}{Why not? It was true. She could be an awful bitch when she wanted to be.}"
      {309}{}{3 Seconds}
      Vic: "{310}{}{Uh... you look like you've done well for yourself. Inherited your father's knack for repairing stuff, it seems.}"
      {311}{}{4 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{312}{}{Dad... you can barely tie your shoelaces, much less repair anything with moving parts.}"
      {313}{}{3 Seconds}
      Vic: "{314}{}{Wh-?! The devil you say!}"
      {315}{}{2 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{316}{}{Let's ask your "boss."}"
      {317}{}{2 Seconds}
      The Chosen One: "{318}{}{Well... he can fix radios. And stuff.}"
      {320}{}{2 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{321}{}{If you give him ALL the parts, right?}"
      The Chosen One: "{324}{}{Well, yes.}"
      {326}{}{2 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{327}{}{Ha! I knew it. Sloppy, sloppy.}"
      Valerie: "{328}{}{Your "boss" is probably better at fixing things than you are.}"
      {329}{}{2 Seconds}
      Vic: "{330}{}{Well, Val, last I saw you, you could barely tell a lug nut from a wrench.}"
      {331}{}{2 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{332}{}{Keep it up, Dad, and you'll NEED a wrench to get my boot out of your ass.}"
      {333}{}{2 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{334}{}{Oh, yeah?! Well, "honey," you better watch it or -}"
      {335}{}{2 Seconds}
      The Chosen One: "{336}{}{Shut up! Shut up both of you! This has gone on LONG ENOUGH! Now, c'mon, Vic, let's get going.}"
      {338}{}{3 Seconds}
      Vic: "{339}{}{We'll talk later, Val.}"
      {340}{}{2 Seconds}
      Valerie: "{341}{}{Yeah, sure, Dad.}"
      {342}{}{2 Seconds}
      {343}{}{Fade out for 3 Seconds}
  14. 14.0 14.1 The Chosen One: "{173}{}{Can you tell me about Vault City?}"
    Phyllis: "{199}{}{Vault City? Well, actually, there's not much to say. I mean, I've been a Citizen all my life... but there's not much to do in Vault City. At all.}"
    The Chosen One: "{201}{}{Nothing at all? Come on.}"
    Phyllis: "{204}{}{Look, I know you're a new Citizen and all, and I don't mean to throw a damper on your Citizenship, but this City can be VERY dull at times.}"
    The Chosen One: "{205}{}{Dull? How so?}"
    Phyllis: "{208}{}{I mean, have you noticed how similar everyone is? And OLD? Most of the seminars and extracurricular activities are geared towards octogenarians. I'm barely twenty-five, and this city makes me feel like I'm fifty.}"
    The Chosen One: "{210}{}{Speaking of old, I noticed there aren't any children in the city.}"
    Phyllis: "{216}{}{Well... yes. Actually, there aren't. Yet. I don't know if anyone told you yet, Vault City is a planned community. We're not due for another pregnancy cycle until a few years from now.}"
    The Chosen One: "{217}{}{Uh... a pregnancy cycle?}"
    Phyllis: "{220}{}{Yes. Pregnancies are permitted only during certain years established by the Council.}"
    The Chosen One: "{221}{}{What if you get pregnant anyway?}"
    The Chosen One: "{225}{}{Uh, last I heard, SEX can make someone pregnant.}"
    Phyllis: "{228}{}{Oh, you mean intercourse? Intercourse is still allowed outside of pregnancy cycles.}"
    The Chosen One: "{229}{}{Doesn't that make people pregnant?}"
    Phyllis: "{232}{}{Oh, no, no... you see, our pregnancies don't result from intercourse.}"
    Phyllis: "{236}{}{Male Citizens "donate" to the Auto-Doc here in the Vault and the most favorable matches are chosen by the computer. Then the appropriate female Citizen is seeded by the Auto-Doc.}"
    The Chosen One: "{238}{}{Don't people still get pregnant from intercourse? What about accidental pregnancies?}"
    Phyllis: "{251}{}{Well, actually... you see, this is something I've been thinking about recently, but Citizens don't seem to have accidental pregnancies. The only successful pregnancies have been facilitated by the Auto-Doc.}"
    The Chosen One: "{252}{}{You know, background radiation might be resulting in sterility or even worse, chromosomal damage. Might be worth checking out.}"
    Phyllis: "{255}{}{You know, I was thinking the same thing. Maybe I should mention it to Dr. Troy. He's been too busy to look into it recently, but the next pregnancy cycle IS coming up, so...}"
    The Chosen One: "{257}{}{Mentioning it to Dr. Troy would be a good idea. Good luck.}"
  15. The Chosen One: "{262}{}{Vault City wouldn’t give you the part? Even if it means that the groundwater won’t be polluted anymore?}"
    Harold: "{274}{hld53}{Well, they’d only help us if they thought it was in their own best interest to do so. Huh. Not much chance of that happening.}"
    The Chosen One: "{275}{}{Hmm, you may be right. Still if someone could convince them that they should help you….}"
    Harold: "{276}{hld54}{They shoot ghouls on sight. Makes conversation a bit tricky.}"
  16. The Chosen One: "Rumor has it that the NCR is making a deal with the Bishops."
    Tandi: "No point trying to keep secrets around here. We're negotiating with New Reno for membership in the NCR. They should have some pull with places like Vault City."
    (Tandi's dialogue)
  17. The Chosen One: "{592}{}{Thomas Moore is a Citizen, and he is the leader of this movement.}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{595}{lyn093}{No. He is not a TRUE Citizen... not anymore. When he came to us two years ago, he seemed everything we would want in a Citizen. But just a year later he... changed. He turned against us.}"
  18. The Chosen One: "{560}{}{Why do you say he's a troublemaker?}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{566}{lyn088}{He constantly seeks to convince the Citizens to turn Vault City into a..."democracy," as he calls it, with everyone having a say in laws and decision-making. *I* call it mob rule.}"
  19. The Chosen One: "{119}{}{Servant Assignment Center? What's that?}"
    Barkus: "{133}{}{Citizens who need help with menial tasks come here to have a Servant assigned to them for the day.}"
    The Chosen One: "{134}{}{That sounds a lot like slavery.}"
    Barkus: "{142}{}{I'd watch that kind of talk if I were you. It is NOT slavery. We take care of these refugees, and they have a good life...better than they would get in the wastes.}"
    The Chosen One: "{143}{}{Where do you get them?}"
    Barkus: "{149}{}{Our Servants are usually refugees from raider attacks or contractual prisoners who wish to work off their sentence in a productive manner.}"
    The Chosen One: "{151}{}{At the cost of their freedom, eh?}"
    Barkus: "{159}{}{You sound a lot like that idiot Moore...just what Vault City needs. Look, whoever you are, I have work to do, so if you'll kindly remove yourself...}"
  20. The Chosen One: "{216}{}{Any idea where these raiders are striking from?}"
    Stark: "{275}{}{I don't know. These raiders don't make much sense. IF they are raiders.}"
    The Chosen One: "{276}{}{What do you mean?}"
    Stark: "{279}{}{They've got heavy firepower. Expensive firepower. They know military tactics. They stay in formation. They never cross their lines of fire. And they always stop short of breaking through our defenses.}"
    The Chosen One: "{280}{}{Uh... they stop short of breaking through the defenses?}"
    Stark: "{283}{}{I've seen them do it. The last attack, they disabled a laser turret on the western perimeter. They had a clear shot into the city. Then I saw one of their "captains" ORDER them to fall back. Makes no sense.}"
  21. The Chosen One: "{306}{}{Well, as I understand it, Vault City's power generator can only support so many people. In fact, it's already nearing its limit.}"
    McClure: "{307}{}{I'm not going to ask you how you came by that information, but if it were true, what are you proposing?}"
  22. 22.0 22.1 The Chosen One: "{124}{}{Gordon, what did you say you did here again?}"
    Gordon: "{130}{}{I look for opportunities.}"
    The Chosen One: "{131}{}{Opportunites? Like what?}"
    Gordon: "{135}{}{I look for ways of maximizing my potential worth.}"
    The Chosen One: "{136}{}{Hmm, sounds like greed to me.}"
    Gordon: "{140}{}{I am greedy. But most people misunderstand greed. Greed is a powerful driving force. Throughout history, mankind’s greatest achievements were driven by men that wanted to better their positions. Driven by greed. Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.}"
    The Chosen One: "{141}{}{I’ll take your word for that, Gordon. But what does greed have to do with Gecko?}"
    Gordon: "{150}{}{So far, not much. But in greed lies Gecko’s salvation. I have important information about the survival of Gecko, but I can’t get anyone to listen to me.}"
    The Chosen One: "{151}{}{What kind of information?}"
    Gordon: "{180}{}{I’ve also found out, from a very reliable source, that Vault City cannot expand without additional power.}"
    The Chosen One: "{181}{}{Vault City can’t expand?}"
    Gordon: "{190}{}{Vault City, you see, has enough power for their current needs -— as long as they’re careful. But the Vault power plant that they use was never designed for the increased load their city is putting on it. It’s at peak capacity right now. Without more power, they can’t expand.}"
    The Chosen One: "{191}{}{I don’t see how that helps you.}"
    Gordon: "{200}{}{Well, if our power plant’s working better, we could trade our excess power and technical expertise to Vault City in exchange for medical technology. }"
    The Chosen One: "{201}{}{And?}"
    Gordon: "{210}{}{Without more power Vault City will burn out their reactor within 15 years. If Gecko’s reactor isn’t repaired, we won’t last half that time. Without medical technology, all of us Ghouls are going to die off in the next 20 years, anyway. Everyone loses if Vault City and Gecko don’t cooperate.}"
    The Chosen One: "{211}{}{So you’re just a good Samaritan huh? Somehow, I don’t buy that.}"
    Gordon: "{220}{}{Not at all. I’ve got my end covered. I’d be the natural choice to administer this project. Greed is my driving force, but thousands of lives are saved by it. Greed is good. At least it would be, if I could get anyone in Vault City to read my economic data.}"
  23. As established in Fallout: New Vegas, the NCR has spread far to the north, as far as Arroyo, New Reno and Redding. This precludes the possibility of ending 2 being canon. Furthermore, Vault City is mentioned by Rose of Sharon Cassidy as being pacifist and not wishing to be buried there, as well as in one of Cass' endings, she dies in a shack outside of its Vault. This precludes endings 1, 5, and 6, with numbers 3 and 4 being the only possible ones.
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 The Courier: "You any good in a fight?"
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "I'm fair with chucking dynamite and not bad with a pistol, if I do say so myself. Carry a knife, too, but that's more for practical reasons. Prefer settling things with my fists, though. Made more friends than corpses in bar fights - plan on keeping it that way. Don't think I'm some kind of Vault City pacifist, though - if things get heated, I'll start shooting, trust me."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue)
  25. 25.0 25.1 Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Don't let them bury me in Vault City."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue)
  26. The Chosen One: "{212}{}{New government? Tell me about it.}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{272}{lyn031}{We exited the Vault 120 years ago and, with the help of our Eden kit, began construction of Vault City. Ten years later, the Overseer retired and a Council of Citizens was established. The Council appointed the initial First Citizen.}"
  27. Vault City guard: "All right. Before you go in, we have to search your belongings first."
    The Chosen One: "What for?"
    Vault City Guard: "Sometimes Outworlders try to smuggle alcohol or addictive drugs into Vault City: Buffout, Jet, Psycho, Mentats...that sort of thing."
    The Chosen One: "Oh, okay. Feel free to search me."
    Vault City Guard: "Sorry, can't let you in with those items in your possession. Drugs and alcohol are not permitted in Vault City. Ditch them then come back, all right?"
    (Vault City guard's dialogue)
  28. Vault City citizen: "{152}{}{The city provides us with everything we need.}"
  29. Vault City citizen: "{151}{}{Each family gets a room in the communal house.}"
  30. Vault City citizen: "{140}{}{As a Citizen, it is part of our civic duty to make and maintain lists.}"
  31. Vault City citizen: "{141}{}{I spent most of the day making that list for the Proconsul, then checking it. I love making lists.}"
  32. Vault City citizen: "{142}{}{I work in the List Office. Most of us do. We here at Vault City *love* making lists.}"
  33. Vault City citizen: "{143}{}{I spent most of the day today updating that list for the List Office. It was good, honest, productive work.}"
  34. Vault City citizen: "{150}{}{That Council meeting yesterday was very productive. We made *lots* of lists. We here at Vault City love to make lists.}"
  35. Vault City citizen: "{160}{}{The servants free up our time for more important matters. Mostly list-making.}"
  36. Vault City medical computer: "{124}{}{You search the database and are amazed by the information contained in the archives. The current research being conducted in Vault City is fascinating, and their medical technology is beyond anything you have ever seen.}"
  37. Vault City medical terminal: "{144}{}{You spend almost an hour studying the archives. As you delve deeper into the database, you come across a series of older archives that contain schematics for some sort of "combat implants."}"
    The Chosen One: "{145}{}{Study the implant information.}"
    Vault City medical terminal: "{146}{}{The schematics detail an operation for grafting impact plates and thermal-dissipating membranes to a human skeleton, granting the subject resistance to physical trauma and heat. It looks like a complicated procedure.}"
  38. The Chosen One: "{173}{}{Can you tell me about Vault City?}"
    Phyllis: "{199}{}{Vault City? Well, actually, there's not much to say. I mean, I've been a Citizen all my life... but there's not much to do in Vault City. At all.}"
    The Chosen One: "{201}{}{Nothing at all? Come on.}"
    Phyllis: "{204}{}{Look, I know you're a new Citizen and all, and I don't mean to throw a damper on your Citizenship, but this City can be VERY dull at times.}"
    The Chosen One: "{205}{}{Dull? How so?}"
    Phyllis: "{208}{}{I mean, have you noticed how similar everyone is? And OLD? Most of the seminars and extracurricular activities are geared towards octogenarians. I'm barely twenty-five, and this city makes me feel like I'm fifty.}"
    The Chosen One: "{211}{}{I DID notice the similarity of Citizens.}"
    Phyllis: "{258}{}{It's like they're all... clones. They all dress alike, act alike, and the worst part is that everybody seems happy with it. I... well, sometimes I worry that I'll end up being just like them. That probably sounds silly, huh?}"
    The Chosen One: "{259}{}{Not at all. Pressure to conform must be pretty rough around here, especially considering how insular a community Vault City is.}"
    Phyllis: "{261}{}{Yeah, it can get kind of overwhelming at times. But here I am, bringing down your opinion of Vault City. Don't misunderstand me. It's a great place to live.}"
  39. See Phyllis quest description: "{296}{}{You quickly discover Phyllis is rather dull and self-centered. You resolve never to date anyone like her again.}"
  40. The Chosen One: "{280}{}{There's one other thing. You might find this economic data disk interesting.}"
    McClure: "{293}{}{I'm sorry... an economic data disk? What do you mean?}"
    The Chosen One: "{295}{}{It's an economic data disk that shows the amount of energy that Gecko's atomic power plant produced before the war... and could produce again.}"
    The Chosen One: "{306}{}{Well, as I understand it, Vault City's power generator can only support so many people. In fact, it's already nearing its limit.}"
    McClure: "{307}{}{I'm not going to ask you how you came by that information, but if it were true, what are you proposing?}"
    The Chosen One: "{308}{}{Once the Gecko power plant is fixed, the disk indicates it's possible it could produce enough energy for Vault City, too. It looks like the reactor would need to be optimized first, though.}"
    McClure: "{310}{}{Are you suggesting we SEIZE Gecko and take their power plant? I will NOT lis --}"
    The Chosen One: "{311}{}{No, no... if Gecko could receive the optimization data for their plant, I'm betting they would be willing to trade their excess power for medical assistance.}"
    McClure: "{312}{}{Hmmm. As far as medical assistance goes, I'm not unsympathetic to the plight of the ghouls. They have certainly suffered enough... but how could we optimize their plant?}"
  41. The Chosen One: ""{240}{}{Where is Redding?}"
    McClure: "{242}{}{Redding is a week or so west of here. I've never been there. Never been outside Vault City, for that matter. As I understand it, Redding is supposed to be one of the more pleasant settlements in the wastes.}"
  42. Outsider prisoner: "{102}{}{Well, that's the last time *I* skip curfew.}"
  43. The Chosen One: "{119}{}{I was looking for the Vault.}"
    Skeev: "{123}{}{The Vault? It's inside the city. Why? You looking to get past the gate?}"
    The Chosen One: "{124}{}{Yes.}"
    Skeev: "{126}{}{Well, you could go see my boss, Wallace, and TRY to get permission to get inside, but you'd be wasting your time. He never lets anybody in. Of course, there's other ways...}"
    The Chosen One: "{127}{}{What other ways?}"
    Skeev: "{135}{}{Well, there's a few things you can do. One is become a Citizen. They never search Citizens. Of course, your chances of becoming a Citizen are next to nothing.}"
  44. The Chosen One: "{118}{}{Why aren’t you in the city?}"
    Smith: "{125}{}{Me and the family ain’t the kind of people they let in there. So we live here under their protection.}"
    The Chosen One: "{126}{}{Why aren’t you allowed to live in the city?}"
    Smith: "{135}{}{Well, we’re from the wasteland... like yourself. So all we can get is protection from Vault City.}"
    The Chosen One: "{136}{}{What kind of protection?}"
    Smith: "{139}{}{They keep us safe from the outside, but it costs me and the wife quite a bit. And without a plow… well, making ends meet is difficult.}"
  45. The Chosen One: "{153}{}{You the one who busted up Cassidy's bar?}"
    Stark: "{172}{}{Maybe your friend Cassidy there didn't tell you that he had illegal substances on the premises, and his license for alcohol distribution had expired. You forget to tell your friend here that, Cassidy?}"
    The Chosen One: "{173}{}{Cassidy says he was all paid up and you raided his place anyway.}"
    Stark: "{177}{}{Cassidy was guilty of possession without a license. He doesn't like it, he can leave Vault City. That simple.}"
  46. The Chosen One: "{173}{}{Cassidy says he was all paid up and you raided his place anyway.}"
    Stark: "{176}{}{No, sir. Mr. Cassidy had not paid his licensing fee for alcohol for the month, yet was still selling it on the premises. His list of payments are logged in the computer.}"
    The Chosen One: "{178}{}{I believe you, Sergeant. Well done. Now listen to me: I want you to pardon Mr. Cassidy, wipe his record clean, and pay him restitution for the damages you caused his establishment.}"
    Stark: "{187}{}{Yes... SIR.}"
    The Chosen One: "{188}{}{NOW, Sergeant.}"
    Stark: "{190}{}{Here you are, SIR.}"
    The Chosen One: "{192}{}{Very good, Sergeant. Carry on.}"
    (VCSTARK.MSG) Note: This is the dialogue should the player become the Captain of the Guard, pulling rank of Sergeant Stark.
  47. 47.0 47.1 The Chosen One: "{115}{}{Are you okay? You look upset.}"
    Amanda: "{117}{}{I...well, I...it's my husband Joshua. He...got into some trouble in...the bar. He accidentally struck a Citizen and was arrested. He didn't mean to, but he'd been drinking, and...}"
    The Chosen One: "{118}{}{Arrested? Where is he now?}"
    Amanda: "{121}{}{Inside the city, in the Servant Allocation Center...they said he could work off his prison sentence as a Servant, but that'll take years!}"
    The Chosen One: : "{122}{}{What can be done?}"
    Amanda: "{129}{}{I don't have much money left, and we'll have to leave soon if we can't afford to pay the guards for protection. They said if we want to stay with Joshua, then they could make us Servants, too...}"
    The Chosen One: "{130}{}{That sounds like a solution. They treat Servants pretty well in Vault City, don't they?}"
    Amanda: "{134}{}{I don't want my son to be raised as a slave! We came to Vault City because we heard it was a free city...but we get here...and there's all these laws, and payments to the guards and...it's nothing like what we were told.}"
  48. Vault City citizen: "{165}{}{The Servants? Oh, we use them for menial tasks.}"
    "{166}{}{Hmmmm. I need to get a Servant to hose out the store room...}"
    "{167}{}{A Servant should be over later to weed the garden...}"
  49. Vault City slave: "{128}{}{Yes, I am already owned. The Servant Allocation Center has my papers.}"
  50. The Chosen One: "{154}{}{Have you heard of a servant named Joshua?}"
    Stark: "{193}{}{Yeah, he was that drunk Outworlder who struck one of my guards in that brawl in the Spittoon. He's over at the Servant Allocation Center getting... broken in. It's just down the street.}"
  51. Vault City slave: "{138}{}{The Citizens teach us that work is its own reward.}"
  52. Vault City slave: "{139}{}{The Citizens tell us that our service allows them time for more important matters.}"
  53. Vault City slave: "{137}{}{The Citizens told me that if I work hard enough, one day *I* could become a Citizen.}"
  54. Vault City slave: "{147}{}{I missed my family at first, but it has been many years since I saw them.}"
  55. Vault City slave: "{156}{}{I was captured by slavers long ago. I barely remember it.}"
  56. Outsider prisoner: "{103}{}{Another week and it's back to the Allocation Center...}"
  57. Vault City slave's character description: "{100}{}{You see a strong man in working clothes. He is keeping his eyes firmly fixed on the ground.}"
    "{103}{}{You see a healthy-looking woman in working clothes. She is keeping her eyes firmly fixed on the ground.}"
  58. Outsider prisoner: "{107}{}{At least the food ain't bad.}"
  59. Vault City slave: "{145}{}{The Citizens treat me very well. The food here is excellent.}"
  60. Vault City slave: "{141}{}{Vault City rewards servants who work diligently with extra rations.}"
  61. Troy: "{105}{}{Still need to give those new Servants their physicals.}"
  62. Vault City slave: "{144}{}{The Citizens brought me in out of the wastes and taught me to read.}"
  63. Vault City slave: "{136}{}{Escape? I... have never tried to escape from here. Life is good here.}"
  64. Vault City slave: "{148}{}{I was taken from a tribal village north of here. Life is much better here.}"
  65. Vault City slave: "{152}{}{I must finish my duties within the hour.}"
  66. Vault City slave: "{131}{}{Please… I am not permitted to speak to anyone.}"
    "{132}{}{If a Citizen catches me talking to a slaver, I will be punished.}"
    "{133}{}{The guards will report me if you continue to talk to me.}"
    "{134}{}{I cannot speak to you. I have duties.}"
    "{146}{}{I am not permitted to speak with Outsiders.}"
    "{151}{}{I cannot speak to you. I have work to do.}"
    "{153}{}{Speaking to Outsiders is against the rules.}"
  67. 67.0 67.1 The Chosen One: "{260}{}{What can you tell me about the Den?}"
    Wallace: "{265}{}{It's a... community to the west of here. We frequently purchase Servants from their traders. It's quite a rough place, from what I've heard.}"
  68. Vault City slave: "{140}{}{I was lucky that Vault City had need of servants. I could have ended up in New Reno.}"
    "{142}{}{I hear they do horrible things to the slaves in New Reno.}"
  69. Vault City slave: "{130}{}{I beg you: have you seen two children, dark-hair…? They were taken by other slavers two years ago and sold North.}"
    "{157}{}{I used to have two children, but they were shipped northwards. I hope they make their way here someday.}"
  70. Vault City slave: "{143}{}{The Citizens brought my entire tribe inside the City to serve as servants. }"
  71. The Chosen One: "{114}{}{Furms need?}"
    Skeev: "{203}{}{Look, dim, get out of h -- Mmmm. Wait a minute. Maybe...}"
    The Chosen One: "{204}{}{Hurnh?}"
    Skeev: "{206}{}{Come with me a second, dim. I got somebody you gotta meet.}"
    The Chosen One: "{207}{}{Okee-dokeee}"
    Skeev: "{209}{}{Found this Outsider wandering in the wastes, Barkus. Looks like good Servant material.}"
    Skeev: "{210}{}{Found this bunch wandering in the wastes, Barkus. This one Outsider here looks like good Servant material.}"
    Stark: "{212}{}{You HAVE to be kidding. It's obviously retarded.}"
    The Chosen One: "{214}{}{Re-tar-dead! Pooooo!}"
    Skeev: "{216}{}{C'mon. You need someone to work the Vault, don't you?}"
    The Chosen One: "{218}{}{Valt! Gechkk!}"
    Stark: "{220}{}{Well...hmmm. I suppose you'll be expecting a finder's fee?}"
    Skeev: "{222}{}{Do Outsiders eat their own feces? Of COURSE I want a finder's fee.}"
    The Chosen One: "{224}{}{Feeee? Peeeeeeee!}"
    Stark: "{226}{}{Very well. I'll send it off to the Vault then. MAYBE it can clear up the storerooms.}"
    (Vcskeeve.msg) Note: These lines are only available should the Chosen One have a sufficiently low Intelligence character. Lines 209 and 210 are alternates should the player be traveling with companions or not.
  72. The quest rewards for dealing with the Gecko's nuclear power plant at the conclusion of Solve the Gecko powerplant problem.
  73. The Chosen One: "{140}{}{What is this test?}"
    Skeev: "{252}{}{Gregory, the Proconsul, gives a "test" to any Outsiders who want to become Citizens. It measures their intelligence and perception, and you have to be damned lucky to pass it, too. Most Citizens would have trouble with it.}"
  74. The Chosen One: "{147}{}{What is the test exactly?}"
    Gregory: "{151}{}{It is a comprehensive exam, divided into several parts...advanced mathematics, spatial relations, deductive reasoning, language comprehension... oh, and there is also a thorough physical examination.}"
  75. The Chosen One: "{171}{}{I'd like to take the test anyway.}"
    Gregory: "{177}{}{Here are forms 5028, 6112, and the Pip Boy answer console. Please be sure to fill in each circle COMPLETELY. Now, if you would take a seat over here...}"
  76. The Chosen One: "{309}{}{I see. What were you saying about raiders before?}"
    Wallace: "{313}{}{Recently we have experienced a rash of particularly brutal raider attacks. We have had attacks in the past, but nothing like this. I fear these raiders might eventually breach our laser turret defenses.}"
  77. Troy: "{108}{}{Maybe we can clone that spleen from those cells taken this afternoon.}"
  78. Cut content Amenities aide: "{107}{}{The Vault's machines make a lot of this stuff.}"
    (VCAMAID.MSG) Cut content
  79. The entire explanation by Gordon of Gecko, his holotape Gecko holodisk, and its quest Optimize the powerplant.
  80. Troy: "{109}{}{Need to introduce more vitamins into the dietary supplements...}"
  81. Troy: "{106}{}{Phyllis, could you bring me the Proconsul's blood test, please?}"
    "{107}{}{Odd...these results aren't consistent with low platelet levels.}"
  82. The Chosen One: "{120}{}{What's on tap?}"
    Lydia: "{145}{}{We have synthetic beers and liquor...vodka-H, tequila derivatives W and W2. Oh, and water. And brahmin milk. Beer or liquor is ten bucks, water or milk's three bucks.}"
  83. The Chosen One: "{147}{}{Uh, do you have any real alcohol?}"
    Lydia: "{247}{}{No, those wasteland concoctions they call alcohol are illegal here in Vault City. I don't even want to know how they brew them. Now did you want something to drink, Captain...?}"
    (Vcdwnbar.msg) Note: This line is spoken should the player be the Captain of the Guard.
  84. The Chosen One: "{256}{}{What can you tell me about your leader?}"
    Wallace: "{297}{}{Our First Citizen is Joanne Lynette. She has done many good things for our city in her ten years of service.}"
    The Chosen One: "{298}{}{Such as?}"
    Wallace: "{299}{}{She has kept our city untainted by the outside world. Even with NCR pressuring us to join the Republic and the raider attacks, she has kept our city strong. Now there are the troubles with Gecko....}"
  85. The Chosen One: "{300}{}{What is the NCR?}"
    Wallace: "{305}{}{NCR is the "New California Republic." They claim they are attempting to unify all of California under one Government, but we can see right through their pathetic ruse.}"
    The Chosen One: "{307}{}{Ruse? Are you sure?}"
    Wallace: "{308}{}{Even if they were sincere, why would we want to share our resources with the cutthroats and thieves that live outside these walls? I think *not.*}"
  86. The Chosen One: "{305}{}{I could do some recon for you if you're short-handed.}"
    Stark: "{308}{}{No, you'd need a Pip Boy to get the job done right, and I can't spare one right now.}"
    The Chosen One: "{309}{}{I already got a Pip Boy. It's old... and cranky... and seems to have wires and buttons yanked out everywhere... but it works.}"
    Stark: "{314}{}{I got a job for you, then. I need someone to scout the terrain around Gecko... that ghoul encampment to the northeast. Hit the eight sectors on the world map around the town, then report back.}"
    The Chosen One: "{315}{}{Why?}"
    Stark: "{319}{}{If they keep poisoning our groundwater, we may be forced to take military action.}"
    Stark: "{320}{}{I want to see how much damage the plant meltdown caused to the area.}"
    Stark: "{321}{}{We may be forced to take military action against them in the future, especially if they start poisoning the groundwater again.}"
    (VCSTARK.MSG) Note: The lines 319, 320, and 321 are dependent on the player's choices before, during, and after the quest Solve the Gecko powerplant problem. Line 319 is if the player has yet to take action, line 320 is if the player has already caused the nuclear reactor to meltdown, and 321 is if the player fixed the reactor.
  87. The Chosen One: "{144}{}{What does this caravan transport?}"
    Ben Wade: "{148}{}{Well, we pick up mostly medical supplies in Vault City, and trade it to Redding in exchange for gold ore.}"
  88. The Chosen One: "{268}{}{What can you tell me about Broken Hills?}"
    Wallace: "{281}{}{It's a mining town far to the west. The caravans from there were the most pleasant to deal with, but recently the shipments of ore have slowed considerably. It has us a bit worried... we depend on their ore a great deal.}"
  89. The Chosen One: "{222}{}{And who do you think that is?}"
    Johnson: "{223}{}{The way I see it, Redding's best chance is with Vault City controlling things here. That's where I'm from - so I might be biased - but I really do think that Vault City can do a better job of helping the citizens of Redding.}"
  90. The Chosen One: "{206}{}{Who's Doc Johnson?}"
    Modjeska: "{229}{}{Painless Doc Johnson's sort of a mystery man. I don't know where he came from, but he's a real M.D., all right. Only place he'd get training like that is Vault City. I'm betting he's been planted here to further their interests. He must've pissed off someone there to get the assignment, though; those VC'ers don't like the outside much.}"
  91. The Chosen One: "{268}{}{What can you tell me about Broken Hills?}"
    Wallace: "{274}{}{Broken Hills is a mining town to the south. As I understand it, mutants mine the uranium, and they ship it here by caravan.}"
    "{275}{}{They seem a bit shifty, but nice enough... well, nice enough for Outsiders, anyway. No offense.}"
  92. Vault City slave: "{149}{}{I was first captured in the Den. Fortunately, I ended up here.}"
  93. The Courier: "Why would I have brought it here?"
    Ulysses: "I've walked the East. You've walked the West, more than I have. Circle Junction. Reno. Vault City. Word of you at Fort Aradesh... Fort Abandon. Even further West than that, Brahmin drives on the Big Circle. Whatever you saw out there, wasn't enough to make you stay. Maybe the markings on the package reminded you of the road home."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)


  1. Fallout Bible p.11: "VAULT SYSTEM"
    Vault 8: A control Vault, intended to open and re-colonize the surface after 10 years. Vault City is the result. Unfortunately."
  2. 2.0 2.1 Fallout Bible p.23: "TIMELINE REPAIR: SECOND STRIKE"
    2091: Vault 8 opens, and they use their GECK to create fertile ground for their city. This eventually becomes Vault City."
  3. Fallout Bible p.34-35: "QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS"
    7. When the bombs dropped, all communication between the vaults where severed, so if their was no way to communicate with the vaults how did the Enclave send a massage to Vault 13 telling the people its time to go?

    Communication between Vaults was never in place (it might ruin the experiments), but communication with the government/Enclave/Vault-Tec was a different story... they needed some way of monitoring the vaults.

    The Enclave, having access to the Vault-Tec construction plans (not too surprising, considering the fact that the Vaults were funded by the government) had a way of monitoring events taking place within the Vaults... not only could they access their computers and systems remotely, (including PIPBoys and the personal logs of the Vault Dwellers), but the early Overseers of most of the Vaults knew of the ties to the government, and it was part of their duties to download information on the citizens and the Vault into an computer archive that the government could easily access.

    Their tie to the Vault computers also gave the Enclave the ability to override any Vault locking mechanism and send an "all-clear" signal to sealed Vaults, coaxing the inhabitants to come outside.

    Again, almost no Vault Dwellers were ever aware of this. For some Fallout 2 relevant information on the matter, here's what the player says in Fallout 2, and here's what Lynette says in response:
    Note: As evidenced below, keep in mind that Lynette's archives are suspect, and they should not be treated as truth.

    How did you know *when* to leave the vault? I heard the vaults were isolated from the outside world.

    What you heard was incorrect. Our archives are quite clear: our vault received the all-clear signal two years after being sealed.

    The all-clear signal? From where?

    (Confused) Why... from surface monitors, I suppose. I am certain there were sensors monitoring the environment. How else would the Overseer have known when it was safe to leave?

    So... the order to leave the vault came from the Overseer?

    Yes... (Thinking, uncertain) ...at least, that is what I remember from the archives. (Confidence returns) However, I am certain many Citizens were responsible for monitoring the surface sensors.

    Really? Do these monitors still exist? Can I see them?

    (Angry, not certain where the player is going with this, but doesn’t like it.) Quite likely they were disassembled and used as upgrades for other systems.

    And that's all she wrote - it is a dark foreshadowing to what was really going on in these cauldrons of evil.

    In any event, I remember having a conversation with the designers about the Overseers roles in the Vaults, and the early Overseers were the ones tasked with supplying information to the government... although when the world blew up, there wasn't really anyone to supply it to anymore, since the Enclave took some time to get back up and running.

    In any event, enough blather. Hope that helps.
  4. Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Rulebook p.251: "In 2091, the all-clear signal rang through Vault-Tec’s communication network, in response to reports from radiation sensors on the surface. The first vaults to reopen were Vault 8, and the original Los Angeles demo vault. They formed the cores of Vault City and Adytum, respectively, and life in the Wasteland began in earnest."
  5. Fallout Bible p.23: "TIMELINE REPAIR: SECOND STRIKE"
    2092: Dr. Richard Moreau is exiled from Vault City for murder. The circumstances surrounding the murder are unknown, but he changes his last name to Grey and heads south."
  6. Fallout Bible p.13: "QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS"
    4. So richard grey was the first vault dweller not the main character in FO1, and why did he left his vault??? - Deadlus

    According to Lynette in Fallout 2, Richard was exiled from Vault 8 for murder. The details of the murder are unknown and judging from the hypocrisy filling Vault City, the entire incident is questionable.
  7. Fallout Bible p.47: "QUESTIONS"
    8. Hi, In the last "Fallout Bible" update there was a question about Richard Grey and why he was exiled from Vault City. I remember that there was another person exiled from the VC - Leonard Boyarski. He also was exiled for a murder but I'm curious how did he die? I've found his grave on the Golgotha and it's quite surprising. ps. If there are any mistakes, sorry for my English. :-)

    Boyarsky was an in-joke to Leonard Boyarsky who originally worked on F1 and parts of F2 (one of the five billion developer references in Fallout 1 and 2). I think the name was originally Jason Anderson in the text, but I don't remember. Boyarsky was exiled for murder and unauthorized research (the research allegations revolved around some tampering with the pregnancy cycles in the Auto-Doc that apparently put all of Vault 8 in danger, but the details were deleted from the Vault 8 computer). His crime occurred many years after Grey's alleged crime, but Boyarsky only got as far as Reno with a traveling caravan before he was robbed and killed by Reno toughs who saw him as an easy mark (which pretty much is true for everyone traveling from Vault City). His reasons for traveling south were unknown, but it is rumored his original destination was east of Reno - even though explorers report there is nothing out there except desert and deathclaws."
  8. Fallout Bible p.27: "TIMELINE REPAIR: SECOND STRIKE"
    2235: While there had already been a small number of ghouls in Gecko at this time, more come to the area, and the town of Gecko is formed. The new influx of ghouls bring scavenged technology and know-how, and the power plant in Gecko becomes operational later that year. Vault City looks upon their new neighbors with growing concern."
  9. 9.0 9.1 Fallout Bible p.163-164: "AVALANCHE!"
    8. And, finally, which part of VC was in Moore's briefcase?

    8. It was two separate things: (1) two super stimpaks should appear in Bishop's inventory after you deliver the right case (super stimpaks are valuable, no matter where you are, and Bishop's always in danger of suffering head trauma from snipers - or his family), and (2) some downloads from the VC main database - which Bishop requested from Moore, although Moore didn't realize that Bishop wanted the current roster of all VC guards so he could see if he could "get" to one of them with drugs or other "convincing."
  10. Fallout Bible p.28: "TIMELINE REPAIR: SECOND STRIKE"
    2241 February: Vault City rejects offers of an alliance with both the Bishop family of New Reno and NCR."
  11. Fallout Bible p.28: "TIMELINE REPAIR: SECOND STRIKE"
    2241 March: Raider attacks on caravans to Vault City begin."
FO2 VC sign