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This is a transcript for dialogue with Vault City citizen.

{100}{}{You see a Citizen in a bright blue jumpsuit. It looks like the Vault Dweller's suit, but there is no number on the back.}
{101}{}{You see a Vault City Citizen.}
{102}{}{You see a Citizen in a bright blue jumpsuit. It looks like the Vault Dweller's suit, but there is no number on the back.}
{104}{}{It's the hero! Look!}
{105}{}{My word! It's the hero, here, in Vault City!}
{106}{}{Good day, Captain.}
{107}{}{Vault City prevails, Captain.}
{108}{}{Will you be staying for dinner, Captain?}
{109}{}{Good day, Citizen.}
{110}{}{Vault City prevails, Citizen.}
{111}{}{Will you be staying for dinner?}
{112}{}{A mutant! Guards! Guards!}
{113}{}{A ghoul! Guards! Guards!}
{114}{}{Please wipe your feet before entering the house.}
{115}{}{I'm sorry, did we invite you in?}
{116}{}{Can I help you?}
{117}{}{You Outsiders could stand to learn some manners.}
{118}{}{Typical of an Outsider, barging in here...}
{119}{}{I have heard of your brave deeds. You have done a great service for Vault City... and the world.}
{120}{}{Your battle against the Enclave impressed even the First Citizen.}
{121}{}{I heard you traveled as far south as San... Fran... Cisco. Is that true?}
{122}{}{Maybe Vault City *should* welcome Outsiders.}
{123}{}{Was it true? Was the old world government still waging the war?}
{124}{}{You should catalog your travels in the Vault City computer so others may read about them.}
{125}{}{You are welcome to stay as long as you wish, hero.}
{126}{}{You should catalog your heroic exploits against the Enclave into a nice, tidy list.}
{127}{}{*Yawn*... hrmnnn? Yes? What is it?}
{128}{}{It's a little late for visitors.}
{129}{}{MOST Citizens would be asleep at this hour.}
{130}{}{Sleeping? No, not anymore.}
{131}{}{Please... come back in the morning. I have a long day of making lists tomorrow.}
{132}{}{Good day, Captain.}
{133}{}{Vault City prevails, Captain.}
{134}{}{Will you be staying for dinner, Captain? Our Servant is making a delicious goulash.}
{135}{}{Would you like some donuts, Captain?}
{136}{}{Anything wrong, Captain?}
{137}{}{I hope none of those filthy Outsiders are giving you trouble, Captain.}
{138}{}{Want some food to take to your guards, Captain?}
{139}{}{Good day, Citizen.}
{140}{}{Vault City prevails, Citizen.}
{141}{}{As a Citizen, it is part of our civic duty to make and maintain lists.}
{142}{}{Please stay for dinner, Citizen. Our Servant is making a delicious goulash.}
{143}{}{I spent most of the day making that list for the Proconsul, then checking it. I love making lists.}
{144}{}{I work in the List Office. Most of us do. We here at Vault City *love* making lists.}
{145}{}{I spent most of the day today updating that list for the List Office. It was good, honest, productive work.}
{146}{}{I heard you actually traveled the outside world. How did you survive among those filthy Outsiders?}
{147}{}{Oh! You're the new Citizen. Welcome to Vault City.}
{148}{}{Do you need a place to stay while you're in town?}
{149}{}{The Council has our interests at heart.}
{150}{}{We must take care to keep our beautiful city clean.}
{151}{}{Each family gets a room in the communal house.}
{152}{}{The city provides us with everything we need.}
{153}{}{The Servants? Oh, we use them for menial tasks.}
{154}{}{Hmmmm. I need to get a Servant to hose out the store room...}
{155}{}{A Servant should be over later to weed the garden...}
{156}{}{That Council meeting yesterday was very productive. We made *lots* of lists. We here at Vault City love to make lists.}
{158}{}{Pardon me, can I help you?}
{159}{}{It's polite to ask before entering someone's house.}
{160}{}{Please wipe your feet before entering the house.}
{161}{}{I'm sorry, did we invite you in?}
{162}{}{Can I help you?}
{163}{}{You Outsiders could stand to learn some manners.}
{164}{}{The city provides us with everything we need.}
{165}{}{The Servants? Oh, we use them for menial tasks.}
{166}{}{Hmmmm. I need to get a Servant to hose out the store room...}
{167}{}{A Servant should be over later to weed the garden...}
{168}{}{Yes, I can smell...er, see, that you're an Outsider.}
{169}{}{You're an Outsider? How quaint.}
