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Leo's tickets have stopped coming up short ever since he gave up the chems. Me and my wallet both thank you. What can we do for you?

Andy Stahl is the business manager of the Brass Lantern in Megaton in Fallout 3. He's the brother of Jenny Stahl and Leo Stahl, who means the world to him.[1]


The oldest of the Stahl siblings running Moriarty's competition,[2] Andy is the most quiet and reserved of the trio. He is clever and adept at manipulating other people, and is among the only people in Megaton aware that Mister Burke is planning to detonate the bomb in its heart - and has been slowly figuring out where to move the restaurant to a better location where the Stahls can generate more income.[Non-game 1] The Stahls aren't native to Megaton: They immigrated to the city from further out east in recent time,[3] challenging Moriarty's control of the booze market in Megaton. Moriarty has not yet figured out how to undercut the Stahls, relying on Nova's prostitution for the time being.[4] Andy hates Colin with a passion and flippantly jokes to people who chat him up that Moriarty urinates in his skill (and briefly considers advertising the Lantern as 'Cleaner, safer, and less likely to have piss in the drinks').[5] Regardless of marketing concerns, if anyone asks, he pretends that the Saloon doesn't exist.[6]

That said, Andy isn't actually happy in Megaton, considering it a hole and a dead end, with its only saving grace being the revenue it generates for him and his family.[7] It's the only reason he sticks around. While he has a caustic personality, he genuinely cares about Jenny and Leo. The mere thought of them is enough to dial back his hostility,[8] at least until he remembers the sheer volume of work he has to go through.[9]

The combination of hostility and constant work causes other Megaton denizens to consider him a workaholic.[10] Regardless of their opinions, Stahl simply has a strong work ethic and tries to run his business as professionally as possible, including proper accounting, balancing the books,[11][12] and tickets for meals served.[13] This is also a sticking point between him and his younger brother, Leo Stahl, who is very casual about proper bookkeeping and routinely comes up short when serving drinks. Andy chalks irregularities in the logs to Leo's carelessness and berates him regularly, asking for more caution and attention to detail. His love for his brother blinds him to the unpleasant truth: Leo is skimming caps to fund his addiction and hid it from his brother.[Non-game 2] [14] It doesn't stop him from suggesting expensive upgrades to the Lantern, such as a new refrigerator or a prostitute to match Nova. Andy routinely shuts them down as too expensive or otherwise infeasible.[15]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
Icon severed ear color
This character drops an ear upon death (Contract Killer).


  • Leo's Drug Habit: Andy can be asked about his brother's addiction and will react positively to the player helping Leo kick the habit. However, he does not get a new set of lines and will remain brusque in interactions.

Other interactions[]

  • Talking to him while wearing the sheriff's duster will cause Andy to address the player as sheriff.


Apparel Weapon Other items On death
Merc cruiser outfit Brass Lantern supply key

Notable quotes[]


Andy Stahl appears only in Fallout 3.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The age of the Stahls is inconsistent. While both Jenny Stahl[16] and the Official Game Guide[Non-game 1] state that Leo is the oldest sibling and Andy the junior brother, the ambient conversation between Megaton settlers identifies Andy as the older brother (the line mentioning him and his age checks for whether Andy Stahl is dead), and Andy will refer to Leo as his "little brother".[1]
  • The Stahls are among the oldest NPCs in the game by formID - 00000A6B, 00000A6C, 00000A6D, along with most of Megaton NPCs, who were created right after the player character - with the Megaton refugees having formIDs starting with 000043C4 and their remark about Andy Stahl being the older brother is even older than that, with a formID 000030D4, while Andy's remark about Leo being his "little brother" has the formID 000042F8. Finally, Jenny Stahl's response is identified with the formID 000151AF, suggesting a simple lack of communication between writers.


  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Like all other Megaton characters, Andy Stahl might go missing or turn up dead. [verified]
  • PCPC Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Xbox 360Xbox 360 Andy will make reference to being in the Brass Lantern even if he is not actually in it at the time. Andy will also occasionally go to Moriarty's to drink due to the package he's assigned.[verified]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Andy Stahl: "Hey, I've been wanting to talk to you. Leo told me what you said to him. You know, about his problem. I just wanted to say thank you. I know I can be rough, but my little brother means the world to me and you may have saved his life. If there's anything that I can ever help you with, just let me know."
  2. Megaton settler: ""Did you hear that the Stahls lost their older brother? He kept that place running, you know. It'll probably fall apart without him."
    (Megaton conversations)
    Note: Spoken if Andy dies.
  3. Lone Wanderer: "Where did everyone else come from?"
    Manya Vargas: "Oh, they come from all over... all over. You name it. The Stahl family grew up out east somewhere. Lucy's from some little settlement to the north. Billy doesn't really talk about where he's from. Doc Church used to live in Rivet City. Jericho... well... let's just say that men can change. ...I hope."
  4. Megaton terminal entries, Moriarty's terminal, Andy Stahl
  5. Lone Wanderer: "What's the word around town?"
    Andy Stahl: "Moriarty pisses in his still -- crazy bastard thinks it's hilarious. Besides, you'll get your throat cut in that pit. You're much better off here. Hey, maybe I'll put that on the sign out front: "The Brass Lantern: Cleaner, safer, and less likely to have piss in the drinks"."
  6. Lone Wanderer: "Is there a bar in town?"
    Andy Stahl: "Are you joking? Yes, there's a bar -- The Brass Lantern. It's easy to find since you're standing in it."
  7. Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Megaton?"
    Andy Stahl: "It's a hole. A dead end. So why I do stay? Well... it's a hole that makes me money."
  8. Lone Wanderer: "Know anything about the area outside Megaton?"
    Andy Stahl: "Outside of Megaton? Any place other than here sounds like heaven to me. Fuck this place. If it weren't for you Wasteland types coming through with your caps, I'd be out of here in a second. Assuming that I could convince Jenny and Leo."
  9. Lone Wanderer: "Let's talk about something else."
    Andy Stahl: "Oh, no problem. I'm not busy at all. Yep. Plenty of time to talk to strangers."
  10. Megaton settler: "Jenny Stahl seems okay but her brothers... whew. One's a workaholic, and the other one is just flat out crazy. What a family."
  11. Andy Stahl: "Look, I need to balance these books. If you'd like to order some food, please talk to Jenny or Leo. "
  12. Andy Stahl: "Yep. Still balancing the books. Is there something exciting about watching me? Look: Go talk to Jenny or Leo."
  13. Andy Stahl: "Leo's tickets have stopped coming up short ever since he gave up the chems. Me and my wallet both thank you. What can we do for you?"
  14. Andy Stahl: "Leo, we need to talk." or "Hey, Leo. Come here. I want to talk to you about something."
    Leo Stahl: "Sure thing, Andy. What do you need?" or "I'm a little busy right now, Andy. What is it?"
    Andy Stahl: "I noticed some irregularities in the logs here. Are you tracking the drinks that you're selling like I told you?" or "You came up short again. Now, I don't know what's going on, but it needs to stop."
    Leo Stahl: "Is it really that big of a deal if your little papers don't add up? Why are you always hassling me about this?" or "So we end up a few caps short at the end of the night. Who cares? It's not going to break us. Get off my back, man."
    Andy Stahl: "If these books don't add up, I don't know how much money we have, then how are we supposed to stay in business? Would you just be more careful?" or "It's important, Leo! I have to keep our head above water here. Please, just try to be more careful."
    Leo Stahl: "Okay, Andy. I'll try." or "You really need to relax. Andy."
    (Megaton conversations)
  15. Leo Stahl: "Hey, Andy. Got a sec?" or "Andy, listen to this great idea I had!"
    Andy Stahl: "Yeah, Leo… what do you need?" or "What is it. Leo?"
    Leo Stahl: "I was thinkin' Andy -- you know what would be great? If we went lookin' for a new refrigerator for the bar." or "We should get us a hooker. We could pull in a lot of money around here... maybe a nice blonde."
    Andy Stahl: "Yeah. Good idea. Not gonna happen." or "And where do you propose that we pick one of those up? We'd have to pay the caravan scavengers, and who knows what they'd bring back."
    Leo Stahl: "Aw... you're no fun anymore, Andy." or "You know, it's not all about money, Andy."
    Andy Stahl: "You can tell me that when you're the one paying the bills. Leo." or "Yeah- well I'm the one accountable for this place not you."(Megaton conversations)
  16. The Lone Wanderer: "I'm looking for my father. Middle-aged guy. Maybe you've seen him?"
    Jenny Stahl: "Oh man, you're looking for your dad? That is so sweet! Did he run out on you when you were a kid or something? Our parents died when we were kids. My brother Leo, he's the oldest, he raised my brother Andy and me. It was hard on him, but we turned out okay. But God, you don't want to hear about that. I'm sorry, but I haven't seen your dad. He didn't eat at the Brass Lantern. I'd remember if he did."
    (Jenny Stahl's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.60: "Andy Stahl
    Andy, 23, seems to be very quiet and reserved, which serves his role as the business manager of the restaurant. He is actually extremely crafty and manipulative. Unbeknownst to his brother and sister, Andy has been talking to Mister Burke about his insidious plan to blow up Megaton so he can move the restaurant to a better, safer, more lucrative location."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  2. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.81: "Leo Stahl
    Leo, 25, is the more outspoken of the two Stahl brothers. He's the "people person" of the restaurant and loves to talk to the customers. He spent some time on the caravan lines in his teens and has traveled to a few places around the Wasteland. It was during this time that he picked up his addiction to Jet, although he has managed to conceal his addiction from everyone in town, including his own brother and sister."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)


  1. It appears that the ages have been reversed, as Andy refers to Leo as his "little brother" (i.e. younger sibling), rather than the other way around, and is identified as the older Stahl in the game.