Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

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"Andy Stahl, 23, seems to be very quiet and reserved, which serves his role as the business manager of the The Brass Lantern. He is actually extremely crafty and manipulative. Unbeknownst to his brother Leo Stahl and sister, Jenny Stahl Andy has been talking to Mister Burke about his insidious plan to blow up Megaton so he can move the restaurant to a better, safer, more lucrative location."

Where does this come from ? I've never gotten this info... or I forgot... --Penumbra 17:16, 9 April 2009 (UTC)

Agreed. I have yet to see a shred of evidence to support these claims. Frankly, I wasn't even aware he ever entered Moriarty's Saloon, let alone spoke to Mr. Burke while there. [EDIT]- I stand corrected. Andy does indeed enter the saloon sometime in the afternoon, and even sits in the chair next to Burke's. However, they do not appear to share any sort of conversation with one another. Until the article's claims can be verified, I think they should probably be removed.-- 07:06, 13 July 2009 (UTC)


He shares the exact same model as his brother, Leo Stahl. Does anyone think this should be noted in the article? 20:38, October 6, 2013 (UTC)
