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Marleyan Military General
◄ Preceded by Theo Magath
Followed by ►
Warrior Unit Commander
◄ Preceded by Theo Magath
Followed by ►
None None
Quote1 There's no doubt that Eldians are spawn of the devil. And there's no doubt that we are devils ourselves. Quote2
— Theo Magath expresses his beliefs[1]

Theo Magath (テオ・マガト Teo Magato?) was the general (元帥 Gensui?) of the Marleyan military, the successor to Calvi through the support of Willy Tybur.

Formerly a commander (隊長 Taichō?) of the Eldian Unit of the Marleyan army, he led the Eldian Warriors in the Marley Mid-East War against the Mid-East Allied Forces, playing a key role in Marley's victory.


Magath was an older man with gray eyes and a thin beard, mustache, and black hair with a short buzz cut. He had visible wrinkles from age but an overall healthy build and appearance. Like his fellow soldiers, he wore the standard Marleyan soldier uniform consisting of a light jacket and pants with a black clip at the collar, supply packs on the hip, suspender straps, a hard hat with a black stripe around it, and tall combat boots.

When attacking the port with the Warriors and dissent members of the Scout Regiment, he would discard his coat and wear a Scout Regiment jacket. [2][2]


Magath was extremely dutiful, and most of his personality and choices revolved around what he believed was his duty as a soldier of Marley. Even though he, as a typical Marleyan, was prejudiced against Eldians, valuing the lives of the Marleyans above the Eldians and being angered when one questioned his orders, he was willing to put his opinion aside and let the Eldians under his command speak, in case they might have something useful to add to the current situation, such as Colt Grice and Zeke Jaeger.

Many of his decisions made him appear as though he considered the Eldians under him as expendable pawns and was uncaring towards their lives, such as deciding to sacrifice 800 Eldian soldiers to destroy the anti-Titan artillery, while keeping two holders of the power of the Titans and the Warrior candidates safe. However, he mostly went with this course of action because it was most beneficial to Marley, as he wanted to keep Warriors, as well as the Warrior candidates, out of harm's way since most of his nation's might comes from the Titans, being aware of the other nations' technological superiority.


Magath has acted as the chief overseer of the Warrior unit since its outset,[3] evaluating the performances of each individual Warrior candidate and selecting the top performers to be inheritors of the power of the Titans. By the early 840s, Magath had achieved the rank of commander.[4]

Magath was among those deliberating who the next inheritors from the most promising of candidates should be; he would ultimately select Annie Leonhart, Bertholdt Hoover, Marcel Galliard, Pieck and Reiner Braun to receive the Female, Colossal, Jaw, Cart and Armored Titans. In the year 843, during the final battles between Marley and an enemy nation, Magath was among those who witnessed the enemy's destruction at the hands of the newly trained Titan Warriors. Magath admitted that while they were more effective than their predecessors, he expressed some resistance to the decision of entrusting the upcoming Paradis Island Operation to mere children.


Marley arc[]

Magath and the Warrior Cadets

Magath with the Warrior candidates during the Marley Mid-East War

About four years after the failed Paradis Island Operation, Magath leads an 800-man Eldian unit against the Mid-East Allied Forces at the battle of Fort Slava. When the Eldian Unit's advance is halted to by the fort's defenses, candidate Colt Grice suggests that Magath send out the Jaw and Cart Titan. Magath refuses, pointing out the Allies' anti-Titan artillery and the great risk of losing their Titans against it. Magath intends to send his Eldian Unit to attack the train, but Warrior candidate Gabi Braun offers to use a bundle of grenades to destroy the armored train carrying the artillery on her own. Magath refuses to waste the candidate needlessly, but eventually gives in to Gabi's pestering. Once Gabi succeeds in destroying the armored train, Magath sends out Porco Galliard to attack the fort.

As Galliard and Pieck lead a charge against Fort Slava's defenses, Magath remains behind with the Warrior candidates. When the time comes for Zeke to make use of his Beast Titan to rain Pure Titans down upon the fort, Commander Magath and the Warriors watch from a distance as Marley's Titans complete the assault on the fort.[5]

Magath, Zeke, and Colt at a meeting with Calvi

Magath predicts a future when air combat will make Titans useless

Some time afterward, the leaders of the Marleyan military convene to review the world's reaction to the end of the war between Marley and the Mid-East Allied Forces. Magath explains to the outraged general of the military that the technological progress of the world is overcoming the Power of the Titans. Magath states that Marley has been too reliant on the power of the Titans, allowing other nations to surpass them in technological might. Magath proposes that with the progress being made with aerial weaponry, Titans may become useless in future wars. Zeke proposes that Marley must acquire the Founding Titan to gain full mastery over the Titans as soon as possible while focusing on developing conventional weaponry, an idea which impresses the general.[6]

Zeke and Colt salute at Magath

Zeke and Colt salute at Magath

After the meeting, Magath meets with Zeke and Colt, to discuss the likelihood of Zeke's plan working. Noting that 32 Marleyan ships have gone missing while attempting to scout out Paradis Island, Zeke and Magath conclude that there are likely two Titans, including Eren Jaeger, defending the island, and that they will need battleships when they attempt another invasion.[6]

Magath later departs on a train towards Liberio. Despite the Eldians at the back of the train making a loud ruckus, Magath allows them to continue with the celebrations, noting it is only for a single night. When the train reaches the Warriors' hometown, Magath gets off the train with the others and escorts the Eldians into the internment zone.[6]

Whilst the Eldian Warriors hold a private, unofficial meeting, Magath is a part of a team tapping the meeting to test the loyalty of the Warriors. He is slightly disappointed by Zeke's comment that insinuated that the meeting was being tapped.[6]

During the Tybur family's visit to Liberio Magath is summoned to meet the family's head, Willy Tybur. Speaking privately, Willy asks Magath if he is able to tell which Tybur is currently in possession of the War Hammer Titan, but Magath insists he cannot. Magath notes that he is only speaking with Willy as a substitute for his superior, who was coincidentally summoned away right when the Tyburs arrived in Liberio. Willy ignores Magath's insinuation and claims that he came to see the statue of Helos, the Marleyan hero who slew the Devil of All Earth. He praises the figure as the spirit of Marley and Magath agrees, remarking that the statue is hollow. Magath reveals that he intends to reinstate Marleyan conscription again so that they will understand the severity of fighting in a war, though he tells Willy that if he were to speak directly to Marley's ruler he would tell him that it is too late to change Marley's course.

Willy asks Magath to work with him

Magath meets with Willy Tybur

Acknowledging Magath's insinuation, Willy reveals that the Tybur family is, as Magath suspects, the true ruler of Marley. However, he insists that Marley's penchant for war has always existed and that the Tyburs merely allowed the nation to do as they wished as penance for their suffering under Eldian rule. Now, however, with the obsolescence of the power of the Titans, Willy is concerned about Paradis Island and entreats Magath to work with him. Shortly afterwards, Magath is chosen to become the next general of the Marleyan military when the time comes.

One month later, Magath is present at a meeting where the Warriors discuss potential Paradis Island invasion strategies with their Marleyan superiors, though the meeting does not end well. Later that day, he meets with Willy Tybur and hands him a notebook explaining the state of his "house," which Willy notes is in need of "demolition." Willy congratulates Magath on his upcoming promotion, and the two discuss the military and their country. Magath notices Willy's trembling hands as the latter expresses the burden that comes with his position of power. Changing the subject, Magath informs Willy that some "posts" in his house were still usable, and he has come to learn that "mice" have invaded his home.[3]

As Magath and Willy head to the festival, they discuss the security involved in order to protect Willy and the officials present. Magath does not think it will be possible to defend everyone given that Willy wishes to be on stage and to bait their enemies with as many military officers as possible. Though Willy says Magath can limit it to the useless ones, leaving him free to rebuild the military with whoever he likes, Magath is concerned about the number of people who will die. They are fighting a battle against unknown enemies with an unknown attack plan and large crowds of civilians to account for. He tells Willy that if he goes ahead with his plan he will die, and he is too important to lose. However, Willy confides that if he escapes and is not among those sacrificed, the world will not listen to what he has to say. Magath reluctantly agrees to the plan, observing that he and Willy are devils just like the Eldians.[1]

On the night of Willy's production, Magath brings an armed team atop a nearby building to observe the crowd for any suspicious actions. He takes a report and realizes that the soldiers who have gone to retrieve the Warriors have disappeared and the Warriors are missing as well. Magath has the reserves mobilized to search for them and notes that the event has begun.[7] When the Attack Titan suddenly bursts out of the stage and murders Willy, Magath watches in shock as it begins a mass slaughter of the Marleyan military's top brass, including Calvi.

Magath watches Willy die

Commander Magath witnesses the arrival of the Attack Titan

The War Hammer Titan emerges to combat the Attack Titan, but is quickly overpowered while Magath's subordinates rush to his side and remind him of their dire situation. Paying little heed to their reports, Magath fires his rifle at the Attack Titan to commence Marley's counterattack against the invader. Noting that their task to defeat the Paradis Island Eldians has been made much easier, he orders his men to head to their battle stations. The War Hammer soon regains the advantage and impales the Attack Titan on a massive pike of hardened flesh, though Magath reminds his soldiers that he dealt the first blow to their enemy. During the battle between the two Titans, Magath's troops fire a barrage of anti-Titan artillery at the Attack Titan. Koslow wishes to kill the Attack Titan, but Magath insists that they support the War Hammer Titan so that it can inherit the Founding Titan itself, rather than kill Eren Jaeger and postpone the problem caused by the threat of the Rumbling. The War Hammer Titan quickly overpowers the Attack Titan and forces Eren to reveal himself, but before Eren can be captured Magath's forces are ambushed by soldiers from Paradis Island.

Scouts attack Liberio

Magath and Koslow are ambushed by Scout Regiment personnel

Magath and his troops escape the firefight into the shelter of a civilian building where Magath alerts all the nearby army and navy forces, ordering for the Liberio internment zone to be closed off. Magath notes to himself that just as Willy had planned, all the world would soon join the war against Eldia, though he wonders why the Paradis Island troops are proceeding with their plans knowing of this as well. His thoughts are interrupted when a bomb is sent into their room, forcing them to relocate.[1] Magath and his troops remain hidden as the Cart Titan and Beast Titan arrive at the plaza to battle the Scouts. While the Scouts and Warriors engage, Magath is joined by Falco Grice. He initially tells the candidate to escape, but is told that Reiner is unconscious at the back of the plaza. Gabi also joins the Marleyan troops, while Falco states that Eren was responsible.

Magath calls on the entire Marley Army

Magath calls for backup

At the nearby harbor, there is an explosive transformation that destroys the docking fleet. Magath orders his troops to get away, knowing that only the Colossal Titan could be culpable, but the shock-wave from the blast throws the group to the floor. After the Ackermann takes down the Beast Titan, Magath and the others watch in horror as the soldier drops an explosive into its nape, staring at them all the while. As the attack turns to the Cart Titan, Magath grabs onto Gabi when Falco runs to the Titan's side, begging a Corps soldier not to shoot.

As he and other Marleyan soldiers repel the Corps, Magath orders Gabi to assist Falco in rescuing Pieck, who had come out of her Titan's body unconscious. They later take refuge inside a building, and Magath and the others witness the arrival of an airship coming to aid the Scouts.[8] After the airship escapes, he returns to check on Pieck who then explains her suspicions of the mysterious soldier who trapped her and Galliard.[9]

War for Paradis arc[]

Magath briefs the Warriors

Magath briefs the warriors after the attack on Liberio

As Marley recovers from the battle, Magath oversees cleanup operations where he has the remains of the Beast Titan investigated. Zeke's limbs are recovered but his body is missing; Magath pieces together that Zeke must have faked his death and escaped with the forces from Paradis. He calls an emergency meeting and summons the remaining Warriors; detailing his recent discovery, he believes that Zeke has been working with the enemy for at least four years. He announces that a global military alliance is forming and will conduct a scorched-earth operation to utterly destroy Paradis Island in roughly six months. However, Reiner insists that is what Zeke is likely anticipating and proposes that Marley launch a surprise attack immediately.[10]

Stationed aboard an airship with Reiner, he leads a fleet of airships from Marley that soon passes into Shiganshina District; after receiving a smoke signal from Pieck and Galliard informing Magath that they have engaged Eren, Magath orders his forces to launch their attack.[11]

Magath realizes Zeke's heritage

Magath realizes Zeke's heritage

He takes a group of soldiers and parachutes into Shiganshina, where he meets up with Pieck and Gabi. After chastising Gabi for putting herself in danger, Magath discusses with Pieck the likelihood of Eren using the Founding Titan against them. Gabi's revelation that Paradis now has a Titan of royal blood according to Zeke leads Magath and Pieck to conclude that Zeke himself is probably this Titan; realizing this explains how Zeke was able to transform Eldians into Titans by screaming, Magath orders his forces to prevent Eren from coming into contact with Zeke and activate the Founder. Manning the anti-Titan artillery harnessed by Pieck, Magath declares that they are going to have Eren devoured and take back the Founder.

Magath lands a shot on Eren

Magath lands a shot on Eren

Pieck takes Magath to the top of Wall Maria, where he will have a clear shot of the Attack Titan with the artillery. He manages to score a direct hit to Eren's Titan head with his first shot, impairing the Titan's motor functions. Magath fires a second round into his head to further cripple him, intent on forcing Eren to use up all of his strength regenerating from his injuries.[12] However, as Reiner struggles to devour Eren, he is knocked away by debris thrown by Zeke, with Magath displeased to see the arrival of the "Boy Wonder." Magath and Pieck are immediately put on the defensive by Zeke's rock throws; despite Pieck's reservations, Magath insists they continue and will take out the Beast Titan themselves. However, before Magath can fire an artillery round at Zeke, he and Pieck are set upon by the Scouts who arrived with Zeke.

To trick the soldiers attacking them, Pieck exits her Titan form, causing it to begin decaying. The resulting lull in attacks from the enemy allows Magath enough time to properly aim the artillery on the Cart Titan's back and score a direct hit on the Beast Titan, destroying part of the right shoulder and nape.[13] Magath fires on Zeke again before Armin fires a Thunder Spear at him, destroying the anti-Titan artillery.[14] Magath miraculously survives the explosion only to be lost in the crumbling debris of Wall Maria as the Titans inside are awakened by the Founder's power.[15]

Hange and Levi meet with Magath and Pieck

Magath and Pieck meets Hange

Magath survives Wall Maria's crumbling and retreats with Pieck. Pieck notices that Marley's airships are leaving the island and Magath suggests that they are going to warn Marley of Eren's impending attack. As Magath assures Pieck that they will continue fighting without reinforcements, the two are caught off guard by the arrival of an enemy soldier.[16] Magath negotiates with the soldier and their companion Levi Ackerman. Impressed with Levi's willingness to put himself in danger to speak with them, Magath agrees to work together with the two to bring down Zeke. Together they come up with a plan to have Pieck retrieve more soldiers who will agree to help them from Shiganshina. As part of the deal for helping rescue Hange and Levi's comrades, Magath orders that Yelena also be brought to him.[17]

After the rest of Hange's soldiers arrive, with Reiner, Falco, Gabi, and Annie in tow, the group all share a meal together. Magath points out that Eren's plan succeeding would only benefit Paradis and asks if the soldiers have finally realized that helping the outside world is the just thing to do. Jean Kirschtein, frustrated at Magath's attitude, claims that Paradis has only been trying to make the world stop treating them like devils and Magath retorts that all of the world's concerns have been proven to be well-founded thanks to Eren. Jean argues that Eren is only acting extremely because of the horrible acts Marley has committed against Paradis and Magath reminds him that it was in fact Eldia which oppressed Marley first, before the Eldian Empire fell.

Once hostilities have calmed down, Magath reveals that he intends to find out where exactly Eren is heading by interrogating Yelena. His attempts at getting Yelena to cooperate prove to be fruitless, as Yelena begins antagonizing the group and trying to turn them against each other rather than help them.

Hange and Magath survey the port

Magath surveys the port with Hange

The next day, the group goes to Paradis' harbor to use the Azumabito clan's airship to pursue Eren across the ocean, only to find that the harbor is occupied by Jaegerists.[18] Magath is undeterred by the obstacle, but Hange's realization that Eren has already reached Marley sends him over the edge. Enraged at his homeland's peril, Magath breaks Yelena's arm and threatens to continue torturing her until she agrees to tell him where Eren's exact location is. Hange talks him down and Magath, in despair, apologizes to the Eldians for antagonizing them the previous night. Magath apologizes for everything they have been put through, but begs them to, for the time being, tolerate the actions that he will have to take to save his country from danger. To his surprise, the Eldians agree to help fight the Jaegerists at the harbor if need be.

The group begins a plan to try to trick the Jaegerists into handing over the Azumabito mechanics without a fight, with Magath on standby with Hange and Jean in case fighting erupts. When the Jaegerists are alerted to their presence, Magath helps escort the Azumabito to the basement of the building they are being held in so that they will be safe from the impending battle.[2]

While sheltered, the Azumabito mechanics inform Magath and Hange that it will take them at least half a day to prep the flying boat for launch and Magath is left devastated at the realization that it will be impossible for them to save Liberio. Kiyomi reveals that they might be able to speed up the process at an island off Marley's coast, Odiha, and the group agrees to take the mechanics there.

Magath escorts the mechanics to the boat, firing on any attackers and ordering Reiner to defend them from incoming thunder spears. They reach the boat, where Conny gives Magath an injured Armin to watch. Magath takes Armin inside the boat to heal and helps Gabi give their allies covering fire from the boat. The boat is readied, but Falco loses control of his Jaw Titan form after transforming to help and Magath is forced to remove him from his Titan and carry his unconscious form to the boat.

Magath explains why he wants to destroy the cruiser

Magath and Keith on why he wants to destroy the captured cruiser

As the ship leaves the harbor, Magath chooses to stay behind, intending to destroy a Marleyan cruiser left at the harbor so that the group cannot be followed. As he makes his way to the cruiser, he is spotted by two Jaegerists but is saved by Keith Sadies who offers to help him.

They barricade themselves inside the cruiser's storage room. As he prepares to detonate the ship, Magath tells Keith that he will be remembered as a hero for helping save the world. Keith tries to compliment him likewise, but Magath refuses to accept praise because of his background in the Marleyean military and then expresses regret for his Warriors being unable to live normal lives. Nevertheless, Keith commends Magath for his actions and the two exchange names before detonating the ship, taking with them several Jaegerists onboard.[19]


As a soldier, Magath was a competent marksman capable of taking out several officers of Scout Regimient and Jeagerists with the OMD. Your shooting skills, they also applied to artillery, being able to shoot through the back of Zeke Yeager's head in his Titan form with great precision. As a commander, he was good enough to be assigned as director of the Warrior Program and Warrior Unit. Ultimately, he was promoted to General and planned the attack on Paradis Island.


  • Zeke Jaeger - Magath was overseeing the Warrior program when Zeke joined and initially saw him as worthless and not worthy of becoming a Warrior. He would often belittle Zeke's efforts but eventually, Magath became impressed with Zeke's consistent efforts and began to view him in a more positive light after Zeke exposed his parents as the leaders of the Eldian Restorationists. Magath would ultimately select him to become a Warrior and the next inheritor of the Beast Titan. While he expected Zeke to display the respect towards Marleyan authority that would be expected of any Eldian, he nonetheless openly expresses how impressed Zeke left him with his words and actions. He was willing to disclose valuable military information with Zeke, and even accepted his advice on the issues faced by such matters.[6] The relationship between the two was severed after the Raid on Liberio when Magath realized that Zeke was actually working against Marley. Magath was clearly agitated by Zeke's betrayal, failing to keep a level-head while engaging him in a shootout and saying that he would punish Zeke himself.[13]
  • Pieck Finger - Like with Zeke Yeager, Magath had expressed how invaluable Pieck is to the Marley military effort despite her Eldian heritage; this is often by observing how Pieck is able to use her mind and intellect to develop tactics against the enemy on a much quicker level.
  • Willy Tybur - While only having known Willy Tybur personally for a month, Magath developed a strong trust with the nobleman. Very soon after their first meeting, Willy understood that Magath possessed more knowledge of the truth behind their nation than he let on, and the former was willing to discuss the nature of the Tybur family's authority and even the possession of the War Hammer Titan with him. Together, the two had conspired to bring about great changes for their nation, which Willy believed is in need of another "Helos."[3]
  • Colt Grice - Magath looked down on Colt for being an Eldian, as he did with all others of that nationality. However, he showed some value for him as a soldier, being concerned for his well-being when he rescued his brother Falco from enemy fire and listening to his ideas when he pitched them, even if he was going to deny them.[5]
  • Gabi Braun - Although Magath enforced his beliefs onto Gabi for being an Eldian, he still cared deeply for her and the Warrior candidates. When Pieck Finger returns to him with Gabi during the Paradis Island Surprise Attack after she had been missing on enemy territory for a while, he expresses his relief in finding her safe. Right before his death, he reminisces on the times the Warriors and Warrior candidates shared together and even said that he would have been happy seeing them live normal lives. Gabi was distraught when she saw Magath's sacrifice.
  • Falco Grice - Magath cared deeply for Falco. When Falco first transformed into the Jaw Titan, he unintentionally attacked Pieck Finger and Magath instructed Pieck to hold him down. Magath took Falco out of his Titan after telling him he had done a good job. He held Falco aboard the ship before making his sacrifice. He reminisced on seeing the Warriors and Warrior Candidates live normal lives just before blowing up the ship.
  • Keith Sadies - Magath expressed gratitude to Keith for his efforts to stall the Jaegerists and even thought that he would be viewed as a hero in the future.[19]

People killed[]

Failed attempts[]


  • The name "Theo" could be derived from either the Greek word "theos," meaning "God," or the German word "theud," meaning "people."
  • The name "Magath" is of Basque origin and its meaning "fortress" or "greatness".


