Attack on Titan Wiki
Attack on Titan Wiki

Quote1 I see. Don't take this personally. This is just how it has to be. Because no one can prove...that they aren't a monster. Quote2
— Kitz to Eren Jaeger as he gives command to fire the cannon[1]

Kitz Woermann (キッツ・ヴェールマン Kittsu Vēruman?) is the captain (隊長 Taichō?) of the Garrison Regiment's 1st Division Elite Forces.


Kitz Woermann is a visually tense man, with sunken eyes, and an expression of perpetual worry. He has gold-colored eyes and a thick brown mustache that covers his upper lip. He wears his brown hair slicked back, with it framing his face and forming a thick beard.


In stressful situations, his paranoia tends to overwhelm his sense of judgment, leading him to act rashly without considering all aspects before him. This has not gone unnoticed by his superiors, as Dot Pyxis pointed out that despite his imposing physique, Woermann was perpetually weak-minded and foolish. After hearing Wall Rose was supposedly breached, his paranoia seems to decrease as he is shown to command the eastern line of defense without acting paranoid.


The Struggle for Trost arc

Kitz briefs the soldiers

Kitz briefs the soldiers

Woermann is first seen after the Colossal Titan appears and breaches Trost's outer gate. He briefs the cadets on the situation and explains their formation.[2]

After being put in charge of the supply depot, he attempts to abandon his position under the pretense of "organizing reinforcements." When he is accused of mutiny by three cadets, he angrily threatens to charge them with treason and immediate execution if they attempt to hinder his departure any further.[3]

After a rampaging Titan is revealed to be the cadet Eren Jaeger, Woermann has the cadet and his comrades surrounded by troops and demands that he explain the nature of his transformation or risk execution on the spot. Woermann's patience quickly wears thin as Eren fails to give him an answer, and he informs the cadet that numerous soldiers witnessed him emerging from the body of a Titan, claiming that this fact marks Eren as a potential enemy of humanity. While Rico Brzenska agrees that Eren is a threat, Ian Dietrich cautions that losing Mikasa would be a serious blow to humanity's strength. When Eren's answer fails to satisfy him, Woermann orders a cannon fired at them, forcing Eren to transform once again in order to protect his friends.[1]

Kitts Woerman panicking over Eren

Kitz Woermann questioning Eren

Eren's transformation only fuels Woermann's and his subordinates' fears. Despite Armin's impassioned plea and argument that Eren's Titan form could be used to turn the tide against the enemy, Woermann refuses to see Eren as anything more than an enemy and attempts to have them executed again. During the entire confrontation, he is riddled with fear. Before he can fully give the order, Dot Pyxis appears and orders him to stand down.[4]

Pyxis gathers all of Trost's military forces together and informs them of a plan that has been developed to use Eren's Titan form to seal the hole in Trost. During the speech, disbelieving soldiers begin to leave, with the intention of deserting, and Woermann is among the officers that try to forcefully stop them. Woermann threatens to have all deserters executed, but his threat is overturned by Pyxis, who announces that no soldiers will be punished for deserting.[5]

Clash of the Titans arc

Kitz commanding the Garrison's frontlines

Kitz commanding the Garrison's frontlines

After receiving news that Wall Rose was supposedly breached, he is left to command the eastern line of defense. He and his men lure the Titans into cannon fire, while Rico Brzenska cuts their neck, killing them.[6]


  • In an issue of Bessatsu magazine, Isayama revealed that Woermann has a wife and children.[7]


