Attack on Titan Wiki
Attack on Titan Wiki
Three Military Factions
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Content Moderators are members of the community who have have additional tools available to moderate specific parts of the wiki. They are able to edit, move and delete protected pages, as well as to protect and unprotect pages in order to stop vandalism.

We are currently not looking for any new Content Moderators.

Current Content Moderators

KemonoTitan Content Moderator
KemonoTitan (Message Wall)

Since: January 13th, 2019

Deppintosh Content Moderator
Deppintosh (Message Wall)

Since: January 28th, 2022


All Content Moderators are marked in red links unless they also hold a higher rank.

Former Content Moderators

User In Office Reason for Dismissal
AhmedHadi1 April 1st, 2017 - February 3rd, 2022 Promotion icon Promotion
JinxTheFunhouse September 28th, 2020 - December 19th, 2020 Resignation icon Resignation
Samuelmathew280 August 7th, 2019 - December 3rd, 2020 Promotion icon Promotion
Dalmatia December 13th, 2017 - December 15th, 2019
(Previous period: July 24th, 2017 - August 7th, 2017)
Resignation icon Resignation
RuneLai July 27th, 2017 - January 13th, 2019 Promotion icon Promotion
BlouseGirl June 9th, 2016 - July 24th, 2017 (inactive since February 26, 2017) Inactivity icon Inactivity
Insieme June 8th, 2016 - October 25th, 2016 Promotion icon Promotion
GodKingReiss June 7th, 2016 - June 14th, 2016 Promotion icon Promotion

Additional abilities

  • Deleting and moving protected pages.
  • Deleting and moving files.
  • Undeleting pages and files.
  • Rollback.
  • Reupload files.
  • Protecting and unprotecting pages.
  • Patrol pages.

Becoming a Content Moderator

Main article: Project:Staff Members Guidelines