Attack on Titan Wiki
Attack on Titan Wiki
Three Military Factions
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Discussions Moderators are users who have additional tools available to manage conversations on the forum or users' Message Walls. They are able to remove, restore, close and reopen threads and replies from any user, add categories (topics) to threads, move conversations, highlight threads, and reorganize the structure of the forum.

We are currently not looking for any new Discussions Moderators.

Current Discussions Moderators

Hackmagician Discussions Moderator, Senior Chat Moderator, and Rollbacker
Hackmagician (Message Wall)

Since: November 7th, 2023


All Discussions Moderators are marked in green links.

Former Discussions Moderators

User In Office Reason for Dismissal
AhmedHadi1 April 1st, 2017 - February 3rd, 2022 Promotion icon Promotion
Dalmatia December 13th, 2017 - December 15th, 2019 Resignation icon Resignation
RuneLai August 7, 2017 - January 13, 2019 Promotion icon Promotion
BlouseGirl June 9, 2016 - July 24 2017 (inactive since February 26, 2017) Inactivity icon Inactivity
Insieme July 11, 2016 - October 25, 2016 Promotion icon Promotion
Raposu May 10, 2015 - May 14, 2016 (inactive since October 30, 2015) Inactivity icon Inactivity
Neetaku October 8, 2015 - March 28, 2016 Promotion icon Promotion
JinxTheFunhouse August 26, 2015 - March 13, 2016 Promotion icon Promotion
EternalLocket May 10, 2015 - May 31, 2015 Promotion icon Promotion

Additional abilities

  • Not Done Delete/restore conversations on the forum or users' Message Walls.
  • Rename Rename threads.
  • Lock Icon Close/open conversations on the forum and Message Walls.
  • Bureaucrat Star Highlight threads.
  • Add/remove topics from threads.

Becoming a Discussions Moderator

Main article: Project:Staff Members Guidelines