Attack on Titan Wiki
Attack on Titan Wiki
Three Military Factions
Admins Discussions Mods Content Mods Journalists Chat Mods Rollbackers Bots

Journalists are members of the community that are up-to-date with the news about the Attack on Titan series, and are also responsible members that have shown a trustworthy behavior in line with our policies, so they are entrusted with the credentials of the official accounts of the wiki on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Discord to keep the community informed with the latest news about the series.

We are currently not looking for any new Journalists.

Current Journalists

Manuel de la Fuente Bureaucrat, Administrator, and Journalist
Manuel de la Fuente (Message Wall)

Since: March 31st, 2015
(Hiatus: June 3, 2017 - December 12, 2017)

Sim0n2170 Journalist
Sim0n2170 (Message Wall)

Since: October 19th, 2015

Samuelmathew280 Administrator, Journalist, and Senior Chat Moderator
Samuelmathew280 (Message Wall)

Since: May 9th, 2021


All Journalists are marked in light blue links unless they also hold a higher rank.

Former Journalists

User In Office Reason for Dismissal
JinxTheFunhouse September 15th, 2016 - January 16th, 2020 Resignation icon Resignation
GodKingReiss June 9th, 2017 - April 10, 2018 Resignation icon Resignation

Additional abilities

  • Facebook icon Ability to post content from the official accounts of the wiki on the social networks.

Becoming a Journalist

Main article: Project:Staff Members Guidelines