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Scout Regiment Commanders
◄ Preceded by 14th
Hange Zoë
Followed by ►
Erwin Smith
Armin Arlelt
Quote1 Do you people know why we the Scouts have shed so much blood?! To take back our freedom from the Titans! I was willing to sacrifice my own life for that cause! Quote2
— Hange lecturing Pastor Nick[10]

Hange Zoë (ハンジ・ゾエ Hanji Zoe?, also translated as Hans Zoe) was the 14th and current Commander (団長 Danchō?) of the Scout Regiment, formerly a section commander (分隊長 Bun-taichō?) in charge of the Fourth Squad, until the death of the 13th Commander - Erwin Smith - who named Hange as his successor shortly before. Hange conducted research on Titans to the point of being obsessed with them. As a result, they were deeply interested in Eren Jaeger and his ability to transform into a Titan.


Hange (854) Design

Hange's appearance in 854

Hange had wide, light brown eyes and medium-length dark brown hair that they often kept tied up in a high ponytail with bangs parted down the middle. During the Battle of Shiganshina, Hange's left eye was badly damaged;[11] as a result, they started to wear a fitted black eye patch with a thin strap to cover it. As a constantly busy person, their hair was thrown up very quickly which looks unkempt.[12]

Hange wore square, thick-rimmed glasses that had bands strapped around their head to keep them from dislodging during combat; but when they were out of combat, they wore thin oval-shaped glasses, still keeping the bands on their head most of the time. Hange was occasionally shown pulling their glasses up onto their forehead from time to time, often to indicate seriousness or anger. They were often seen wearing the normal Scout Regiment uniform with a yellow button-down shirt underneath. When on missions or business, they wore a green Scout Regiment cloak.


Hange discovers a passion for Titans

Hange discovers a passion for Titans

Hange appeared as an energetic and quirky scientist, with a unique way of conducting both themselves and their work. However, they edre able to keep a level head in perilous situations while making quick, solid decisions; ordering those below them while simultaneously showing concern for their well-being and the success of the mission.

Hange explained that they at first had a very hateful heart when joining the Scout Regiment, but when they kicked the head of a 3-meter Titan, they were shocked at how abnormally light it was. This drove them to take an extreme and outside-the-box approach to Titan research. Hange showed great compassion for their Titan test subjects, even crying when they were forced to put Beane in severe pain for an experiment. Hange developed relationships with the Titans, and when they were killed Hange had a complete meltdown.[13]

Hange threatens Nick

Hange threatens to drop Nick off the edge of the Wall

Hange was a genius, using their brain for the benefit of humanity. As a leader, they excelled and were able to easily figure out complex problems and create plans for the squad to carry out. However, despite their cheeriness, in an interview, Hajime Isayama said that he believes Hange to be the scariest character when angry. This trait is heavily emphasized when Hange threatened to drop Pastor Nick off the edge of Wall Sina for not giving them the information they requested. This change of character was often marked by Hange putting their glasses on top of their head, and their cheery nature could be seen returning when they put them back down.[10]


A Choice with No Regrets: Part Two

Hange and Moblit observe Levi's ODM skills

Hange and Moblit observe Levi's ODM skills

Hange is among the many surprised recruits present when Levi, Isabel Magnolia, and Furlan Church are introduced to the Scout Regiment as new recruits. Along with Moblit, Hange enthusiastically watches Levi demonstrate his omni-directional mobility gear skills during training, commenting on how individual skill and style weigh in on performance and outcomes in battle.[14]

Ilse's Notebook: Notes from a Scout Regiment Member

Hange is impatiently waiting to leave Trost District for the 49th expedition outside the Walls, wanting to capture a Titan to study. Hange tries to convince Levi and Miche Zacharius to help them capture one but they both dismiss them. After the expedition has begun, Hange attempts to convince the commander, Erwin Smith, to authorize a Titan capture operation, but he refuses. They then take their frustration out on Oruo Bozad, telling him how important it is to study targets if they are going to win while choking him.

Hange avoids an attack

Hange avoids an attack

After this, Titans are sighted in the vicinity and as the Scouts prepare themselves, Hange runs ahead and attempts to lead a Titan to the Walls. The Titan briefly chases Hange but suddenly changes course and runs to a spot in the woods. Hange follows it and tries to communicate with it, but the Titan does not pay attention. Taking advantage of the Titan's distraction, Oruo attempts a surprise attack, but stops when Hange asks him to, and is caught by the Titan. However, Levi kills it and saves Oruo, much to Hange's disappointment.

Hange and the Special Operations Squad then find a notebook and the corpse of a Scout Regiment soldier named Ilse Langnar. Upon reading the notebook, Hange returns Ilse's belongings to her parents and is able to convince Erwin to authorize capture operations. A short while after, with the help of the Special Operations Squad, Hange is able to successfully capture Titans with no casualties.[15]

The Struggle for Trost arc

Hange teases Levi as they leave Trost District

Hange teases Levi as they leave Trost District

Hange later appears leaving Trost District on another expedition with the Scout Regiment.[6] As Hange gleefully awaits the mission departure by the gate, they begin teasing Levi for the large amount of fanfare he is receiving from onlookers, stating that they hope to see an Abnormal Titan on the missions, and Levi retorts that Hange is an abnormal.

After the Scout Regiment departs, Hange is next seen excitedly flying through an abandoned town using their omni-directional mobility gear. Hange grabs a Titan's attention, promising that they will not hurt it, and when the Titan swings at them, Hange easily evades it and kills the Titan.[6]

Eve of the Counterattack arc

Hange and Mike escort Eren

Eren is escorted by Hange and Miche

Hange and Miche are assigned to take Eren to his court hearing in front of the leaders of the Military. They are present with the rest of the Scout Regiment as Levi beats up Eren and checks on his condition after the tribunal is over, noting that Eren's lost tooth grew back.[2]

Later, when Eren and the Special Operation Squad are at the former Scout Regiment Headquarters, Hange explains that they are in charge of experimenting with captured Titans Sawney and Beane and begins to prep Eren on previous experiments, but noting his enthusiasm to learn, ends up talking all night until morning. They are then interrupted with news that Beane and Sawney were killed. Rushing to the site, Hange cries at the loss of their Titans.[13]

Hange is excited at Eren's interest in their work

Hange has found a listener

Hange later moves forward with their experiments on Eren. When it turns out that Eren cannot turn into a Titan at will, Hange is a little disheartened. However, seeing Eren's Titan hand later on causes Hange to react over-excitedly and breaks the tension between him and the Special Operations Squad. Hange excitedly runs to Eren and touches his Titan arm, burning their hands on the exposed muscle. When they find a teaspoon being clutched by Eren's Titan arm, Hange concludes that Eren's Titan powers are only awakened when he has a clear objective in mind, such as the moment when he defended Mikasa and Armin from cannon fire. Hange also hypothesizes that this switch must have a good reason as well as being connected to the Titan's nature.[16]

The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission arc

Hange fires the special target capture weapon

Hange fires the special target restraining weapon

During the 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, a Female Titan attacks the Scouts and decimates their ranks. After the Female Titan is lured into the Scouts' trap in a Forest of Giant Trees and captured, Hange mockingly explains to it that the Special target restraining weapon is designed so that the more her wounds heal the more her joints will be immobilized.[7]

When Eld Gin wonders why they were not told of the plan to capture the Female Titan in the Forest of Giant Trees, he speculates that Erwin only told those who were in the regiment before the fall of Wall Maria to be sure they were not spies and that Hange is among those who were notified.[7]

The Female Titan lets out a deafeningly loud roar, leading numerous Titans begin to swarm the area and attack it. When they begin to devour her, Erwin orders all squads to engage the Titans and defend the Female to the death. Hange fights relentlessly among their comrades but to no avail. The Commander, realizing that all is lost, orders his soldiers to pull back and return to Calaneth District.[7]

As they retreat from the forest, Hange asks Erwin why he ordered Levi to resupply and split off from them. Erwin asks if Hange saw the Female Titan's operator get eaten along with the Titan itself, and Hange realizes with horror that their enemy is still alive.[7]

Assault on Stohess arc

Hange threatens Annie

Hange threatens Annie

During Annie Leonhart's rampage through Stohess District, Hange again uses the special target capture weapons to halt her. After capturing Annie, Hange goes to the ground and holds their sword to Annie's eye, telling her she is too far in to get Titans to devour and free her this time. Hange then states that they will be the one to devour her and get all the information they can from her. Their taunts provoke Annie into lashing out, and Hange is forced to retreat to the rooftops as Annie breaks free. Hange laments that they did not have enough traps and orders their squad to follow Annie.[17]

As Eren enters the battle in his Titan form, Hange observes that he is retaining control of his Titan. Eren begins pursuing Annie and Hange orders their squad to split up and work their way around over the buildings as the two combatants enter an open area of the district. Moblit notes with terror that the two Titans might destroy the entire district, but Hange orders him to follow Erwin's plan.

Eren manages to immobilize Annie at the base of Wall Sina, where she encases herself in an impenetrable crystal. Hange orders the crystal containing Annie to be moved to safety and worries for the future of the Scout Regiment after the failure of this mission. Annie is later brought deep underground and kept under the Scout Regiment's custody.[18]

Clash of the Titans arc

While Scouts haul Annie's crystal away, Hange stands by and assures she is secured with ropes and a tarp. Noticing many of the Scouts are surprised by something, Hange runs over to see that there is a giant Titan within the hole in the Wall made by the Female Titan's attempted escape. Moblit asks them for orders, but Hange stares in shock, wondering how the Titan could be there and if it was just coincidence or if all the Walls are filled with them. Hange's thoughts are then interrupted when Pastor Nick slaps his hand on their shoulder and tells them not to let the sunlight touch the Titan.[10]

Hange threatens Pastor Nick

Hange holds Pastor Nick over the edge of the Wall for information

At Nick's direction, they climb on top of the Wall and Hange has the Titan covered with a makeshift tarp. Hange begins questioning Nick on why the Titan is in the Wall and why he had kept quiet about it. However, Nick dodges their questions by blaming the Scout Regiment for the current situation and, saying that he has business to do, requests to be let down from the Wall. Hange then becomes furious and grabs Nick’s shirt, holding him over the edge of the Wall and telling their squad to stay back. They lament about the morals of the Scout Regiment and their desire to take back freedom, demanding that Nick speak. When he refuses, Hange moves to drop him off the edge, but Nick stops struggling and claims that his life is not worth revealing his information. He begs God to deliver him. After a brief hesitation, Hange throws him back onto the Wall and sits on the edge, claiming it was all a joke. Hange calmly asks Nick if all the Walls are filled with Titans, shaking. Moblit approaches them and Hange expresses their fear of the unknown, claiming not to have felt this way since their first time outside the Walls.[10]

Hange examines an object

Hange examines something under a microscope

Following the news that Wall Rose has been breached, the Scouts prepare for their journey from Stohess to Ehrmich District. Ignoring how close they are to departure time, Hange studies something under a microscope until Levi comes to retrieve them. They join him in a wagon along with Pastor Nick, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. Though Armin is surprised to see a priest from the Order of the Walls, Hange brushes his presence off with a joke. More seriously, Hange explains that Nick is coming with them to witness reality, to see if that changes his unwillingness to speak. Hange speculates that what Nick knows could be more important than the fate of humanity and that is the reason for his silence.[19]

Levi notices the shard Hange is holding and asks about it, prompting an explanation that it is a hardened skin fragment that remained behind even after Annie exited the Female Titan. It did not evaporate or disappear, so Hange compared it to a piece of the Wall. Hange discovered that their compositions were nearly identical. The Walls must be made of humongous Titans and their surface is constructed with hardened Titan skin.[20]

Hange points out that plugging the breach in Wall Rose would be difficult without the right-sized boulder, but Eren as a Titan might be able to use the Titans' hardening ability to seal the hole in the Wall. Armin adds that they could also use that ability to seal Wall Maria, and then there would be no need to lay supply lines down to Shiganshina. They could go at night while the Titans are inactive. Hange considers and agrees that if the group was small enough they could sneak all the way there.[20]

Hange prepares to depart Ehrmich

Hange prepares to depart Ehrmich

In Ehrmich, Hange takes stock of their situation and prepares their team for departure. When Levi brings Nick to them, after showing him all the refugees, Hange asks if he has had a change of heart. Nick is clearly distressed, but cannot tell them anything, saying that it is too great a decision for a single person. However, he can give them a name of a person the Order was instructed to monitor. She joined the Scout Regiment this year and she may know truths they are unaware of. However, the girl is currently on the front lines with most of the 104th.[20]

Sasha interrupts to hand Hange a message,[20] which turns out to be a report on Annie Leonhart's background. According to the report, there are two other members of the 104th who came from the same area as her; Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover. During the 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, their unit in the long-range scouting formation was given false information that said Eren was in the right wing, which is where the Female Titan attacked.[21]

Hange goes over suspicions about Bertholdt and Reiner

Hange goes over potential evidence

The members of the 104th are reluctant to suspect Reiner and Bertholdt, so Hange presses them for information regarding their behavior and any contact they might have had with Annie. Armin eventually realizes that Reiner had both the opportunity to learn Eren's true location in the formation and pass it on to Annie. Hange decides that when they next come in contact with the pair, the Scouts should act normally until the opportunity comes to lead them underground and confine them.[21] Hange takes a squad with them to rescue Christa Lenz and leads the Scouts to Utgard Castle, where there is a tower they can use to assess the Wall.[20]

Their squad arrives at dawn, just in time to rescue the cadets from the 104th, who had been trapped in the castle by Titans.[22] Hange has everyone regroup on Wall Rose, where Ymir is pulled up on a stretcher. Meanwhile Christa speaks to Hange on Ymir's behalf, explaining that Ymir had transformed into a Titan to save them. Hange hears her out and says that despite Ymir's prior secrecy, the information she holds could be a treasure for humanity so Hange hopes they will get along.[21]

Hange also asks about Christa's real name, if Historia Reiss is related to the Reiss noble family. Christa confirms that is true, and seeing her downcast, Hange places a hand on her shoulder and tells her that it is nice to meet Historia.[21]

Hange discusses a digging Titan with Moblit

Hange discusses alternative methods of Titan entry

The Garrison's advance squad arrives and Hannes informs the Scouts that there is no hole in the Wall, at least not between Trost and Krolva Districts. With no Titans around, despite the previous sightings, Hange prepares for the Scouts to fall back to Trost and begins discussing alternative methods of Titan entry with Moblit, but soon recognizes that Eren has fallen behind, talking to Reiner and Bertholdt. Shortly after, the two of them are attacked by Mikasa and they transform into the Armored and Colossal Titans in an attempt to kidnap Eren.[21]

Eren transforms into his Titan form and fights with Reiner at the bottom of the Wall, leaving Hange and the rest of the Scouts to face the Colossal Titan on top. Hange orders the Scouts to swarm him, but the Colossal emits a giant burst of scalding steam, forcing them back; this time, however, he does not disappear. Hange orders three of the four squads present to watch Bertholdt so they can kill him when he comes out. Capture is no longer an option. Hange takes the last squad along with them to chase the Armored Titan.[23]

Hange watches Mikasa attack the Armored Titan

Hange and their squad watch Mikasa successfully attack the Armored Titan

Hange lands on Eren's shoulder to ask him if he can break one of Reiner's legs with one of his grappling attacks to buy him time to escape. Eren nods in understanding, to Hange's amazement and delight. Hange theorizes that the Armored Titan's body cannot be entirely hard like stone because he is able to move too quickly. Rather like armor in the past, there must be points where the joints are not protected to allow for movement. Mikasa uses this knowledge to cut through the backs of Reiner's knees, giving Eren an advantage in his fight.[23]

Weakened, Reiner roars to signal the Colossal Titan to fall on both him and Eren.[23] Hange and the other soldiers nearby are severely wounded from the explosion caused by the Colossal Titan's landing and are unable to pursue Reiner and Bertholdt when they escape with a captured Eren and Ymir. Later that same day, Erwin arrives with reinforcements and the lifts necessary to move the horses over the Wall for a rescue mission. Hange rouses themselves and asks for a map.[24]

Hange points out the giant forest

Hange points out the forest to the rest of the Scouts

Hange uses the map to point out a giant forest to the gathered Scouts. Even though Reiner and Bertholdt can change into Titans, Hange suspects that other Titans will still be a threat to them. After all that fighting they must be exhausted and they will need a safe and secure place to rest before attempting to absconding past Wall Maria, but warns the Scouts they only have until nightfall when the other Titans cannot move. If the Scouts can get there before then, they might make it in time to rescue Eren.[24]

After the rescue party leaves, Hange crawls away and asks for a horse even though they are unable to stand, but despite that still wants to go to Ragako to investigate the Titan that cannot walk. Seeing Hange's determination, Moblit decides to go himself and tells them to rest.[25]

Some days later, Hange reports to Erwin back in Trost District, bringing Conny with them to confirm the findings in Ragako. Hange hypothesizes that the Titans fought within Wall Rose were citizens from there. Levi sours at the thought that he could have been killing humans this entire time, but Hange offers him some comfort in that there is still no solid proof of that.[26]

Royal Government arc

Hange is later seen performing experiments on Eren's Titan form. After repeated transformations, Eren's Titan progressively becomes weaker and more deformed, until it eventually collapses. Hange and Mikasa try to free him from the Titan, but find that his body has begun to fuse to it. As Hange attempts to pull Eren free, they order Moblit to make a sketch of it. Mikasa cuts Eren free, and Hange declares the experiment to be over.

Hange resolves to avenge Nick

Hange resolves to avenge Nick

Soon after, Hange receives word from Moblit that Nick has been murdered. Immediately suspicious, Hange goes to the crime scene and interrogates the two members of the Military Police guarding the site, claiming to be an old friend of the victim. Upon observing Nick's corpse, Hange is able to note tell-tale signs of torture on him, and wounds on one officer's hands that suggest he took part in the beating. Pretending to believe the official story that Nick was killed in a robbery, Hange tells the policemen that Nick will be avenged once they find the culprits.

Hange travels to the cottage where Levi's squad is staying to inform them of Nick's murder. Once recounting the full story is done, Nifa arrives with a letter for Levi from Erwin, which prompts Levi to have everyone evacuate the premises.

After evacuating, Levi informs the group that the government has frozen all Scout Regiment activity, and that they have been ordered to turn over Eren and Historia. Upon also learning from Nifa that Erwin has been arrested, Levi decides to smuggle Eren and Historia into Trost to keep them out of the government's hands, and Hange agrees to lend him Abel, Keiji, and Nifa to help, while Hange themselves and Moblit go to aide Erwin in the capitol.[27]

Hange reports back to Erwin

Hange reports back to Erwin

Arriving at the Scout Regiment's barracks, Hange and Moblit wait until the Military Police have departed to speak with Erwin. Hange informs Erwin of Eren's capture, and tells him their theory that Rod Reiss is planning on eating Eren to steal his Titan ability.

Afterward, Hange and Moblit regroup with Levi's squad, who have apprehended Sannes and Ralph. Hange and Levi take turns torturing Sannes, who refuses to talk. After more torture only results in Sannes begging that they kill him, Hange and Levi leave and force Ralph, at knife-point, to read a script outside Sannes's door, making him believe he has been betrayed and is considered a lunatic by his comrades. This causes the man to break, revealing to Hange the secret of the Reiss family—the true rulers of mankind.[28]

Hange mocks Sannes and Ralph

Hange mocks Sannes and Ralph

After Sannes' confession, Hange mocks him at length, revealing the truth about Ralph's apparent betrayal. Sannes is deeply shaken, but he warns Hange that someone else will take his place and wishes them luck. Visibly shaken, Hange leaves the dungeon and enters a room, violently kicking over a table. Levi walks in on their outburst, and has Hange fill the rest of his squad in on their theory that Eren will soon be eaten.

Hange and Moblit travel to visit Erwin again, bringing news of the Reiss family's true status. Erwin gives them the results of his investigation into the Reiss family's property, but before they can continue, Erwin receives word that he has been accused of organizing a murder. He orders Hange and Moblit to leave immediately, and names Hange acting commander of the Scout Regiment in his absence.[29] Afterwards, Hange discovers Flegel being pursued by the Military Police, and carries him to safety. There, they learn what really happened to his father and attempts to persuade him to continue fighting in his father's stead. When he states they have already lost, Hange reminds him with a smile that the Scouts have always had a losing record.

Hange punches Roger

Hange punches the Military Policeman

Using Flegel as bait, Hange lures three Military Policemen into a trap, tricking them into admitting that the MPs murdered Flegel's father. Hange and Moblit come to his aid, easily dispatching the three soldiers, and revealing that the "abandoned" buildings of Trost are actually full of citizens who have heard the police admit to framing the Scout Regiment.[30]

Hange and Moblit find Levi and his squad while they are interrogating a member of the Military Police, informing them that the military's coup has been a success, further telling them that the royal capital and the administrative district are now under Premier Zachary's control and that there has been no counter-rebellion so far.

Hange holds up the book Erwin gave them

Hange shows the book Erwin gave them

Although his squad celebrates, Levi points out that they still do not have any leads on Eren and Historia, but Hange claims that they may have the answer to their predicament, revealing Erwin's report of his investigation into the Reiss family and explaining that the Reiss family was attacked and slaughtered on the day of Wall Maria's breach, with Rod being the only survivor. Hange takes special note of the fact that the chapel the family had been praying in when they were killed was also decimated, and that Rod used his own fortune to have it rebuilt in the following years. Deducing that the chapel must be important to him, Hange theorizes that it is where he is hiding out.[31]

Hange, Levi, and his squad arrive at the Reiss chapel, finding the hidden doorway to the caves below. While the interior MPs await them inside for an ambush, the Scout Regiment charges to open the door to the cave and roll in several gas canisters tied to barrels. They then charge in behind as Sasha uses flaming arrows to create a smoke cloud, and Armin fires flares to obscure them. During the battle, one of Kenny's subordinates fires a hook into Hange's right shoulder, throwing them into a Wall. Hange then crashes down on the floor.[32]

As Rod Reiss transforms into a Titan, causing the cavern to collapse, Levi orders Moblit and Armin to take Hange to safety while the rest of his squad saves Eren.

Hange asks Historia about killing Rod

Hange asks Historia about killing Rod

After Squad Levi escapes the Reiss caves, they begin pursuing Rod, with Hange riding in a wagon due to their wounds. Hange notes that they now know that only people of the Reiss bloodline can use the Founding Titan's true power, and that if any Reiss member does get the power that they will be controlled by the ideology of the First King and will not free humanity. As it is decided that they will have to kill Rod Reiss, Hange asks Historia if she is really okay with it.[33]

Arriving in Orvud, the Garrison members stationed in the district are appalled to hear that the Scouts do not want to evacuate the district, and Hange explains that the Titan is being attracted to the large populace, which is why they want to keep them in Orvud so they can direct where the Titan goes.

As a backup plan in the event that the Garrison is unsuccessful in destroying Rod's Titan, Erwin has Hange and Moblit bring gunpowder, ropes, and a net, to Erwin while the Garrison tries to kill Rod with the wall's cannons. As Rod's Titan climbs up onto the Wall and kneels in front of it, Eren transforms and grabs the haul of gunpowder Hange brought, and uses it to blow apart Rod's head.[34]

Following the battle in Orvud, Hange attends Historia's coronation as queen of the Walls.[35]

Hange sees the crushed nape

Hange is delighted with the success of the executioner device

Two months after Historia's coronation, Hange is actively engaged in running tests on Eren's Titan hardening ability in preparation for their journey to Wall Maria. Hange is seen in Trost District watching as a soldier lures a Titan into Hange's own invention which appears to be a Titan guillotine. As it crushes and kills a Titan, Hange and Moblit cheer and rejoice in the success of the invention. Hange states that they can run these all day without the need for soldiers fighting Titans or using cannons and other resources, gleefully turning to Eren and informing him that they can mass produce these and put them in every Wall city, but is interrupted upon seeing Levi handing Eren a handkerchief for a nosebleed he has. Levi points out that Eren's body likely has a limit for what it can do, and Hange apologizes to Eren.

Hange accompanies Eren to inquire with Commandant Sadies about his involvement with Dr. Jaeger. After listening to Keith's story, Hange becomes irritated. Deducing that he retired to the training camp out of feelings of obligation and inferiority to others, Hange claims that he ran away for a childish reason and tells him not to bring his feelings of inferiority into this matter.[36]

Hange is later present at a Military meeting headed by Dhalis Zachary. After the meeting ends, Hange meets with the officials in another room, where they are questioned about the contents of the bottle taken from Rod's bag. Hange states that it is made from spinal fluid thanks to Eren and Historia, but claims that since it evaporates as soon as it touches air it is hard to research. Noting that this stuff is far beyond their capabilities, Hange questions what the Reiss family did if they created it.

Scout Regiment officers listen to Erwin

Hange attends a meeting with other Scout Regiment members

Hange participates in a meeting of a few Scout Regiment members in which they explain to Erwin all the information Keith gave to them and Squad Levi. Erwin and Hange speculate that Grisha may have wanted to help humanity but was unable to, and ponder what is in the basement of his house in Shiganshina. Hange is later seen in the dining hall, appalled at the soldiers' fighting over the food.

The day of the operation, all soldiers are ready at dawn. Hange and other high-ranking soldiers exchange salutes with elite members of the other branches and then head to the Wall. However, the soldiers are surprised to see that the civilians know of the operation's goals and begin to cheer for the regiment. Although Hange and Levi are initially annoyed that word of their departure has spread, they are silenced by the sight of Erwin; ecstatic to have such fanfare for the regiment, cheering along with the civilians.[37]

Return to Shiganshina arc

Hange sees the sleeping Titan

Hange sees a sleeping Titan

On the way to Shiganshina, the soldiers come across a Titan near dawn. When the group illuminates the Titan, Hange briefly observes it, and orders them to leave it alone as it is shutting down due to lack of sunlight. Reaching Shiganshina, Erwin orders the scouts to switch to ODM gear. As Hange and Levi each fire off a signal flare, the two mention how odd it is that they have not seen a single Titan and that they are probably playing into the enemies' hands.

After Eren succeeds in sealing the outer hole in Wall Maria, Hange's squad begins moving to the second gate to finish sealing the hole. Seeing a signal flare from Erwin, Hange orders their squad to take up positions atop Wall Maria. It is from there that they witness the sudden appearance of Reiner Braun, followed by the Beast Titan and his army.[38]

On Erwin's orders, all the soldiers deploy. Squad Levi, without Levi himself, and squad Hange deploy to take down the Armored Titan. Eren transforms and draws Reiner into a fight, while Hange and the soldiers under them prepare to fight Reiner with their new weapons.

Hange orders to attack again

Hange orders everyone to use the Thunder Spears and finish off the Armored Titan

As Eren engages Reiner, Hange's squad begins positioning around the two. Eren maneuvers Reiner into a spot where he can be attacked, and Hange and Mikasa dash in and take out his eyes with their spears, as other soldiers strike his nape. Hange then orders another round of spears to be used on his nape.[39] Hange orders another round of spears to be prepared for a third attack, but as the squads are preparing they are caught off guard by a loud roar from Reiner's Titan. Hange orders that they hit him again, but Armin points out a barrel that has just been thrown into the district. Fearing an attack, Hange orders their forces to fall back to a safe distance.

Once at a safe distance, Hange observes the barrel as it descends into the district. Seeing Bertholdt emerge from the barrel, Hange attempts to go to attack him but Armin goes ahead of them, insisting that they try reasoning with him first. Hange and Moblit observe Armin's attempt to reason with Bertholdt from afar and when negotiations break down, Hange orders the rest of their squad to finish off Reiner while they and Moblit pursue Bertholdt. However, Hange realizes too late that he is preparing to transform and both they and Moblit are caught in the resulting explosion. Numerous soldiers are unsure if Hange survived.[40]

Hange makes an opening for Mikasa

Hange reappears and destroys Reiner's jaw

When trying to think of a way to defeat the Colossal Titan, Armin recalls Hange stating that the Colossal was susceptible to drawn-out battles. He thinks back to Hange's experiments with Eren, and recalls when they led a squad fighting Bertholdt on top of Wall Rose, realizing that he must consume flesh to make steam and eventually will run out and be unable to move as a skeleton.

Hange resurfaces in the battle after recovering from the explosion. Still mobile, they aid Squad Levi as they attempt to fight the Armored Titan by using their last Thunder Spear to help blow apart its jaw. This opens Reiner's mouth, allowing Mikasa to shoot her Thunder Spear inside and blow him out of his Titan's nape.[41]

Hange resolves to kill Reiner

Hange resolves to kill Reiner

Hange interrogates Reiner about a case he had on his person, and Reiner claims it is a letter from Ymir to Historia, which Hange agrees to deliver. When Reiner refuses to give any other information, Hange prepares to kill him but is halted by Jean, who recommends they feed Reiner to someone injected with the Titan serum. Hange insists they must kill him immediately, but Jean continues to press the subject until Hange sends Mikasa to retrieve the serum, telling her to shoot a flare if she cannot, so Hange will know to kill Reiner.

Just as Mikasa fires her flare, Zeke and the Cart Titan appear behind Hange and attempt to kill them. Jean is able to tackle Hange out of the way, but the two manage to retrieve Reiner and retreat with him. Jean curses his decision to intervene, but Hange again reminds him that this was their choice.

Hange arrives with Levi's squad to see Eren's group, but finds Mikasa attempting to steal the Titan injection from Levi so that she can use it to save Armin, despite Levi's choice to save Erwin. Hange apprehends Mikasa, holding her back as Levi prepares the injection for Erwin. Hange tries to convince her that humanity needs Erwin to be saved, explaining that they still require Erwin's leadership.

Hange empathizes with Mikasa

Hange empathizes with Mikasa

Hange tells Mikasa that they also wish to bring back people, and tells Mikasa that everyone has to say goodbye someday, insisting that they must move forward. Levi decides to move forward with saving Erwin and Hange takes Mikasa and clears the roof with everyone else. However, when Levi regroups with them, he returns with Erwin, having chosen to save Armin. He swears to Erwin that he will kill the Beast Titan, but Hange notes that Erwin has already died.[11]

After Armin awakens atop the Wall, Hange and the others regroup around him and go over the situation from the past four hours and the previous battle. Hange notes that they believed Erwin should have lived as well, but concedes that there is nothing more to say about their current situation, and that they and Armin will have to carry on in Erwin’s stead.

Hange reads the writing behind the photograph

Hange reads the writing behind the photograph

Hange accompanies Levi, Mikasa and Eren to the Jaeger house. After managing to enter the basement they notice that at first glance, it looks like an average workplace. Guessing that it was meant to look plain, the four search and uncover a small keyhole on the side of the desk that fits Eren's key. It reveals a small, empty drawer which Levi finds a false bottom in. Underneath are three books, and together Eren and Mikasa open the first book and find a piece of paper inside. Although it appears to be a drawing at first glance, they note that it looks far too realistic. On the back of the image they find a note from Grisha, stating that the image is a "photograph" and that humanity has not been wiped out beyond the walls.[42]

Hange discusses Ymir's letter with Historia

Hange discusses Ymir's letter with Historia

Hange joins Levi and Armin in visiting Eren and Mikasa in prison, announcing that their sentence has been cut short. The group meets with Historia to speak with her, before meeting with other military commanders and officials to discuss the recent expedition, the journals, and the huge loss of life. Hange informs the officials about what was discovered from the journals, revealing their role as Subjects of Ymir, and how they are being hunted by others for once ruling the world and having the potential to rule it again.[43] Despite concerns of revealing this information to the citizens of the Walls, it is decided that they will announce their findings to the people.

Later, the nine surviving Scouts are awarded a medal of honor in the form of a dark bolo tie with the wings of freedom on it.

Hange and Levi at the ocean

Hange and Levi at the ocean

Months later, the Scout Regiment once again ventures outside of Wall Maria on an expedition for the first time in six years. Eventually they come into contact with a Titan that is unable to walk and follow the trail left by its crawling until they reach the edge of Paradis Island. Here, the Scouts witness the sea for the first time. The soldiers dismount their horses, roll up their pant legs and step into the water in awe. Hange is very excited about the discovery of the sea and its scientific value.[44]

Marley arc

Roughly a year after the retaking of Wall Maria, Hange brings the Scouts to the shore of Paradis Island to defend the coast from Marleyan interference. Hange and Levi capture a soldier from the advance party of the first survey fleet, to use as a hostage. As Eren's Titan overpowers and beaches the fleet's main vessel, Hange welcomes the Marleyan soldiers and offers them tea. The captain refuses and gives his soldiers the order to fire; however, another soldier named Yelena shoots the captain dead and agrees to the invitation.

Hange examines a Marleyan pistol

Hange examines a Marleyan weapon

At a camp nearby, Hange inspects Yelena's Marleyan weaponry in amazement and is shocked when Onyankopon admits that Marley is capable of attacking from the sky. Hange asks why they have yet to attack with these capabilities and learns that, along with Titan activity making invasion difficult, Marley is in the middle of a war against multiple countries.

Hange correctly guesses that the two are spies working against Marley and is shocked to hear the one backing their efforts is none other than Zeke Jaeger. At an assembled meeting between the military, Hange passes on the list of requirements given by Zeke that would ensure his cooperation. The other military heads are initially skeptical about the plan, but Eren is able to back up Zeke's claims, convincing them to work with the volunteers. Hange works closely with Onyankopon, Yelena and several other Marleyan soldiers for the next three years, incorporating modern means of transportation like ports and train tracks on the shores of the island.[45]

Hange is bitter about Zeke's plan

Hange is bitter about Zeke's plan

Another year passes and Hange takes the Scouts to meet with an ambassador from the nation of Hizuru named Kiyomi Azumabito. Hange is present during the meeting where Kiyomi outlines the three procedures Paradis must follow in order to catch up with the other nations of the world, including Historia taking the role of the Beast Titan from Zeke Jaeger. Hange wonders if all of this would end in fifty years as Kiyomi suggests, or all Titan inheritor families would go through the same thing the Reiss family had for generations. Hange does not think it would be forgivable to leave such a problem for future generations.

In 853, Hange receives word from Hizuru saying that they will be unable to help Eldia trade with the outside world. Despite being disheartened initially, Hange decides to hold an expedition to Marley, intending to meet and build trust with the people outside the Walls.[46]

Roughly a year later, the Scouts journey to Marley's mainland to meet with Kiyomi. At the Azumabito estate, Hange and Kiyomi discuss the unlikeliness of Eldia forming friendly relationships with other countries. Hange decides the Corpsmen must remain undercover and place their faith in the "Association to protect the Subjects of Ymir" speaking at an international forum the following day.

The soldiers sit in on a speech by the association discussing the mistreatment of displaced Subjects of Ymir. They are horrified when the speaker begins calling for the hatred being shown towards Eldians worldwide to be redirected towards the Eldians living on Paradis. Eren slinks off during the hearing, and later sends letters to the Scouts, informing them of his intention to trust Zeke and attack Liberio.[47]

During the Scout Regiment's attack on Liberio, Hange takes command of the airship functioning as the Scouts' getaway vehicle. After collecting Armin from the nape of his Colossal Titan, Hange has Onyankopon follow a path of lights set up in the internment zone to ease the Scouts' extraction. Hange discusses the risky nature of the plan with Armin, wondering if he has been possessed by the ghost of Erwin.[48]

Yelena in the ship with Zeke, Eren and Hange

Hange discusses the success of the attack on the ship with Zeke

As the Scouts retreat to the airship, Hange leaves Onyankopon to ask Zeke if everything went to according to plan. Eren claims they have bought themselves some time by destroying the leaders of the Marley army and their naval ports but Hange retorts that his actions have made the entirety of Paradis Island a target to the rest of the world. Hange reprimands Eren for deciding to use himself as bait again, forcing the Scouts to come to save him once more. As a result, Hange declares that Eren has lost their trust.[49]

War for Paradis arc

Hange meets Eren in his cell

Hange meets Eren in his cell

After returning from Marley, Hange visits Eren in his cell and hears him talking to himself. Hange tries to get him to open up by reminding him of the first time they met, but Eren is not in the mood. Although Eren had insisted that there is a better alternative to Zeke's plan to maintain the Rumbling by having Historia bear as many royal-blooded children as possible, Hange states that no other option has presented itself.

Hange asks him if he no longer cared about Historia, considering all the trouble he has caused by acting independently of the Scout Regiment. Eren does not answer, and instead threatens Hange by grabbing them through the bars, saying that if there is another way they should tell him. Hange pulls free and leaves the prison, calling Eren a rebellious idiot. Outside, Hange laments that being made commander was Erwin's only mistake before he died.[46]

Hange assures Flegel of their good intentions

Hange assures Flegel of their good intentions

Hange later receives word that several recruits had leaked Eren's confinement to the press and goes to interrogate them. As Hange approaches the building where they are held, Hange is surrounded by members of the press who bombard Hange with questions. Hange tells them to take it up with the Military Police, but is confronted by both Roy and Flegel Reeves. Flegel asks Hange to look him in the eye and say he can still trust their judgment; after a pause, Hange merely states it is for the good of the entire Eldian race.

Hange goes in and confronts the leakers, asking Floch why they did it. After hearing it was to free Eren, Hange reminds the four that his actions have given a reason for the other nations of the world to target them and endangered all their lives. Hange goes on to say that there is no guarantee the Rumbling will even work at all. After hearing Floch ask Eren be freed immediately, Hange reiterates that they went through with Zeke's plan but the responsibility is still Hange's; they have the four arrested and taken away to be punished. Alone in the room, Hange remembers their conversation with Djel Sannes and mentions there is still something they need to do.[50]

Hange speaks to Onyankopon

Hange speaks to Onyankopon

Hange meets with Onyankopon, who asks them why the Walls are doubting the volunteers after all their cooperation. Hange apologizes for this, telling him that this was not what they had envisioned. When he agrees, Hange fearfully looks into his eyes for confirmation. Hange tells him about the secret meeting between Yelena and Eren, and Onyankopon shows himself to have been unaware of this, though does not deny that it was likely.

Hange asks him to inform on Yelena, who he says had shown her loyalty to Zeke by her ruthlessness towards suspect Marleyan comrades. Hange finds it odd that Yelena had acted so ruthlessly toward Marleyans, yet had been very outspoken in convincing the military to respect the captive soldiers' human rights. Believing him to be innocent, Hange releases Onyankopon from his house arrest and takes him. During an emergency military meeting, Hange provides an alibi for the volunteers stating that they are under house arrest while Onyankopon was with Hange all day. Hange is shocked to hear Eren has escaped his confinement and blocked the tunnel he made to cover his escape.

The military reconvenes following Eren's escape

Hange and the military reconvene after Eren's escape

Hange informs the military officials that the Jaegerists's purpose is to put Zeke and Eren in contact with one another before purging the Scouts with Eren at their center. Hange then mentions the military's plan to transfer the Founding from Eren to another soldier is what triggered the rebel's response. Roeg then demands Hange take responsibility but is interrupted by Pyxis who insists they stop bickering among themselves.

Pyxis then asks Hange how many people know about Zeke's location before ordering to secure them. Afterwards, he announces they should surrender to Eren and begin negotiations much to everyone's surprise. After the meeting concludes, Hange and the other Scouts leave to investigate the Marleyans in suspicious lines of work since they need to find out Zeke's intentions before he makes bigger fools of them.[51]

Hange realizes Zeke lied

Hange realizes Zeke lied

The Scout officers later arrive at a restaurant and are told by Nicolo to wait in another room while he attends to his other guests. Hange is later called to the other room to find Nicolo threatening to kill two Marleyan Warrior candidates. After surrendering himself, Nicolo asks Hange to rinse the wine from the mouth of the wounded candidate, revealing that the wine likely contains Zeke's spinal fluid.

While Nicolo explains the reasons for his suspicion, Hange washes out the candidate's mouth. Conny exclaims how Eldians who drank the wine should have frozen up, but Hange explains that this could have easily been made up by Zeke to throw off suspicion.

While helping bathe the Warrior candidate in a backroom, Hange hears Onyankopon call their name. Opening the door in curiosity, Hange is shocked to find Floch and the Jaegerists holding Onyankopon hostage. With guns pointed at the Scouts, Floch demands that Hange take them to find Zeke, declaring that Eren has refused the military's ultimatum.

Hange tells Floch about the wine

Hange tells Floch about the wine

While being bound, Hange accosts Floch that they do not have the time to be fighting one another, as Zeke's wine ploy has put everybody into the palms of his hands. By his apathetic reaction, Hange is able to deduce that Floch already knew about the wine, though he smugly instructs Hange to keep quiet.[52] The Jaegerists then take the group to Shiganshina District. En route, Falco experiences a sudden shock, causing Hange to realize that Zeke has activated his spinal fluid.

After arriving in Shiganshina District, the Jaegerists interrupt the 109th Cadet Corps during a defense exercise. Floch demands that all of the assembled cadets join the Jaegerists and that they prove their loyalty by brutally beating their commandant, Keith Sadies - much to Hange's shock.

Hange tells Floch to stop

Hange tells Floch to stop

Hange implores Floch to stop this, but Keith assures them he will be okay. After the Jaegerist-turned cadets finish beating him, Floch demands that Hange lead them to Zeke as Hange gazes sadly at the injured instructor.[53]

As the Jaegerists head towards the Forest of the Giant Trees where Zeke was being watched by Levi and 30 Scouts, Hange hears the explosion of a Thunder Spear, and realizes that it came much closer than the forest.[54] The Jaegerists go to investigate and they discover the remains of a wagon along with a Titan nearby. Hange spots a body near the river and is horrified to learn that it is Levi. When a soldier volunteers to shoot Levi in the head as a precaution, Hange responds that there is no need to as he has already died from his injuries. Floch attempts to confirm Levi's death, but the nearby Titan begins to dissipate, followed by a fully-healed Zeke emerging from its stomach. Taking advantage of the distraction, Hange takes Levi and escapes by diving into the river while Jaegerists give chase on horseback.[55]

Hange kills the last pursuer

Hange kills the last pursuer

After killing their pursuers, Hange dresses Levi's wounds. Hange laments the situation they have been placed in, but begins fashioning a sled for Levi out of his destroyed wagon shortly after. As Hange is working, Eren announces the start of the Rumbling to all Eldian people through the Paths, much to Hange's horror. The message manages to rouse Levi and the two resolve to find a way to stop Eren.[56]

While transporting Levi, Hange comes upon the Cart Titan and a Marleyan soldier before approaching them, insisting that they are harmless.[57] Hange and Levi are able to convince the Warriors and the four agree to join forces.[56]

Hange sneaks into Shiganshina and contacts Jean and Mikasa. Hange informs the two of the plan to join forces with Marley to stop Eren and asks that they also take part. Although Mikasa agrees, Jean is hesitant. Hange tries to argue that even if Eren is stopped, his threat will stave off any attacks on Paradis for a number of years and give them more time to broker peace with the outside world.

Jean's continued objections cause Hange to become angry and scream their objection before apologizing. Hange admits that their refusal to act is what forced Eren's hand, but they also make it clear that they do not believe any of their fallen comrades in the Scout Regiment would have been happy simply saving one island when the rest of the world was at stake.

Hange remembers fallen comrades

Hange remembers fallen comrades

Hange feels as though they can see the souls of their dissatisfied fallen comrades surrounding them. Hange admits that they are no longer Jean and the others' superior, but they are still the 14th commander of the Scouts. Jean then states that he is also a Scout, and agrees to join Hange in their pursuit.

After the Cart Titan rescues Jean, Onyankopon, and Yelena from the Jaegerists and Mikasa arrives with more reinforcements, the amassed soldiers all have dinner together. Tensions run high between the Warrior Unit and the Scouts and Hange is forced to intercede in the arguments that break out while Hange is cooking.

Hange deduces the Rumbling's speed

Hange deduces the Rumbling's speed

The group travels to the Paradis' harbor to use the Azumabito clan's airship, only to find that the Jaegerists are already occupying it.[58] Hange deduces from the fact that the airship is still intact that the Jaegerists are not yet certain that anyone plans to oppose Eren and will not destroy the airship unless absolutely necessary. As Hange is watching the harbor, they realize that, based on the trail of steam left by Eren's Colossal Titans, Marley has likely already begun to feel the effects of the Rumbling.

With little time left to act, the group hatches a plan to trick Floch into freeing the Azumabito mechanics so that they can activate the airship. The plan goes awry and Floch alerts the Jaegerists in the harbor that they are under attack. Hange, Magath and Jean help Mikasa escort the Azumabito to the basement of the building they are being held in, giving Reiner and Annie the freedom to transform and fight the Jaegerists as Titans.[59]

Hange realizes Liberio is doomed

Hange realizes Liberio is doomed

While sheltered, the mechanics inform the group, to their horror, that it will take them at least half a day to prepare the flying boat for launch. Hange laments that even if they get the boat running, the amount of time it will require and the rate that Eren's Titans are traveling will mean that they have no chance of saving Liberio. Kiyomi suggests bringing the flying boat to an island off Marley's coast, Odiha, where it can be serviced quicker, which the group agrees to.

Hange brings news of the new plan to Mikasa before engaging the Jaegerists themselves, helping to distract them as the Azumabitos go to the ship. However, Hange turns their attention to the Jaegerists reinforcements arriving by train and is baffled when it is derailed. Once the ship is ready to leave, Hange helps an injured Pieck board it before the group departs.

Hange reveals Liberio had been destroyed

Hange reveals Liberio had been destroyed

Once on the boat, Hange and Kiyomi reveal to the group that they will be heading to Odiha instead of Liberio, much to the Warriors' distress. Hange also states that Liberio cannot be saved anymore which prompts Annie to try and leave the group, and Hange attempts to talk her down by reminding her that there are more lives at stake than just Marley and Liberio.[60]

Upon reaching Odiha Hange has the Azumabito mechanics begin preparing the flying boat for departure while Hange interrogates Yelena about Eren's next destination. Yelena admits that Eren will likely be heading to Fort Salta, but she asks in exchange for Hange to admit that Zeke's euthanization plan was correct. Hange admits to their powerlessness in not being able to provide Eren a better option.

As preparations for the flying boat near completion, Hange and the remaining Scouts equip their gear. Hange attempts to give the Warriors a chance to back out, but Reiner and Pieck insist on continuing with them. As the soldiers and Warriors return to preparing, Hange asks Levi if he believes that their fallen comrades are watching them. Hange's musings are interrupted by Floch, who arrives in the hangar and begins firing his pistol. Mikasa manages to mortally injure him, but Floch succeeds in rupturing the flying boat's fuel tank and the mechanics tell Hange it will take an hour to fix.

Hange decides to stall the Wall Titans

Hange decides to stall the Wall Titans

Before they can start repairs, though, the group realizes that they can feel the ground Rumbling.

As Armin and Reiner argue on who will stay behind and slow down the Rumbling's advance, Hange interrupts them, stating that they cannot use up any more of their Titan's powers. Hange states their intention to stay behind and names Armin the 15th commander of the Scout Regiment. As Hange departs, the former commander takes a moment to say goodbye to Levi and is left ecstatic to hear him to them to dedicate their heart for the first time.

Hange falls to their death

Hange falls to their death

Flying out to meet the Titans, Hange takes a moment to admire the sight of the Titans before engaging them. Hange quickly uses up their two Thunder Spears to take down two Titans, and, seeing that the group will need more time, prepares to kill using their blades. Getting close enough to kill the Titans with blades cause Hange to immediately begin suffering burns, but they manage to endure the heat long enough for the flying boat to take off before succumbing to their injuries.

Hange awakens on the trampled ground, worried for the flying boat and its occupants, but Erwin reassures them that it successfully departed and their sacrifice had paid off. Overjoyed to be reunited with all of the fallen soldiers, Hange recounts the hardships experienced as Commander, while many friends listen in.[8]



Hange's drive for knowledge of Titans often aided them in acquiring information, they would spend hours studying Titan subjects and Eren Jaeger when he was transformed. Thanks to information left behind by Ilse Langnar, they were able to get authorization for operations to capture and study Titans in the Scout Regiment despite being turned down several times. Hange was able to use their intelligence and wits paired with any means necessary to devise cunning plans and get people to do what they need them to do, such as Pastor Nick.[15][16][10][19][20]

Omni-directional mobility gear

Hange had displayed a lot of skill while operating their gear. Hange's passion for Titans had them constantly very close to them and because of this, had developed an impressive reaction time that helped Hange to always slip through their fingers.[6]


  • Levi Ackermann - Levi often used insulting terms to refer to Hange and he seemed annoyed by their eccentric behavior. Hange admired Levi's skill and worked well together as senior members of the Scout Regiment.[15][6]
  • Moblit Berner - He was Hange's personal assistant, he helped them with projects or with certain tasks. He became easily worried of Hange's insane gestures, sometimes reprimanding them for dangerous actions. He often spent time trying to protect them from the test subjects.[13][23] Moblit dedicated his life to his work and to Hange, proving so when he sacrificed his life to save Hange during the Battle of Shiganshina District.[11]
  • Eren Jaeger - Hange was one of the first to welcome him into the Scout Regiment, and was put in charge of studying him. Hange took to this with great enthusiasm and infatuation.[2][13]
  • Erwin Smith - He included Hange in top-secret missions such as capturing the Female Titan in the Forest of Giant Trees and in Stohess District. Erwin trusted Hange's tactics, strategies and gambles such as where the Armored Titan would stay to recover from his fight.[7][17][24]

People killed

Failed attempt


  • The manga's author, Hajime Isayama, has left Hange's gender open to interpretation as he told his editor that 'either one is fine'[61] and instructed Kodansha Comics not to confirm any gender in their translation.[62] Since then, Kodansha has removed gendered pronouns for Hange in their translation and clarified that indeed, Hange's gender is up to the reader's interpretation.[9]
    • Additionally, Hange's voice actress Romi Park has stated that she has been instructed not to consider Hange's gender when performing the character.[63]
  • Although the anime's website uses Kodansha's English translations of characters' names, Hange's name is translated as "Hans Zoe." "Hans" is a diminutive of the German masculine name "Johannes," which is itself a German variant of the name "John," meaning "God has been gracious." "Zoe" is a Greek name meaning "life."
  • Hange believed they got along with Levi best among the Scout Regiment soldiers.[64]
  • In 2015, Isayama revealed on his blog that he had selected the song "True to Oneself" by Shinsei Kamattechan as a character song for Hange.[65]
    • It is notable that this song's subject deals with defying conventional gender stereotypes, which could reference Isayama's comments that he wants Hange's gender to be left ambiguous to the reader.
  • Rough sketches of manga panels included at the Attack on Titan: Final Manga Exhibition revealed that a placeholder name for Hange was Yamada Hanako (山田花子 Yamada Hanako?).
    • In the rough sketches Miche Zacharius is referred to by the name "Yamada Taro", suggesting a possible familial connection was intended between the two.


  1. "登場人物". Retrieved on August 27th, 2018.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Attack on Titan anime: Episode 14
  3. "登場人物". Retrieved on March 15th, 2022.
  4. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 40 — Dub.
  5. Attack on Titan Guidebook (p. 81)
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Attack on Titan anime: Episode 9
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Attack on Titan anime: Episode 20
  8. 8.0 8.1 Attack on Titan anime: Special 1
  9. 9.0 9.1 "Kodansha Comics Official Tumblr". — Kodansha Comics: "Hange’s gender is open to whatever interpretation you care to have". Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "dKodansha Comics: "Hange’s gender is open to whatever interpretation you care to have"tKodansha Comics Official Tumblr" defined multiple times with different content
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Attack on Titan anime: Episode 26
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Attack on Titan anime: Episode 55
  12. Attack on Titan Guidebook (p. 227)
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Attack on Titan anime: Episode 15
  14. Attack on Titan anime: OVA 5
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 Attack on Titan anime: OVA 1
  16. 16.0 16.1 Attack on Titan anime: Episode 19
  17. 17.0 17.1 Attack on Titan anime: Episode 24
  18. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 25
  19. 19.0 19.1 Attack on Titan anime: Episode 27
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 Attack on Titan anime: Episode 28
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 Attack on Titan anime: Episode 31
  22. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 30
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Attack on Titan anime: Episode 32
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 Attack on Titan anime: Episode 33
  25. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 34
  26. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 37
  27. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 38
  28. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 39
  29. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 40
  30. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 41
  31. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 42
  32. 32.0 32.1 32.2 Attack on Titan anime: Episode 44
  33. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 45
  34. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 46
  35. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 47
  36. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 48
  37. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 49
  38. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 50
  39. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 51
  40. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 52
  41. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 54
  42. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 56
  43. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 58
  44. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 59
  45. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 68
  46. 46.0 46.1 Attack on Titan anime: Episode 69
  47. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 87
  48. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 66
  49. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 67
  50. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 70
  51. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 71
  52. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 72
  53. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 73
  54. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 75
  55. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 76
  56. 56.0 56.1 56.2 56.3 Attack on Titan anime: Episode 83
  57. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 82
  58. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 84
  59. Attack on Titan anime: Episode 85
  60. 60.0 60.1 60.2 Attack on Titan anime: Episode 86
  61. "Shingeki no Kyojin Twitter". — Isayama about Hange's gender: "either one is fine".
  62. "Kodansha Comics Official Tumblr". — Kodansha Comics: "we’re not allowed to confirm Hange’s gender".
  63. "Hange's gender is? Radio Corps episode with Romi Park".
  64. Bessatsu Magazine, April 2016 issue
  65. "The Best Album of Shinsei Kamattechan". Hajime Isayama's blog. — Isayama mentions that he has selected a character song for Hange.

