Attack on Titan Wiki
Attack on Titan Wiki
The trainees offer up their hearts to mankind
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All registered users of the Attack on Titan Wiki are automatically given their own User Page and Message Wall. However, with this privilege, come some basic rules that must be obeyed.

What is a User Page?

  • The User Page is your own personal page. On the wiki, User Pages are generally used as a "user profile". They give information about a user and their activities on the wiki, ranging from what pages they edit, what they are editing, what rights they hold, what groups they are a member of, etc. They can also show your favorite pages, major contributions to the wiki and what project you are currently undertaking on the wiki.

Rules of the User Page

  • No illegal, inappropriate or offensive content - You may place whatever you want on your own User Page, so long as it is not illegal, inappropriate, or offensive.
  • No user is allowed to edit another user's User Page without their expressed permission. A user may, of course, ask for help with their page, and you may offer your assistance on their Message Wall if you believe that they are having difficulty. If another user edits your User Page without permission, you can report it to an Administrator. The only exceptions to this are Administrators and Content Moderators if they are editing the pages to do maintenance for the site or to fix something that violates policy.
  • No user is allowed to copy a character's article and paste it on their User Page - Similarly, no user is allowed to use categories for their User Page that are also used on articles on the site.
  • No user is allowed to fabricate info that directly affects the site - For example, no user may say that they are an Administrator when they are not.
  • No user is allowed to copy any other user's user page in it's entirety (or near entirety) - This does not mean that you can't copy someone's user page set up or templates or anything like that, it means that you are not to take another users information and say that it is yours. Contact one of our Administrators, if you are unsure what this rule means exactly.

What is the Message Wall

  • The user's Message Wall is a public place to talk with a user and to discuss that user and their activities on the wiki. Use it to ask questions and request help. If somebody leaves you a message on your Message Wall, you will be notified via a banner that will appear at the bottom of all pages when you next open a page on the wiki.

Rules of the Message Wall

  • Do not delete messages from other users - Content should not to be deleted from a user's Message Wall, except to remove abusive or inappropriate content.