Attack on Titan Wiki
Attack on Titan Wiki

Nile Dawk (ナイル・ドーク Nairu Dōku?) was the commander (師団長 Shidanchō?) of the Military Police Regiment.

Zeke Jaeger transformed Nile into a Titan when the Marleyan military launched a counter offensive on Shiganshina.


Human form[]

Nile was an average built man with short, thin black hair that was cut closely on the sides and back. His eyes were dark in color and he sported a thin mustache and goatee. Nile was always seen wearing the standard Military Police uniform; although he wore a red bolo tie similar to that of his fellow military commanders.[2]

Pure Titan form[]

After transformation, he was fast enough to almost kill Kaya, Nicolo, and Artur Braus. His human appearance doesn't change much in Titan form, as he's retained most to all his physical features.[3]


Nile prided himself on being a very rational individual. Whenever he was faced with a tough choice, he weighed all possible options and chose the one that made the most sense to him. He wanted to have Eren Jaeger executed, but was not blind to his usefulness like Pastor Nick was.[2] He determined that the potential civil war within the Walls was too great a cost, especially considering that the Scout Regiment could not guarantee anything about Eren. However, he relented his position when Levi proposed that the Military Police would be ill-equipped to deal with Eren in his Titan form.[4]

Nile was never totally committed to one way, and would change his opinion as the situation develops. A similar instance is when he questioned Erwin Smith due to him violating laws and command structure, but allowed his plan to go on since the Female Titan was already released and it would be very difficult to stop it without Erwin leading the Scout Regiment.[4] Nile took his job very seriously unlike most of the other officers in the Military Police who spent all their time gambling and drinking.


Eve of the Counterattack arc[]

Nile and Waltz salute Premier Zachary

Nile and Waltz salute Premier Zachary

Nile is seen at the place of the incoming trial of Eren Jaeger. He remarks on how the commoners are a rash lot for thinking of Eren as a savior and says that he will not let the Scout Regiment have Eren, and states that he will be disposed of by the Military Police. Nile and the rest of the soldiers then salute the head of all three Military branches, Premier Dhalis Zachary, who arrives at the location of the trial.

Nile appears as the leader of the Military Police during the trial, he advocates killing Eren due to the impending civil war, but he does analyze and weigh the different pros and cons of Eren before making his final decision. He recognizes that Eren's Titan powers had saved Trost District, but threaten the balance of power within human society. While mainly business and Wall Rose residents support Eren, most people of importance such as the clergy, view Eren as a danger.

Nile at trial

Nile Dawk proposes to have Eren killed

Thus, Nile concludes that to avoid civil war, Eren must not be allowed to live. Eren responds by calling him and his group a bunch of cowards, and Nile wants to have him killed; however, Levi interferes by beating Eren in front of everyone. Dhalis Zachary ultimately places Eren in the Scout Regiment, and Nile is displeased that he lost the trial; however, he asks Erwin Smith how the Scout Regiment intends to perform a mission to Wall Maria.[2]

Assault on Stohess arc[]

After a battle breaks out in Stohess District, Nile questions Erwin's actions, saying that they are a clear act of treason against the Royal Government and, at gunpoint, orders him to remove his gear.[4] Erwin admits that he acted on his own authority and this angers Nile, he grabs him by the collar telling him that he had to have known what this plan of his would have caused in the city.

Nile holds Erwin at gunpoint

Nile holds Erwin at gunpoint

Nile calls him a traitor and believes that none of the higher-ups will complain if he executes him now. Erwin then says that Nile will be in charge, telling him to not let the Female Titan escape. Nile interrupts him and asks if he really thinks this is for humanity's sake. When Erwin says he believes it will serve as a step forward, Nile orders his soldiers to lower their guns and cuff him. Going by his suspicions, he orders to deploy all troops and focus on evacuating the citizens, choosing to let a court of law decide how to execute Erwin.[5]

Royal Government arc[]

When the royal government declares a freeze on Scout Regiment activity, Nile personally oversees the confiscation all of the Scouts' possessions.[6] After Nile's soldiers have taken everything, Erwin asks to speak with him personally. Nile makes it clear that he is not interested, and becomes alarmed when Erwin begins musing about whether or not the government can be trusted, and demands to know what Erwin is planning to do.[7]

Nile informs Erwin about his audience

Nile informs Erwin about his audience with the King

When Erwin is arrested for the murder supposedly caused by the Scout Regiment, Nile visits him in his cell, letting him know that his audience with the King has been scheduled. Ignoring the news, Erwin chooses instead to ask Nile how his family is doing and where they are currently living. Taken off guard, Nile says they should be fine, though he has not been home in a while. They live in the eastern section of Wall Rose. Satisfied, Erwin tells Nile that he is leaving something up to Commander Pyxis, and if the time comes, he will be watching for Nile's decision.[8]

The next day, Nile joins other military officials in the King's throne room for Erwin's audience. The meeting ends in Erwin being sentenced to death, causing Nile to wonder if everything is truly going as Erwin planned.[1]

Nile refuses to close the gates

Nile refuses to close the gates

Before Erwin can be led away, Anka Rheinberger bursts in, announcing the fall of Wall Rose and that refugees are fleeing towards Wall Sina. In his shock, Nile remembers his conversation with Erwin and realizes that Erwin knew this would happen. As Pyxis tries to mobilize his forces to aid in the evacuation, the government officials order that the gates to Wall Sina be shut to all refugees. Though Nile tries to reason with the officials, as there is no guarantee that admitting refugees would cause a civil war, he is angrily rebuffed merely on the possibly that a war could happen. When he does not take action immediately, he is warned that disobeying would be treason. Nonetheless, Nile declares that he will not allow the gates to be closed.[1]

At that moment, Premier Dhalis Zachary appears with a group of soldiers, revealing that Anka's announcement was a fabrication and Wall Rose has not been breached. The military arrests the officials in a coup d'état, finding them too selfish to rule humanity, and as they are led away, Nile concedes to Erwin that he has won his gamble. However, he is perplexed when Erwin is not happy with the result. Erwin warns Nile that humanity has been forced onto an even more dangerous path.[1]

Nile briefs the press

Nile briefs the press

Following the coup d'état, Nile explains to the press that military's true goal is not to impose military rule on the Walls but to restore the true royal family as the leaders of humanity.[1]

In preparation for Historia Reiss's crowning as queen, Nile oversees the construction of a stage where she can be crowned in front of the public. During the coronation proper, Nile is among the military leaders who bow to Historia as she is crowned by Zachary.[9]

On the evening of the mission to retake Wall Maria, Nile stands among the other Military leaders, saluting the Scout Regiment farewell before their expedition to Shiganshina District.[10]

Return to Shiganshina arc[]

As Armin Arlelt explains his plan for victory against the Colossal Titan to Eren, Nile sits with the other military leaders drinking tea and worrying if the operation to retake Wall Maria and humanity's land will be successful.[11]

Nile regrets teasing Erwin

Nile regrets teasing Erwin

While they wait for the Scouts to return, Nile discusses with the military leaders a claim that Erwin had made once, that it was impossible for them to truly be sure that humanity beyond the walls was wiped as they had no way of leaving the Walls to be sure. Nile notes that at the time he had laughed at Erwin's seemingly ridiculous notion and made fun of him, but has since begun to believe differently. Zachary tells Nile that his only option is to apologize to Erwin once he returns. Shortly afterward, Anka notifies them that the Scouts have returned to Wall Rose.[12]

Nile attends the meeting to debrief the survivors of the mission to reclaim Wall Maria.[13]

Marley arc[]

In 851, Nile attends the meeting to discuss Zeke Jaeger's plan to free the Eldian people. Though Zeke's message declines to offer specifics, Eren Jaeger puts enough of the pieces together that Hange Zoë, the new commander of the Scouts, admits that Zeke's proposal would make sense. Nile objects to trusting the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers, but the meeting concludes with the Scout Regiment agreeing to work with them.[14]

War for Paradis arc[]

Nile is against transforming Historia

Nile argues against transforming Historia

Following the arrest of the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers in 854, Nile has dinner with other officers in the Military Police Regiment. Roeg begins complaining about Historia Reiss's decision to have a child with a common man and Nile defends her right to choose her child's father, pointing out the additional benefit that the man she chose has no political connection and cannot be used as a pawn. However, Roeg believes that Historia's pregnancy was planned to avoid inheriting the Beast Titan as soon as Zeke handed himself over. Roeg proposes that they go ahead with having Historia inherit even though she is pregnant but Nile denies him, pointing out that doing so now would most likely endanger her and the child's life.[15]

After a bomb is detonated in Dhalis Zachary's office, killing him and three members of the Military Police, Nile holds a meeting with other members of the military elite to determine the culprits. Hange Zoë has an alibi for the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers, and Armin Arlelt reveals that he saw recruits from the Scout Regiment at the headquarters that day. Nile recalls that several Scouts were responsible for leaking Eren Jaeger's arrest to the public, but before he can make any accusations the meeting is interrupted by the news that Eren has escaped from his jail cell.[16]

Nile does not deny Hange's accusation

Nile explains the lack of cooperation with the Scouts

Following the investigation into the military dissidents, Nile reports that a hundred soldiers, including their guards, have disappeared. The Military Police believe that the soldiers, who Nile dubs "Jaegerists," have deserted in order to follow Eren. Nile asks if Hange knows what their goal is and Hange assumes that they intend to put Eren and Zeke into contact with one another. The plan to transfer the Founding Titan from Eren to another soldier, without informing the Scouts, was likely the breaking point. However, Nile points out that it would not have been constructive if they had.[16]

Dot Pyxis interrupts the meeting and asks Nile if the Queen's residence has been secured. Nile informs him that he will double check, but only a few soldiers are aware of her location. When Pyxis indicates that he does not intend to try rooting out any remaining traitors from their ranks, Nile asks if he intends to surrender to the Jaeger brothers. Pyxis says they will negotiate, and the death of their Premier and the three other soldiers is a cheap price to pay for peace. Nile salutes along with the other soldiers when Pyxis dismisses them.

Nile feels Zeke's scream

Nile feels Zeke's scream

When Zeke uses his scream in the Titan Forest, Nile and several others from the Military Police experience a sudden shock of electricity run through them.[17] Nile is imprisoned by the Jaegerists along with other military soldiers who drank the wine infused with Zeke's spinal fluid. While in his cell, he overhears the commotion caused by Pieck.[18] Nile suggests that Marley might have come to save Falco Grice, who is imprisoned along with him. Although Falco is unconvinced, Nile encourages him to take the opportunity to flee home to Marley if he finds the chance, lamenting that he himself will likely not be able to see his wife and daughters again.[19]

Nile before turning into a Titan

Nile about to transform into a Titan after Zeke's scream

The Jaegerists are forced to release their prisoners so that they will have more manpower to combat Marley, and Nile is one of the soldiers positioned on the ground without ODMG. As they are leaving the military headquarters, Falco spots his older brother hiding nearby. Nile tells the other soldiers that he will detain Falco in one of the nearby homes, and immediately hands Falco off to his brother, ordering the boy to return home.[19]

Nile joins the other members of the military, coordinating with Commander Pyxis in leading the military to fight against the Marley soldiers. However, Zeke screams and triggers all the affected Eldians in Shiganshina District to transform into Pure Titans.[20]

Gabi kills Nile's Pure Titan

Nile is killed

As a Titan, Nile chases the Braus family before cornering one of them within an alley. As Nile lunges forward to attack, he is shot several times and killed by an anti-Titan rifle wielded by Gabi Braun, with the second shot blowing his head off.[3]


Nile's combat prowess was never explicitly demonstrated. However, seeing how he managed to rank high enough in the cadet squads to gain entry into Military Police, it can be assumed that his combat skills are similar to his fellow cadet Erwin.


  • Erwin Smith - Nile and Erwin were good friends in their youth, both of whom attended the same Cadet Corps. They both fell in love with the same woman, Marie, and Nile eventually chose not to join the Scout Regiment in order to start a family with her. After the fall of Wall Maria, their relationship had been strained and Nile had forced himself to doubt Erwin and his intentions due to the reckless behavior of the Scouting Regiment, but the differences were eventually settled. Though not as close as they used to be, Nile and Erwin still talked occasionally.
  • Marie Dawk - As his wife and the mother of his children, Nile clearly loved Marie. She met Erwin and Nile in a bar, but because Erwin chose to join the Scout Regiment, she ended up eventually marrying Nile instead. Nile said that he was proud he had a family, so protecting Marie and their children was his top priority.[8]
  • Historia Reiss - After the coup d'état that established Historia as the true ruler of the Eldian people, Nile pledged his loyalty to the new queen. He recognized that she was forced into the role to suit their needs and had come to her defense several times, including when several Military Police officers had criticized her background and choices.[15]
  • Falco Grice - Nile spent part of his time imprisoned with Falco, slowly bonding over their shared fate of possibly being transformed into Titans. Even though they were enemies, Nile urged Falco to take advantage of Marley's attack to escape Paradis and return back home to his family. Due to his comments about possibly never seeing his family again, Nile unknowingly provided Falco with the courage to admit to his comrades Colt and Gabi his hand in the attack on Liberio, as well as his feelings about Gabi before it was too late.[19]

People killed[]

Failed attempts[]


