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Quote1 It's all okay, Falco! Your brother is here with you! Quote2
— Colt moments before his death[2]

Colt Grice (コルト・グライス Koruto Guraisu?) was an Eldian living in Marley and the older brother of Falco Grice. He was a Warrior candidate (戦士候補生 Senshi Kōho-sei?, also translated as "Warrior Cadet") set to be the next inheritor of the Beast Titan before his death.[1]


Colt Anime Appearance

Colt's appearance

Colt was a physically fit, tall young man with long face, light hazel eyes and short blond hair. Like his fellow Warrior candidates, he typically wore the standard Marleyan soldier uniform consisting of a light jacket and pants, supply packs on the hip, suspender straps, a hard hat with a stripe around it, and tall combat boots. As an Eldian, his uniform was different from that of the Marleyans, as his shirt collar had a small badge of the Eldian star instead of a small clip and his helmet had the same star with a brightly colored stripe instead of a pure black stripe. As is law in Marley, Colt also branded an Eldian armband as all his family and ancestors residing there did.


Colt was a dedicated and brave soldier, risking his life to go retrieve his wounded brother Falco Grice after he came under enemy fire. He showed great care for his brother as he gave him his hard hat as they fled and made sure his wounds were treated when they returned to the hiding trench. While caring and brave, Colt was also a tactical soldier who worked with his Commander to plan their attacks, despite his superior officers looking down on him for being an Eldian. Colt always appeared to have a guess of what moves might be made in advance by the enemy and tried to strategize to use their forces and the power of the Titans to take out the threat without losing lives.[1]

Colt was shown to be very irresponsible when not on duty, and was well known among his allies for his penchant for alcohol.[3]


Marley arc[]

Colt saves Falco

Colt saves Falco and brings him to safety

Colt and the Warrior Candidates are part of the Eldian force dispatched to attack Fort Slava at the end of the Marley Mid-East War.[1] During the fight, Falco Grice is injured by enemy fire and Colt is forced to carry his brother back to Marley's trenches. Upon their return, their fellow candidates tend to Falco's wounds while Colt reports to Commander Theo Magath. Magath shows concern for Colt's well being but then demeans him when he reports that they are unable to dig any further due to enemy fire. Colt voices concerns over the enemies' artillery, suggesting that Porco Galliard and Pieck handle the enemy gunmen, but Magath refuses. After Gabi manages to destroy the fort's anti-Titan artillery singlehandedly, Falco leaves the trenches to try to help her, to Colt's alarm.[1]

After the war Colt, as the candidate who will inherit the Beast Titan next, attends a meeting with Zeke Jaeger and Marley military's high-ranking officers. After the meeting, Colt talks to Zeke about his Beast Titan's power, marveling at Zeke's unique ability to create Titans. Their conversation is halted when Magath arrives.

Colt drunkenly celebrates their victory

Colt drunkenly celebrates their victory

While the Eldian unit is returning to Marley via train, Colt gets drunk and begins to praise Gabi for her bravery in taking the Armored Train, starting a celebration among his fellow soldiers. The train arrives at Liberio the following day and Colt, hung over, needs has to be helped off the train by Galliard. Back in the internment zone, he meets his parents.

Colt is later summoned to the Warriors' headquarters, where he attends a meeting with the current Warriors to discuss the dangerous position Marley's weakened state puts the Eldian people in, and Zeke's plan to resume the attack on Paradis Island.[3]

Colt is pessimist about Falco's success

Colt is pessimist about Falco's success

Colt attends a strategic meeting to determine how best to strike at Paradis Island. After the meeting, he and the Warriors witness Falco beat Gabi in a sprinting exercise. Colt notes that it is already too late for Falco to improve his grades enough to surpass Gabi.

On the day of Willy Tybur's festival, Colt and the Warriors gather to watch Willy's play. Colt is concerned by Falco's tardiness, but his brother soon arrives asking to borrow Reiner for a moment.[4]

At his seat, Colt notes the number of high ranking officials, ambassadors from other nations, and reporters who have all come to Liberio for Willy Tybur's stage festival; admiring what the Tybur family is capable of. After the play on stage starts, Colt and his fellow Warrior candidates are left stunned when Willy reveals the truth behind the Great Titan War having been put to an end by the 145th King, Karl Fritz. He continues to listen with the others as Willy continues his speech. When Willy declares war on Paradis Island, he witnesses Eren Jaeger's Attack Titan burst through a nearby building and crush the stage, killing Lord Tybur and sending debris into the crowd.[5]

Colt and Gabi take cover

Colt and Gabi take cover

Colt is quick to act, pulling Gabi and Udo to their feet. He attempts to drag them away from the area, but when Udo spots Zofia's corpse, he pulls away from Colt's grasp. He reaches out for Udo, only for a stampede of panicked crowd-members to carry Colt and Gabi away, trampling Udo in the process. Colt and Gabi are forced to take cover behind a rock, until the pandemonium passes.

After recovering Udo's battered form, Colt and Gabi rush away from the stage, with Udo's body. He expresses shock in the manner that Marley has been thrown into another war, when Gabi asks about Udo. He neglects to give her an answer, but instead tells her that they need to rush to a hospital. At this time, he starts to fret over where Falco is. They reach a hospital and Colt begs a doctor to take a look at Udo, but the doctor refuses, stating that their beds are full and Udo is already dead.

Colt fails to stop Gabi from leaving

Colt fails to stop Gabi from leaving

Disheartened, Colt puts Udo's corpse on the ground and asks Gabi to stay with her family and get as far away from the plaza as possible while he goes to look for Falco. However, Gabi refuses and runs towards the combat zone to help fight as Colt vainly tries to stop her.[6]

Colt manages to find Gabi and Falco but is unable to stop them from using an enemy soldier's ODM gear to get on board the airship and can only watch as they are carried away.[7]

War for Paradis arc[]

Magath briefs the Warriors

Colt attends a meeting with the Warriors

Colt takes part in a meeting with Magath and the other Warriors. He is alarmed after hearing of Zeke's betrayal and Magath's plan to attack Paradis Island alongside the Global Alliance. He asks if they should have to wait that long to rescue Gabi and Falco before Reiner declares they should launch a surprise attack immediately.[8]

Colt takes part in Marley's retaliation attack against Paradis, stationed aboard one of Marley's airships.[9] He parachutes into Shiganshina with Magath and a group of soldiers, meeting up with Pieck Finger and Gabi in the district.

Colt learns Falco consumed Zeke's spinal fluid

Colt learns Falco consumed Zeke's spinal fluid

He is horrified to learn from Gabi that Falco has consumed Zeke's spinal fluid and been imprisoned by the Paradis military. Gabi further tells them about what she heard on the airship and Colt is stunned at the possibility of Zeke possessing royal blood.[10] As Zeke joins the battle to aid Eren against Marley's Titans, Colt orders Gabi to board the airships Marley will be using to retreat while he goes to rescue Falco. Although he tries to dissuade her, Gabi insists that she will help him.

Arriving at the district's military headquarters, Colt and Gabi find Falco but are forced to stay out of sight of the soldiers with him. One of the soldiers with Falco spots them, but Gabi stops Colt from engaging him. The soldier discretely brings Falco to them and orders them to get him to safety before returning to his comrades.

The three take refuge in an abandoned building and Colt demands to know how Gabi knew to stop him from engaging the soldier. Gabi admits that she has learned that the Eldians on Paradis are simply normal people, leading Falco to admit to his unwitting role in Eren's attack on Liberio, much to Colt's horror.

Colt pleads with Zeke

Colt attempts to plead with Zeke

As Falco begins to lament that he will soon be transformed into a Titan, Colt assures him that if they can reach Zeke and let him know about Falco's condition, it is possible Zeke will not transform him.[11]

Reaching Zeke right before he lets out a scream, Colt reveals that Falco had ingested some of his former superior's spinal fluid, and thus, he begs Zeke to wait until Falco is well out of range before screaming. He declares that he does not care what happens to anyone else currently on Paradis, Eldian or Marleyan, as long as Falco is saved.

Colt's body

Colt's burnt body

Zeke is sympathetic to Colt's dilemma due to both of their desires to care for their younger brothers and calls it a shame, but nonetheless, refuses to wait and lets out a scream. Colt, overcome by grief, hugs Falco and promises he'll always be there for him as his brother starts to transform into a Titan. His close proximity to Falco's transformation causes Colt to be dismembered by the blast and ultimately burned to death.[2]


  • Falco Grice - Colt and Falco were very close and cared about each other. When Falco was wounded by enemy fire during the Marleyan war with the Mid-East Allied Forces, Colt appeared and gave Falco his helmet to wear before carrying him on his back and running back to the hiding trench. Later, the two could be seen embracing when they were reunited during the Paradis Island Surprise Attack. When Falco was about to be transformed into a Titan, he tried to shove his brother aside but Colt refused to let go, proclaiming he will always be with Falco, with Colt dying in the process. Once Falco learned of Colt's death, he could be seen crying as he mourned for him.
  • Zeke Jaeger - Prior to Zeke's betrayal, the two shared a close camaraderie. Colt greatly admired Zeke's high status and influence in the Marleyan military as well as his unique ability to create and control Titans. The two had a mentor and protégé relationship with Colt standing by his side in important meetings and even playing catch together. Their relationship, however, did not stop Zeke from activating his scream to transform all the affected Eldians, including Falco, although he was somewhat saddened by the situation the brothers were in.
  • Porco Galliard - Colt and Galliard seemed to be on good terms with each other. When the Eldian unit returned to Liberio, Galliard can be seen helping a hungover Colt to depart from the train and brought him to sit on a pile of boxes. Galliard also seemed to want Colt to have some fun and enjoy himself, as shown during Willy Tybur's festival, when he went up to Colt and slung an arm around him, encouraging him to loosen up when Colt asked where Falco was.
  • Theo Magath - While Commander Magath looked down on Colt for being an Eldian, he valued him as a soldier and showed concern for his well-being when he risked his life to save his brother. Colt himself appeared to have a considerable margin of respect for Magath, as he attempted to work through strategies with him and was not above giving his opinion on the best move.[1]


