Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
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The Cosmic Quest Volume Two: Aftermath is a book featuring Erik Selvig. It is set after the events of Avengers: Infinity War. The audiobook version is narrated by Tom Taylorson.


A threat has emerged from the cosmos--Thanos. A ruthless warlord who plans to collect all six Infinity Stones. Joined by his formidable allies, he will be near-unstoppable at achieving his goal. The Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange and Spider-Man must join forces and fight side by side to stop Thanos, while the fate of the Earth and the universe lays in the balance.

This book features the stories of three of the six Stones as Dr. Erik Selvig and his team try to get to the bottom of what's been going on in the cosmos in relation to Avengers: Infinity War. Their research leads them on a pursuit of knowledge to discover the links between their own pasts and the cause for the cosmic interference--the Infinity Stones.







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