Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe which resulted from a divergence in history with the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Spider-Man: Homecoming: Fight or Flight is a digital comic set after the events of Spider-Man: Homecoming. It is inspired by the events of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


As Ellie is celebrating her birthday at Toys "R" Us, a bank robbery has been set into place and now it's time for Spider-Man to stop the crawly criminal, Beetle.


A little girl named Ellie is spending her birthday with her parents in Toys 'R' Us, her father had told to pick her perfect toy in the store. Meanwhile, a bank robbery was taking place, caused by a criminal with wings known as the Beetle. Outside the window of the store, Geoffrey the Giraffe asks the customers not to worry and that the windows are strengthened by a certain spray. Spider-Man jumps onto the Beetle and tries to control his wings but fails which then propose another solution to web-pull Beetle's wings off which then broke off of his armor. Spidey saves the day and is met up with Ellie and notices that it was her birthday. She then asks him if she and Geoffrey can fight crime next time to which Spider-Man replied, "Maybe," and swung away.





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Sentient Species[]




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Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Spider-Man: Homecoming: Fight or Flight.

External Links[]
