Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
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"We are from the future, right?"
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"Is this really how you see yourself? That witch is gone, leaving you trapped in her distorted spell. Claw your way out."
―Rio Vidal to Agatha Harkness[src]

Rio Vidal is a warrior witch with ties to Agatha Harkness.[1]


To be added

Powers and Abilities[]



To be added



Behind the Scenes[]

  • Aubrey Plaza's role as Rio Vidal in Agatha All Along overlapped with her role of Wow Platinum in Megalopolis during the show's last two weeks of filming. However, as both projects were shot in the same lot, Plaza was able to do both without many difficulties: "I would literally go from one to the other and would put my Wow wig on and my Wow costume on. And then the next day, I would go to the Agatha set and I’d be dressed as a warrior witch with a dagger and stuff. At one point, when I was dressed in the Marvel character, I snuck onto the Megalopolis set and I started harassing Giancarlo Esposito and Adam and everyone. It was absolutely insane behavior".[1]


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Rio Vidal.