Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

With the release of Deadpool & Wolverine we'd like to remind the community of some things. Please DO NOT add info from the Fox X-Men movies when it comes to pages. Only information stated within the movie itself is eligible to be added. In addition, do not upload pirated images from cam copies. We'd also like to ask that universe pages NOT be created if the universe name has a Placeholder template on it, as that indicates it is not the intended final name. Thank you.


Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

Marvel Studios Be More Loki is a children guidebook focused on Loki and his New York Time Heist variant.


Why try to fit in when it's so fun to stand out?

Loki knows a thing or two about making friends with the right people and getting to the top. Let the Marvel Cinematic Universe's most mischievous Asgardian show you how to live life on your own terms.

Known across the universe for his unique sense of style, charm, and supreme self-confidence, Loki is perfectly placed to give you great tips on how to manage those pesky sibling rivalries or change the mindset of those who always seem to be disappointed in you.

Teaming pithy advice with iconic images and witty quotes from almost a decade of blockbuster Marvel Studios movies, Be More Loki is the perfect gift tongue-in-cheek guide to doing things a little differently for family, friends, and colleagues alike. Shake up the status quo with Loki's special brand of alternative thinking![1]



