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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For other uses, see Iron Man 2 (disambiguation)
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe which resulted from a divergence in history with the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Iron Man 2, known as Iron Man 2: The Video Game in Europe, is a 2010 video game loosely based on the film of the same name. It was released on May 4, 2010, days after the film's international release and days before the film's domestic release.

The game features the voices of Don Cheadle and Samuel L. Jackson, reprising their roles from the movie, and Lamb of God recorded an exclusive song for the game, "Hit The Wall." Additionally, the game has an original story written by The Invincible Iron Man scribe Matt Fraction. This story is set after the plot of the movie.

Prologue Trailer[]

At his mansion in Malibu, Tony Stark has James Rhodes make adjustments to his armor and comments that Rhodes makes his stupid robots look like skilled Swiss technicians. The mansion is attacked by robots and Stark and Rhodes suit up to fight against them. Stark discovers a logo for the Roxxon Energy Corporation on one of the robots and deduces that they are initiating a hostile takeover.

At a Roxxon facility in Russia, General Valentin Shatalov is presented the Crimson Dynamo Armor by a scientist. Kearson DeWitt enters the room and displays a hologram of the Stark Archives, telling them that they will find what they are looking for there.

At the Stark Archives, Stark and S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury stand upon the newly airborne Helicarrier, with Stark boasting of fulfilling his promise to make it fly. Fury is informed that Shatalov has gone rogue and makes plans to head for Russia. Stark and Rhodes begin racing back to the mansion.

Differences Between Versions[]

The game is available to play on Playstation 3, Xbox 360, PSP, Nintendo DS, Wii, Java ME Touchscreen, Java ME 2D, Java ME 3D and iOS.

There are six versions of the game that are not compatible with each other.


PSP and Wii[]

  • The story follows the plot of the console version, but has a few extra characters like Ghost, Firepower and Mauler
    • When Iron Man is rescuing Black Widow in Siberia, he has to free her after she has been captured locked in a cell, while in other versions he has to find her after her cover is blown and get her to an extraction point.
    • Pepper Potts travels to Budapest to attend a conference and is captured by A.I.M. forces. Iron Man and War Machine must travel there and rescue her. As Stark brings her to safety, Rhodes is attacked by the mercenary Firepower, who has been hired and sent after them by Kearson DeWitt. Rhodes must then battle Firepower and defeat him.
    • During Operation Daybreak, the A.I.M. forces are led by a mercenary called Mauler. He plants several bombs all over the Helicarrier and Stark must deactivate the bombs and defeat him.
    • While trying to put an end to Project Greengrid, Rhodes is attacked by a professional corporate saboteur called Ghost. Ghost's suit makes him invisible, and Rhodes must find a way to find his invisible enemy and defeat him.

Nintendo DS[]

  • There are a lot of differences between the main game and this version.
    • In the main version of the game, A.I.M. is supplying weapons to Valentin Shatalov and his insurgents. In the DS version, they are supplying to both the insurgents and the Russian government.
    • The Theft of the Dataspine occurs at Stark Tower in the DS version rather than Stark Archives (which in the DS game is called Stark Archive).
    • During the Attack on the Tesla Facility, Tony Stark is not given a S.H.I.E.L.D. Vanguard to protect and James Rhodes is not working alongside the Helicarrier, rather both are taking out the defenses.
    • Crimson Dynamo appears in both the Dataspine theft and the Tesla Facility attack, and gets defeated, but not killed like in the PS3. In the main version, he is not at either location, and when they do fight him, he is killed.
    • Although Black Widow was a spy at the A.I.M. Assembly Facility, she is not extracted in the mission and it is only implied that she is the spy when Stark calls her "Natalie" without any reference to her true name being Natasha Romanoff or her code name being Black Widow. She does not appear in the game at all aside from this mention.
    • Mauler is in charge of Operation Daybreak, and Rhodes is not injured before the fighting begins. Both Stark and Rhodes have to leave the Helicarrier during the fight to stop Mauler, who is operating things from an A.I.M. Base.
    • The Mark V armor does not have flight capabilities.
    • A.I.M. makes a plan to weaponize plate tectonics using Stark technology which Tony and Rhodey stop. In the main version of the game, it's explicitly stated that there is no technology which could do this.
    • The Destruction of Project Greengrid does not involve Stark using a reprogrammed A.I.M. Arc Armiger.
    • The final fight against Ultimo is not a trap set for him by Stark and Rhodes and does not occur at Stark Archives. Rather, Ultimo is at the base where Project Greengrid is being used and the fight happens there. Stark does not have to infiltrate Ultimo's body to fight or try to save Kearson Dewitt, he simply shuts off the single Arc Reactor powering Ultimo. Nick Fury does not pilot the Helicarrier into Ultimo to deliver the final blow.


  • This version is very much a different story than the other versions, notably having Justin Hammer and Whiplash as a major focus point.
    • Tony Stark showcases his Mark V armor in public at the Stark Expo. The Expo is interrupted by a series of explosions caused by Hammer, who is reverse engineering Stark Industries technology.
    • Stark fights Firepower during rush hour in Manhattan and also finds out that Roxxon Oil is a part of the scuffle too, as Roxxon sent out Killer Shrike to do their bidding.
    • Stark soon fights Crimson Dynamo as well as Whiplash, defeating Whiplash by destroying an energy machine that is powering Whiplash in this version.
    • Stark soon learns that Hammer had been tricking Stark, forcing him after Hammer's competition. Hammer had been supplying the competition with his reengineered Stark tech so Stark would track them.
    • With competition gone, Hammer kidnaps Pepper Potts, hacks War Machine's suit, and unleashes Ultimo, which Stark must stop in the Utah Badlands.
    • Additionally, there is a level where Iron Man uses an aquatic suit to swim and Natasha Romanoff spends much of the time shadowing Vanko, finding out he has people helping him create drones.

Java ME Touchscreen and 2D[]

  • This version is similar to the iOS version, with some differences

Java ME 3D[]

  • This version is exactly the same as the touchscreen version until you get to what would be the Utah Badlands in the touch version.
    • This game is extended and has you go to Whiplash's Siberian base where you kill him in the same way as the touch screen version. Then instead of the game ending, it brings you to the Utah Badland where you fight Ultimo instead of the now deceased Whiplash.


  1. The Stark Archives
  2. Russia and Roxxon
  3. The Crimson Dynamo
  4. P.R.O.T.E.A.N.
  5. Operation Daybreak
  6. War Machine
  7. Storm Warnings
  8. Ultimo


The game begins with D defending the Dataspine, an archived version of J.A.R.V.I.S., from attackers. However, an EMP bomb is dropped, disabling Iron Man. Three hours earlier, Tony Stark records a journal message about how he will have to defend the Dataspine. He mentions the Roxxon Energy Corporation, and how they tried to duplicate the Iron Man armor without success. Stark is then interrupted by James Rhodes, who says that there is trouble at Stark Archives. Back in the present, the power reserves in Iron Man's armor activate, and upon recovering, Iron Man learns that Roxxon is behind the attack. He grimly decides that he should destroy the Dataspine to keep Roxxon from getting the archives. Outside, Rhodes, in his War Machine armor, intercepts some Roxxon Dropships.

Iron Man makes contact with S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury, who informs him that separatists under the command of a General Valentin Shatalov have seized control of a Tesla facility. During Iron Man's escorting of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s helicopter forces, they are attacked by a battle platform called the Roxxon Armiger. After destroying it, Iron Man and War Machine head to a battlecruiser and destroy it, learning the Armiger was remote-controlled. They discover that Shatalov is working with the terrorist group Advanced Idea Mechanics to create the Crimson Dynamo suit for him. Upon learning that the suit is being developed at a power plant in Siberia, Fury mentions that he sent Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, to spy on the plant.

At the plant, Shatalov makes contact with A.I.M.'s Kearson DeWitt, who tells Shatalov that there is a spy in his ranks and is displeased that he brought S.H.I.E.L.D. to their front door. Shatalov gives orders to prep the Crimson Dynamo armor and then informs his men that their connection with A.I.M. is now severed. Iron Man finds and protects Romanoff from Shatalov's men. A S.H.I.E.L.D. transport is sent to their location, and Natasha is extracted while Iron Man and War Machine battle Shatalov in his Crimson Dynamo armor. The defeated Shatalov reveals that A.I.M. was behind the theft of J.A.R.V.I.S.' AI and planned to use it to create Ultimo.

The team learns that Kearson DeWitt was behind the attack led by Shatalov and that he worked at Stark's Theoretical Weapons Division until Stark shut it down. Aside from DeWitt working on the prototype to the Arc Reactor, Pepper Potts also reveals that he had a secret project called P.R.O.T.E.A.N.. Inside an A.I.M. base, Kearson uses his PROTEAN technology to merge with an enormous metal suit and become Ultimo. With the merge complete, DeWitt has his men upgraded with P.R.O.T.E.A.N. implants. Arriving at the base, War Machine battles P.R.O.T.E.A.N. drones while Iron Man searches for DeWitt. J.A.R.V.I.S. detects Ultimo shortly after the base is secured with help from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Meanwhile, the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier is attacked, and Iron Man protects it from DeWitt's drones. When War Machine defeats an Arc Armiger dropped on the helicarrier, Iron Man decides to reprogram it. Using the reprogrammed Armiger, Iron Man and War Machine assault an A.I.M. Base in Malaysia. When the giant Ultimo arrives at Stark Archives, War Machine disables some of its Arc Reactors while Iron Man fights the DeWitt/Ultimo within. Upon defeating the DeWitt/Ultimo, Iron Man learns that the effects on DeWitt are irreversible. War Machine finishes Ultimo off while the Helicarrier rams into it. Afterward, J.A.R.V.I.S. tells Stark to promise him never to let anyone gain access to his programming again.











Achievement Trophy Requirements
Platinum Platinum Earn all Trophies
Access Denied Access Denied Prevent Roxxon from stealing the Stark Archives
Deportation Deportation Prevent the Russian separatists from deploying Roxxon Armigers
Power Outage Power Outage Defeat the Crimson Dynamo/Ultimo Transformation
Anti-PROTEAN Anti-PROTEAN Destroy Project P.R.O.T.E.A.N.
Improvisation Under Fire Improvisation Under Fire Save Rhodey and the Stark mobile armory from the A.I.M. attack
Operation Daybreak Operation Daybreak Defeat A.I.M. and save the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier
Stormbreaker Stormbreaker Shut down the GREENGRID power transmitter
The Bigger They Are The Bigger They Are Defeat Ultimo
Shake It Off Shake It Off Recover from the Roxxon EMP attack
Not In My House Not In My House Prevent the first wave of Roxxon dropships from deploying their drones
Full Flight Full Flight Only one S.H.I.E.L.D. transport lost in the canyon run
Area Secured Area Secured At least 10 S.H.I.E.L.D. units survive the battle for the docks
Pulling The Plug Pulling the Plug Destroy all four Tesla reactor stabilizers in under 60 seconds
Anger Management Anger Management Destroy most of the structures in Shatalov's base
Entrapment Entrapment Reach the bottom of the elevator shaft without touching a laser tripline
Defensive Player Of The Year Defensive Player of the Year Save all four repulsor lifts and all four stabilizers on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier
Brute Force Brute Force Destroy the A.I.M. Arc Armiger without using missile deflection
Guardian Guardian Shut down GREENGRID without needing to repair the Arc Armiger
Switchboard Operator Switchboard Operator Reposition all of the GREENGRID relays without being interrupted
Not A Scratch Not A Scratch Defeat Ultimo with no armor damage
Ultimatum Ultimatum Complete every mission on Easy difficulty
Iron Man Iron Man Trophy Complete every mission on Normal difficulty
Invincible Invincible Complete every mission on Formidable difficulty
Fists Of Iron Fists of Iron Defeat 100 enemies in close combat
Storm Of Lead Storm Of Lead Defeat 100 enemies with War Machine's minigun
Fire And Forget Fire And Forget Defeat 100 enemies with homing missiles
Subtle Like A Rocket Subtle Like A Rocket Defeat 100 enemies with the rocket launcher
Room Broom Room Boom Defeat 100 enemies with War Machine's shotgun
Extra Crispy Extra Crispy Defeat 100 enemies with Iron Man's laser
Pushback Pushback Defeat 100 enemies with Iron Man's repulsor
Up Close And Personal Up Close And Personal Defeat 100 enemies with Iron Man's blaster
Overkill Overkill Iron Man 2 Defeat 100 enemies with Iron Man's unibeam
Hall Of Armors Hall of Armors Unlock all armor suits
Technical Genius Technical Genius Invent every module, ammunition, and weapon upgrade
Gonna Need Some More Bad Guys Gonna Need Some More Bad Guys Defeat more than 1,000 enemies
Unnecessary Force Unnecessary Force Defeat a soldier with Iron Man's unibeam
Bulletproof Bulletproof Defeat 50 enemies in melee as Iron Man while Invincible
Ultimate Iron Man Ultimate Iron Man Unlock the Ultimate Iron Man armor
Classic Iron Man Classic Iron Man Shut down the Enclave's biotech group
Fairweather Friends Classic Iron Man Unlock the Classic Iron Man armor
Classic Mark I Classic Mark I Unlock the Classic Mark I Iron Man armor
Extremis Extremis Unlock the Extremis Iron Man armor
Mark III Mark III Unlock the Mark III Iron Man armor
Mark II Mark II Unlock the Mark II Iron Man armor
Mark VI Mark VI Unlock the Mark VI Iron Man armor
Silver Centurion Silver Centurion Trophy Unlock the Silver Centurion armor
Two Man Army Two Man Army Defeat the Russian separatists as both Iron Man and War Machine
It Takes Two To Tangle It Takes Two To Tangle Defeat Crimson Dynamo as both Iron Man and War Machine
Man And Machine Man and Machine Destroy Project P.R.O.T.E.A.N. as both Iron Man and War Machine
Bipolar Bipolar Shut down the GREENGRID power transmitter as both Iron Man and War Machine
Omega Man Omega Man Defeat 100 enemies as War Machine while using the Omega System


To be added














To be added





Canon Status[]

This game contains several plot points that contradict the established canon of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and it is thus considered non-canon.

Aim-logo-official A.I.M. appear as a secret weapons and intelligence agency who is frequently in conflict with Iron Man. In Iron Man 3, A.I.M. is a scientific research and development agency funded by the government, and Tony Stark has had no previous encounters with them since meeting Aldrich Killian in Bern, Switzerland on New Year's Eve 1999.[1]
MCU Ultimo Ultimo appears as a massive battle suit that has been fused with the consciousness of Kearson DeWitt. In the iOS and the 3D Java ME versions, Ultimo also appears but is instead a robot created by Justin Hammer using stolen Stark tech. In the canon comic Captain America: Road to War, Ultimo is a giant robot created by HYDRA from the remains and parts of Ultron Sentries destroyed in the Battle of Sokovia and is deployed in Eastern Europe against the Avengers.[2]
Jack Taggart In the Wii and PlayStation Portable versions, Jack Taggart is a mercenary hired by A.I.M. with a suit of armor similar to those worn by Iron Man and War Machine. In the iOS and Java ME versions, Jack Taggart appears with a similar suit of armor although he is unaffiliated with A.I.M. and created the suit using stolen Stark tech bought from Justin Hammer. In Iron Man 3, Jack Taggart does work for A.I.M. but is not a mercenary nor does he have armor or the alias Firepower, but is instead a former United States Armed Forces soldier who is addicted to Extremis.[1]
Ant-Man and the Wasp 30 In the Wii and PlayStation Portable versions, Ghost is an unnamed male professional corporate saboteur who uses a suit that allows him to become invisible, provided that he does not touch liquid. In the Nintendo DS version, he is employed by A.I.M. and his suit allows him to become out of phase with reality. In Ant-Man and the Wasp, Ghost is a female corporate saboteur named Ava Starr.[3]
Whiplash-Iron-Man-2 In the iOS and Java ME versions, Whiplash is the leader of the Russian Separatists. In Iron Man 2, Whiplash works alone until he's recruited by Hammer Industries.


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Iron Man 2 (video game).

External Links[]

Video Games
Console Games Iron ManThe Incredible HulkIron Man 2Thor: God of ThunderCaptain America: Super Soldier
Mobile Games Iron Man: Aerial AssaultThor: Son of AsgardCaptain America: Sentinel of LibertyThe AvengersIron Man 3Thor: The Dark WorldCaptain America: The Winter SoldierGuardians of the Galaxy: The Universal Weapon
Virtual Reality Games Captain America: Civil WarSpider-Man: HomecomingSpider-Man: Far From HomeAvengers: Damage ControlEternalsWhat If...?
Web Browser Games Iron Man: Mark III Suit TestIron Man: Last StandThe Incredible Hulk: SmashIron Man: Armor Design CenterIron Man 2Iron Man 2: Iron Attack!Whiplash: Slash and BurnIron Man: Assault on A.I.M.Iron Man 2: Upgraded!Thor: Trailer MakerCaptain America: The First Avenger - Wield the ShieldThe Avengers: Skrull TakedownThe Avengers: Repulsor Blast TestThe Avengers: Iron Man - Blast!The Avengers: Strong Man - Hulk vs. ThorThe Avengers: Captain America - ShieldCaptain America: The First Avenger - Disc Launching Shield TestThor: The Mighty Avenger - Lightning Hammer StrikeLego Iron ManLego ThorLego HulkIron Man 3: Base JumperIron Man 3: AssemblersLego Iron Man 3Avengers: Age of Ultron - Global ChaosAvengers: Infinity WarAvengers: EndgameLego Avengers: Endgame RushBlack Panther: Wakanda Forever Happy Meal Power UpSecret Invasion: Skrull WerewolfThe Marvels: Explore the Universe Like a HeroCaptain America: Brave New World - Take Flight Today
Canceled Games The Avengers: The Movie