Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

With the release of Deadpool & Wolverine we'd like to remind the community of some things. Please DO NOT add info from the Fox X-Men movies when it comes to pages. Only information stated within the movie itself is eligible to be added. In addition, do not upload pirated images from cam copies. We'd also like to ask that universe pages NOT be created if the universe name has a Placeholder template on it, as that indicates it is not the intended final name. Thank you.


Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

Captain Marvel: What Makes A Hero is a storybook based on Captain Marvel.


Introduce the young reader in your life to the inimitable, expectation-destroying, glass ceiling-shattering, world-saving female Super Heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, from Captain Marvel and Shuri to Gamora, Black Widow, Nebula, and more, in this beautifully-illustrated picture book aimed at the young reader set. Fans of all ages will be thrilled by this adventure that celebrates the strength, intelligence, and ingenuity of the women who are vital to MCU's best stories, distilled into a child-friendly package.[1]


