Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

Agent Carter: Season One Declassified is the official artbook and behind-the-scenes story about the first season of Agent Carter.


It's 1946; the war is over, but Peggy Carter has new battles to fight as the men return home. The love of her life -Steve Rogers- is gone, and Peggy is pinned with administrative work at her new job in the covert SSR (Strategic Scientific Reserve). She finds solace in secret missions from Howard Stark -but the missions are more dangerous than she knows. Hayley Atwell reprises her role as Peggy Carter in the show inspired by Marvel's feature films Captain America: The First Avenger and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, along with the short Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter. In this collectible volume, go behind the scenes with production design, photographs and stills from the set -plus interviews with the cast and crew. Follow Peggy's journey in Marvel's Agent Carter: Season One Declassified as she navigates life as a single woman in an America still recovering from war.


The book comes in a black slipcase with on the front a blue logo of the S.S.R. and on the back, Agent Carter poses in a blue coat with a red hat on her head and a gun in hand. The cover of the book itself shows again the logo of the S.S.R. but this time in yellow, the rest of the cover has a brownleather color.






