Minecraft Wiki
Not to be confused with Structure Void.

A structure block is used to generate structures manually. They can also be used to save and load structures, alongside structure void blocks.


Structure blocks are available using the /setblock, /fill, or /give commands, and are available in the Creative inventory in Java Edition. When placed, structure blocks are unbreakable in Survival and have the same blast resistance as bedrock. In Bedrock Edition, only save-mode structure blocks are obtainable through commands.


When placed, use the structure block to open the structure block GUI. The GUI opens only if the player is in Creative mode, and has permission level 2 or higher.

Once a structure is named, its name appears above the structure block when highlighted, preceded by the block mode (e.g. "Save:House").‌[Java Edition only]

Switching between modes preserves the settings of the structure block wherever possible.

Before being placed, the structure block uses a "blank" texture in the inventory, a texture that is not used when on a placed block.

A piston cannot move a structure block. They also cannot be pushed nor pulled by sticky pistons. Structure blocks cannot be destroyed by the ender dragon. You can not attach any redstone, vines, bells, lanterns or torches to the block. You can however place these blocks around the edge of the block,



Save Mode GUI for Java Edition

Structure Block Bedrock ClassicUI

Save Mode GUI for Bedrock Edition

Save mode allows the player to highlight a structure in the world and save it to memory, level file‌[Bedrock Edition only], or a separate file.

Structure Name
The name of the structure is entered into this text box. Capital letters‌[JE only] and special characters are not allowed. Underscores (_) and hyphens (-) are allowed. In Bedrock Edition, it has "mystructure:" prefix on default.
Relative Position
Enter the X, Y, and Z values for the structure here, based on the position of the structure block. Sets the origin of the structure outline.
Maximum allowed distance from the structure block in Java Edition is 48 blocks in any direction and 64 on horizontal direction and 256 on vertical direction in Bedrock Edition.
Shown Invisible Blocks

All invisible blocks shown by structure blocks

Show invisible blocks ‌[JE only]
This section is missing information about What color was used for structure voids prior to 21w20a? And were there any other changers since their introduction in 1.10 (ignoring the old dark outlines)?. 
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
Displays invisible blocks as small colored cubes. Off by default.
Invisible blocks as shown by the "Show invisible blocks" option
Block Appearance Color Notes
Cave Air
Void Air
Air (shown)
 rgb(127.5, 127.5, 255)
All air types look the same by design.[1]
Structure Void
Structure Void (shown) JE3
 rgb(255, 191.25, 191.25)
Barrier (shown)
 rgb(255, 0, 0)
Light Block
Light (shown)
 rgb(255, 255, 0)
Structure Size
Enter the X, Y, and Z values to set the distance from the Relative Position coordinates. This sets the opposite corner of the structure, and defines its size.
Maximum structure size is 48x48x48 In Java Edition and 64x256x64 In Bedrock Edition.
When successful, generates a white outline surrounding the structure.‌[JE only] In Bedrock Edition, the outline is green, blue, or red (depending on the axis) and the preview design can be used to see every layer of fragmented structure and to change the structure size to be saved.
Detect structure size and position
Automatically calculates the size and position of the structure using a corner block placed on the opposite corner of the structure.
The name of the structure in the save block must match the name within the corner block, or the size calculation fails.
Two corner blocks can also be used. It uses the second corner block instead of the structure block.
Remove blocks ‌[BE only]
While saving the structure and when enabled, this doesn't include any blocks within the structure.
Include entities
While saving the structure and when enabled, this saves any entities within the structure as well.
When all coordinates and a structure name have been entered, press this button to save the structure.
In Java Edition, this saves the structure to a file. The name of the structure is the name of the file.
Structures can be saved to a file only by manually pressing this button. If a structure block in Save mode is instead powered by redstone, the structure is saved only in memory by default. This is the case even if a file for that structure already exists on disk. Reloading the world clears any structures stored in memory. This is for unspecified security reasons.[2]
By default, structure blocks are saved in the minecraft namespace. This can be changed by prefixing the structure name with <namespace>: in the structure block.
Structures are saved in .minecraft/saves/(WorldName)/generated/(namespace)/structures. [note 1]
In Bedrock Edition, this saves the structure into level database file rather than a standalone file. And the player can set up the structure block so that it can save into the memory or the disk (level file) when automated with redstone.
Export ‌[BE only]
Used to export a structure into a .mcstructure file, which can be used to load from the structures folder of a behavior pack. If the structure contains a custom block from a behavior pack, then the block is also saved on the structure block. This option is available only on Android and Windows 10 devices.



Load Mode GUI for Java Edition

Structure Block Bedrock ClassicUI Load

Load Mode GUI for Bedrock Edition

Load mode allows the player to load and rotate saved structures.

Structure Name
The name of the structure to load.
In Java Edition, it can load structures saved to memory or a file (.minecraft/saves/<World Name>/generated/<namespace>/structures/), structures in data pack and in minecraft.jar.
To load a structure from a file, simply type <namespace>:<structure_path>.
Structures saved only to memory have a higher priority than structures of the same name that were saved to a file. Structures saved to a file have a higher priority than structures of the same name that is in data pack, which have a higher priority than structures in minecraft.jar.
In Bedrock Edition, it can load structures saved to memory or disk (level database), and structures in behavior pack.
Structures saved only to memory have a higher priority than structures of the same name that were saved to disk. Structures saved to disk have a higher priority than structures of the same name that is in behavior pack.
Vanilla NBT structure files cannot be loaded with structure block.
Relative Position
The X, Y, and Z coordinates of the corner in which to generate the structure, based on the position of the structure block. Coordinates may be defined as numbers between -48 and 48 In Java Edition, or between -64 and 64 In Bedrock Edition.
Show bounding box
Highlights the outline of the structure; on by default.
Structure Integrity and Seed
Removes random blocks that compose the structure based on a user-defined seed.
Lower integrity values result in more blocks being removed. The integrity value must be between 0.0 and 1.0‌[JE only] / 100.00‌[BE only].
Include entities
Include any entities saved in the structure file when loading the structure. Off by default.
Waterlog blocks ‌[BE only]
While loading the structure in water, it allows the blocks to be waterlogged instead of being replaced with air.
Remove blocks ‌[BE only]
While loading the structure, doesn't include any blocks within saved structure.
Rotation (0, 90, 180, 270)
Sets the rotation of the structure to 0° (no rotation), 90° clockwise, 180° clockwise, and 270° clockwise (or 90° counter-clockwise).
Mirror (¦, <>, ^v)
Sets the mirroring of the structure to none (¦), left to right (< >), or front to back (^ v). At 0° rotation < > mirrors across the X-axis and ^ v mirrors across the Z-axis.
In Bedrock Edition, the options are x and z, which can be toggled to set mirroring.
Animation mode ‌[BE only]
Select the animation to show how structure is loaded. Place by layer make structure loaded layer by layer, place by block make structure loaded one block by block. Default to none.
Once the loading has started, breaking the structure block can not stop the loading process.
Loading with animation may break blocks in structures that contain multiple parts (such as beds, doors, or tall grass), or need to be attached to other blocks (such as torches), and may cause water, lava, and fire to spread out.
Animation time ‌[BE only]
Adjust the animation time for loading the structure.
Load the structure.
In Java Edition, press this button once to prepare the outline preview of the structure. When satisfied with the position, press again to generate the structure.
Structures may also be loaded with the use of redstone.



Corner Mode GUI for Java Edition.

StructureCorner BedrockGUI

Corner Mode GUI for Bedrock Edition.

Corner mode allows for an easier and automatic size calculation while saving or loading structures.

To use, place on the opposite corner of a save structure block or a second corner structure block. Then, using a save block, press "DETECT".
When successful, a bounding outline appears.
Structure Name
The name of the structure on which to calculate the size and position.
Name is case sensitive; it must match exactly with the name provided by the complementary save or corner structure block.



Data Mode GUI

Data mode is a deprecated mode, which is superseded by jigsaw block, but still used in some certain vanilla structures (igloo, end city, woodland mansion, ocean ruin, shipwreck). Structure block in data mode can be used only during natural generation. They mark the location to run a specified hardcoded function, which can be used only for relevant structures. In Java Edition, this mode is hidden unless the Alt key is held while switching from Corner mode. In Bedrock Edition, data mode structure block cannot be obtained with commands.

Custom Data Tag Name
The name of the function to run.
"chest" - sets the loot table for a chest beneath the structure block to "chests/igloo_chest" and sets the loot table seed dependent on the world seed.
End city
"Chest" - Sets the loot table for a chest beneath the structure block to "chests/end_city_treasure" and sets the loot table seed dependent on the world seed.
"Sentry" - Creates a shulker at the location of the structure block.
"Elytra" - Creates an item frame entity with an elytra item inside it at the location of the structure block.
Woodland mansion
"ChestSouth" - Sets the loot table for a chest that replaces the structure block to "chests/woodland_mansion" and sets the loot table seed dependent on the world seed.
"ChestNorth" - Sets the loot table for a chest that replaces the structure block to "chests/woodland_mansion" and sets the loot table seed dependent on the world seed.
"ChestEast" - Sets the loot table for a chest that replaces the structure block to "chests/woodland_mansion" and sets the loot table seed dependent on the world seed.
"ChestWest" - Sets the loot table for a chest that replaces the structure block to "chests/woodland_mansion" and sets the loot table seed dependent on the world seed.
"Mage" - Creates an evoker at the location of the structure block.
"Warrior" - Creates a vindicator at the location of the structure block.
Ocean Ruin
"chest" - Creates a chest at the location of the structure block, setting its loot table to either "chests/underwater_ruin_big" or "chests/underwater_ruin_small", with seed dependent on the world seed.
"drowned" - Creates a drowned at the location of the structure block.
"map_chest" - Sets the loot table for a chest that replaces the structure block to "chests/woodland_mansion" and sets the loot table seed dependent on the world seed.
"treasure_chest" - Sets the loot table for a chest that replaces the structure block to "chests/woodland_mansion" and sets the loot table seed dependent on the world seed.
"supply_chest" - Sets the loot table for a chest that replaces the structure block to "chests/woodland_mansion" and sets the loot table seed dependent on the world seed.

3D Export[]


Export Mode GUI

3D Export mode‌[Bedrock Edition only][note 2], is similar to save mode, but the structure is saved as a 3D render in the format of .glb rather than as an actual structure.[3] Therefore, structures saved this way can be viewed with 3D Viewer[4] or Paint 3D[5], but cannot be generated via load mode.

The 3D file exported is basically the same as the real-time rendering in the preview. End portal blocks, nether portal blocks, etc. in .glb file have only a static texture. Some blocks cannot be displayed properly, such as piston arms, chests, beds, etc. Including entities is not supported in this mode.

Structure blocks in 3D output mode cannot be activated by redstone.

Structure Name
Enter the name of the structure. Case sensitive. The player must enter a file name in order to export.
Relative Position
Enter the X, Y, and Z values for the structure here, based on the position of the structure block. Sets the origin of the structure outline.
Maximum allowed distance from the structure block is 64 blocks in any direction.
Structure Size
Enter the X, Y, and Z values to set the distance from the Relative Position coordinates. This sets the opposite corner of the structure, and defines its size.
Maximum structure size is 64×256×64.
Remove Blocks
While exporting the structure, doesn't include any blocks within saved structure.


Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Block brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.stone.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break1.00.816
Block placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.stone.placesubtitles.block.generic.place1.00.816
Block breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.stone.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.250.516
None[sound 1]Entity-DependentFalling on the block with fall damageblock.stone.fallNone[sound 1]0.50.7516
FootstepsEntity-DependentWalking on the blockblock.stone.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksOnce the block has brokendig.stone1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhen the block is placeddig.stone1.00.8-1.0
BlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenhit.stone0.27 [sound 1]0.5
PlayersFalling on the block with fall damagefall.stone0.41.0
PlayersWalking on the blockstep.stone0.31.0
PlayersJumping from the blockjump.stone0.121.0
PlayersFalling on the block without fall damageland.stone0.221.0
  1. MCPE-169612 — Many blocks make very slightly different sounds to stone

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierFormBlock tagsTranslation key
Structure Blockstructure_blockBlock & Itemdragon_immune
Block entitystructure_block

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID FormItem ID[i 1]Translation key
Structure Blockstructure_block252Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]tile.structure_block.name
  1. ID of block's direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. Available with /give command.
  3. The block's direct item form has the same id as the block.
NameSavegame ID
Block entityStructureBlock

Block states[]

Export Structure Block

See also: Block states

Java Edition:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
modedata corner Corner Structure Block
data Data Structure Block
load Load Structure Block
save Save Structure Block

Bedrock Edition:

NameMetadata Bits Default value Allowed valuesValues for
Metadata Bits
data corner3 Corner Structure Block
data0 Data Structure Block
export5 Export Structure Block
invalid4 Inventory Structure Block
load2 Load Structure Block
save1 Save Structure Block

Block data[]

A structure block also has a block entity associated with it.

Java Edition:

  • Block entity data
    • Tags common to all block entities
    •  author: Author of the structure; only set to "?" for most vanilla structures.
    •  ignoreEntities: 1 or 0 (true/false): Whether entities should be ignored in the structure.
    •  integrity: How complete the structure is that gets placed.
    •  metadata: Value of the data structure block field.
    •  mirror: How the structure is mirrored, one of "NONE", "LEFT_RIGHT" (mirrored over X axis when not rotated), or "FRONT_BACK" (mirrored over Z axis when not rotated).
    •  mode: The current mode of this structure block, one of "SAVE", "LOAD", "CORNER", or "DATA".
    •  name: Name of the structure.
    •  posX: X-position of the structure.
    •  posY: Y-position of the structure.
    •  posZ: Z-position of the structure.
    •  powered: 1 or 0 (true/false): Whether this structure block is being powered by redstone.
    •  rotation: Rotation of the structure, one of "NONE", "CLOCKWISE_90", "CLOCKWISE_180", or "COUNTERCLOCKWISE_90".
    •  seed: The seed to use for the structure integrity, 0 means random.
    •  showboundingbox: 1 or 0 (true/false): Whether to show the structure's bounding box to players in Creative mode.
    •  sizeX: X-size of the structure, its length.
    •  sizeY: Y-size of the structure, its height.
    •  sizeZ: Z-size of the structure, its depth.

Bedrock Edition:

See Bedrock Edition level format/Block entity format.



Java Edition
1.9March 18, 2015Structure Block JE1 Searge tweets an image of a then-mysterious dark block.
April 08, 2015Searge tweets a cryptic message containing another screenshot of the mysterious dark block.
He later asks if players would like an unobtainable block whose effects to the world are "visible and exciting."[6]
April 14, 2015Searge tweets another cryptic image, with the dark block visible in the hotbar and in the upper-right corner.
Bright dots cover a mysterious floating structure in the upper-left corner, which Searge "clarified" in a later tweet.[7]
June 24, 2015Searge explains that the mysterious block is a technical block used internally for world generation.
July 5, 2015Structure Block Save JE1 Structure Block Load JE1 Structure Block Corner JE1 Structure Block Data JE1 The usage of structure blocks was detailed in a live stream during MINECON 2015.
15w31aStructure Block JE1 Structure Block Save JE1 Structure Block Load JE1 Structure Block Corner JE1 Structure Block Data JE1 Added structure blocks.
Structure blocks are currently available only with the /setblock command.
Structure blocks currently do not have an interface and are used internally by the developers.
1.10May 3, 2016Structure Block Save JE2 BE1 Structure Block Load JE2 BE1 Structure Block Corner JE2 BE1 Structure Block Data JE2 BE1 Jens Bergensten tweets a screenshot of the new structure block textures.
Jeb was instructed to make structure blocks "feel mysterious."[8]
May 13, 2016ProfMobius tweets an image of the new structure blocks in action, generating what appears to be a fossil made of quartz blocks.
16w20aStructure Block JE2 BE1 Structure Block Save JE2 BE1 Structure Block Load JE2 BE1 Structure Block Corner JE2 BE1 Structure Block Data JE2 BE1 The textures of structure blocks have been changed.
Structure blocks are now obtainable using /give command and usable in-game.
16w21aStructure blocks no longer emit light (was previously light-level 15).
"Structure Integrity and Seed" to load mode have been added to structure blocks.
1.1116w32aThe block entity ID has been changed from Structure to structure_block.
1.1317w47aPrior to The Flattening, this block's numeral ID was 255.
The saved structures of structure blocks are now stored in <World Name>/generated/<namespace>/structures/<name>.nbt.
Due to The Flattening, structures saved before this version are now broken and don't load in any blocks who's previous ID is not a valid ID in current versions, such as planks.
1.1620w16aThe maximum size per axis of structure blocks has been increased from 32 to 48.
1.1720w46aDefault mode of structure blocks is now "Load". "Data" is now hidden by default.
"Data" can be accessed by clicking the mode button while holding the Alt key.
1.19.322w45aStructure blocks are now available in the Creative inventory, but only if cheats are enabled and the "Operator Items Tab" option in the controls menu is turned on.[9]
Pocket Edition
1.0.0alpha"Added" structure blocks. While fully implemented, they have no assigned block ID and are completely unobtainable.
Bedrock Edition
1.2.0beta Block JE2 BE1 Structure Block Save JE2 BE1 Structure Block Load JE2 BE1 Structure Block Corner JE2 BE1 Structure Block Data JE2 BE1 Structure blocks now have a block ID and can be obtained with /give and /setblock.
Structure Block Export BE1 Structure blocks now have a new mode called "3D Export" with a new texture. However, it's possible to use them only in Windows 10 and "3D Export" is the only mode.
1.5.0beta blocks can now be obtained in iOS and Android, but cannot be used yet.
1.9.0beta option to export using Remix3D has been removed from structure blocks. Instead, structures now export locally.
1.13.0beta blocks are now usable, with save and load mode available only through Experimental Gameplay.
1.16.0beta detect button for save mode has been added to structure blocks.
beta block functionality with save and load mode are now available outside of Experimental Gameplay.
1.17.0beta structure placement block now has placement animation options similar to /structure command.
1.17.30beta corner mode to structure blocks.


Issues relating to "Structure Block" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


Bedrock Edition[]

See also[]


  1. Structures created in versions before 1.13 are saved in .minecraft/saves/(WorldName)/structures.
  2. Only available on Windows 10

