Minecraft Wiki
This article is about Overworld fossils. For the similar structures generated in the Soul Sand Valley, see Nether Fossil.

A fossil is a rarely-occurring skeletal feature composed of bone blocks, coal ore, or diamond ore.


Fossils randomly generate only in desert, swamp and mangrove swamp biomes. Each chunk has two attempts within y-coordinates 0 to 320 or -63 to -8 underground to generate a fossil, each with a chance of 164. They have an equal chance to generate as any of the four variants of skull or four variants of spine.

Fossils first generate the pure-bone layer with a structure integrity of 0.9, meaning 10% of the bone blocks are removed and will not override original terrian blocks, leaving 90% bone blocks. Next, the ore layer generates with a structure integrity of 0.1, replacing 10% of the existing fossil with coal ore for fossils that generate above Y level 0, or deepslate diamond ore for fossils that generate below Y level -8. The locations of these ore blocks do not always correspond with the voids generated in the initial bone fossil, so the resulting combination of both generations will usually result in an incomplete fossil structure composed of bone blocks and ores.

Because fossils are features instead of structures, they generate even when the "Generate Structures" option is turned off.[1]


Main article: /Structure

Naturally-generated fossils are composed of a mix of bone blocks and coal or diamond ores, as detailed above. They are made with the NBT structure block file format and have NBT files for each type of fossil located in the folder minecraft.jar/data/minecraft/structures/fossil.

There are 4 type of skulls and 4 type of spines.

Structure file Description Consists of Images
The largest skull.

86 in total Bone Block, Coal Ore, or Deepslate Diamond Ore

Fossil Skull 1
The second largest skull.

75 in total Bone Block, Coal Ore, or Deepslate Diamond Ore

Fossil Skull 2
The second smallest skull.

58 in total Bone Block, Coal Ore, or Deepslate Diamond Ore

Fossil Skull 3
The smallest skull, one-eyed.

32 in total Bone Block, Coal Ore, or Deepslate Diamond Ore

Fossil Skull 4
The narrowest spine.

37 in total Bone Block, Coal Ore, or Deepslate Diamond Ore

Fossil Spine 1
The second narrowest spine.

61 in total Bone Block, Coal Ore, or Deepslate Diamond Ore

Fossil Spine 2
The second widest spine.

97 in total Bone Block, Coal Ore, or Deepslate Diamond Ore

Fossil Spine 3
The widest spine.

121 in total Bone Block, Coal Ore, or Deepslate Diamond Ore

Fossil Spine 4

Data values[]


Java Edition:

Configured featureIdentifier
[No displayed name]fossil_coal
[No displayed name]fossil_diamonds

Bedrock Edition:

[No displayed name]fossil_feature
[No displayed name]deepslate_diamond_fossil_feature


May 13, 2016ProfMobius tweets an image of the new structure blocks in action, generating what appears to be a fossil made of quartz.
Java Edition
1.1016w20aAdded fossils.
September 28, 2019Prerelease footage of the soul sand valley biome at MINECON Live 2019 appears to have used these fossils (as opposed to the distinct nether fossils).
1.1620w22aFossils can no longer overwrite desert pyramids or the end portal room of strongholds.
1.1721w06aFossils can now generate in the air due to a bug.[2]
21w10aFossils that generate below Y=0 now generate with either normal or deepslate diamond ore instead of coal ore.
Fossils can no longer generate in the air.
21w15aBecause world generation has been reverted, fossils generate the way they did before the 1.17 snapshots.
1.18Experimental Snapshot 1The fossil generation changes in the 1.17 snapshots have been reintroduced.
experimental snapshot 5Fossils with diamond ore no longer generate above the deepslate level.
Pocket Edition
1.1.3alpha fossils.
Bedrock Edition
1.18.10beta that generate below Y=0 now generate with either normal or deepslate diamond ore instead of coal ore.
Legacy Console Edition
TU43CU33 1.36 Patch 131.0.1Added fossils.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
1.9.19Added fossils.


Issues relating to "Fossil" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


  • Hidden in the structure NBT is data that credits ProfMobius with the creation of the fossils.


Odd generation[]



See also[]


  1. MC-199180 — "Fossils can generate with structures turned off" — resolved as "Works As Intended".
  2. MC-214784 — "Fossils can generate floating in caves" — resolved as "Fixed".