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Clock JE3
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Please update this page to reflect recent updates or newly available information.
Reason: Bedrock tags now exist.
This article is about data pack and behavior pack tags. For other uses, see Tag (disambiguation).

Tags in data packs[JE only] and behavior packs[BE only] allow players to group different game elements together.


Java Edition[]

To utilize block, item, function tags, etc., the JSON files must be placed in a data pack inside a respective folder or its subfolder in the data/(namespace)/tags. The folders' names are listed below.

List of tag folders
Registry entries Registry Tag folder
Blocks minecraft:block data/namespace/tags/blocks
Fluids minecraft:fluid data/namespace/tags/fluids
Items minecraft:item data/namespace/tags/items
Entity types minecraft:entity_type data/namespace/tags/entity_types
Game events minecraft:game_event data/namespace/tags/game_events
Others See Resource location Folder in data/namespace/tags with the same path with the registry's resource location.
For example biomes' tag is in data/namespace/tags/worldgen/biome.

One exception is function tag. Functions are not registry entries, but function tags can be defined at data/namespace/tags/functions.

Tags are not only used by players. Minecraft itself also uses tags. For example, vanilla block tags are used for various block behaviors, vanilla item tags are used for various item behaviors, vanilla advancement files and vanilla recipe files, and vanilla entity type tags are used for various mob behaviors. See #List of tags section for their usages.

Resource location[]

The resource location of a tag is also in the format of <namespace>:<path>, where namespace is the name of the folder that the tags folder is in, and path is the JSON file's path under the respective tag folder.

For example, JSON file data/wiki/tags/blocks/foo/example.json defines a block tag with the resource location of wiki:foo/example.

To distinguished normal contents from tags, a “#” is usually required before tag's resource location.

JSON format[]

  • The root object.
    •  replace: Optional. Whether or not the contents of this tag should completely replace tag contents from different lower priority data packs with the same resource location. When false the tag's content is appended to the contents of the higher priority data packs, instead. Defaults to false.
    •  values: A list of mix and match of object names and tag names. For tags, recursive reference is possible, but a circular reference causes a loading failure.
      • : An object's resource location in the form (resource location).
      • : ID of another tag of the same type in the form #(resource location).
      • : An entry with additional options. (1.16.2+)
        •  id: A string in one of the string formats above.
        •  required: Whether or not loading this tag should fail if this entry is not found, true by default (also for the string entries). A tag that fails to load can still be referenced in any data pack and be (re)defined in other data packs. In other words, only the entries in this JSON file are ignored if this entry cannot be found.

Block tags[]

Block tags can be called when testing for block arguments in commands with #<resource location>, which succeeds if the block matches any of the blocks specified in the tag.

Item tags[]

Item tags can be called when testing for item arguments in commands with #<resource location> or in recipes and advancements using "tag": "<resource location>", which succeeds if the item matches any of the items specified in the tag. They can also be searched in the creative inventory by searching #<resource location>.

Entity type tags[]

Entity type tags can be called in type target selector argument and loot table conditions with #<resource location>, which checks if the entity's type matches any of the entity types specified in the tag.

Function tags[]

Function tags can be called in the /function command with #<resource location>, which runs all the functions specified in the tag in the order of their first appearance in a tag. If a function is referenced multiple times in a tag and its sub-tags, it is run once.

Moreover, functions tagged in the minecraft:tick tag run every tick at the start of the tick and functions tagged in minecraft:load run once at the start of the tick after a server (re)load.

Bedrock Edition[]

Tags are defined in the block's, item's, and biome's behavior as follows:

  • The root object.
    •  minecraft:(block|item|biome)
      •  components
        •  tag:<tag>: (Blocks and items) <tag> is replaced by the name of the tag. Object must be empty.
        •  <tag>: (Biomes) <tag> is replaced by the name of the tag. Object must be empty.

A block, item, or biome may have multiple tags. Custom and vanilla tags are authorized.

Tags can be used to run queries in commands and behavior packs.

Block tags[]

There is currently no vanilla block with a tag with any properly/real use.

Item tags[]

Item tags can be called in recipes using "tag": "<tag>", which succeeds if the item has the tag.

Biome tags[]

Biome tags can be called using "minecraft:biome_filter": { "test": "has_biome_tag", "operator": "<operation>", "value": "<tag>" } for the entity's spawn rules (biomes), which succeeds if the biome has the tag.

List of tags[]

Java Edition[]


Tag name Values Usage Version
mineable/axe note_block, attached_melon_stem, attached_pumpkin_stem, azalea, bamboo, barrel, bee_nest, beehive, beetroots, big_dripleaf_stem, big_dripleaf, bookshelf, brown_mushroom_block, brown_mushroom, campfire, carrots, cartography_table, carved_pumpkin, cave_vines_plant, cave_vines, chest, chorus_flower, chorus_plant, cocoa, composter, crafting_table, crimson_fungus, daylight_detector, dead_bush, fern, fletching_table, glow_lichen, grass, hanging_roots, jack_o_lantern, jukebox, ladder, large_fern, lectern, lily_pad, loom, melon_stem, melon, mushroom_stem, nether_wart, potatoes, pumpkin_stem, pumpkin, red_mushroom_block, red_mushroom, scaffolding, small_dripleaf, smithing_table, soul_campfire, spore_blossom, sugar_cane, sweet_berry_bush, tall_grass, trapped_chest, twisting_vines_plant, twisting_vines, vine, warped_fungus, weeping_vines_plant, weeping_vines, wheat, #banners, #fence_gates, #logs, #planks, #saplings, #signs, #wooden_buttons, #wooden_doors, #wooden_fences, #wooden_pressure_plates, #wooden_slabs, #wooden_stairs, #wooden_trapdoors, mangrove_roots, #all_hanging_signs, bamboo_mosaic, chiseled_bookshelf, bamboo_mosaic_slab, bamboo_mosaic_stairs, #bamboo_blocks
  • Blocks in this tag are mined faster with axes.
mineable/hoe nether_wart_block, warped_wart_block, hay_block, dried_kelp_block, target, shroomlight, sponge, wet_sponge, jungle_leaves, oak_leaves, spruce_leaves, dark_oak_leaves, acacia_leaves, birch_leaves, azalea_leaves, mangrove_leaves, flowering_azalea_leaves, moss_block, moss_carpet, sculk_sensor, sculk, sculk_catalyst, sculk_vein, sculk_shrieker, cherry_leaves, pink_petals
  • Blocks in this tag are mined faster with hoes.
mineable/pickaxe stone, granite, polished_granite, diorite, polished_diorite, andesite, polished_andesite, cobblestone, gold_ore, deepslate_gold_ore, iron_ore, deepslate_iron_ore, coal_ore, deepslate_coal_ore, nether_gold_ore, lapis_ore, deepslate_lapis_ore, lapis_block, dispenser, sandstone, chiseled_sandstone, cut_sandstone, gold_block, iron_block, bricks, mossy_cobblestone, obsidian, spawner, diamond_ore, deepslate_diamond_ore, diamond_block, furnace, cobblestone_stairs, stone_pressure_plate, iron_door, redstone_ore, deepslate_redstone_ore, netherrack, basalt, polished_basalt, stone_bricks, mossy_stone_bricks, cracked_stone_bricks, chiseled_stone_bricks, iron_bars, chain, brick_stairs, stone_brick_stairs, nether_bricks, nether_brick_fence, nether_brick_stairs, enchanting_table, brewing_stand, end_stone, sandstone_stairs, emerald_ore, deepslate_emerald_ore, ender_chest, emerald_block, light_weighted_pressure_plate, heavy_weighted_pressure_plate, redstone_block, nether_quartz_ore, hopper, quartz_block, chiseled_quartz_block, quartz_pillar, quartz_stairs, dropper, white_terracotta, orange_terracotta, magenta_terracotta, light_blue_terracotta, yellow_terracotta, lime_terracotta, pink_terracotta, gray_terracotta, light_gray_terracotta, cyan_terracotta, purple_terracotta, blue_terracotta, brown_terracotta, green_terracotta, red_terracotta, black_terracotta, iron_trapdoor, prismarine, prismarine_bricks, dark_prismarine, prismarine_stairs, prismarine_brick_stairs, dark_prismarine_stairs, prismarine_slab, prismarine_brick_slab, dark_prismarine_slab, terracotta, coal_block, red_sandstone, chiseled_red_sandstone, cut_red_sandstone, red_sandstone_stairs, stone_slab, smooth_stone_slab, sandstone_slab, cut_sandstone_slab, petrified_oak_slab, cobblestone_slab, brick_slab, stone_brick_slab, nether_brick_slab, quartz_slab, red_sandstone_slab, cut_red_sandstone_slab, purpur_slab, smooth_stone, smooth_sandstone, smooth_quartz, smooth_red_sandstone, purpur_block, purpur_pillar, purpur_stairs, end_stone_bricks, magma_block, red_nether_bricks, bone_block, observer, white_glazed_terracotta, orange_glazed_terracotta, magenta_glazed_terracotta, light_blue_glazed_terracotta, yellow_glazed_terracotta, lime_glazed_terracotta, pink_glazed_terracotta, gray_glazed_terracotta, light_gray_glazed_terracotta, cyan_glazed_terracotta, purple_glazed_terracotta, blue_glazed_terracotta, brown_glazed_terracotta, green_glazed_terracotta, red_glazed_terracotta, black_glazed_terracotta, white_concrete, orange_concrete, magenta_concrete, light_blue_concrete, yellow_concrete, lime_concrete, pink_concrete, gray_concrete, light_gray_concrete, cyan_concrete, purple_concrete, blue_concrete, brown_concrete, green_concrete, red_concrete, black_concrete, dead_tube_coral_block, dead_brain_coral_block, dead_bubble_coral_block, dead_fire_coral_block, dead_horn_coral_block, tube_coral_block, brain_coral_block, bubble_coral_block, fire_coral_block, horn_coral_block, dead_tube_coral, dead_brain_coral, dead_bubble_coral, dead_fire_coral, dead_horn_coral, dead_tube_coral_fan, dead_brain_coral_fan, dead_bubble_coral_fan, dead_fire_coral_fan, dead_horn_coral_fan, dead_tube_coral_wall_fan, dead_brain_coral_wall_fan, dead_bubble_coral_wall_fan, dead_fire_coral_wall_fan, dead_horn_coral_wall_fan, polished_granite_stairs, smooth_red_sandstone_stairs, mossy_stone_brick_stairs, polished_diorite_stairs, mossy_cobblestone_stairs, end_stone_brick_stairs, stone_stairs, smooth_sandstone_stairs, smooth_quartz_stairs, granite_stairs, andesite_stairs, red_nether_brick_stairs, polished_andesite_stairs, diorite_stairs, polished_granite_slab, smooth_red_sandstone_slab, mossy_stone_brick_slab, polished_diorite_slab, mossy_cobblestone_slab, end_stone_brick_slab, smooth_sandstone_slab, smooth_quartz_slab, granite_slab, andesite_slab, red_nether_brick_slab, polished_andesite_slab, diorite_slab, smoker, blast_furnace, grindstone, stonecutter, bell, lantern, soul_lantern, warped_nylium, crimson_nylium, netherite_block, ancient_debris, crying_obsidian, respawn_anchor, lodestone, blackstone, blackstone_stairs, blackstone_slab, polished_blackstone, polished_blackstone_bricks, cracked_polished_blackstone_bricks, chiseled_polished_blackstone, polished_blackstone_brick_slab, polished_blackstone_brick_stairs, gilded_blackstone, polished_blackstone_stairs, polished_blackstone_slab, polished_blackstone_pressure_plate, chiseled_nether_bricks, cracked_nether_bricks, quartz_bricks, tuff, calcite, oxidized_copper, weathered_copper, exposed_copper, copper_block, copper_ore, deepslate_copper_ore, oxidized_cut_copper, weathered_cut_copper, exposed_cut_copper, cut_copper, oxidized_cut_copper_stairs, weathered_cut_copper_stairs, exposed_cut_copper_stairs, cut_copper_stairs, oxidized_cut_copper_slab, weathered_cut_copper_slab, exposed_cut_copper_slab, cut_copper_slab, waxed_copper_block, waxed_weathered_copper, waxed_exposed_copper, waxed_oxidized_copper, waxed_oxidized_cut_copper, waxed_weathered_cut_copper, waxed_exposed_cut_copper, waxed_cut_copper, waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_stairs, waxed_weathered_cut_copper_stairs, waxed_exposed_cut_copper_stairs, waxed_cut_copper_stairs, waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_slab, waxed_weathered_cut_copper_slab, waxed_exposed_cut_copper_slab, waxed_cut_copper_slab, lightning_rod, pointed_dripstone, dripstone_block, deepslate, cobbled_deepslate, cobbled_deepslate_stairs, cobbled_deepslate_slab, polished_deepslate, polished_deepslate_stairs, polished_deepslate_slab, deepslate_tiles, deepslate_tile_stairs, deepslate_tile_slab, deepslate_bricks, deepslate_brick_stairs, deepslate_brick_slab, chiseled_deepslate, cracked_deepslate_bricks, cracked_deepslate_tiles, smooth_basalt, raw_iron_block, raw_copper_block, raw_gold_block, ice, packed_ice, blue_ice, piston, sticky_piston, piston_head, amethyst_cluster, small_amethyst_bud, medium_amethyst_bud, large_amethyst_bud, amethyst_block, budding_amethyst, infested_cobblestone, infested_chiseled_stone_bricks, infested_cracked_stone_bricks, infested_deepslate, infested_stone, infested_mossy_stone_bricks, infested_stone_bricks, conduit, #walls, #shulker_boxes, #anvil, #cauldrons, #rails, mud_bricks, mud_brick_stairs, mud_brick_slab, packed_mud, #stone_buttons
  • Blocks in this tag are mined faster with pickaxes.
mineable/shovel clay, dirt, coarse_dirt, podzol, farmland, grass_block, gravel, mycelium, sand, red_sand, snow_block, snow, soul_sand, dirt_path, white_concrete_powder‌[until JE 1.20.2], orange_concrete_powder‌[until JE 1.20.2], magenta_concrete_powder‌[until JE 1.20.2], light_blue_concrete_powder‌[until JE 1.20.2], yellow_concrete_powder‌[until JE 1.20.2], lime_concrete_powder‌[until JE 1.20.2], pink_concrete_powder‌[until JE 1.20.2], gray_concrete_powder‌[until JE 1.20.2], light_gray_concrete_powder‌[until JE 1.20.2], cyan_concrete_powder‌[until JE 1.20.2], purple_concrete_powder‌[until JE 1.20.2], blue_concrete_powder‌[until JE 1.20.2], brown_concrete_powder‌[until JE 1.20.2], green_concrete_powder‌[until JE 1.20.2], red_concrete_powder‌[until JE 1.20.2], black_concrete_powder‌[until JE 1.20.2], soul_soil, rooted_dirt, muddy_mangrove_roots, mud, suspicious_sand, suspicious_gravel, #concrete_powder[upcoming: JE 1.20.2]
  • Blocks in this tag are mined faster with shovels.
acacia_logs acacia_log, acacia_wood, stripped_acacia_log, stripped_acacia_wood 18w07a
all_hanging_signs #ceiling_hanging_signs, #wall_hanging_signs 22w42a
all_signs #signs, #all_hanging_signs 22w46a
ancient_city_replaceable deepslate, deepslate_bricks, deepslate_tiles, deepslate_brick_slab, deepslate_tile_slab, deepslate_brick_stairs, deepslate_tile_wall, deepslate_brick_wall, cobbled_deepslate, cracked_deepslate_bricks, cracked_deepslate_tiles, gray_wool Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1
animals_spawnable_on grass_block 21w44a
anvil anvil, chipped_anvil, damaged_anvil
  • Used to determine which blocks should open the anvil GUI. Does not work for any other blocks than the default ones. Removing any of the default blocks may cause the GUI to flash quickly before disappearing.
  • Used to determine the damage source for entities being damaged by a falling block, which is used by the death messages.
  • Used to determine if a block has a chance to get "damaged" or break upon landing.
  • Blocks added receive only their falling block properties when summoned through commands. For example, sand does not harm entities unless summoned.
  • Used in reading NBT from falling block entities to set the internal HurtEntities boolean to true if the entity did not have HurtEntities set.
  • Used to determine if the block should have a chance to take damage from using the anvil GUI.
axolotls_spawnable_on clay 21w44a
azalea_grows_on #dirt, #sand, #terracotta, snow_block, powder_snow 1.18 Pre-release 5
azalea_root_replaceable #terracotta, red_sand, snow_block, powder_snow, #base_stone_overworld, #dirt, clay, gravel, sand 1.18 Pre-release 5
bamboo_blocks bamboo_block, stripped_bamboo_block 22w45a
bamboo_plantable_on #sand, #dirt, bamboo, bamboo_sapling, gravel, suspicious_gravel
  • Used to check where bamboo can be planted
banners white_banner, orange_banner, magenta_banner, light_blue_banner, yellow_banner, lime_banner, pink_banner, gray_banner, light_gray_banner, cyan_banner, purple_banner, blue_banner, brown_banner, green_banner, red_banner, black_banner, white_wall_banner, orange_wall_banner, magenta_wall_banner, light_blue_wall_banner, yellow_wall_banner, lime_wall_banner, pink_wall_banner, gray_wall_banner, light_gray_wall_banner, cyan_wall_banner, purple_wall_banner, blue_wall_banner, brown_wall_banner, green_wall_banner, red_wall_banner, black_wall_banner
  • Used by maps upon clicking a block, to see if it should place a marker. Adding blocks to this animation causes maps to play the use animation when clicked, but no marker is added.
  • Used in the #wall_post_override block tag.
base_stone_nether netherrack, basalt, blackstone 20w28a
base_stone_overworld stone, granite, diorite, andesite, tuff, deepslate 20w28a
beacon_base_blocks netherite_block, emerald_block, diamond_block, gold_block, iron_block
  • Used by beacons to check which base blocks can activate it.
beds red_bed, black_bed, blue_bed, brown_bed, cyan_bed, gray_bed, green_bed, light_blue_bed, light_gray_bed, lime_bed, magenta_bed, orange_bed, pink_bed, purple_bed, white_bed, yellow_bed
  • Cats use this tag to determine where to sit or sleep with the player.
  • Used to determine what blocks can be slept in by villagers.
  • Used to determine what blocks baby villagers can jump on.
  • Adding blocks to this tag has no effect on villagers. Villagers still pathfind to beds not in this tag, but they do not jump or sleep on them.
beehives bee_nest, beehive
  • Determines which blocks can fill with honey when a bee deposits pollen.
  • Blocks in this tag can have honey removed by a dispenser with a glass bottle or shears.
  • Used in the 'husbandry/safely_harvest_honey.json' advancement file.
bee_growables #crops, sweet_berry_bush, cave_vines, cave_vines_plant
  • When bees pollinate these blocks they grow one stage.
  • Removing blocks from this tag has no effect.
big_dripleaf_placeable #dirt, #small_dripleaf_placeable, farmland
  • Big dripleaves can be placed on blocks in this tag, even if there is no water in the block where the big dripleaf is being placed[verify].
birch_logs birch_log, birch_wood, stripped_birch_log, stripped_birch_wood 18w07a
buttons #wooden_buttons, #stone_buttons 17w49b
camel_sand_step_sound_blocks‌[upcoming: JE 1.20.2] #sand, #concrete_powder 23w31a
campfires campfire, soul_campfire
  • Bees, parrots, and turtles view blocks in this tag as dealing fire damage and pathfind accordingly.
  • Campfires use this tag to determine if they are lit or not.
  • Flint and steel and fire charges use this tag to determine if it can light campfires. Adding blocks to this tag has no effect.
  • Splash water bottles set the lit value of blocks in this tag to false.
candle_cakes candle_cake, white_candle_cake, orange_candle_cake, magenta_candle_cake, light_blue_candle_cake, yellow_candle_cake, lime_candle_cake, pink_candle_cake, gray_candle_cake, light_gray_candle_cake, cyan_candle_cake, purple_candle_cake, blue_candle_cake, brown_candle_cake, green_candle_cake, red_candle_cake, black_candle_cake
  • Blocks in this tag are considered candle cakes and can be lit, if they have the lit block state set to false.
candles candle, white_candle, orange_candle, magenta_candle, light_blue_candle, yellow_candle, lime_candle, pink_candle, gray_candle, light_gray_candle, cyan_candle, purple_candle, blue_candle, brown_candle, green_candle, red_candle, black_candle
  • Blocks in this tag are considered candles and can be lit, if they have the lit, and waterlogged block state and both are false.
cauldrons cauldron, water_cauldron, lava_cauldron, powder_snow_cauldron 20w45a
cave_vines cave_vines_plant, cave_vines 21w05a
ceiling_hanging_signs oak_hanging_sign, spruce_hanging_sign, birch_hanging_sign, acacia_hanging_sign, jungle_hanging_sign, dark_oak_hanging_sign, crimson_hanging_sign, warped_hanging_sign, mangrove_hanging_sign, bamboo_hanging_sign, cherry_hanging_sign 22w42a
cherry_logs cherry_log, cherry_wood, stripped_cherry_log, stripped_cherry_wood 23w07a
climbable ladder, vine, scaffolding, weeping_vines, weeping_vines_plant, twisting_vines, twisting_vines_plant, cave_vines, cave_vines_plant
  • Used in mob pathfinding.
  • This tag is used to determine what blocks the player can climb.
  • For the player to be able to climb added blocks, the block must be small enough that the center of the player's hitbox can occupy the same block.
  • This means that blocks such as chests cannot be climbed from the sides, but can from the top.
  • Used in the process of determining where to put an entity when it dismounts another entity.[more information needed]
  • If scaffolding is removed, the player cannot smoothly climb up, but can still jump up and crouch down.
  • Used in the #fall_damage_resetting block tag.
coal_ores coal_ore, deepslate_coal_ore 21w10a
combination_step_sound_blocks #wool_carpets, moss_carpet, snow, nether_sprouts, warped_roots, crimson_roots
  • Controls which blocks can produce a combination of step sounds.
completes_find_tree_tutorial #logs, #leaves, #wart_blocks 22w15a
concrete_powder‌[upcoming: JE 1.20.2] white_concrete_powder, orange_concrete_powder, magenta_concrete_powder, light_blue_concrete_powder, yellow_concrete_powder, lime_concrete_powder, pink_concrete_powder, gray_concrete_powder, light_gray_concrete_powder, cyan_concrete_powder, purple_concrete_powder, blue_concrete_powder, brown_concrete_powder, green_concrete_powder, red_concrete_powder, black_concrete_powder 23w31a
convertable_to_mud dirt, coarse_dirt, rooted_dirt 22w11a
copper_ores copper_ore, deepslate_copper_ore 21w10a
corals #coral_plants, tube_coral_fan, brain_coral_fan, bubble_coral_fan, fire_coral_fan, horn_coral_fan 18w09a
coral_blocks tube_coral_block, brain_coral_block, bubble_coral_block, fire_coral_block, horn_coral_block
  • Used to generate coral reefs.
  • Using bone meal on a sea pickle on a block in this tag creates more sea pickles.
coral_plants tube_coral, brain_coral, bubble_coral, fire_coral, horn_coral 18w10a
crimson_stems crimson_stem, stripped_crimson_stem, crimson_hyphae, stripped_crimson_hyphae
  • Used in the #logs block tag.
crops beetroots, carrots, potatoes, wheat, melon_stem, pumpkin_stem, torchflower_crop, pitcher_crop 19w34a
crystal_sound_blocks amethyst_block, budding_amethyst
  • Blocks in this tag play the "amethyst block chime" sound repeatedly for a short amount of time after being stepped on, gradually decreasing in volume.
  • The initial step sound is not affected by this tag.
dampens_vibrations #wool, #wool_carpets
  • Blocks in this tag prevent sculk sensors from hearing vibrations if the block is between the sculk sensor and the vibration.
dark_oak_logs dark_oak_log, dark_oak_wood, stripped_dark_oak_log, stripped_dark_oak_wood 18w07a
dead_bush_may_place_on #sand, #terracotta, #dirt 22w14a
deepslate_ore_replaceables deepslate, tuff
  • Iron ore, redstone ore, gold ore, diamond ore, and lapis lazuli ore can generate in blocks in this tag, and if they do, they become their deepslate variant
  • Infested stone (from blobs) that generates in a block in this tag generates as infested deepslate
diamond_ores diamond_ore, deepslate_diamond_ore 21w08a
dirt dirt, grass_block, podzol, coarse_dirt, mycelium, rooted_dirt, moss_block, mud, muddy_mangrove_roots 21w13a
doors #wooden_doors, iron_door
  • Mobs view all blocks in this tag as doors and pathfind accordingly.
  • Replaced with air when generating zombie villages
dragon_immune barrier, bedrock, end_portal, end_portal_frame, end_gateway, command_block, repeating_command_block, chain_command_block, structure_block, jigsaw, moving_piston, obsidian, crying_obsidian, end_stone, iron_bars, respawn_anchor, reinforced_deepslate 19w05a
dragon_transparent light, #fire
  • Ender Dragon cannot destroy blocks with this tag, but can fly straight through.
dripstone_replaceable_blocks #base_stone_overworld
  • Used in dripstone generation to determine what dripstone can replace and what pointed dripstone can generate on.
emerald_ores emerald_ore, deepslate_emerald_ore 21w10a
enchantment_power_provider bookshelf 23w14a
enchantment_power_transmitter #replaceable 23w14a
enderman_holdable #small_flowers, #dirt, sand, red_sand, gravel, brown_mushroom, red_mushroom, tnt, cactus, clay, pumpkin, carved_pumpkin, melon, crimson_fungus, crimson_nylium, crimson_roots, warped_fungus, warped_nylium, warped_roots
  • Used to determine what blocks endermen can pick up.
fall_damage_resetting #climbable, sweet_berry_bush, cobweb 22w03a
features_cannot_replace bedrock, spawner, chest, end_portal_frame, reinforced_deepslate 21w20a
fence_gates acacia_fence_gate, birch_fence_gate, dark_oak_fence_gate, jungle_fence_gate, oak_fence_gate, spruce_fence_gate, crimson_fence_gate, warped_fence_gate, mangrove_fence_gate, bamboo_fence_gate, cherry_fence_gate 20w22a
fences #wooden_fences, nether_brick_fence
  • Mobs view all blocks in this tag as fences and pathfind accordingly.
  • Leads can be attached to solid blocks in this tag.
  • The lead knot entity uses this tag to determine if it should break or not.
  • Fences in this tag attempt to connect only to other fences in this tag, but not in the #wooden_fences block tag.
  • Fences not in either tag do not connect to fences in the #wooden_fences block tag.
fire fire, soul_fire
  • Blocks in this tag are ignored when detecting valid unactivated nether portals and get removed upon activation
  • Mobs view all blocks in this tag as fire and pathfind accordingly.
  • Blocks in this tag cannot stop falling blocks.
  • Potions capable of dousing fire remove blocks in this tag.
  • Pistons do not create particles when destroying blocks in this tag.
  • Entities ignited by blocks in this tag continue burning after leaving the fire source.
  • Used in the #dragon_transparent block tag.
flower_pots flower_pot, potted_poppy, potted_blue_orchid, potted_allium, potted_azure_bluet, potted_red_tulip, potted_orange_tulip, potted_white_tulip, potted_pink_tulip, potted_oxeye_daisy, potted_dandelion, potted_oak_sapling, potted_spruce_sapling, potted_birch_sapling, potted_jungle_sapling, potted_acacia_sapling, potted_dark_oak_sapling, potted_red_mushroom, potted_brown_mushroom, potted_dead_bush, potted_fern, potted_cactus, potted_cornflower, potted_lily_of_the_valley, potted_wither_rose, potted_bamboo, potted_crimson_fungus, potted_warped_fungus, potted_crimson_roots, potted_warped_roots, potted_azalea_bush, potted_flowering_azalea_bush, potted_mangrove_propagule, potted_cherry_sapling, potted_torchflower 17w49b
flowers #small_flowers, #tall_flowers, flowering_azalea, flowering_azalea_leaves, mangrove_propagule, cherry_leaves, pink_petals, chorus_flower‌[upcoming: JE 1.20.2], spore_blossom‌[upcoming: JE 1.20.2]
  • Bees can pollinate and remember blocks in this tag.
  • Saplings grown next to blocks in this tag have a chance to have a bee nest.
foxes_spawnable_on grass_block, snow, snow_block, podzol, coarse_dirt 21w44a
frog_prefer_jump_to lily_pad, big_dripleaf 22w11a
frogs_spawnable_on grass_block, mud, mangrove_roots, muddy_mangrove_roots 22w16a
geode_invalid_blocks bedrock, water, lava, ice, packed_ice, blue_ice
  • Amethyst geodes cannot try to generate inside blocks in this tag.
1.17 Pre-release 1
goats_spawnable_on stone, snow, snow_block, packed_ice, gravel, #animals_spawnable_on 21w44a
gold_ores gold_ore, nether_gold_ore, deepslate_gold_ore 20w11a
guarded_by_piglins gold_block, barrel, chest, ender_chest, gilded_blackstone, trapped_chest, raw_gold_block, #shulker_boxes, #gold_ores
  • Piglins become hostile toward a player that destroys a block in this tag.
  • This tag has no effect on which blocks cause piglins to become hostile when opened.
hoglin_repellents warped_fungus, potted_warped_fungus, nether_portal, respawn_anchor 20w10a
ice ice, packed_ice, blue_ice, frosted_ice
  • Blocks in this tag do not act a surface for ocean ruins to generate on.
impermeable glass, white_stained_glass, orange_stained_glass, magenta_stained_glass, light_blue_stained_glass, yellow_stained_glass, lime_stained_glass, pink_stained_glass, gray_stained_glass, light_gray_stained_glass, cyan_stained_glass, purple_stained_glass, blue_stained_glass, brown_stained_glass, green_stained_glass, red_stained_glass, black_stained_glass, tinted_glass
  • Blocks in this tag do not let fluids or honey drip through.
1.13 Pre-release 8
infiniburn_end #infiniburn_overworld, bedrock
  • Used in the infiniburn preset of the end dimension type (determines which blocks stay on fire forever in the end).
1.16 Pre-release 3
infiniburn_nether #infiniburn_overworld
  • Used in the infiniburn preset of the nether dimension type (determines which blocks stay on fire forever in the nether).
1.16 Pre-release 3
infiniburn_overworld netherrack, magma_block
  • Used in the infiniburn preset of the overworld dimension type (determines which blocks stay on fire forever in the overworld).
  • Used in the #infiniburn_nether and #infiniburn_end block tags.
1.16 Pre-release 3
inside_step_sound_blocks powder_snow, sculk_vein, lily_pad, glow_lichen, small_amethyst_bud, pink_petals
  • While the player walks in a block in this tag, the step sound noises of the sound type of the block are played instead of the noise of the below block.
invalid_spawn_inside end_portal, end_gateway 22w42a
iron_ores iron_ore, deepslate_iron_ore 21w08a
jungle_logs jungle_log, jungle_wood, stripped_jungle_log, stripped_jungle_wood
  • Cocoa beans can be placed on blocks in this tag.
  • Used in the #logs_that_burn block tag.
lapis_ores lapis_ore, deepslate_lapis_ore 21w08a
lava_pool_stone_cannot_replace #features_cannot_replace, #leaves, #logs
  • Blocks in this tag cannot be replaced by stone generated in lava pools.
1.17 Pre-release 1
leaves jungle_leaves, oak_leaves, spruce_leaves, dark_oak_leaves, acacia_leaves, birch_leaves, azalea_leaves, flowering_azalea_leaves, mangrove_leaves, cherry_leaves 18w19a
logs #logs_that_burn, #crimson_stems, #warped_stems 17w49b
logs_that_burn #dark_oak_logs, #oak_logs, #acacia_logs, #birch_logs, #jungle_logs, #spruce_logs, #mangrove_logs, #cherry_logs *Used in the #logs block tag. 20w13a
lush_ground_replaceable #moss_replaceable, clay, gravel, sand
  • Rooted dirt from azalea trees and clay patches and pools in lush caves can replace blocks in this tag.
  • Used in the #azalea_root_replaceable block tag.
maintains_farmland pumpkin_stem, attached_pumpkin_stem, melon_stem, attached_melon_stem, beetroots, carrots, potatoes, torchflower_crop, torchflower, pitcher_crop, wheat
  • Contains blocks that will not cause farmland to be converted into dirt when placed on top of it.
mangrove_logs mangrove_log, mangrove_wood, stripped_mangrove_log, stripped_mangrove_wood 22w11a
mangrove_logs_can_grow_through mud, muddy_mangrove_roots, mangrove_roots, mangrove_leaves, mangrove_log, mangrove_propagule, moss_carpet, vine 22w14a
mangrove_roots_can_grow_through mud, muddy_mangrove_roots, mangrove_roots, mangrove_propagule, moss_carpet, vine, snow 22w14a
mooshrooms_spawnable_on mycelium 21w44a
moss_replaceable #base_stone_overworld, #cave_vines, #dirt
  • Blocks in this tag can be replaced with moss blocks when a nearby moss block has bone meal applied to it.
  • Used in the #lush_ground_replaceable block tag.
mushroom_grow_block mycelium, podzol, crimson_nylium, warped_nylium
  • Mushrooms can spread to or be placed on blocks in this tag regardless of light level.
  • Huge mushrooms can be grown on blocks in this tag regardless of light level.
needs_diamond_tool obsidian, crying_obsidian, netherite_block, respawn_anchor, ancient_debris
  • If a block in this tag requires a certain type tool to drop, the tool must be diamond or better.
needs_iron_tool diamond_block, diamond_ore, deepslate_diamond_ore, emerald_ore, deepslate_emerald_ore, emerald_block, gold_block, raw_gold_block, gold_ore, deepslate_gold_ore, redstone_ore, deepslate_redstone_ore
  • If a block in this tag requires a certain type tool to drop, the tool must be iron or better.
needs_stone_tool iron_block, raw_iron_block, iron_ore, deepslate_iron_ore, lapis_block, lapis_ore, deepslate_lapis_ore, copper_block, raw_copper_block, copper_ore, deepslate_copper_ore, cut_copper_slab, cut_copper_stairs, cut_copper, weathered_copper, weathered_cut_copper_slab, weathered_cut_copper_stairs, weathered_cut_copper, oxidized_copper, oxidized_cut_copper_slab, oxidized_cut_copper_stairs, oxidized_cut_copper, exposed_copper, exposed_cut_copper_slab, exposed_cut_copper_stairs, exposed_cut_copper, waxed_copper_block, waxed_cut_copper_slab, waxed_cut_copper_stairs, waxed_cut_copper, waxed_weathered_copper, waxed_weathered_cut_copper_slab, waxed_weathered_cut_copper_stairs, waxed_weathered_cut_copper, waxed_exposed_copper, waxed_exposed_cut_copper_slab, waxed_exposed_cut_copper_stairs, waxed_exposed_cut_copper, waxed_oxidized_copper, waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_slab, waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_stairs, waxed_oxidized_cut_copper, lightning_rod
  • If a block in this tag requires a certain type tool to drop, the tool must be stone or better.
nether_carver_replaceables #base_stone_overworld, #base_stone_nether, #dirt, #nylium, #wart_blocks, soul_sand, soul_soil 22w15a
nylium crimson_nylium, warped_nylium
  • Used as a check during generation certain vegetation in crimson and warped forests.
  • Crimson and warped roots and nether sprouts can be placed on blocks in this tag, as well as soul soil.
  • Netherrack is a valid bonemeal target only if a nearby block is in this tag, or if netherrack itself is in this tag.
  • A non-nylium block nearby causes bonemeal to be consumed without producing anything when used on netherrack.
  • It is still possible to spread nylium onto netherrack even if one or both nylium blocks are removed from the tag, as long as a block in the nylium tag is still nearby. This is because the check to grow nylium on the netherrack does not use the tag.
  • Fungi can be placed on blocks in this tag, as well as mycelium and soul soil, as well as blocks in #dirt, and farmland.
  • Used in the #nether_carver_replaceable and #sculk_replaceable block tags.
oak_logs oak_log, oak_wood, stripped_oak_log, stripped_oak_wood 18w07a
occludes_vibration_signals #wool
  • Blocks in this tag will prevent sculk sensors from hearing vibrations if the block is between the sculk sensor and the vibration.
overworld_carver_replaceables #base_stone_overworld, #dirt, #sand, #terracotta, #iron_ores, #copper_ores, water, gravel, sandstone, red_sandstone, calcite, snow, packed_ice, raw_iron_block, raw_copper_block, suspicious_gravel 22w15a
overworld_natural_logs acacia_log, birch_log, oak_log, jungle_log, spruce_log, dark_oak_log, mangrove_log, cherry_log 22w17a
parrots_spawnable_on grass_block, air, #leaves, #logs 21w44a
piglin_repellents soul_fire, soul_torch, soul_lantern, soul_wall_torch, soul_campfire 20w10a
planks oak_planks, spruce_planks, birch_planks, jungle_planks, acacia_planks, dark_oak_planks, crimson_planks, warped_planks, mangrove_planks, bamboo_planks, cherry_planks 17w49a
polar_bears_spawnable_on_alternate ice 21w44a
portals nether_portal, end_portal, end_gateway
  • When an entity dismounts another entity, it is not put into blocks with this tag to prevent unwanted teleportation; instead, the entity dismounts at the ridden entity's location.
1.15 Pre-Release 2
pressure_plates light_weighted_pressure_plate, heavy_weighted_pressure_plate, #wooden_pressure_plates, #stone_pressure_plates 20w17a
prevent_mob_spawning_inside #rails
  • Mobs cannot spawn inside blocks in this tag.
rabbits_spawnable_on grass_block, snow, snow_block, sand 21w44a
rails rail, powered_rail, detector_rail, activator_rail
  • Minecarts can be placed and dispensed onto blocks in this tag.
  • When TNT minecarts explode, blocks in this tag that the minecart is on have a blast resistance of 0.
  • Used in determining rail directional placement. Adding blocks to this tag has no effect.
  • Used in determining minecart speed. Adding blocks to this tag has no effect on this behavior.
  • Used in the #prevent_mob_spawning_inside block tag.
redstone_ores redstone_ore, deepslate_redstone_ore 21w08a
replaceable air, water, lava, grass, fern, dead_bush, seagrass, tall_seagrass, fire, soul_fire, snow, vine, glow_lichen, light, tall_grass, large_fern, structure_void, void_air, cave_air, bubble_column, warped_roots, nether_sprouts, crimson_roots, hanging_roots 23w14a
replaceable_by_trees #leaves, grass, fern, dead_bush, vine, glow_lichen, sunflower, lilac, rose_bush, peony, tall_grass, large_fern, hanging_roots, pitcher_plant, water, seagrass, tall_seagrass, warped_roots, nether_sprouts, crimson_roots
  • Contains changeable blocks that growing trees can replace.
sand sand, red_sand, suspicious_sand 18w07b
saplings oak_sapling, spruce_sapling, birch_sapling, jungle_sapling, acacia_sapling, dark_oak_sapling, azalea, flowering_azalea, mangrove_propagule, cherry_sapling 17w49b
sculk_replaceable #base_stone_overworld, #base_stone_nether, #dirt, #nylium, #terracotta, gravel, soul_sand, soul_soil, calcite, smooth_basalt, clay, dripstone_block, end_stone, red_sandstone, sandstone, sand, red_sand Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1
sculk_replaceable_worldgen #sculk_replaceable, deepslate_bricks, deepslate_tiles, cobbled_deepslate, cracked_deepslate_bricks, cracked_deepslate_tiles, polished_deepslate Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1
shulker_boxes shulker_box, black_shulker_box, blue_shulker_box, brown_shulker_box, cyan_shulker_box, gray_shulker_box, green_shulker_box, light_blue_shulker_box, light_gray_shulker_box, lime_shulker_box, magenta_shulker_box, orange_shulker_box, pink_shulker_box, purple_shulker_box, red_shulker_box, white_shulker_box, yellow_shulker_box
  • Fences, walls and panes do not connect to blocks in this tag.
  • If blocks are removed from this tag, the above blocks still disconnect when the shulker box opens.
  • Used in the #guarded_by_piglins block tag.
signs #standing_signs, #wall_signs
  • Blocks in this tag are not destroyed by flowing liquids
  • Removing blocks from this tag has no effect
  • Used in the #all_signs and #wall_post_override block tags.
slabs #wooden_slabs, stone_slab, smooth_stone_slab, stone_brick_slab, sandstone_slab, purpur_slab, quartz_slab, red_sandstone_slab, brick_slab, cobblestone_slab, nether_brick_slab, petrified_oak_slab, prismarine_slab, prismarine_brick_slab, dark_prismarine_slab, polished_granite_slab, smooth_red_sandstone_slab, mossy_stone_brick_slab, polished_diorite_slab, mossy_cobblestone_slab, end_stone_brick_slab, smooth_sandstone_slab, smooth_quartz_slab, granite_slab, andesite_slab, red_nether_brick_slab, polished_andesite_slab, diorite_slab, cut_sandstone_slab, cut_red_sandstone_slab, blackstone_slab, polished_blackstone_brick_slab, polished_blackstone_slab, cobbled_deepslate_slab, polished_deepslate_slab, deepslate_tile_slab, deepslate_brick_slab, waxed_weathered_cut_copper_slab, waxed_exposed_cut_copper_slab, waxed_cut_copper_slab, oxidized_cut_copper_slab, weathered_cut_copper_slab, exposed_cut_copper_slab, cut_copper_slab, waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_slab, mud_brick_slab, bamboo_mosaic_slab
  • Blocks in this tag are viewed as slabs by ruined portal generation.
small_dripleaf_placeable clay, moss_block
  • Big dripleaves and small dripleaves can be placed on blocks in this tag, even if there is no water in the block where the small dripleaf is being placed.
  • Used in the #big_dripleaf_placeable block tag.
small_flowers dandelion, poppy, blue_orchid, allium, azure_bluet, red_tulip, orange_tulip, white_tulip, pink_tulip, oxeye_daisy, cornflower, lily_of_the_valley, wither_rose, torchflower 18w43a
smelts_to_glass sand, red_sand
  • Blocks with this tag give glass when smelted in a furnace.
1.19.4 Pre-release 1
snaps_goat_horn #overworld_natural_logs, stone, packed_ice, iron_ore, coal_ore, copper_ore, emerald_ore 22w17a
sniffer_diggable_block dirt, grass_block, podzol, coarse_dirt, rooted_dirt, moss_block, mud, muddy_mangrove_roots 23w07a
sniffer_egg_hatch_boost moss_block 23w12a
snow_layer_can_survive_on honey_block, soul_sand, mud 22w18a
snow_layer_cannot_survive_on ice, packed_ice, barrier 22w18a
snow snow, snow_block, powder_snow
  • Blocks in this tag turn blocks with a snowy variant below them (like grass) into said snow variant.
soul_fire_base_blocks soul_sand, soul_soil
  • Blocks in this tag can support soul fire.
soul_speed_blocks soul_sand, soul_soil
  • Soul Speed increases the player's speed on blocks in this tag.
spruce_logs spruce_log, spruce_wood, stripped_spruce_log, stripped_spruce_wood 18w07a
stairs #wooden_stairs, nether_brick_stairs, stone_brick_stairs, brick_stairs, purpur_stairs, quartz_stairs, red_sandstone_stairs, prismarine_brick_stairs, prismarine_stairs, dark_prismarine_stairs, polished_granite_stairs, smooth_red_sandstone_stairs, mossy_stone_brick_stairs, polished_diorite_stairs, mossy_cobblestone_stairs, end_stone_brick_stairs, stone_stairs, smooth_sandstone_stairs, smooth_quartz_stairs, granite_stairs, andesite_stairs, red_nether_brick_stairs, polished_andesite_stairs, diorite_stairs, blackstone_stairs, polished_blackstone_brick_stairs, polished_blackstone_stairs, cobbled_deepslate_stairs, polished_deepslate_stairs, deepslate_tile_stairs, deepslate_brick_stairs, oxidized_cut_copper_stairs, weathered_cut_copper_stairs, exposed_cut_copper_stairs, cut_copper_stairs, waxed_weathered_cut_copper_stairs, waxed_exposed_cut_copper_stairs, waxed_cut_copper_stairs, waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_stairs, mud_brick_stairs, bamboo_mosaic_stairs
  • Blocks in this tag are viewed as stairs by ruined portal generation.
standing_signs oak_sign, spruce_sign, birch_sign, acacia_sign, jungle_sign, dark_oak_sign, crimson_sign, warped_sign, mangrove_sign, bamboo_sign, cherry_sign 18w43a
stone_bricks stone_bricks, mossy_stone_bricks, cracked_stone_bricks, chiseled_stone_bricks 17w49b
stone_buttons stone_button, polished_blackstone_button 23w16a
stone_ore_replaceables stone, granite, diorite, andesite
  • Iron ore, redstone ore, gold ore, diamond ore, and lapis lazuli ore can generate as their stone variants in blocks in this tag.
  • Infested stone (from blobs) that generates in a block in this tag generates as infested stone.
stone_pressure_plates stone_pressure_plate, polished_blackstone_pressure_plate 20w17a
strider_warm_blocks lava
  • Unless a strider is in a block in this tag, it shivers.
sword_efficient #leaves, #saplings, #small_flowers, #crops, grass, fern, dead_bush, vine, glow_lichen, sunflower, lilac, rose_bush, peony, tall_grass, large_fern, hanging_roots, pitcher_plant, brown_mushroom, red_mushroom, sugar_cane, pumpkin, carved_pumpkin, jack_o_lantern, melon, attached_pumpkin_stem, attached_melon_stem, lily_pad, cocoa, pitcher_crop, sweet_berry_bush, cave_vines, cave_vines_plant, spore_blossom, moss_carpet, pink_petals, big_dripleaf, big_dripleaf_stem, small_dripleaf, nether_wart, warped_fungus, warped_roots, nether_sprouts, crimson_fungus, weeping_vines, weeping_vines_plant, twisting_vines, twisting_vines_plant, crimson_roots, chorus_plant, chorus_flower
  • Contains blocks that break faster with a sword.
tall_flowers sunflower, lilac, peony, rose_bush, pitcher_plant
  • Bees attempt to pollinate blocks in this tag
  • Used in the #flowers block tag.
terracotta terracotta, white_terracotta, orange_terracotta, magenta_terracotta, light_blue_terracotta, yellow_terracotta, lime_terracotta, pink_terracotta, gray_terracotta, light_gray_terracotta, cyan_terracotta, purple_terracotta, blue_terracotta, brown_terracotta, green_terracotta, red_terracotta, black_terracotta 1.18 Pre-release 5
trail_ruins_replaceable gravel 23w12a
trapdoors #wooden_trapdoors, iron_trapdoor
  • Mobs treat all blocks in this tag as trapdoors when pathfinding.
  • Climbable blocks in this tag use the "<player> fell off a ladder" death message when applicable.
1.13 Pre-release 10
underwater_bonemeals seagrass, #corals, #wall_corals
  • Blocks in this tag replace water source blocks (within 5 horizontal and 2 vertical blocks) when bone meal is used under water in warm ocean biomes.
  • If the blocks in this tag are customized, the behavior is applied to water source blocks in any biome. These blocks are not waterlogged by default.
unstable_bottom_center #fence_gates
  • Blocks in this tag cannot support lanterns and bells on their bottom side even if they would otherwise be able to.
valid_spawn grass_block, podzol
  • Unused.
walls cobblestone_wall, mossy_cobblestone_wall, brick_wall, prismarine_wall, red_sandstone_wall, mossy_stone_brick_wall, granite_wall, stone_brick_wall, nether_brick_wall, andesite_wall, red_nether_brick_wall, sandstone_wall, end_stone_brick_wall, diorite_wall, blackstone_wall, polished_blackstone_brick_wall, polished_blackstone_wall, cobbled_deepslate_wall, polished_deepslate_wall, deepslate_tile_wall, deepslate_brick_wall, mud_brick_wall
  • Mobs treat blocks in this tag as fences when pathfinding.
  • Fence gates have the in_wall tag when next to a block in this tag.
  • Other walls (not defined by the tag), glass panes, and iron bars attempt to connect to non-solid blocks in this tag.
  • Blocks in this tag are viewed as walls by ruined portal generation.
wall_corals tube_coral_wall_fan, brain_coral_wall_fan, bubble_coral_wall_fan, fire_coral_wall_fan, horn_coral_wall_fan
  • Used to generate coral reefs.
  • When bone meal is used in warm and deep warm oceans, blocks in this tag may be placed on the sides of blocks.
  • The game may crash if added blocks do not have directional placement.
  • Used in the #underwater_bonemeals block tag.
1.13 Pre-release 8
wall_hanging_signs oak_wall_hanging_sign, spruce_wall_hanging_sign, birch_wall_hanging_sign, acacia_wall_hanging_sign, jungle_wall_hanging_sign, dark_oak_wall_hanging_sign, crimson_wall_hanging_sign, warped_wall_hanging_sign, mangrove_wall_hanging_sign, bamboo_wall_hanging_sign, cherry_wall_hanging_sign 22w42a
wall_post_override torch, soul_torch, redstone_torch, tripwire, #signs, #banners, #pressure_plates
  • Blocks in this tag cause walls to become pillars, even if they are not solid.
wall_signs oak_wall_sign, spruce_wall_sign, birch_wall_sign, acacia_wall_sign, jungle_wall_sign, dark_oak_wall_sign, crimson_wall_sign, warped_wall_sign, mangrove_wall_sign, bamboo_wall_sign, cherry_wall_sign 18w43a
warped_stems warped_stem, stripped_warped_stem, warped_hyphae, stripped_warped_hyphae
  • Used in the #logs block tag.
wart_blocks nether_wart_block, warped_wart_block 20w06a
wither_immune barrier, bedrock, end_portal, end_portal_frame, end_gateway, command_block, repeating_command_block, chain_command_block, structure_block, jigsaw, moving_piston, reinforced_deepslate, light
  • Wither cannot destroy blocks with this tag by moving into them. This doesn't protect blocks from the explosion caused by creating the Wither or by Wither Skulls entities.
wither_summon_base_blocks soul_sand, soul_soil
  • Blocks in this tag can be used in the base to summon the wither.
wolves_spawnable_on grass_block, snow, snow_block 21w44a
wooden_buttons oak_button, spruce_button, birch_button, jungle_button, acacia_button, dark_oak_button, crimson_button, warped_button, mangrove_button, bamboo_button, cherry_button 17w50a
wooden_doors oak_door, spruce_door, birch_door, jungle_door, acacia_door, dark_oak_door, crimson_door, warped_door, mangrove_door, bamboo_door, cherry_door
  • Mobs that interact with wooden doors use this tag to detect wooden doors.
  • Only iron doors can be added to this tag. If added, villagers can open them.
  • Used in the #doors block tag.
wooden_fences oak_fence, acacia_fence, dark_oak_fence, spruce_fence, birch_fence, jungle_fence, crimson_fence, warped_fence, mangrove_fence, bamboo_fence, cherry_fence
  • Fences in this tag attempt to connect to each other.
  • Fences in the #fences block tag do not attempt to connect to fences in this tag.
  • Fences not in either tag do not connect to fences in this tag, including other fences of the same type.
  • Used in the #fences block tag.
wooden_pressure_plates oak_pressure_plate, spruce_pressure_plate, birch_pressure_plate, jungle_pressure_plate, acacia_pressure_plate, dark_oak_pressure_plate, crimson_pressure_plate, warped_pressure_plate, mangrove_pressure_plate, bamboo_pressure_plate, cherry_pressure_plate 18w06a
wooden_slabs oak_slab, spruce_slab, birch_slab, jungle_slab, acacia_slab, dark_oak_slab, crimson_slab, warped_slab, mangrove_slab, bamboo_slab, cherry_slab 18w06a
wooden_stairs oak_stairs, spruce_stairs, birch_stairs, jungle_stairs, acacia_stairs, dark_oak_stairs, crimson_stairs, warped_stairs, mangrove_stairs, bamboo_stairs, cherry_stairs 18w06a
wooden_trapdoors acacia_trapdoor, birch_trapdoor, dark_oak_trapdoor, jungle_trapdoor, oak_trapdoor, spruce_trapdoor, crimson_trapdoor, warped_trapdoor, mangrove_trapdoor, bamboo_trapdoor, cherry_trapdoor 1.13 Pre-release 10
wool_carpets white_carpet, orange_carpet, magenta_carpet, light_blue_carpet, yellow_carpet, lime_carpet, pink_carpet, gray_carpet, light_gray_carpet, cyan_carpet, purple_carpet, blue_carpet, brown_carpet, green_carpet, red_carpet, black_carpet 17w49b
wool white_wool, orange_wool, magenta_wool, light_blue_wool, yellow_wool, lime_wool, pink_wool, gray_wool, light_gray_wool, cyan_wool, purple_wool, blue_wool, brown_wool, green_wool, red_wool, black_wool
  • Blocks in this tag are broken 5× faster by shears and also increase the usage stat of shears.
  • Placing blocks in this tag under a note block sets the instrument used to guitar.
  • If blocks that cause note blocks to play a different instrument are added to this tag, they cause the note block to play guitar.
  • Used in the #dampens_vibrations and #occludes_vibration_signals block tags.

Entity types[]

Tag name Values Usage Version
arrows arrow, spectral_arrow
  • Used in the 'adventure/shoot_arrow.json' advancement file.
  • Used in the #impact_projectiles entity type tag.
axolotl_always_hostiles drowned, guardian, elder_guardian
  • Axolotls are always hostile toward entities in this tag.
axolotl_hunt_targets tropical_fish, pufferfish, salmon, cod, squid, glow_squid, tadpole
  • Axolotls exhibit the cooldown-based "hunt" behavior toward entities in this tag.
beehive_inhabitors bee
  • Entities in this tag can be in beehives.
dismounts_underwater camel, chicken, donkey, horse, llama, mule, pig, ravager, spider, strider, trader_llama, zombie_horse
  • Only mobs in this tag will force the rider to dismount when underwater.
1.19.4 Pre-release 2
fall_damage_immune iron_golem, snow_golem, shulker, allay, bat, bee, blaze, cat, chicken, ghast, phantom, magma_cube, ocelot, parrot, wither 1.19.4 Pre-release 1
freeze_hurts_extra_types strider, blaze, magma_cube
  • Entities in this tag take 5x more damage from the freezing effect.
freeze_immune_entity_types stray, polar_bear, snow_golem, wither
  • Entities in this tag cannot be frozen.
frog_food slime, magma_cube 22w14a
impact_projectiles #arrows, snowball, fireball, small_fireball, egg, trident, dragon_fireball, wither_skull
  • Used to determine what entities can break chorus fruit when hit.
  • Entities can be removed from this tag, but only entities that activate targets work when added.
non_controlling_rider‌[upcoming: JE 1.20.2] slime, magma_cube 23w31a
powder_snow_walkable_mobs rabbit, endermite, silverfish, fox
  • Entities in this tag can walk on top of powder snow without sinking.
raiders evoker, illusioner, pillager, ravager, vindicator, witch
  • Determines which entities get the glowing effect when ringing a bell.
  • Entities in this tag do not override a ravager's AI when riding one.
  • Used in the 'adventure/voluntary_exile.json' advancement file.
skeletons skeleton, stray, wither_skeleton
  • Makes creepers drop music discs when killed by a tagged mob.
  • Used in the 'entities/creeper.json' loot table.


Tag name Values Usage Version
lava lava, flowing_lava
  • Cactus breaks when next to this fluid.
  • Used to enable the lava texture on a fluid.
  • Used to create a smoke particle from rain instead of the normal rain particle.
  • Used to enable lava-like fog.
  • Items and experience orbs burn when in this fluid.
  • When a bucket containing this fluid is placed, it uses the lava sound effect.
  • Indicates a LAVA pathfinder node.
  • Used in the process of forming stone/cobblestone/obsidian.
  • Used in various strider pathfinding procedures.
  • Striders cannot be ridden while submersed in fluids in this tag.
water water, flowing_water
  • Coral must have this on at least one side.
  • Coral fans must be placed in this.
  • Farmland uses this to determine hydration.
  • Sugar Cane checks if this fluid, or a frosted ice block, is present next to the block below its base.
  • Sponges can absorb this fluid.
  • Several particles use this to determine whether they should persist (bubble, bubble_column_up, current_down, underwater).
  • The drip particle internally uses this to determine its color.
  • Used to enable water fog.
  • Determines if entities move as if they are in water.
  • Indicates a WATER pathfinder node. Certain mobs pathfind toward this.
  • Boats check for this.
  • Concrete solidifies in this.
  • Items and experience orbs float in this.
  • Guardians, squid, and turtles check for this.
  • Fishing bobbers bob in this.
  • Glass bottles may be filled in this.
  • This fluid cannot be placed by buckets in the nether.

Game events[]

Tag name Values Usage Version
allay_can_listen note_block_play 22w17a
ignore_vibrations_sneaking hit_ground, projectile_shoot, step, swim, item_interact_start, item_interact_finish
  • Game events in this tag are ignored by sculk sensors if the source entity is sneaking.
shrieker_can_listen sculk_sensor_tendrils_clicking 22w14a
vibrations block_attach, block_change, block_close, block_destroy, block_detach, block_open, block_place, block_activate, block_deactivate, container_close, container_open, drink, eat, elytra_glide, entity_damage, entity_die, entity_dismount, entity_interact, entity_mount, entity_place, entity_action‌[upcoming: JE 1.20.2], entity_roar‌[until JE 1.20.2], entity_shake‌[until JE 1.20.2], equip, explode, fluid_pickup, fluid_place, hit_ground, instrument_play, item_interact_finish, lightning_strike, note_block_play, prime_fuse, projectile_land, projectile_shoot, shear, splash, step, swim, teleport, unequip‌[upcoming: JE 1.20.2], resonate_1, resonate_2, resonate_3, resonate_4, resonate_5, resonate_6, resonate_7, resonate_8, resonate_9, resonate_10, resonate_11, resonate_12, resonate_13, resonate_14, resonate_15, flap 20w49a
warden_can_listen block_attach, block_change, block_close, block_destroy, block_detach, block_open, block_place, block_activate, block_deactivate, container_close, container_open, drink, eat, elytra_glide, entity_damage, entity_die, entity_dismount, entity_interact, entity_mount, entity_place, entity_action‌[upcoming: JE 1.20.2], entity_roar‌[until JE 1.20.2], entity_shake‌[until JE 1.20.2], equip, explode, fluid_pickup, fluid_place, hit_ground, instrument_play, item_interact_finish, lightning_strike, note_block_play, prime_fuse, projectile_land, projectile_shoot, shear, splash, step, swim, teleport, unequip‌[upcoming: JE 1.20.2], resonate_1, resonate_2, resonate_3, resonate_4, resonate_5, resonate_6, resonate_7, resonate_8, resonate_9, resonate_10, resonate_11, resonate_12, resonate_13, resonate_14, resonate_15, shriek, #shrieker_can_listen Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1


Tag name Values Usage Version
acacia_logs acacia_log, acacia_wood, stripped_acacia_log, stripped_acacia_wood
  • Used in the 'acacia_planks.json' advancement and recipe files.
  • Used in the #logs_that_burn item tag.
anvil anvil, chipped_anvil, damaged_anvil 18w07b
arrows arrow, tipped_arrow, spectral_arrow
  • Controls what items can be shot by bows and crossbows. Any items added to the tag can be shot and picked up as a normal arrow.
axes diamond_axe, stone_axe, golden_axe, netherite_axe, wooden_axe, iron_axe 23w07a
axolotl_tempt_items tropical_fish_bucket
  • Items in this tag can be used to tempt axolotls.
bamboo_blocks bamboo_block, stripped_bamboo_block 22w45a
banners white_banner, orange_banner, magenta_banner, light_blue_banner, yellow_banner, lime_banner, pink_banner, gray_banner, light_gray_banner, cyan_banner, purple_banner, blue_banner, brown_banner, green_banner, red_banner, black_banner
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 300.
beacon_payment_items netherite_ingot, emerald, diamond, gold_ingot, iron_ingot
  • Used by beacons to check which items can be placed inside of its GUI to select an effect.
beds red_bed, black_bed, blue_bed, brown_bed, cyan_bed, gray_bed, green_bed, light_blue_bed, light_gray_bed, lime_bed, magenta_bed, orange_bed, pink_bed, purple_bed, white_bed, yellow_bed 18w44a
birch_logs birch_log, birch_wood, stripped_birch_log, stripped_birch_wood
  • Used in the 'birch_planks.json' advancement and recipe files.
  • Used in the #logs_that_burn item tag.
boats oak_boat, spruce_boat, birch_boat, jungle_boat, acacia_boat, dark_oak_boat, mangrove_boat, #chest_boats, bamboo_raft, cherry_boat
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 1200.
bookshelf_books book, written_book, enchanted_book, writable_book, knowledge_book 22w42a
breaks_decorated_pots #tools 23w07a
buttons #wooden_buttons, #stone_buttons 17w49b
candles candle, white_candle, orange_candle, magenta_candle, light_blue_candle, yellow_candle, lime_candle, pink_candle, gray_candle, light_gray_candle, cyan_candle, purple_candle, blue_candle, brown_candle, green_candle, red_candle, black_candle
  • Cakes use this tag to determine if a candle item can be placed on it or not.
  • Adding items to this tag has no effect.
cherry_logs cherry_log, cherry_wood, stripped_cherry_log, stripped_cherry_wood 23w07a
chest_boats oak_chest_boat, spruce_chest_boat, birch_chest_boat, jungle_chest_boat, acacia_chest_boat, dark_oak_chest_boat, mangrove_chest_boat, bamboo_chest_raft, cherry_chest_boat 22w12a
cluster_max_harvestables diamond_pickaxe, golden_pickaxe, iron_pickaxe, netherite_pickaxe, stone_pickaxe, wooden_pickaxe
  • When amethyst clusters are broken with an item in this tag, they drop 4 amethyst shards.
coal_ores coal_ore, deepslate_coal_ore 21w10a
coals coal, charcoal
  • Used in the 'campfire.json' advancement and recipe files.
compasses compass, recovery_compass 22w14a
completes_find_tree_tutorial #logs, #leaves, #wart_blocks 22w15a
copper_ores copper_ore, deepslate_copper_ore 21w10a
creeper_drop_music_discs music_disc_13, music_disc_cat, music_disc_blocks, music_disc_chirp, music_disc_far, music_disc_mall, music_disc_mellohi, music_disc_stal, music_disc_strad, music_disc_ward, music_disc_11, music_disc_wait
  • Used to determine what a creeper drops when killed by a skeleton.
  • Used in the 'entities/creeper.json' loot table.
  • Used in the #music_discs item tag.
creeper_igniters flint_and_steel, fire_charge 1.19.3 Pre-release 2
crimson_stems crimson_stem, stripped_crimson_stem, crimson_hyphae, stripped_crimson_hyphae
  • Used in the 'crimson_planks.json' advancement and recipe files.
  • Used in the #logs item tag.
dampens_vibrations #wool, #wool_carpets
  • As thrown entities, items in this tag do not trigger vibrations.
dark_oak_logs dark_oak_log, dark_oak_wood, stripped_dark_oak_log, stripped_dark_oak_wood
  • Used in the 'dark_oak_planks.json' advancement and recipe files.
  • Used in the #logs_that_burn item tag.
decorated_pot_ingredients brick, #decorated_pot_sherds 23w17a
decorated_pot_sherds angler_pottery_sherd, archer_pottery_sherd, arms_up_pottery_sherd, blade_pottery_sherd, brewer_pottery_sherd, burn_pottery_sherd, danger_pottery_sherd, explorer_pottery_sherd, friend_pottery_sherd, heart_pottery_sherd, heartbreak_pottery_sherd, howl_pottery_sherd, miner_pottery_sherd, mourner_pottery_sherd, plenty_pottery_sherd, prize_pottery_sherd, sheaf_pottery_sherd, shelter_pottery_sherd, skull_pottery_sherd, snort_pottery_sherd 23w07a
diamond_ores diamond_ore, deepslate_diamond_ore 21w08a
dirt dirt, grass_block, podzol, coarse_dirt, mycelium, rooted_dirt, moss_block, mud, muddy_mangrove_roots 1.18 Pre-release 5
doors #wooden_doors, iron_door 17w49b
emerald_ores emerald_ore, deepslate_emerald_ore 21w10a
fence_gates acacia_fence_gate, birch_fence_gate, dark_oak_fence_gate, jungle_fence_gate, oak_fence_gate, spruce_fence_gate, crimson_fence_gate, warped_fence_gate, mangrove_fence_gate, bamboo_fence_gate, cherry_fence_gate 22w44a
fences #wooden_fences, nether_brick_fence 18w46a
fishes cod, cooked_cod, salmon, cooked_salmon, pufferfish, tropical_fish
  • Used by dolphins to pick a player to swim to. The item can be both in the main and offhand.
  • Feeding a dolphin one of these items increases its 'trust' in the player.
  • Items in this tag add 1 to the fish_caught statistic when caught through fishing.
flowers #small_flowers, #tall_flowers, flowering_azalea, flowering_azalea_leaves, mangrove_propagule, cherry_leaves, pink_petals, chorus_flower‌[upcoming: JE 1.20.2], spore_blossom‌[upcoming: JE 1.20.2]
  • Items in this tag can be used to breed bees.
  • Bees follow players holding items in this tag.
fox_food sweet_berries, glow_berries
  • Foxes treat items in this tag like they do sweet berries.
freeze_immune_wearables leather_boots, leather_leggings, leather_chestplate, leather_helmet, leather_horse_armor
  • Entities with an item in this tag in any armor slot do not freeze.
gold_ores gold_ore, nether_gold_ore, deepslate_gold_ore
  • Used in the 'gold_ingot.json' and 'gold_ingot_from_blasting.json' advancement and recipe files.
  • Used in the #piglin_loved item tag.
hanging_signs oak_hanging_sign, spruce_hanging_sign, birch_hanging_sign, acacia_hanging_sign, jungle_hanging_sign, dark_oak_hanging_sign, crimson_hanging_sign, warped_hanging_sign, mangrove_hanging_sign, bamboo_hanging_sign, cherry_hanging_sign 22w42a
hoes diamond_hoe, stone_hoe, golden_hoe, netherite_hoe, wooden_hoe, iron_hoe 23w07a
ignored_by_piglin_babies leather
  • Baby piglins do not attempt to pick up items in this tag. Baby piglins still follow the other rules adult piglins follow.
  • Takes precedence over piglin_food, and piglin_loved item tags when an item is in both.
iron_ores iron_ore, deepslate_iron_ore 21w08a
jungle_logs jungle_log, jungle_wood, stripped_jungle_log, stripped_jungle_wood
  • Used in the 'jungle_planks.json' advancement and recipe files.
  • Used in the #logs_that_burn item tag.
lapis_ores lapis_ore, deepslate_lapis_ore 21w08a
leaves jungle_leaves, oak_leaves, spruce_leaves, dark_oak_leaves, acacia_leaves, birch_leaves, azalea_leaves, flowering_azalea_leaves, mangrove_leaves, cherry_leaves 18w19a
lectern_books written_book, writable_book
  • Controls what items can be put on a lectern. Items cannot be added to this tag, only removed.
logs #logs_that_burn, #crimson_stems, #warped_stems
  • Used in various checks to either skip or progress with the "punch_tree" tutorial step.
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 300.
  • Used in the 'campfire.json', 'smoker.json', and 'soul_campfire.json' recipe files.
  • Used in the #completes_find_tree_tutorial‌ item tag.
logs_that_burn #dark_oak_logs, #oak_logs, #acacia_logs, #birch_logs, #jungle_logs, #spruce_logs, #mangrove_logs, #cherry_logs
  • Used in the 'charcoal.json' advancement and recipe files.
  • Used in the #logs item tag.
mangrove_logs mangrove_log, mangrove_wood, stripped_mangrove_log, stripped_mangrove_wood 22w11a
music_discs #creeper_drop_music_discs, music_disc_pigstep, music_disc_otherside, music_disc_5, music_disc_relic 18w43a
non_flammable_wood warped_stem, stripped_warped_stem, warped_hyphae, stripped_warped_hyphae, crimson_stem, stripped_crimson_stem, crimson_hyphae, stripped_crimson_hyphae, crimson_planks, warped_planks, crimson_slab, warped_slab, crimson_pressure_plate, warped_pressure_plate, crimson_fence, warped_fence, crimson_trapdoor, warped_trapdoor, crimson_fence_gate, warped_fence_gate, crimson_stairs, warped_stairs, crimson_button, warped_button, crimson_door, warped_door, crimson_sign, warped_sign, warped_hanging_sign, crimson_hanging_sign
  • Items in this tag cannot be used as fuel in a furnace.
  • If items are removed from this tag, they can be used as fuel only if they are part of a tag that can be used as fuel.
noteblock_top_instruments zombie_head, skeleton_skull, creeper_head, dragon_head, wither_skeleton_skull, piglin_head, player_head 23w03a
oak_logs oak_log, oak_wood, stripped_oak_log, stripped_oak_wood
  • Used in the 'oak_planks.json' advancement and recipe files.
  • Used in the #logs_that_burn item tag.
pickaxes diamond_pickaxe, stone_pickaxe, golden_pickaxe, netherite_pickaxe, wooden_pickaxe, iron_pickaxe 23w07a
piglin_food porkchop, cooked_porkchop
  • Piglins can "eat" items in this tag.
    • Eating refers to the piglin seeking out and picking up an item without appearing in its inventory, thus vanishing.
piglin_loved #gold_ores, gold_block, gilded_blackstone, light_weighted_pressure_plate, gold_ingot, bell, clock, golden_carrot, glistering_melon_slice, golden_apple, enchanted_golden_apple, golden_helmet, golden_chestplate, golden_leggings, golden_boots, golden_horse_armor, golden_sword, golden_pickaxe, golden_shovel, golden_axe, golden_hoe, raw gold, raw_gold_block
  • Piglins actively seek out items in this tag.
  • Piglins view players holding items in this tag as holding a "loved" item.
  • Used in the distract_piglin.json advancement file.
piglin_repellents soul_torch, soul_lantern, soul_campfire
  • Piglins do not attempt to pick up items in this tag.
planks oak_planks, spruce_planks, birch_planks, jungle_planks, acacia_planks, dark_oak_planks, crimson_planks, warped_planks, mangrove_planks, bamboo_planks, cherry_planks
  • Items in this tag can be used to repair shields in an anvil.
  • Used in various checks to either skip or progress with the "craft_planks" tutorial step.
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 300.
  • Used in these 3 advancement files and these 39 recipe files.
rails rail, powered_rail, detector_rail, activator_rail 18w07b
redstone_ores redstone_ore, deepslate_redstone_ore 21w08a
sand sand, red_sand, suspicious_sand
  • Used in the 'glass.json' advancement and recipe files.
saplings oak_sapling, spruce_sapling, birch_sapling, jungle_sapling, acacia_sapling, dark_oak_sapling, azalea, flowering_azalea, mangrove_propagule, cherry_sapling
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 100.
shovels diamond_shovel, stone_shovel, golden_shovel, netherite_shovel, wooden_shovel, iron_shovel 23w07a
signs oak_sign, spruce_sign, birch_sign, acacia_sign, jungle_sign, dark_oak_sign, crimson_sign, warped_sign, mangrove_sign, bamboo_sign, cherry_sign
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 200.
slabs #wooden_slabs, stone_slab, smooth_stone_slab, stone_brick_slab, sandstone_slab, purpur_slab, quartz_slab, red_sandstone_slab, brick_slab, cobblestone_slab, nether_brick_slab, petrified_oak_slab, prismarine_slab, prismarine_brick_slab, dark_prismarine_slab, polished_granite_slab, smooth_red_sandstone_slab, mossy_stone_brick_slab, polished_diorite_slab, mossy_cobblestone_slab, end_stone_brick_slab, smooth_sandstone_slab, smooth_quartz_slab, granite_slab, andesite_slab, red_nether_brick_slab, polished_andesite_slab, diorite_slab, cut_sandstone_slab, cut_red_sandstone_slab, blackstone_slab, polished_blackstone_brick_slab, polished_blackstone_slab, cobbled_deepslate_slab, polished_deepslate_slab, deepslate_tile_slab, deepslate_brick_slab, waxed_weathered_cut_copper_slab, waxed_exposed_cut_copper_slab, waxed_cut_copper_slab, oxidized_cut_copper_slab, weathered_cut_copper_slab, exposed_cut_copper_slab, cut_copper_slab, waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_slab, mud_brick_slab, bamboo_mosaic_slab 18w07b
small_flowers dandelion, poppy, blue_orchid, allium, azure_bluet, red_tulip, orange_tulip, white_tulip, pink_tulip, oxeye_daisy, cornflower, lily_of_the_valley, wither_rose, torchflower
  • Used in the suspicious stew recipe. Adding items does not allow them to be used in suspicious stew, but removing them disallows them from being used.
  • Items in this tag that give suspicious stew an effect can be fed to brown mooshrooms.
  • Used in the #flowers item tag.
smelts_to_glass sand, red_sand
  • Items with this tag give glass when smelted in a furnace.
1.19.4 Pre-release 1
sniffer_food torchflower_seeds 23w07a
soul_fire_base_blocks soul_sand, soul_soil
  • Used in the 'soul_campfire.json' and 'soul_torch.json' advancement and recipe files.
spruce_logs spruce_log, spruce_wood, stripped_spruce_log, stripped_spruce_wood
  • Used in the 'spruce_planks.json' advancement and recipe files.
  • Used in the #logs_that_burn item tag.
stairs #wooden_stairs, cobblestone_stairs, sandstone_stairs, nether_brick_stairs, stone_brick_stairs, brick_stairs, purpur_stairs, quartz_stairs, red_sandstone_stairs, prismarine_brick_stairs, prismarine_stairs, dark_prismarine_stairs, polished_granite_stairs, smooth_red_sandstone_stairs, mossy_stone_brick_stairs, polished_diorite_stairs, mossy_cobblestone_stairs, end_stone_brick_stairs, stone_stairs, smooth_sandstone_stairs, smooth_quartz_stairs, granite_stairs, andesite_stairs, red_nether_brick_stairs, polished_andesite_stairs, diorite_stairs, blackstone_stairs, polished_blackstone_brick_stairs, polished_blackstone_stairs, cobbled_deepslate_stairs, polished_deepslate_stairs, deepslate_tile_stairs, deepslate_brick_stairs, oxidized_cut_copper_stairs, weathered_cut_copper_stairs, exposed_cut_copper_stairs, cut_copper_stairs, waxed_weathered_cut_copper_stairs, waxed_exposed_cut_copper_stairs, waxed_cut_copper_stairs, waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_stairs, mud_brick_stairs, bamboo_mosaic_stairs 18w07b
stone_bricks stone_bricks, mossy_stone_bricks, cracked_stone_bricks, chiseled_stone_bricks
  • Used in these 3 advancement files.
stone_buttons stone_button, polished_blackstone_button 23w16a
stone_crafting_materials cobblestone, blackstone, cobbled_deepslate
  • Used in the 'furnace.json' advancement and recipe files and the 'brewing_stand.json' recipe file.
stone_tool_materials cobblestone, blackstone, cobbled_deepslate
  • Used in these 6 advancement and recipe files.
  • Items in this tag can be used to repair stone tools in an anvil.
swords diamond_sword, stone_sword, golden_sword, netherite_sword, wooden_sword, iron_sword 23w07a
tall_flowers sunflower, lilac, peony, rose_bush, pitcher_plant 19w34a
terracotta terracotta, white_terracotta, orange_terracotta, magenta_terracotta, light_blue_terracotta, yellow_terracotta, lime_terracotta, pink_terracotta, gray_terracotta, light_gray_terracotta, cyan_terracotta, purple_terracotta, blue_terracotta, brown_terracotta, green_terracotta, red_terracotta, black_terracotta 1.18 Pre-release 5
tools #swords, #axes, #pickaxes, #shovels, #hoes, trident 23w07a
trapdoors #wooden_trapdoors, iron_trapdoor 1.13 Pre-release 10
trim_materials iron_ingot, copper_ingot, gold_ingot, lapis_lazuli, emerald, diamond, netherite_ingot, redstone, quartz, amethyst_shard 23w04a
trim_templates ward_armor_trim_smithing_template, spire_armor_trim_smithing_template, coast_armor_trim_smithing_template, eye_armor_trim_smithing_template, dune_armor_trim_smithing_template, wild_armor_trim_smithing_template, rib_armor_trim_smithing_template, tide_armor_trim_smithing_template, sentry_armor_trim_smithing_template, vex_armor_trim_smithing_template, snout_armor_trim_smithing_template, wayfinder_armor_trim_smithing_template, shaper_armor_trim_smithing_template, silence_armor_trim_smithing_template, raiser_armor_trim_smithing_template, host_armor_trim_smithing_template 23w04a
trimmable_armor netherite_helmet, netherite_chestplate, netherite_leggings, netherite_boots, diamond_helmet, diamond_chestplate, diamond_leggings, diamond_boots, golden_helmet, golden_chestplate, golden_leggings, golden_boots, iron_helmet, iron_chestplate, iron_leggings, iron_boots, chainmail_helmet, chainmail_chestplate, chainmail_leggings, chainmail_boots, leather_helmet, leather_chestplate, leather_leggings, leather_boots, turtle_helmet 23w04a
villager_plantable_seeds wheat_seeds, potato, carrot, beetroot_seeds, torchflower_seeds, pitcher_pod
  • Contains seeds that villagers will use to farm.
walls cobblestone_wall, mossy_cobblestone_wall, brick_wall, prismarine_wall, red_sandstone_wall, mossy_stone_brick_wall, granite_wall, stone_brick_wall, nether_brick_wall, andesite_wall, red_nether_brick_wall, sandstone_wall, end_stone_brick_wall, diorite_wall, blackstone_wall, polished_blackstone_brick_wall, polished_blackstone_wall, cobbled_deepslate_wall, polished_deepslate_wall, deepslate_tile_wall, deepslate_brick_wall, mud_brick_wall 18w43a
warped_stems warped_stem, stripped_warped_stem, warped_hyphae, stripped_warped_hyphae
  • Used in the 'warped_planks.json' advancement and recipe files.
  • Used in the #logs item tag.
wart_blocks nether_wart_block, warped_wart_block 22w15a
wooden_buttons oak_button, spruce_button, birch_button, jungle_button, acacia_button, dark_oak_button, crimson_button, warped_button, mangrove_button, bamboo_button, cherry_button
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 100.
  • Used in the #buttons item tag.
wooden_doors oak_door, spruce_door, birch_door, jungle_door, acacia_door, dark_oak_door, crimson_door, warped_door, mangrove_door, bamboo_door, cherry_door
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 200.
  • Used in the #doors item tag.
wooden_fences oak_fence, acacia_fence, dark_oak_fence, spruce_fence, birch_fence, jungle_fence, crimson_fence, warped_fence, mangrove_fence, bamboo_fence, cherry_fence 19w03a
wooden_pressure_plates oak_pressure_plate, spruce_pressure_plate, birch_pressure_plate, jungle_pressure_plate, acacia_pressure_plate, dark_oak_pressure_plate, crimson_pressure_plate, warped_pressure_plate, mangrove_pressure_plate, bamboo_pressure_plate, cherry_pressure_plate
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 300.
wooden_slabs oak_slab, spruce_slab, birch_slab, jungle_slab, acacia_slab, dark_oak_slab, crimson_slab, warped_slab, mangrove_slab, bamboo_slab, cherry_slab
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 150.
  • Used in the 'barrel.json' and 'composter.json advancement and recipe files.
  • Used in the 'daylight_detector.json' and 'lectern.json' recipe files.
  • Used in the #slabs item tag.
wooden_stairs oak_stairs, spruce_stairs, birch_stairs, jungle_stairs, acacia_stairs, dark_oak_stairs, crimson_stairs, warped_stairs, mangrove_stairs, bamboo_stairs, cherry_stairs
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 300.
  • Used in the #stairs item tag.
wooden_trapdoors acacia_trapdoor, birch_trapdoor, dark_oak_trapdoor, jungle_trapdoor, oak_trapdoor, spruce_trapdoor, crimson_trapdoor, warped_trapdoor, mangrove_trapdoor, bamboo_trapdoor, cherry_trapdoor
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 300.
  • Used in the #trapdoors item tag.
1.13 Pre-release 10
wool_carpets white_carpet, orange_carpet, magenta_carpet, light_blue_carpet, yellow_carpet, lime_carpet, pink_carpet, gray_carpet, light_gray_carpet, cyan_carpet, purple_carpet, blue_carpet, brown_carpet, green_carpet, red_carpet, black_carpet
  • Used to check whether or not an item can go in the decoration slot of a llama, but items other than carpets do not change the llama visually.
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 67.
  • Used in the #dampens_vibrations item tag.
wool white_wool, orange_wool, magenta_wool, light_blue_wool, yellow_wool, lime_wool, pink_wool, gray_wool, light_gray_wool, cyan_wool, purple_wool, blue_wool, brown_wool, green_wool, red_wool, black_wool
  • Used to check if an item can go in the fuel slot of a furnace and to return a burn time of 100.
  • Used in the 'painting.json' advancement and recipe files.
  • Used in the #dampens_vibrations item tag.


Tag name Values Usage Version
allows_surface_slime_spawns swamp, mangrove_swamp 22w11a
allows_tropical_fish_spawns_at_any_height lush_caves 22w11a
has_closer_water_fog swamp, mangrove_swamp
  • These biomes have a shorter view distance underwater.
has_structure/ancient_city deep_dark
  • Ancient city can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/bastion_remnant crimson_forest, nether_wastes, soul_sand_valley, warped_forest
  • Bastion remnants can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/buried_treasure #is_beach
  • Buried treasure can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/desert_pyramid desert
  • Desert pyramid can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/end_city end_highlands, end_midlands
  • End city can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/igloo snowy_taiga, snowy_plains, snowy_slopes
  • Igloo can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/jungle_temple bamboo_jungle, jungle
  • Jungle temple can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/mineshaft_mesa #is_badlands
  • Mesa mineshaft can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/mineshaft #is_ocean, #is_river, #is_beach, #is_mountain, #is_hill, #is_taiga, #is_jungle, #is_forest, stony_shore, mushroom_fields, ice_spikes, windswept_savanna, desert, savanna, snowy_plains, plains, sunflower_plains, swamp, savanna_plateau, dripstone_caves, lush_caves, mangrove_swamp
  • Mineshaft can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/nether_fortress #is_nether
  • Nether fortress can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/nether_fossil soul_sand_valley
  • Nether fossil can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/ocean_monument #is_deep_ocean
  • Ocean monument can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/ocean_ruin_cold frozen_ocean, cold_ocean, ocean, deep_frozen_ocean, deep_cold_ocean, deep_ocean
  • Cold ocean ruin can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/ocean_ruin_warm lukewarm_ocean, warm_ocean, deep_lukewarm_ocean
  • Warm ocean ruin can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/pillager_outpost desert, plains, savanna, snowy_plains, taiga, #is_mountain, grove
  • Pillager outpost can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/ruined_portal_desert desert
  • Desert ruined portal can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/ruined_portal_jungle #is_jungle
  • Jungle ruined portal can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/ruined_portal_mountain #is_badlands, #is_hill, savanna_plateau, windswept_savanna, stony_shore, #is_mountain
  • Mountain ruined portal can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/ruined_portal_nether #is_nether
  • Nether ruined portal can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/ruined_portal_ocean #is_ocean
  • Ocean ruined portal can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/ruined_portal_standard #is_beach, #is_river, #is_taiga, #is_forest, mushroom_fields, ice_spikes, dripstone_caves, lush_caves, savanna, snowy_plains, plains, sunflower_plains
  • Normal ruined portal can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/ruined_portal_swamp swamp, mangrove_swamp
  • Swamp ruined portal can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/shipwreck_beached #is_beach
  • Beached shipwreck can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/shipwreck #is_ocean
  • Shipwreck can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/stronghold #is_overworld
  • Stronghold can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/swamp_hut swamp
  • Swamp hut can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/trail_ruins taiga, snowy_taiga, old_growth_pine_taiga, old_growth_spruce_taiga, old_growth_birch_forest, jungle 23w12a
has_structure/village_desert desert
  • Desert village can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/village_plains plains, meadow
  • Plains village can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/village_savanna savanna
  • Savanna village can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/village_snowy snowy_plains
  • Snowy village can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/village_taiga taiga
  • Taiga village can generate in these biomes.
has_structure/woodland_mansion dark_forest
  • Woodland mansion can generate in these biomes.
increased_fire_burnout bamboo_jungle, mushroom_fields, mangrove_swamp, snowy_slopes, frozen_peaks, jagged_peaks, swamp, jungle 23w03a
is_badlands badlands, eroded_badlands, wooded_badlands 22w07a
is_beach beach, snowy_beach 22w07a
is_deep_ocean deep_frozen_ocean, deep_cold_ocean, deep_ocean, deep_lukewarm_ocean 22w07a
is_end the_end, end_highlands, end_midlands, small_end_islands, end_barrens 22w11a
is_forest forest, flower_forest, birch_forest, old_growth_birch_forest, dark_forest, grove 22w07a
is_hill windswept_hills, windswept_forest, windswept_gravelly_hills 22w07a
is_jungle bamboo_jungle, jungle, sparse_jungle 22w07a
is_mountain meadow, frozen_peaks, jagged_peaks, stony_peaks, snowy_slopes, cherry_grove 22w07a
is_nether nether_wastes, basalt_deltas, soul_sand_valley, crimson_forest, warped_forest 22w07a
is_ocean #is_deep_ocean, frozen_ocean, ocean, cold_ocean, lukewarm_ocean, warm_ocean 22w07a
is_overworld mushroom_fields, deep_frozen_ocean, frozen_ocean, deep_cold_ocean, cold_ocean, deep_ocean, ocean, deep_lukewarm_ocean, lukewarm_ocean, warm_ocean, stony_shore, swamp, snowy_slopes, snowy_plains, snowy_beach, windswept_gravelly_hills, grove, windswept_hills, snowy_taiga, windswept_forest, taiga, plains, meadow, beach, forest, old_growth_spruce_taiga, flower_forest, birch_forest, dark_forest, savanna_plateau, savanna, jungle, badlands, eroded_badlands, desert, wooded_badlands, jagged_peaks, stony_peaks, frozen_river, river, ice_spikes, old_growth_pine_taiga, sunflower_plains, old_growth_birch_forest, sparse_jungle, bamboo_jungle, windswept_savanna, frozen_peaks, dripstone_caves, lush_caves, deep_dark, mangrove_swamp, cherry_grove 22w11a
is_river river, frozen_river 22w07a
is_savanna savanna, savanna_plateau, windswept_savanna 22w11a
is_taiga taiga, snowy_taiga, old_growth_pine_taiga, old_growth_spruce_taiga 22w07a
mineshaft_blocking deep_dark 1.19 Pre-release 2
more_frequent_drowned_spawns #is_river 22w11a
plays_underwater_music #is_ocean, #is_river
  • The player hears the special underwater music when underwater in these biomes.
polar_bears_spawn_on_alternate_blocks frozen_ocean, deep_frozen_ocean 22w11a
produces_corals_from_bonemeal warm_ocean
  • Coral can be farmed by using bone meal in these biomes.
reduce_water_ambient_spawns #is_river 22w11a
required_ocean_monument_surrounding #is_ocean, #is_river
  • These biomes must be present around a location where a monument is possible to generate.
snow_golem_melts badlands, basalt_deltas, crimson_forest, desert, eroded_badlands, nether_wastes, savanna, savanna_plateau, soul_sand_valley, warped_forest, windswept_savanna, wooded_badlands 23w03a
spawns_cold_variant_frogs snowy_taiga, snowy_plains, ice_spikes, grove, frozen_peaks, jagged_peaks, snowy_slopes, frozen_ocean, deep_frozen_ocean, frozen_river, snowy_beach, deep_dark, #is_end 22w11a
spawns_gold_rabbits desert 22w11a
spawns_snow_foxes snowy_plains, ice_spikes, frozen_ocean, snowy_taiga, frozen_river, snowy_beach, frozen_peaks, jagged_peaks, snowy_slopes, grove 23w03a
spawns_warm_variant_frogs warm_ocean, desert, mangrove_swamp, #is_jungle, #is_savanna, #is_badlands, #is_nether 22w11a
spawns_white_rabbits snowy_plains, ice_spikes, frozen_ocean, snowy_taiga, frozen_river, snowy_beach, frozen_peaks, jagged_peaks, snowy_slopes, grove 23w03a
stronghold_biased_to plains, sunflower_plains, snowy_plains, ice_spikes, desert, forest, flower_forest, birch_forest, dark_forest, old_growth_birch_forest, old_growth_pine_taiga, old_growth_spruce_taiga, taiga, snowy_taiga, savanna, savanna_plateau, windswept_hills, windswept_gravelly_hills, windswept_forest, windswept_savanna, jungle, sparse_jungle, bamboo_jungle, badlands, eroded_badlands, wooded_badlands, meadow, grove, snowy_slopes, frozen_peaks, jagged_peaks, stony_peaks, mushroom_fields, dripstone_caves, lush_caves 22w11a
water_on_map_outlines #is_ocean, #is_river, swamp, mangrove_swamp
  • These biomes appear as water on map outlines.
without_patrol_spawns mushroom_fields 22w11a
without_wandering_trader_spawns the_void 22w11a
without_zombie_sieges mushroom_fields 22w11a


Tag name Values Usage Version
cats_spawn_as_black swamp_hut
  • Cats will naturally spawn in these structures as the all-black variety.
cats_spawn_in swamp_hut
  • Cats will naturally spawn in these structures.
dolphin_located #ocean_ruin, #shipwreck
  • Dolphins will guide the player towards these structures.
1.18.2 Pre-release 1
eye_of_ender_located stronghold 1.18.2 Pre-release 1
mineshaft mineshaft, mineshaft_mesa 1.18.2 Pre-release 1
ocean_ruin ocean_ruin_cold, ocean_ruin_warm 1.18.2 Pre-release 1
on_desert_village_maps‌[upcoming] village_desert 1.20.2 Pre-release 1
on_jungle_explorer_maps‌[upcoming] jungle_pyramid 1.20.2 Pre-release 1
on_ocean_explorer_maps monument 1.18.2 Pre-release 1
on_plains_village_maps‌[upcoming] village_plains 1.20.2 Pre-release 1
on_savanna_village_maps‌[upcoming] village_savanna 1.20.2 Pre-release 1
on_snowy_village_maps‌[upcoming] village_snowy 1.20.2 Pre-release 1
on_swamp_explorer_maps‌[upcoming] swamp_hut 1.20.2 Pre-release 1
on_taiga_village_maps‌[upcoming] village_taiga 1.20.2 Pre-release 1
on_treasure_maps buried_treasure 1.18.2 Pre-release 1
on_woodland_explorer_maps mansion 1.18.2 Pre-release 1
ruined_portal ruined_portal_desert, ruined_portal_jungle, ruined_portal_mountain, ruined_portal_nether, ruined_portal_ocean, ruined_portal, ruined_portal_swamp 1.18.2 Pre-release 1
shipwreck shipwreck, shipwreck_beached 1.18.2 Pre-release 1
village village_plains, village_desert, village_savanna, village_snowy, village_taiga 1.18.2 Pre-release 1

Flat level generator presets[]

Tag name Values Usage Version
visible classic_flat, tunnelers_dream, water_world, overworld, snowy_kingdom, bottomless_pit, desert, redstone_ready, the_void
  • What superflat presets are visible in the create world menu.

World presets[]

Tag name Values Usage Version
normal normal, flat, large_biomes, amplified, single_biome_surface
  • World presets available during world creation.
  • Used in the #extended world preset tag.
extended #normal, debug_all_block_states
  • World presets available when holding Alt during world creation.

Cat variants[]

Tag name Values Usage Version
default_spawns tabby, black, red, siamese, british_shorthair, calico, persian, ragdoll, white, jellie
  • Spawns on every day apart from the full moon.
  • Used in the #full_moon_spawns cat variant tag.
full_moon_spawns #default_spawns, all_black
  • Spawns on the full moon.

Painting variants[]

Tag name Values Usage Version
placeable kebab, aztec, alban, aztec2, bomb, plant, wasteland, pool, courbet, sea, sunset, creebet, wanderer, graham, match, bust, stage, void, skull_and_roses, wither, fighters, pointer, pigscene, burning_skull, skeleton, donkey_kong
  • Is placeable in unmodified survival.


Tag name Values Usage Version
no_item_required square_bottom_left, square_bottom_right, square_top_left, square_top_right, stripe_bottom, stripe_top, stripe_left, stripe_right, stripe_center, stripe_middle, stripe_downright, stripe_downleft, small_stripes, cross, straight_cross, triangle_bottom, triangle_top, triangles_bottom, triangles_top, diagonal_left, diagonal_up_right, diagonal_up_left, diagonal_right, circle, rhombus, half_vertical, half_horizontal, half_vertical_right, half_horizontal_bottom, border, curly_border, gradient, gradient_up, bricks
  • Can be chosen in the loom without a banner pattern.
pattern_item/creeper creeper 22w18a
pattern_item/flower flower 22w18a
pattern_item/globe globe 22w18a
pattern_item/mojang mojang 22w18a
pattern_item/piglin piglin 22w18a
pattern_item/skull skull 22w18a


Tag name Values Usage Version
goat_horns #regular_goat_horns, #screaming_goat_horns
  • Appears in the creative inventory.
regular_goat_horns ponder_goat_horn, sing_goat_horn, seek_goat_horn, feel_goat_horn 22w18a
screaming_goat_horns admire_goat_horn, call_goat_horn, yearn_goat_horn, dream_goat_horn
  • Used in the #goat_horns instrument tag.
  • Dropped by screaming goats.

Point of interest types[]

Tag name Values Usage Version
acquirable_job_site armorer, butcher, cartographer, cleric, farmer, fisherman, fletcher, leatherworker, librarian, mason, shepherd, toolsmith, weaponsmith
  • Used in the #village point of interest type tag.
  • Where villagers with professions look for their job sites.
bee_home beehive, bee_nest
  • Where bees look for their home.
village #acquirable_job_site, home, meeting
  • Where villagers look for parts of their daily routines.

Damage types[]

Tag name Values Usage Version
always_hurts_ender_dragons #is_explosion 1.19.4 Pre-release 1
always_kills_armor_stands‌[upcoming: JE 1.20.2] arrow, trident, mob_projectile, fireball, wither_skull 1.20.2 Pre-Release 4
always_most_significant_fall out_of_world 23w06a
always_triggers_silverfish magic 23w06a
avoids_guardian_thorns magic, thorns, #is_explosion 23w06a
burns_armor_stands on_fire 23w06a
bypasses_armor on_fire, in_wall, cramming, drown, fly_into_wall, generic, wither, dragon_breath, freeze, starve, fall, stalagmite, magic, indirect_magic, out_of_world, sonic_boom, generic_kill, outside_border 23w06a
bypasses_cooldown Empty in vanilla
  • Damage types with this tag bypass the regular invincibility time after taking damage.
1.19.4 Pre-release 1
bypasses_effects starve 23w06a
bypasses_enchantments sonic_boom 23w06a
bypasses_invulnerability out_of_world, generic_kill 23w06a
bypasses_resistance out_of_world, generic_kill 23w06a
bypasses_shield #bypasses_armor, falling_anvil, falling_stalactite 1.19.4 Pre-release 4
damages_helmet falling_anvil, falling_block, falling_stalactite 23w06a
ignites_armor_stands in_fire 23w06a
is_drowning drown
  • Damage types with this tag are ignored if the drowningDamage game rule is set to false, or if the player has the Water Breathing potion effect.
is_explosion fireworks, explosion, player_explosion, bad_respawn_point 23w06a
is_fall fall, stalagmite
  • Damage types with this tag are ignored if the fallDamage game rule is set to false, or if the player has the Slow Falling potion effect. Damage from these types is reduced by the Feather Falling enchantment.
is_fire in_fire, on_fire, lava, hot_floor, unattributed_fireball, fireball
  • Damage types with this tag are ignored if the fireDamage game rule is set to false, or if the player has the Fire Resistance potion effect. Any damage received is reduced by the Fire Protection enchantment.
is_freezing freeze
  • Damage types with this tag are ignored if the freezeDamage game rule is set to false, or if the player is wearing any piece of leather armor.
is_lightning lightning_bolt 23w06a
is_projectile arrow, trident, mob_projectile, unattributed_fireball, fireball, wither_skull, thrown 23w06a
no_anger mob_attack_no_aggro 23w06a
no_impact drown 23w06a
no_knockback‌[upcoming: JE 1.20.2] explosion, player_explosion, bad_respawn_point 23w31a
witch_resistant_to magic, indirect_magic, sonic_boom, thorns 23w06a
wither_immune_to drown 23w06a


Tag name Usage Version
load Tagged functions run after a (re)load. 18w01a
tick Tagged functions run every tick at the beginning of the tick. 17w49b

Removed Tags[]

Tag name Tag type Values Notes Version Added Version Removed
ancient_city_center_replaceable block deepslate, deepslate_bricks, deepslate_tiles, deepslate_brick_slab, deepslate_tile_slab, deepslate_brick_stairs, deepslate_tile_wall, deepslate_brick_wall, cobbled_deepslate, cracked_deepslate_bricks, cracked_deepslate_tiles Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1 22w14a
axolotl_tempted_hostiles entity type drowned, guardian 20w51a 21w13a
azalea_log_replaceable block #flowers, #leaves, grass, fern, sweet_berry_bush, small_dripleaf 21w05a 21w10a
coral_blocks item #dead_coral_blocks, #live_coral_blocks 18w16a 1.13 Pre-release 8
coral_fans item tube_coral_fan, brain_coral_fan, bubble_coral_fan, fire_coral_fan, horn_coral_fan 18w10a 1.13 Pre-release 8
corals item tube_coral, brain_coral, bubble_coral, fire_coral, horn_coral 18w09a 1.13 Pre-release 8
dampenable_vibrations game event hit_ground, step 22w13a 22w17a
dead_coral_blocks item dead_tube_coral_block, dead_brain_coral_block, dead_bubble_coral_block, dead_fire_coral_block, dead_horn_coral_block 18w16a 1.13 Pre-release 8
dirt_like block dirt, grass_block, podzol, coarse_dirt, mycelium 18w43a 19w41a
furnace_materials item cobblestone, blackstone 20w15a 20w28a
live_coral_blocks item tube_coral_block, brain_coral_block, bubble_coral_block, fire_coral_block, horn_coral_block, 18w14b 1.13 Pre-release 8
lush_plants_replaceable block #base_stone_overworld, #cave_vines, dirt, gravel, sand, moss_block, #flowers, grass, tall_grass, moss_carpet, small_dripleaf, big_dripleaf, big_dripleaf_stem, vine 21w05a 21w16a
non_flammable_wood block warped_stem, stripped_warped_stem, warped_hyphae, stripped_warped_hyphae, crimson_stem, stripped_crimson_stem, crimson_hyphae, stripped_crimson_hyphae, crimson_planks, warped_planks, crimson_slab, warped_slab, crimson_pressure_plate, warped_pressure_plate, crimson_fence, warped_fence, crimson_trapdoor, warped_trapdoor, crimson_fence_gate, warped_fence_gate, crimson_stairs, warped_stairs, crimson_button, warped_button, crimson_door, warped_door, crimson_sign, warped_sign, crimson_wall_sign, warped_wall_sign, crimson_hanging_sign, warped_hanging_sign, crimson_wall_hanging_sign, warped_wall_hanging_sign The item tag with the same name still exists. 20w13a 22w44a
overworld_natural_logs item acacia_log, birch_log, oak_log, jungle_log, spruce_log, dark_oak_log, mangrove_log The block tag with the same name still exists. 22w17a 22w45a
replaceable_plants block grass, fern, dead_bush, vine, glow_lichen, sunflower, lilac, rose_bush, peony, tall_grass, large_fern, hanging_roots 1.18 Pre-release 5 23w14a
skip_occlude_vibration_when_above block skulk Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1 Was never introduced into the main snapshot series.
stripped_logs block/item stripped_oak_log, stripped_spruce_log, stripped_birch_log, stripped_jungle_log, stripped_acacia_log, stripped_dark_oak_log, stripped_crimson_stem, stripped_warped_stem, stripped_mangrove_log 22w42a 22w46a
water_hacked block #stairs, #waterlogged, #slabs, chest 18w07a 18w10c
waterlogged block #coral_plants, bubble_column, kelp, kelp_top, sea_grass, tall_sea_grass 18w07b 18w10c

Bedrock Edition[]


Tag name Values Usage Version
acacia log2:0 [more information needed]
birch log:2 [more information needed]
dark_oak log2:1 [more information needed]
diamond_pick_diggable raw_gold_block, raw_iron_block, coal_ore, deepslate_coal_ore, deepslate_diamond_ore, deepslate_emerald_ore, deepslate_gold_ore, deepslate_iron_ore, deepslate_redstone_ore, diamond_ore, emerald_ore, gold_ore]], iron_ore, obsidian, redstone_ore [more information needed]
dirt farmland [more information needed]
fertalize_area yellow_flower, red_flower [more information needed]
grass dirt, grass_path, grass [more information needed]
gravel gravel [more information needed]
iron_pick_diggable raw_gold_block, raw_iron_block, coal_ore, deepslate_coal_ore, deepslate_diamond_ore, deepslate_emerald_ore, deepslate_gold_ore, deepslate_iron_ore, deepslate_redstone_ore, diamond_ore, emerald_ore, gold_ore, iron_ore, redstone_ore [more information needed]
jungle log:3 [more information needed]
log log, log2 [more information needed]
metal gold_block, iron_block, cauldron, iron_bars [more information needed]
mob_spawner mob_spawner [more information needed]
minecarft:crop beetroot, carrots, potatoes, wheat [more information needed]
not_feature_replacable bedrock, chest, end_portal_frame, mob_spawner [more information needed]
oak log:0 [more information needed]
plant sapling, double_plant [more information needed]
pumpkin pumpkin, carved_pumpkin, lit_pumpkin [more information needed]
rail activator_rail, detector_rail, powered_rail, rail [more information needed]
sand sand [more information needed]
snow snow_layer [more information needed]
spruce log:1 [more information needed]
stone stone, bricks, brick_slab, cobblestone, cobblestone_slab, cobblestone_wall, cobblestone_stair, dripstone_block, mossy_cobblestone, nether_brick_slab, quartz_slab, sandstone_slab, smooth_stone_slab, stone_brick_slab [more information needed]
text_sign standing_sign, spruce_standing_sign, birch_standing_sign, jungle_standing_sign, acacia_standing_sign, darkoak_standing_sign, wall_sign, spruce_wall_sign, birch_wall_sign, jungle_wall_sign, acacia_wall_sign, darkoak_wall_sign [more information needed]
water water [more information needed]
wood planks, log, log2, fence, wooden_slab, acacia_door, acacia_fence_gate, acacia_pressure_plate, acacia_sign, acacia_stairs, acacia_trapdoor, barrel, bee_nest, beehive, birch_door, birch_fence_gate, birch_pressure_plate, birch_sign, birch_stairs, birch_trapdoor, dark_oak_door, dark_oak_fence_gate, dark_oak_pressure_plate, dark_oak_sign, dark_oak_stairs, dark_oak_trapdoor, fletching_table, jungle_door, jungle_fence_gate, jungle_pressure_plate, jungle_sign, jungle_stairs, jungle_trapdoor, ladder, wooden_door, fence_gate, wooden_pressure_plate, oak_sign, oak_stairs, oak_trapdoor, smithing_table, spruce_door, spruce_fence_gate, spruce_pressure_plate, spruce_sign, spruce_stairs, spruce_trapdoor [more information needed]


Tag name Values Usage Version
minecraft:arrow arrow [more information needed]
minecraft:banner banner [more information needed]
minecraft:boats oak_boat, spruce_boat, birch_boat, jungle_boat, acacia_boat, dark_oak_boat, mangrove_boat, bamboo_raft, cherry_boat [more information needed]
minecraft:bookshelf_books book, writable_book, enchanted_book, written_book beta
minecraft:chainmail_tier chainmail_helmet, chainmail_chestplate, chainmail_leggings, chainmail_boots [more information needed]
minecraft:chest_boats oak_chest_boat, spruce_chest_boat, birch_chest_boat, jungle_chest_boat, acacia_chest_boat, dark_oak_chest_boat, mangrove_chest_boat, bamboo_chest_raft, cherry_chest_boat [more information needed]
minecraft:coals coal, charcoal
  • Used in the 'campfire.json', 'fire_charge.json', 'soul_torch.json', and 'torch.json' recipe files.
minecraft:crimson_stems crimson_stem, stripped_crimson_stem, crimson_hyphae, stripped_crimson_hyphae [more information needed]
minecraft:diamond_tier diamond_helmet, diamond_chestplate, diamond_leggings, diamond_boots, diamond_axe, diamond_hoe, diamond_pickaxe, diamond_shovel, diamond_sword [more information needed]
minecraft:digger [more information needed] [more information needed]
minecraft:door iron_door, wooden_door, spruce_door, birch_door, jungle_door, acacia_door, dark_oak_door, mangrove_door, bamboo_door, cherry_door, crimson_door, warped_door [more information needed]
minecraft:golden_tier golden_helmet, golden_chestplate, golden_leggings, golden_boots, golden_axe, golden_hoe, golden_pickaxe, golden_shovel, golden_sword [more information needed]
minecraft:hanging_actor [more information needed] [more information needed]
minecraft:hanging_sign oak_hanging_sign, spruce_hanging_sign, birch_hanging_sign, jungle_hanging_sign, acacia_hanging_sign, dark_oak_hanging_sign, mangrove_hanging_sign, bamboo_hanging_sign, cherry_hanging_sign, crimson_hanging_sign, warped_hanging_sign [more information needed]
minecraft:horse_armor leather_horse_armor, iron_horse_armor, diamond_horse_armor, golden_horse_armor [more information needed]
minecraft:iron_tier iron_helmet, iron_chestplate, iron_leggings, iron_boots, iron_axe, iron_hoe, iron_pickaxe, iron_shovel, iron_sword [more information needed]
minecraft:is_armor leather_helmet, leather_chestplate, leather_leggings, leather_boots, chainmail_helmet, chainmail_chestplate, chainmail_leggings, chainmail_boots, iron_helmet, iron_chestplate, iron_leggings, iron_boots, diamond_helmet, diamond_chestplate, diamond_leggings, diamond_boots, golden_helmet, golden_chestplate, golden_leggings, golden_boots, turtle_helmet, netherite_helmet, netherite_chestplate, netherite_leggings, netherite_boots [more information needed]
minecraft:is_axe wooden_axe, stone_axe, iron_axe, diamond_axe, golden_axe, netherite_axe [more information needed]
minecraft:is_cooked cooked_cod, cooked_salmon, cooked_chicken, cooked_beef, cooked_porkchop, cooked_mutton, cooked_rabbit [more information needed]
minecraft:is_fish cod, cooked_cod, salmon, cooked_salmon, pufferfish, tropical_fish [more information needed]
minecraft:is_food apple, baked_potato, beef, cooked_beef, beetroot, beetroot_soup, bread, carrot, cake, chicken, cooked_chicken, chorus_fruit, cookie, cod, cooked_cod, dried_kelp, enchanted_golden_apple, golden_apple, golden_carrot, honey_bottle, melon_slice, mutton, cooked_mutton, porkchop, cooked_porkchop, rabbit, cooked_rabbit, rabbit_stew, rotten_flesh, salmon, cooked_salmon, stew, spider_eye, glow_berries, sweet_berries, suspicious_stew, potato, poisonous_potato, pufferfish, tropical_fish [more information needed]
minecraft:is_hoe wooden_hoe, stone_hoe, iron_hoe, diamond_hoe, golden_hoe, netherite_hoe [more information needed]
minecraft:is_meat beef, cooked_beef, porkchop, cooked_porkchop, chicken, cooked_chicken, cod, cooked_cod, salmon, cooked_salmon, mutton, cooked_mutton, rabbit, cooked_rabbit, rotten_flesh, pufferfish, tropical_fish [more information needed]
minecraft:is_minecart minecart, chest_minecart, furnace_minecart, hopper_minecart, tnt_minecart [more information needed]
minecraft:is_pickaxe wooden_pickaxe, stone_pickaxe, iron_pickaxe, diamond_pickaxe, golden_pickaxe, netherite_pickaxe [more information needed]
minecraft:is_shovel wooden_shovel, stone_shovel, iron_shovel, diamond_shovel, golden_shovel, netherite_shovel [more information needed]
minecraft:is_sword wooden_sword, stone_sword, iron_sword, diamond_sword, golden_sword, netherite_sword [more information needed]
minecraft:is_tool wooden_axe, stone_axe, iron_axe, diamond_axe, golden_axe, netherite_axe, wooden_hoe, stone_hoe, iron_hoe, diamond_hoe, golden_hoe, netherite_hoe, wooden_pickaxe, stone_pickaxe, iron_pickaxe, diamond_pickaxe, golden_pickaxe, netherite_pickaxe, wooden_shovel, stone_shovel, iron_shovel, diamond_shovel, golden_shovel, netherite_shovel, wooden_sword, stone_sword, iron_sword, diamond_sword, golden_sword, netherite_sword, trident [more information needed]
minecraft:leather_tier leather_helmet, leather_chestplate, leather_leggings, leather_boots [more information needed]
minecraft:lectern_books written_book, writable_book [more information needed]
minecraft:logs oak_log, spruce_log, birch_log, jungle_log, acacia_log, dark_oak_log, mangrove_log, cherry_log, crimson_stem, warped_stem, stripped_oak_log, stripped_spruce_log, stripped_birch_log, stripped_jungle_log, stripped_acacia_log, stripped_dark_oak_log, stripped_mangrove_log, stripped_cherry_log, stripped_crimson_stem, stripped_warped_stem, wood, mangrove_wood, cherry_wood, crimson_hyphae, warped_hyphae, stripped_mangrove_wood, stripped_cherry_wood, stripped_crimson_hyphae, stripped_warped_hyphae
  • Used in the 'campfire.json', 'smoker.json', and 'soul_campfire.json' recipe files.
minecraft:logs_that_burn oak_log, spruce_log, birch_log, jungle_log, acacia_log, dark_oak_log, mangrove_log, cherry_log, stripped_oak_log, stripped_spruce_log, stripped_birch_log, stripped_jungle_log, stripped_acacia_log, stripped_dark_oak_log, stripped_mangrove_log, stripped_cherry_log, wood, mangrove_wood, cherry_wood, stripped_mangrove_wood, stripped_cherry_wood beta
minecraft:mangrove_logs mangrove_log, stripped_mangrove_log, mangrove_wood, stripped_mangrove_wood [more information needed]
minecraft:music_disc music_disc_13, music_disc_cat, music_disc_blocks, music_disc_chirp, music_disc_far, music_disc_mall, music_disc_mellohi, music_disc_stal, music_disc_strad, music_disc_ward, music_disc_11, music_disc_wait, music_disc_otherside, music_disc_pigstep, music_disc_5, music_disc_relic [more information needed]
minecraft:netherite_tier netherite_helmet, netherite_chestplate, netherite_leggings, netherite_boots, netherite_axe, netherite_hoe, netherite_pickaxe, netherite_shovel, netherite_sword [more information needed]
minecraft:piglin_loved gold_ore, nether_gold_ore, deepslate_gold_ore, gold_block, gilded_blackstone, light_weighted_pressure_plate, gold_ingot, bell, clock, golden_carrot, glistering_melon_slice, golden_apple, enchanted_golden_apple, golden_helmet, golden_chestplate, golden_leggings, golden_boots, golden_horse_armor, golden_axe, golden_hoe, golden_pickaxe, golden_shovel, golden_sword, raw_gold, raw_gold_block [more information needed]
minecraft:piglin_repellents soul_torch, soul_lantern, soul_campfire [more information needed]
minecraft:planks planks, mangrove_planks, bamboo_planks, cherry_planks, crimson_planks, warped_planks
  • Used in the 'beehive.json', 'bookshelf.json', 'bowl.json', 'cartography_table.json', 'chest.json', 'crafting_table.json', 'fletching_table.json', 'grindstone.json', 'jukebox.json', 'loom.json', 'noteblock.json' , 'piston.json', 'shield.json', 'smithing_table.json', 'stick.json', 'tripwire_hook.json', 'wooden_axe.json', 'wooden_hoe.json', 'wooden_pickaxe.json', 'wooden_shovel.json', and 'wooden_sword.json' recipe files.
minecraft:sand sand [more information needed]
minecraft:sign oak_sign, spruce_sign, birch_sign, jungle_sign, acacia_sign, dark_oak_sign, mangrove_sign, bamboo_sign, cherry_sign, crimson_sign, warped_sign [more information needed]
minecraft:soul_fire_base_blocks soul_sand, soul_soil
  • Used in the 'soul_campfire.json', and 'soul_torch.json' recipe files.
minecraft:spawn_egg spawn_egg [more information needed]
minecraft:stone_bricks stonebrick [more information needed]
minecraft:stone_crafting_materials cobblestone, blackstone, cobbled_deepslate
  • Used in the 'brewing_stand.json', and 'furnace.json' recipe files.
minecraft:stone_tier stone_axe, stone_hoe, stone_pickaxe, stone_shovel, stone_sword [more information needed]
minecraft:stone_tool_materials cobblestone, blackstone, cobbled_deepslate
  • Used in the 'stone_axe.json', 'stone_hoe.json', 'stone_pickaxe.json', 'stone_shovel.json', and 'stone_sword.json' recipe files.
minecraft:transform_materials netherite_ingot
  • Used to check if an item can go in a slot of a smithing table and use it to decide the material to transform the item.
[more information needed]
minecraft:transform_templates netherite_upgrade_smithing_template
  • Used to check if an item can go in a slot of a smithing table and use it to perform the transform operation.
[more information needed]
minecraft:transformable_items diamond_helmet, diamond_chestplate, diamond_leggings, diamond_boots, diamond_axe, diamond_hoe, diamond_pickaxe, diamond_shovel, diamond_sword
  • Used to check if an item can go in a slot of a smithing table and transform it.
[more information needed]
minecraft:trim_materials iron_ingot, copper_ingot, gold_ingot, lapis_lazuli, emerald, diamond, netherite_ingot, redstone, quartz, amethyst_shard
  • Used to check if an item can go in a slot of a smithing table and use it to decide the color of armor trim.
  • Used in the 'smithing_armor_trim.json' recipe file.
[more information needed]
minecraft:trim_templates ward_armor_trim_smithing_template, spire_armor_trim_smithing_template, coast_armor_trim_smithing_template, eye_armor_trim_smithing_template, dune_armor_trim_smithing_template, wild_armor_trim_smithing_template, rib_armor_trim_smithing_template, tide_armor_trim_smithing_template, sentry_armor_trim_smithing_template, vex_armor_trim_smithing_template, snout_armor_trim_smithing_template, wayfinder_armor_trim_smithing_template, shaper_armor_trim_smithing_template, silence_armor_trim_smithing_template, raiser_armor_trim_smithing_template, host_armor_trim_smithing_template
  • Used to check if an item can go in a slot of a smithing table and use it to decide the pattern of armor trim.
  • Used in the 'smithing_armor_trim.json' recipe file.
[more information needed]
minecraft:trimmable_armors netherite_helmet, netherite_chestplate, netherite_leggings, netherite_boots, diamond_helmet, diamond_chestplate, diamond_leggings, diamond_boots, golden_helmet, golden_chestplate, golden_leggings, golden_boots, iron_helmet, iron_chestplate, iron_leggings, iron_boots, chainmail_helmet, chainmail_chestplate, chainmail_leggings, chainmail_boots, leather_helmet, leather_chestplate, leather_leggings, leather_boots, turtle_helmet
  • Used to check if an item can go in a slot of a smithing table and use it.
  • Used in the 'smithing_armor_trim.json' recipe file.
[more information needed]
minecraft:vibration_damper white_carpet, orange_carpet, magenta_carpet, light_blue_carpet, yellow_carpet, lime_carpet, pink_carpet, gray_carpet, light_gray_carpet, cyan_carpet, purple_carpet, blue_carpet, brown_carpet, green_carpet, red_carpet, black_carpet, white_wool, orange_wool, magenta_wool, light_blue_wool, yellow_wool, lime_wool, pink_wool, gray_wool, light_gray_wool, cyan_wool, purple_wool, blue_wool, brown_wool, green_wool, red_wool, black_wool [more information needed]
minecraft:warped_stems warped_stem, stripped_warped_stem, warped_hyphae, stripped_warped_hyphae [more information needed]
minecraft:wooden_slabs wooden_slab, mangrove_slab, bamboo_slab, cherry_slab, crimson_slab, warped_slab
  • Used in the 'barrel.json', 'composter.json', 'daylight_detector.json', and 'lectern.json' recipe files.
minecraft:wooden_tier wooden_axe, wooden_hoe, wooden_pickaxe, wooden_shovel, wooden_sword [more information needed]
minecraft:wool white_wool, orange_wool, magenta_wool, light_blue_wool, yellow_wool, lime_wool, pink_wool, gray_wool, light_gray_wool, cyan_wool, purple_wool, blue_wool, brown_wool, green_wool, red_wool, black_wool
  • Used in the 'painting.json' recipe file.


Tag name Values Usage Version
animal bamboo_jungle, bamboo_jungle_hills, birch_forest, birch_forest_hills, birch_forest_hills_mutated, birch_forest_mutated, cold_taiga, cold_taiga_hills, cold_taiga_mutated, extreme_hills, extreme_hills_edge, extreme_hills_mutated, extreme_hills_plus_trees, extreme_hills_plus_trees_mutated, forest, forest_hills, jungle, jungle_edge, jungle_edge_mutated, jungle_hills, jungle_mutated, mega_taiga, mega_taiga_hills, mesa_bryce, plains, redwood_taiga_hills_mutated, redwood_taiga_mutated, roofed_forest, roofed_forest_mutated, savanna, savanna_mutated, savanna_plateau, savanna_plateau_mutated, sunflower_plains, swampland, swampland_mutated, taiga, taiga_hills, taiga_mutated [more information needed]
bamboo bamboo_jungle, bamboo_jungle_hills [more information needed]
basalt_deltas basalt_deltas [more information needed]
beach beach, cold_beach, stone_beach [more information needed]
bee_habitat birch_forest, birch_forest_hills, birch_forest_mutated, cherry_grove, flower_forest, forest, forest_hills, meadow, plains, sunflower_plains [more information needed]
birch birch_forest, birch_forest_hills, birch_forest_hills_mutated, birch_forest_mutated [more information needed]
caves deep_dark, dripstone_caves, lush_caves [more information needed]
cherry_grove cherry_grove [more information needed]
cold cold_beach, cold_ocean, cold_taiga, cold_taiga_hills, cold_taiga_mutated, deep_cold_ocean [more information needed]
crimson_forest crimson_forest [more information needed]
deep deep_cold_ocean, deep_frozen_ocean, deep_lukewarm_ocean, deep_ocean, deep_warm_ocean [more information needed]
deep_dark deep_dark [more information needed]
desert desert, desert_hills, desert_mutated [more information needed]
dripstone_caves dripstone_caves [more information needed]
edge extreme_hills_edge, jungle_edge, jungle_edge_mutated [more information needed]
extreme_hills extreme_hills, extreme_hills_edge, extreme_hills_mutated, extreme_hills_plus_trees, extreme_hills_plus_trees_mutated [more information needed]
flower_forest flower_forest [more information needed]
forest birch_forest, birch_forest_hills, birch_forest_hills_mutated, birch_forest_mutated, cold_taiga, cold_taiga_hills, cold_taiga_mutated, extreme_hills_plus_trees, extreme_hills_plus_trees_mutated, forest, forest_hills, mega_taiga, mega_taiga_hills, redwood_taiga_hills_mutated, redwood_taiga_mutated, roofed_forest, roofed_forest_mutated, taiga, taiga_hills, taiga_mutated [more information needed]
frozen deep_frozen_ocean, frozen_ocean, frozen_peaks, frozen_river, ice_mountains, ice_plains, ice_plains_spikes, jagged_peaks, legacy_frozen_ocean, snowy_slopes [more information needed]
frozen_peaks frozen_peaks [more information needed]
grove grove [more information needed]
hills bamboo_jungle_hills, birch_forest_hills, birch_forest_hills_mutated, cold_taiga_hills, desert_hills, forest_hills, jungle_hills, mega_taiga_hills, redwood_taiga_hills_mutated, taiga_hills [more information needed]
ice ice_mountains, ice_plains [more information needed]
ice_plains ice_plains, ice_plains_spikes [more information needed]
jagged_peaks jagged_peaks [more information needed]
jungle bamboo_jungle, bamboo_jungle_hills, jungle, jungle_edge, jungle_edge_mutated, jungle_hills, jungle_mutated [more information needed]
lukewarm deep_lukewarm_ocean, lukewarm_ocean [more information needed]
lush_caves lush_caves [more information needed]
mangrove_swamp mangrove_swamp [more information needed]
meadow meadow [more information needed]
mega mega_taiga, mega_taiga_hills, redwood_taiga_hills_mutated, redwood_taiga_mutated [more information needed]
mesa mesa, mesa_bryce, mesa_plateau, mesa_plateau_mutated, mesa_plateau_stone, mesa_plateau_stone_mutated [more information needed]
monster bamboo_jungle, bamboo_jungle_hills, beach, birch_forest, birch_forest_hills, birch_forest_hills_mutated, birch_forest_mutated, cherry_grove, cold_beach, cold_ocean, cold_taiga, cold_taiga_hills, cold_taiga_mutated, deep_cold_ocean, deep_frozen_ocean, deep_lukewarm_ocean, deep_ocean, deep_warm_ocean, desert, desert_hills, desert_mutated, dripstone_caves, extreme_hills, extreme_hills_edge, extreme_hills_mutated, extreme_hills_plus_trees, extreme_hills_plus_trees_mutated, flower_forest, forest, forest_hills, frozen_ocean, frozen_peaks, grove, ice_plains_spikes, jagged_peaks, jungle, jungle_edge, jungle_edge_mutated, jungle_hills, jungle_mutated, lukewarm_ocean, lush_caves, meadow, mega_taiga, mega_taiga_hills, mesa, mesa_bryce, mesa_plateau, mesa_plateau_mutated, mesa_plateau_stone, mesa_plateau_stone_mutated, ocean, plains, redwood_taiga_hills_mutated, redwood_taiga_mutated, roofed_forest, roofed_forest_mutated, savanna, savanna_mutated, savanna_plateau, savanna_plateau_mutated, snowy_slopes, stone_beach, stony_peaks, sunflower_plains, swampland, swampland_mutated, taiga, taiga_hills, taiga_mutated, warm_ocean [more information needed]
mooshroom_island mushroom_island, mushroom_island_shore [more information needed]
mountain extreme_hills_edge, extreme_hills_plus_trees, ice_mountains [more information needed]
mountains cherry_grove, frozen_peaks, grove, jagged_peaks, meadow, snowy_slopes, stony_peaks [more information needed]
mutated birch_forest_hills_mutated, birch_forest_mutated, cold_taiga_mutated, desert_mutated, extreme_hills_mutated, extreme_hills_plus_trees_mutated, flower_forest, ice_plains_spikes, jungle_edge_mutated, jungle_mutated, mesa_bryce, mesa_plateau_mutated, mesa_plateau_stone_mutated, redwood_taiga_hills_mutated, redwood_taiga_mutated, roofed_forest_mutated, savanna_mutated, savanna_plateau_mutated, sunflower_plains, swampland_mutated, taiga_mutated [more information needed]
nether basalt_deltas, crimson_forest, hell, soulsand_valley, warped_forest [more information needed]
nether_wastes hell [more information needed]
netherwart_forest crimson_forest, warped_forest [more information needed]
no_legacy_worldgen roofed_forest [more information needed]
ocean cold_ocean, deep_cold_ocean, deep_frozen_ocean, deep_lukewarm_ocean, deep_ocean, deep_warm_ocean, frozen_ocean, legacy_frozen_ocean, lukewarm_ocean, ocean, warm_ocean [more information needed]
overworld bamboo_jungle, bamboo_jungle_hills, beach, birch_forest, birch_forest_hills, cherry_grove, cold_beach, cold_ocean, cold_taiga, cold_taiga_hills, deep_cold_ocean, deep_dark, deep_frozen_ocean, deep_lukewarm_ocean, deep_ocean, deep_warm_ocean, desert, desert_hills, dripstone_caves, extreme_hills, extreme_hills_edge, extreme_hills_mutated, extreme_hills_plus_trees, extreme_hills_plus_trees_mutated, flower_forest, forest, forest_hills, frozen_ocean, frozen_peaks, frozen_river, grove, ice_mountains, ice_plains, ice_plains_spikes, jagged_peaks, jungle, jungle_edge, jungle_hills, legacy_frozen_ocean, lukewarm_ocean, lush_caves, mangrove_swamp, meadow, mega_taiga, mega_taiga_hills, mesa, mesa_bryce, mesa_plateau, mesa_plateau_mutated, mesa_plateau_stone, mesa_plateau_stone_mutated, mushroom_island, mushroom_island_shore, ocean, plains, redwood_taiga_mutated, river, roofed_forest, savanna, savanna_mutated, savanna_plateau, savanna_plateau_mutated, snowy_slopes, stone_beach, stony_peaks, sunflower_plains, swampland, taiga, taiga_hills, warm_ocean [more information needed]
overworld_generation birch_forest_hills_mutated, birch_forest_mutated, cold_taiga_mutated, desert_mutated, jungle_edge_mutated, jungle_mutated, redwood_taiga_hills_mutated, roofed_forest_mutated, swampland_mutated, taiga_mutated [more information needed]
plains plains, sunflower_plains [more information needed]
plateau mesa_plateau, mesa_plateau_mutated, mesa_plateau_stone, mesa_plateau_stone_mutated, savanna_plateau, savanna_plateau_mutated [more information needed]
rare jungle, mega_taiga, mesa_plateau, mesa_plateau_stone [more information needed]
river frozen_river, river [more information needed]
roofed roofed_forest, roofed_forest_mutated [more information needed]
savanna savanna, savanna_mutated, savanna_plateau, savanna_plateau_mutated [more information needed]
shore mushroom_island_shore [more information needed]
snowy_slopes snowy_slopes [more information needed]
soulsand_valley soulsand_valley [more information needed]
spawn_endermen hell, soulsand_valley, warped_forest [more information needed]
spawn_few_piglins hell [more information needed]
spawn_few_zombified_piglins crimson_forest [more information needed]
spawn_ghast basalt_deltas, hell [more information needed]
spawn_magma_cubes hell [more information needed]
spawn_many_magma_cubes basalt_deltas [more information needed]
spawn_piglin crimson_forest [more information needed]
spawn_zombified_piglin hell [more information needed]
stone mesa_plateau_mutated, mesa_plateau_stone, stone_beach [more information needed]
swamp swampland, swampland_mutated [more information needed]
taiga cold_taiga, cold_taiga_hills, cold_taiga_mutated, mega_taiga, mega_taiga_hills, redwood_taiga_hills_mutated, redwood_taiga_mutated, taiga, taiga_hills, taiga_mutated [more information needed]
the_end the_end [more information needed]
warm beach, deep_warm_ocean, warm_ocean [more information needed]
warped_forest warped_forest [more information needed]

Removed Tags[]

Tag name Tag type Values Notes Version Added Version Removed
azalea_log_replacable block [more information needed] [more information needed] [more information needed]
gold_pick_diggable block [more information needed] [more information needed] [more information needed]
lush_plants_replacable block [more information needed] [more information needed] [more information needed]
stone_pick_diggable block [more information needed] [more information needed] [more information needed]
wood_pick_diggable block [more information needed] [more information needed] [more information needed]


Java Edition
1.1317w49aAdded tags for blocks and items.
Added the block and item tags planks and wool.
17w49bFunction can now be tagged.
Functions tagged in tick now run every tick in the beginning of the tick.
Added the block tag flower_pots.
Added the block and item tags buttons, carpets, doors, logs, saplings and stone_bricks.
17w50aAdded the block and item tags wooden_buttons and wooden_doors.
Updated the block and item tags buttons and doors to include stone_button and iron_door respectively.
18w01aFunctions tagged in load now run once after a (re)load.
Added the block tag anvil.
18w02aAdded the block tag enderman_holdable.
18w06aAdded the block and item tags banners, wooden_pressure_plates, wooden_slabs, and wooden_stairs.
Added the item tag boats.
18w07aAdded the block tags slabs, stairs and water_hacked.
Added the block and item tags acacia_logs, birch_logs, dark_oak_logs, jungle_logs, oak_logs, and spruce_logs
18w07bAdded the block tag waterlogged.
Added the block and item tags rails and sand.
18w09aAdded block and item tag coral.
The water_hacked tag now includes chests.
18w10aAdded the block and item tag coral_plants.
The waterlogged block tag now includes coral plants.
18w10cRemoved the block tags water_hacked and waterlogged.
18w16aThe coral block tag has been renamed to corals.
18w19aAdded the block tag leaves, the fluid tags water and lava, and the item tags fishes and leaves.
pre8Added the block tag wall_corals and impermeable.
pre10Added the block and item tag trapdoors.
1.13.118w31aAdded the block tag underwater_bonemeals.
1.1418w43aAdded the block tags bamboo_plantable_on, dirt_like, signs, small_flowers, standing_signs, wall_signs, walls.
Modified block tags enderman_holdable,flower_pots,slabs,stairs.
Added the entity type tag skeletons.
Added the item tags music_discs,signs,small_flowers,walls.
Modified item tags slabs,stairs.
18w44aAdded block and item tag beds.
18w46aAdded block and item tag fences.
19w05aAdded the block tags dragon_immune, wither_immune.
1.14.1Pre-Release 1Functions in a tag are now executed in the order they are listed.
1.1519w34aAdded bee_growables, beehives, crops, flowers, and tall_flowers block tags.
Added flowers, and tall_flowers item tags.
19w36aAdded beehive_inhabitors entity tag.
19w41aRemoved dirt_like block tag.
19w42aAdded lectern_books item tag.
19w44aAdded shulker_boxes block tag.
19w45aAdded arrows entity tag.
Pre-Release 2Added portals block tag.
1.1620w06aAdded crimson_stems, fire, nylium, warped_stems, and wart_blocks block tags.
Added crimson_stems, and warped_stems item tags.
Added crimson and warped items to planks, standing_signs, wall_signs, wooden_buttons, wooden_doors, wooden_fences, wooden_pressure_plates, wooden_slabs, wooden_stairs, and wooden_trapdoors block tags.
Added crimson and warped items to planks, signs, wooden_buttons, wooden_doors, wooden_fences, wooden_pressure_plates, wooden_slabs, wooden_stairs, and wooden_trapdoors item tags.
The slabs block and item tags now use the respective wooden_slabs tag.
20w07aAdded beacon_base_blocks, wall_post_override, and wither_summon_base_blocks block tags.
Added beacon_payment_items item tag.
Removed netherrack and added fungi, roots, and nylium variants to the enderman_holdable block tag.
20w09aAdded climbable block tag.
Added impact_projectiles entity tag.
Added potted crimson fungus, warped fungus, nether sprouts, and crimson roots to the flower_pots block tag.
20w10aAdded hoglin_repellents, and piglin_repellents block tags.
Added crimson hyphae, warped hyphae, and the stripped variants to their respective stem block and item tags.
20w11aAdded gold_ores, and soul_speed_blocks block tags.
Added gold_ores, and piglin_repellents item tags.
Added twisted vines to the climbable block tag.
Added crying obsidian to the dragon_immune block tag.
Added potted warped fungus to the hoglin_repellents block tag.
20w12aAdded soul_fire_base_blocks block tag.
20w13aAdded the logs_that_burn, and non_flammable_wood block and item tags.
Added the strider_warm_blocks block tag.
The logs block and item tags now contain the logs_that_burn, crimson_stems, and warped_stems block and item tags.
Added the respawn anchor to the dragon_immune block tag.
20w14aAdded nether portals and respawn anchors to the hoglin_repellents block tag.
20w15aAdded the campfires, and guarded_by_piglins block tags.
Added the furnace_materials, soul_fire_base_blocks, and stone_tool_materials item tags.
Added polished blackstone, and (where applicable) blackstone blocks and items to the buttons, slabs, stairs, and walls block and item tags.
Added soul campfires to the piglin_repellents block tag.
Added the #signs block tag and removed lanterns and soul fire lanterns from the wall_post_override block tag.
20w16aAdded the creeper_drop_music_discs item tag.
Changed the music_discs item tag to use the #creeper_drop_music_discs item tag and the pigstep music disc.
20w17aAdded the pressure_plates, and stone_pressure_plates block tags.
Added the banners, and signs block tags to the wall_post_override block tag.
20w18aAdded soul campfires to the piglin_repellents item tag.
20w19aAdded the prevent_mob_spawning_inside block tag.
The slabs block and item tags now use the respective wooden_slabs tag.
20w20aAdded the piglin_loved item tag.
20w21aRemoved wither roses from the prevent_mob_spawning_inside block tag.
20w22aAdded the fence_gates, and unstable_bottom_center block tags.
Pre-release 1Added gold nuggets to the piglin_loved item tag.
The piglin_loved item tag now uses the gold_ores item tag.
Removed sweet berry bushes from the prevent_mob_spawning_inside block tag.
Pre-release 3Added infiniburn_end, infiniburn_nether, and infiniburn_overworld block tags.
Removed gold nuggets from the piglin_loved item tag.
1.16.220w27aAdded the mushroom_grow_block block tag.
20w28aAdded the base_stone_nether, and base_stone_overworld block tags.
Added the stone_crafting_materials item tag.
Removed the furnace_materials item tag.
20w30aAdded the replace function tag property.
1.1720w45aAdded the candle_cakes, candles, cauldrons, and crystal_sound_blocks block tags.
Added the candles, ignored_by_piglin_babies, and piglin_food item tags.
20w46aAdded the snow_step_sound_blocks block tag.
Added the powder_snow_walkable_mobs entity type tag.
Added powder snow cauldrons to the cauldrons block tag.
20w48aAdded the freeze_immune_wearables item tag.
The snow_step_sound_blocks block tag has been renamed to inside_step_sound_block.
20w49aAdded the dripstone_replaceable_blocks, and occludes_vibration_signals block tags.
Added the new game events tag type.
Added the ignore_vibrations_stepping_carefully, and vibrations game event tags.
20w51aAdded the axolotl_tempt_items, and occludes_vibration_signals item tags.
Added the axolotl_always_hostiles, and axolotl_tempt_hostiles entity type tags.
Removed the eating_start game event from the vibrations game event tag.
21w03aAdded glow squids to the axolotl_always_hostiles entity type tag.
21w05aAdded the azalea_log_replaceable, cave_vines, and lush_plants_replaceable block tags.
Added the fox_food item tag.
Added azalea leaves and azalea leaves flowers to the leaves block and item tags.
Added foxes to the powder_snow_walkable_mobs entity type tag.
Changed the ignore_vibrations_stepping_carefully game event tag to ignore_vibrations_sneaking, and added the swim event.
Changed the vibrations game event tag to reflect the current list of game events.
21w07aAdded grimstone to the base_stone_overworld block tag and the stone_crafting_materials, and stone_tool_materials item tags.
Added various grimstone variants to the slabs, stairs, and walls block and item tags.
21w08aAdded deepslate_ore_replaceables, and stone_ore_replaceables block tags.
Added diamond_ores, iron_ores, lapis_ores, and redstone_ores block and item tags.
Added tuff to the base_stone_overworld block tag.
Added deepslate gold ore to the gold_ores block and item tags.
21w10aAdded coal_ores, copper_ores, and emerald_ores block and item tags.
Added the lush_ground_replaceable block tag.
Removed moss block, the #flowers block tag, grass, tall grass, moss carpet, small dripleaf, big dripleaf, big dripleaf stem, and vines from the lush_plants_replaceable block tag.
Removed the azalea_log_replaceable block tag.
21w11aAdded the cluster_max_harvestables item tag.
Added both cave vine blocks to the climbable block tag.
Added tuff to the deepslate_ore_replaceables block tag, and removed it from the stone_ore_replaceables block tag.
Added tinted glass to the impermeable block tag.
21w13aAdded the dirt, and snow block tags.
Added the axolotl_hunt_targets, freeze_hurts_extra_types, and freeze_immune_entity_types entity tags.
Changed the bamboo_plantable_on, and enderman_holdable block tags to use the dirt block tag.
Added copper slab and stair variants to the slabs, and stairs block and item tags, respectively.
Added flowering azaleas and flowering azalea leaves to the small_flowers block and item tags.
Removed the axolotl_tempted_hostiles entity tag, moving its contents to the axolotl_always_hostiles entity tag.
Added leather horse armor to the freeze_immune_wearables item tag.
21w14aAdded waxed oxidized cut copper stairs and slabs to the stairs, and slabs block and item tags, respectively.
Added raw gold to the piglin_loved item tag.
21w16aAdded the moss_replaceable block tag.
Removed the lush_plants_replaceable block tag.
Tweaked the lush_ground_replaceable block tag to call the moss_replaceable tag instead of the lush_plants_replaceable tag, as well as adding gravel and sand.
Added grass blocks, mycelium, and moss blocks to the dirt block tag.
Tweaked some tags to no longer unnecessarily mention blocks if they're in the dirt block tag.
21w17aAdded the small_dripleaf_placeable block tag.
Added the wither to the freeze_immune_entity_types entity type tag.
21w19aAdded the mineable/axe, mineable/hoe, mineable/pickaxe, mineable/shovel, needs_diamond_tool, needs_iron_tool, and needs_stone_tool block tags.
Added cave vines to the bee_growables block tag.
Removed moss blocks from the lush_ground_replaceables block tag.
Added azaleas and flowering azaleas to the saplings block and item tags.
21w20aAdded the features_cannot_replace block tag.
Added the cave_vines_plant block to the bee_growables block tag.
Removed the tropical fish item from the axolotl_tempt_items item tag.
1.17 Pre-release 1Added the geode_invalid_blocks, and lava_pool_stone_replaceable block tags.
Added flowering azaleas and flowering azalea leaves to the flowers block and item tags.
Removed flowering azaleas and flowering azalea leaves from the small_flowers block and item tags.
Added potted azaleas and potted flowering azaleas to the flower_pots block tag.
Added non-waxed oxidized copper variants to the needs_stone_tool block tag.
Removed moss carpet from the mineable/axe block tag.
1.1821w37aRenamed the lava_pool_stone_replaceables block tag to lava_pool_stone_cannot_replace.
21w43aAdded big_dripleaf_placeable block tag.
21w44aAdded the animals_spawnable_on, axolotls_spawnable_on, foxes_spawnable_on, goats_spawnable_on, mooshrooms_spawnable_on, parrots_spawnable_on, polar_bears_spawnable_on_in_frozen_ocean, rabbits_spawnable_on, and wolves_spawnable_on block tags.
1.18 Pre-release 1Added conduit to the mineable/pickaxe block tag.
1.18 Pre-release 5Added the azalea_grows_on, azalea_root_replaceable, replaceable_plants, and terracotta block tags.
Removed the #flowers block tag from the mineable/axe block tag.
Added the dirt and terracotta item tags.
1.18.222w03aAdded the fall_damage_resetting block tag.
Removed powder snow from the goats_spawnable_on block tag.
Added snow block and powder snow to the azalea_root_replaceable block tag.
22w05aRemoved dirt from the dripstone_replaceable_blocks block tag.
22w06aTags can now be defined for any type in the registry, rather than only blocks, items, fluids, entity types, game events and functions previously.
22w07aBiome tags are now used to determine which biomes a structure can generate in.
Removed the lush_ground_replaceable block tag from the azalea_root_replaceable block tag, replacing it with the base_stone_overworld and dirt block tags in addition to clay, gravel, and sand.
1.18.2 Pre-release 1Added configured structure feature tags.
1.19Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1Added the ancient_city_replaceables, deepslate_blocks, sculk_replaceable, sculk_replaceable_worldgen, and skip_occlude_vibration_when_above block tags.
Added the warden_events_can_listen game event tag.
22w11aConfigured Structure feature tags have been renamed to structure tags.
Added the cats_spawn_as_black and cats_spawn_in structure tags.
Added the allows_surface_slime_spawns, allows_tropical_fish_spawns_at_any_height, has_closer_water_fog, is_end, is_overworld, is_savanna, more_frequent_drowned_spawns, only_allows_snow_and_gold_rabbits, plays_underwater_music, polar_bears_spawn_on_alternate_blocks, produces_corals_from_bonemeal, reduce_water_ambient_spawns, required_ocean_monument_surrounding, spawns_cold_variant_frogs, spawns_warm_variant_frogs, stronghold_biased_to, water_on_map_outlines, without_patrol_spawns, without_wandering_trader_spawns, and without_zombie_sieges biome tags.
Added world preset and flat level generator preset tags.
Added the mangrove_logs item tag.
Added the mangrove_logs, convertable_to_mud, dragon_transparent, and frog_prefer_jump_to block tags.
Added mud to the enderman_holdable block tag.
Added the new mangrove_logs block and item tags to their respective logs_that_burn block and item tags.
Added the mangrove blocks and items to their respective wooden_slabs, wooden_buttons, wooden_doors, wooden_fences, wooden_pressure_plates, wooden_stairs, planks, leaves, and wooden_trapdoors block and item tags.
Added mangrove sign to the standing_signs, and wall_signs block tags.
Added mangrove sign to the signs item tag.
Added mangrove fence gate to the fence_gates block tag.
Added the mud brick blocks and items to their respective stairs, slabs, and walls block and item tags.
Added tadpoles to the axolotl_hunt_targets entity type tag.
22w12aRemoved the flap game event from the warden_events_can_listen game event tag.
Added the chest_boats item tag.
Added the chest_boats item tag to the boats item tag.
22w13aAdded the ancient_city_center_replaceable block tag.
Added the ancient_city_replaceable block tag to the main snapshot series, now containing the ancient_city_center_replaceable block tag and gray wool.
Added the ignore_vibrations_on_occluding_block game event tag.
Added the has_structure/ancient_city biome tag.
Renamed the carpets block and item tag to wool_carpets.
Added reinforced deepslate to the dragon_immune, features_cannot_replace, and wither_immune block tags.
Removed the is_mountain biome tag from the spawns_cold_variant_frogs biome tag.
Added frozen peaks, jagged peaks, snowy slopes, frozen ocean, deep frozen ocean, grove, deep dark, frozen river, snowy taiga, and snowy beach to the spawns_cold_variant_frogs biome tag.
Added warm ocean to the spawns_warm_variant_frogs biome tag.
Added note block play to the vibrations game event tag.
Removed minecart moving from the vibrations game event tag.
Added note block play and flap to the warden_events_can_listen game event tag.
Removed minecart moving from the warden_events_can_listen game event tag.
22w14aAdded cat variant tags, along with the default_spawns, and full_moon_spawns cat variant tags.
Added the dead_bush_may_place_on, mangrove_logs_can_grow_through, and mangrove_roots_can_grow_through block tags.
Added the compasses item tag.
Added the frog_food entity tag.
Added the shrieker_can_listen game event tag.
Added mangrove swamp to the allows_surface_slime_spawns, has_closer_water_fog, has_structure/mineshaft, has_structure/ruined_portal_swamp, is_overworld, spawns_warm_variant_frogs, and water_on_map_outlines biome tags.
Renamed the warden_events_can_listen game event tag to warden_can_listen.
Added the shrieker_can_listen game event tag to the warden_can_listen game event tag, and removed the sculk sensor tendrils clicking game event.
Removed the ancient_city_center_replaceable block tag, and merged its contents into the ancient_city_replaceable block tag.
22w15aAdded the completes_find_tree_tutorial block and item tag.
Added the wart_blocks item tag.
Added the dampens_vibrations, nether_carver_replaceables, and overworld_carver_replaceables block tags.
Renamed the ignore_vibrations_on_occluding_block game event tag to dampenable_vibrations.
Renamed the occludes_vibration_signals item tag to dampens_vibrations, and added the wool_carpets item tag to it.
Mud is no longer part of the dead_bush_may_place_on, and enderman_holdable block tags.
Mud and muddy mangrove roots are now part of the dirt block and item tags.
Moss carpet and vines are now part of the mangrove_logs_can_grow_through block tag.
Moss carpet, vines, mangrove propagule and snow are now part of the mangrove_roots_can_grow_through block tag.
22w16aAdded painting variant tags, along with the placeable painting variant tag.
Added the frogs_spawnable_on block tag.
Added music disc 5 to the music_discs item tag.
22w17aAdded the overworld_natural_logs block and item tag.
Added the snaps_goat_horn block tag.
Added the allay_can_listen game event tag.
Removed the dampenable_vibrations game event tag.
Added polished deepslate to the sculk_replaceable_world_gen block tag.
22w18aAdded Banner Pattern tags.
Added Instrument tags.
Added the snow_layer_can_survive_on, and snow_layer_cannot_survive_on block tags.
Removed the flap game event from the vibrations, and warden_can_listen game event tags.
22w19aAdded Point of Interest tags.
1.19 Pre-release 1The #default_spawns cat variant tag has been updated to contain british_shorthair instead of british.
Added item_interact_start, and item_interact_finish game events to the #ignore_vibrations_sneaking game event tag.
Added instrument_play game event to the #vibrations, and #warden_can_listen game event tags.
1.19 Pre-release 2Added the mineshaft_blocking biome tag.
Added copper_ore to the #snaps_goat_horn block tag.
Added teleport game event to the #vibrations, and #warden_can_listen game event tags.
1.19 Pre-release 3Removed moss_carpet from the #frogs_spawnable_on block tag.
Removed item_interact_start from the #vibrations, and #warden_can_listen game event tag.
1.19.122w24aAdded jukebox_play, and jukebox_stop_play game events into the #vibrations, and #warden_can_listen game event tags.
1.19.1 Pre-release 1Removed jukebox_play, and jukebox_stop_play game events from the #vibrations, and #warden_can_listen game event tags.
1.19.322w42aAdded the invalid_spawn_inside block tag.
Added the stripped_logs block and item tag.
22w44aAdded the fence_gates item tag.
Removed the non_flammable_wood block tag.
Added crimson_roots, glow_lichen, lily_pad, moss_carpet, nether_sprouts, small_amethyst_bud, warped_roots, and the #wool_carpets block tag to the #inside_step_sound_blocks block tag.
22w45aRemoved the overworld_natural_logs item tag.
22w46aAdded the #all_signs block tag.
Removed the #stripped_logs block and item tags.
Functions in the #load function tag now run before functions in the #tick function tag.
1.19.3 Pre-release 2Added the #creeper_igniters item tag.
1.19.423w03aAdded the #increased_fire_burnout, #snow_golem_melts, #spawns_snow_foxes, and #spawns_white_rabbits biome tags.
Renamed the #only_allows_snow_and_gold_rabbits biome tag to #spawns_gold_rabbits.
Added the #animals_spawnable_on block tag to the #goats_spawnable_on block tag.
23w06aAdded damage type tags.
23w07aAdded the #axes, #hoes, #pickaxes, #shovels, #swords, #tools, and #breaks_decorated_pots item tags.
1.19.4 Pre-release 1Added the #smelts_to_glass block and item tag.
Added the #fall_damage_immune entity type tag.
Added the #always_hurts_ender_dragons damage type tag.
Added the #bypasses_cooldown damage type tag, which is empty in vanilla.
Added thorns, and #is_explosion into the #avoids_guardian_thorns damage type tag.
1.19.4 Pre-release 2Added the #dismounts_underwater entity type tag.
1.19.4 Pre-release 3Added potted_cherry_sapling to the #flower_pots block tag.
1.19.4 Pre-release 4Added the #bypasses_shield damage type tag.
22w42aAdded the all_hanging_signs, ceiling_hanging_signs, and wall_hanging_signs block tags.
Added the hanging_signs, and bookshelf_books item tags.
Added the bamboo wood blocks and items to various tags.
22w44aAdded bamboo_fence_gate to the brand new #fence_gates item tag.
Added bamboo_mosaic_slab, and bamboo_mosaic_stairs, to the #mineable/axe block tag.
Removed bamboo_mosaic_slab from the #wooden_slabs block and item tag.
Removed bamboo_mosaic_stairs from the #wooden_stairs block and item tag.
22w45aAdded the bamboo_blocks block and item tag.
Added the bamboo_blocks block tag to the mineable/axe block tag.
22w46aAdded #all_hanging_signs block tag to the new #all_signs block tag.
23w03aAdded the #noteblock_top_instruments item tag.
23w04aAdded the #trim_materials, #trim_templates, and #trimmable_armor item tags.
23w05aAdded all types of leather armor to the #trimmable_armor item tag.
23w07aAdded the cherry wood block set into their respective tags.
Added pink_petals into the #inside_step_sound_blocks block tag.
Added suspicious_sand into the #sand block tag.
Added the #cherry_logs, and #sniffer_diggable_block block tags.
Added the #cherry_logs, #decorated_pot_shards, and #sniffer_food item tags.
1.19.4 Pre-release 1Moved the #breaks_decorated_pots item tag to under the experimental datapack.
Added torchflower_crop to the #crops block tag.
Added torchflower to the #small_flowers block and item tags.
Added cherry_leaves, and pink_petals to the #flowers item tag.
Added cherry_leaves to the #leaves item tag.
Added the #cherry_logs item tag to the #logs_that_burn item tag.
Added suspicious_sand to the #sand item tag.
Added cherry_sapling to the #saplings item tag.
1.2023w12aExperimental tags are now available without using the "Update 1.20" experimental datapack.
Added the #combination_step_sound_blocks, #trail_ruins_replaceable, and #sniffer_egg_hatch_boost block tags.
Removed moss_carpet, snow, nether_sprouts, warped_roots, crimson_roots, and the #wool_carpets block tag from the #inside_step_sound_blocks block tag.
Added wayfinder_armor_trim_smithing_template, shaper_armor_trim_smithing_template, silence_armor_trim_smithing_template, raiser_armor_trim_smithing_template, and host_armor_trim_smithing_template to the #trim_templates item tag.
Added angler_pottery_shard, blade_pottery_shard, brewer_pottery_shard, burn_pottery_shard, danger_pottery_shard, explorer_pottery_shard, friend_pottery_shard, heart_pottery_shard, heartbreak_pottery_shard, howl_pottery_shard, miner_pottery_shard, mourner_pottery_shard, plenty_pottery_shard, sheaf_pottery_shard, shelter_pottery_shard, snort_pottery_shard to the #decorated_pot_shards item tag.
Added the #has_structure/trail_ruins biome tag.
A multitude of changes to the #warden_can_listen, and #vibrations game event tags.
23w13aAdded pitcher_crop to the #crops block tag.
Added potted_torchflower to the #flower_pots block tag.
Added pitcher_plant to the #tall_flowers block and item tags.
23w14aAdded the #enchantment_power_provider, #enchantment_power_transmitter, #replaceable, #replaceable_by_trees, and #sword_efficient block tags.
Added suspicious_gravel to the #mineable/shovel, #bamboo_plantable_on and #overworld_carver_replaceables block tags.
Added suspicious_sand to the #mineable/shovel block tag.
Removed the #sand block tag from the #sculk_replaceable block tag, replacing it with sand, and red_sand.
Removed #replaceable_plants in favor of #replaceable_by_trees
23w16aAdded the #maintains_farmland block tag.
Added the #villager_plantable_seeds item tag.
Added the #stone_buttons block and item tag.
Removed sand, dirt, and coarse_dirt from the #trail_ruins_replaceable block tag.
Added the #stone_buttons block tag to the #mineable/pickaxe block tag, replacing stone_button.
Added the #stone_buttons block and item tag to the #buttons block and item tag, replacing stone_button and polished_blackstone_button.
Renamed #decorated_pot_shards item tag to #decorated_pot_sherds, and renamed all its members accordingly.
23w17aAdded the #decorated_pot_ingredients item tag.
Removed brick from the #decorated_pot_sherds item tag.
Added music_disc_relic to the #music_discs item tag.
1.20 Pre-release 1Removed pumpkin, and melon from the #maintains_farmland block tag.
Added generic_kill, and outside_border to the #bypasses_armor damage type tag.
Added generic_kill to both the #bypasses_invulnerability, and #bypasses_resistance damage type tags.
1.20 Pre-release 2Removed sunflower, lilac, rose_bush, and peony from #replaceable block tag.
1.20 Pre-release 7Added bamboo_mosaic_slab, and bamboo_mosaic_stairs to the #slabs, and #stairs block and item tags respectively.
1.20 Release Candidate 1Added knowledge_book into #bookshelf_books item tag.
Upcoming Java Edition
1.20.223w31aAdded the #concrete_powder, and #camel_sand_step_sound_blocks block tags.
Added the #non_controlling_rider entity type tag.
Added the #no_knockback damage type tag.
Moved all types of concrete powders to newly added block tag #concrete_powder from #mineable/shovel block tag, then added #concrete_powder to #mineable/shovel.
Removed entity_roar, and entity_shake from #vibrations, and #warden_can_listen game event tags, then added entity_action to them.
23w32aAdded unequip to #vibrations, and #warden_can_listen game event tags.
23w33aAdded chorus_flower, and spore_blossom, to the #flowers block and item tags.
1.20.2 Pre-release 1Added the #on_desert_village_maps, #on_jungle_explorer_maps, #on_plains_village_maps, #on_savanna_village_maps, #on_snowy_village_maps, #on_swamp_explorer_maps, and #on_taiga_village_maps structure tags.
1.20.2 Pre-release 2Moved the tags introduced in the previous pre-release to under the experimental datapack.
1.20.2 Pre-Release 4Added the #always_kills_armor_stands damage type tag.
Bedrock Edition
?Added tags for blocks, items, and biomes.
1.19.40beta new item tags.
Next Major Update
beta the minecraft:bookshelf_books item tag.
1.20.0beta minecraft:bookshelf_books item tag is now available without using the "Next Major Update" experimental toggle.


Issues relating to "Tag" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.
