Minecraft Wiki

Dripstone features can be found commonly in dripstone caves biomes. There are three types of dripstone feature: Large Dripstone, Dripstone Cluster and Pointed Dripstone (aka. Small Dripstone).


Dripstone features generate inside large hollows in the dripstone caves biome. They can generate in water.

There are three types of dripstone feature:

  • The first type is the "large dripstone", which takes the form of either a separated stalagmite and stalactite, or a stalagnate, and is composed of dripstone blocks. Stalagnates generate around two positions selected on the floor and ceiling of a cave, which may potentially be separated by several blocks horizontally. The maximum possible size of a large dripstone varies depending on the available space.
  • The second type is the "dripstone cluster", a patch of dripstone blocks replacing a section of a cave’s walls, floor and ceiling. Some Pointed dripstone blocks will generate hanging from the ceiling and growing on the floor in these patches, attached to the dripstone blocks, forming detailed speleothem growths. Water puddles can also occasionally be found on the floor patches.
  • The third type is the "pointed dripstone", which is similar to the dripstone cluster, but only has a single stalagmite or stalactite.

When these types overlap, it results in pointed dripstone generating on the large columns of dripstone blocks.

Data values[]


Java Edition:

Configured featureIdentifier
[No displayed name]large_dripstone
[No displayed name]dripstone_cluster
[No displayed name]pointed_dripstone

Bedrock Edition:

[No displayed name]dripstone_cluster_feature
[No displayed name]large_dripstone_feature
[No displayed name]pointed_dripstone_feature

which is used in:

[No displayed name]small_dripstone_snap_to_surface_feature

which is used in:

[No displayed name]small_dripstone_feature


October 3, 2020Dripstone clusters are announced and shown at Minecraft Live 2020.
November 18, 2020Henrik Kniberg tweeted a picture of the equation used to generate the shape of stalagmites.
Java Edition
1.1720w49aAdded dripstone features.
21w13aDripstone clusters can now be found rarely in regular caves.
1.18Experimental Snapshot 1All three types of dripstone features now generate naturally in dripstone caves.
Dripstone clusters can no longer generate outside dripstone caves biomes.
Pre-release 5Pointed Dripstone clusters no longer have a chance of spawning only stalagmites of height one.[1]
Pre-release 6Dripstone now generates at high y values.[2]
Pointed dripstone no longer makes holes in lava pools.[3]
Dripstone features are generated a bit more sparsely.
Pre-release 7The numbers of dripstone features have been increased again.
Bedrock Edition
1.16.220beta the dripstone clusters. They don't naturally generate yet and are only accessible through add-ons.
1.17.0beta clusters now generate throughout caves in the Overworld.
1.17.30beta clusters can now generate below Y=0 to Y=-64 if the Caves & Cliffs experimental gameplay toggle is enabled.
1.18.10beta numbers of dripstone features have been increased to match Java Edition.
beta Dripstone now sometimes generate on large stalactites and stalagmites.[4]
Pointed Dripstone clusters no longer have a chance of spawning only stalagmites of height one.[5]
Large Dripstone feature does not generate floating on top of lava anymore.[6]


Issues relating to "Dripstone (feature)" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.


  • For a brief time in snapshot 21w06a, dripstone clusters were one of the only underground structures that did not generate correctly in negative y levels. This was because the developers initially hardcoded the minimum y level to be 0, intending to change it when changing the world height, then forgot to.[7]


