Minecraft Wiki
This article is about the pointed block. For the solid block, see Dripstone Block. For the biome, see Dripstone Caves.

Pointed dripstone is a block that makes up stalactites and stalagmites.

Stalactites (which point downward) can be used as falling projectiles, to renewably drip water and lava into cauldrons and to convert mud into clay.

Stalagmites (which point upward) deal extra damage to players and mobs that land on them.


Natural generation[]

Pointed dripstone can be found in dripstone caves in cluster formations.


Pointed dripstone can be mined with any tool,[1] but pickaxes are the quickest. Pointed dripstone breaks instantly when hit by a thrown trident.

Block Pointed Dripstone
Hardness 1.5
Breaking time[A]
Default 2.25
Wooden 1.15
Stone 0.6
Iron 0.4
Diamond 0.3
Netherite 0.25
Golden 0.2
  1. Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.


Wandering traders can sell 2 pointed dripstone for 1 emerald.


Stalactites grow extremely slowly, speeding up if there is a water source or a waterlogged block above the dripstone, growing even faster if the block between the water and the dripstone is a dripstone block. In addition, if there is a solid block less than eleven blocks below this stalactite, a stalagmite grows on that block toward the stalactite. This growth does not occur if the stalactite's tip is waterlogged, and a stalagmite below does not grow if its tip is waterlogged. They do not grow to more than seven blocks long.

Every time the block receives a random tick there is a small chance of 1.138% (645625) for a stalactite or stalagmite to grow one block, meaning that every single growth step takes an average time of 5 in-game days (100 minutes).


Pointed dripstone comes in two different forms, stalactites and stalagmites. Placing a pointed dripstone between a stalagmite and stalactite without sneaking connects them. It can be waterlogged. Mobs can jump up pointed dripstone as long as its height does not exceed four blocks. Horses and other similar mobs can travel up the same pointed dripstone as if they were stairs.



A stalactite.

Stalactites are created when pointed dripstone is placed on the bottom of a block.

Stalactites less than 11 blocks tall passively drip water particles (or lava particles in the Nether) in the absence of a liquid source, but these particles do not fill cauldrons. A waterlogged pointed dripstone at the tip of a stalactite does not produce drip particles. Waterlogging other parts of the stalactite does not affect the dripping.

If the block supporting a stalactite or any block of the stalactite is broken, all of the unsupported pointed dripstone below the broken block drops, causing damage to any player and mobs standing beneath it, similar to a falling anvil. The amount of damage is 6♥♥♥ for each block of falling distance after 2 blocks (e.g., a stalactite that falls 4 blocks deals 18♥ × 9 damage). The damage is capped at 40♥ × 20, no matter how far the stalactite falls. Wearing a helmet reduces the damage by 14, but this costs twice as much durability on the helmet as on other armor pieces. When a player dies by a stalactite falling on them, the death message "<player> was skewered by a falling stalactite" appears. However, if a player is merely touched by a falling stalactite entity, no damage is dealt unless the stalactite hits the ground in the same block where the player is located. Stalactites with multiple pointed dripstone can cause multiple damage; however, damage immunity prevents most of the damage from additional blocks.


When the uppermost block of a stalactite less than 11 blocks tall gets randomly ticked, it checks for a water source or waterlogged block two blocks above it and a cauldron within 10 blocks under the tip with no non-air blocks in between. If both conditions are satisfied, there is a 45256 (~17.6%) chance for it to drip water and fill the cauldron by one level. If there is a lava source above the stalactite, there is a 15256 (~5.9%) chance for it to completely fill an empty cauldron with lava instead, making lava a renewable resource. Refilling a cauldron with water or lava averages nearly one Minecraft day (19+ minutes) although the actual time for any individual refill varies.

Flowing water and lava will not cause the stalactite to fill the cauldron. The liquid must be a source (or a waterlogged block).

Converting mud into clay[]

If mud‌ is placed above a block with a stalactite underneath, it eventually turns into clay. This conversion does not happen in the Nether.[2]



A stalagmite.

Stalagmites are created when pointed dripstone is placed on the ground.

Falling onto stalagmites multiplies the fall distance by two to calculate the total amount of fall damage, using the formula ceil(fall_distance × 2 − 2). Note that the distance traveled during the last game tick of falling time is not included in this calculation, making it slightly off at higher distances; see Damage § Fall damage for more information.

If a player dies from falling onto a stalagmite, the death message "<player> was impaled on a stalagmite" appears.

All mobs that are immune to fall damage do not take damage from falling into stalagmites, the same applies to the player if the game rule fallDamage is set to false.[3][4]


Dripstone Column

A naturally generated dripstone column.

Dripstone columns can be found naturally in dripstone caves, they are formed when stalactites and stalagmites join together in mid-air.

To create them manually, simply keep stacking pointed dripstones on either the stalactite or the stalagmite or both until they join together, the last pointed dripstone placed being the most slender part of the whole column. Based on the direction of the last block placed, the shape of the column's slender part can vary.

Crafting ingredient[]

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
Dripstone Block Pointed Dripstone



Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Block brokenBlocksOnce the block has brokenblock.pointed_dripstone.breaksubtitles.block.generic.break1.00.816
Block placedBlocksWhen the block is placedblock.pointed_dripstone.placesubtitles.block.generic.place1.00.816
Block breakingBlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenblock.pointed_dripstone.hitsubtitles.block.generic.hit0.250.516
None[sound 1]Entity-DependentFalling on the block with fall damageblock.pointed_dripstone.fallNone[sound 1]0.50.7516
FootstepsEntity-DependentWalking on the blockblock.pointed_dripstone.stepsubtitles.block.generic.footsteps0.151.016
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksOnce the block has brokenbreak.pointed_dripstone1.01.0
BlocksWhen the block is placedplace.pointed_dripstone1.01.0
BlocksWhile the block is in the process of being brokenhit.pointed_dripstone1.01.0
PlayersFalling on the block with fall damagefall.pointed_dripstone0.41.0
PlayersWalking on the blockstep.pointed_dripstone0.171.0
PlayersJumping from the blockjump.pointed_dripstone0.121.0
PlayersFalling on the block without fall damageland.pointed_dripstone0.141.0


Java Edition:

SoundSubtitlesSourceDescriptionResource locationTranslation keyVolumePitchAttenuation
Lava dripsBlocksWhen a lava drip from a pointed dripstone lands on a blockblock.pointed_dripstone.drip_lavasubtitles.block.pointed_dripstone.drip_lava0.3-1.01.016
Lava drips into CauldronBlocksWhen a lava drip from a pointed dripstone lands on and fills a cauldronblock.pointed_dripstone.drip_lava_into_cauldronsubtitles.block.pointed_dripstone.drip_lava_into_cauldron2.00.9-1.016
Water dripsBlocksWhen a water drip from a pointed dripstone lands on a blockblock.pointed_dripstone.drip_watersubtitles.block.pointed_dripstone.drip_water0.3-1.01.016
Water drips into CauldronBlocksWhen a water drip from a pointed dripstone lands on and fills a cauldronblock.pointed_dripstone.drip_water_into_cauldronsubtitles.block.pointed_dripstone.drip_water_into_cauldron2.00.9-1.016
None[sound 1]BlocksWhen a pointed dripstone lands from fallingblock.pointed_dripstone.landNone[sound 1]2.00.9-1.016
  1. a b MC-213647

Bedrock Edition:

SoundSourceDescriptionResource locationVolumePitch
BlocksWhen a lava drip from a pointed dripstone lands on a blockdrip.lava.pointed_dripstone0.3-1.01.0
BlocksWhen a lava drip from a pointed dripstone lands on and fills a cauldroncauldron_drip.lava.pointed_dripstone2.00.9-1.1
BlocksWhen a water drip from a pointed dripstone lands on a blockdrip.water.pointed_dripstone0.3-1.01.0
BlocksWhen a water drip from a pointed dripstone lands on and fills a cauldroncauldron_drip.water.pointed_dripstone2.00.9-1.0

Data values[]


Java Edition:

NameIdentifierFormTranslation key
Pointed Dripstonepointed_dripstoneBlock & Itemblock.minecraft.pointed_dripstone

Bedrock Edition:

NameIdentifierNumeric ID FormItem ID[i 1]Translation key
Pointed Dripstonepointed_dripstone563Block & Giveable Item[i 2]Identical[i 3]tile.pointed_dripstone.name
  1. ID of block's direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. Available with /give command.
  3. The block's direct item form has the same id as the block.

Block states[]

See also: Block states

Java Edition:

Name Default value Allowed values Description
thicknesstip tip_merge
The direction of the pointed dripstone.
Whether or not there's water in the same place as this pointed dripstone.

Bedrock Edition:

NameMetadata Bits Default value Allowed valuesValues for
Metadata Bits
dripstone_thicknessNot Supportedtip mergeUnsupported
hangingNot Supportedtruefalse
UnsupportedWhether or not the pointed dripstone is pointing down.


October 2020Pointed Dripstone (pre-release) Pointed Dripstone concepts are created by xilefian.
October 3, 2020Pointed dripstone is shown at Minecraft Live 2020 within the dripstone caves biome.
Pointed Dripstone Frustum (down texture) JE1 Item texture was different.
Java Edition
1.1720w48aPointed Dripstone Base (D) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone Middle (D) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone Frustum (D) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone Tip (D) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone Tip Merge (D) JE1 BE1
Pointed Dripstone Base (U) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone Middle (U) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone Frustum (U) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone Tip (U) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone Tip Merge (U) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone (item) JE1 Added pointed dripstone.
20w49aPointed dripstone can now be generated in dripstone caves, which is accessible using only the buffet or custom world type.
Changed death message from being killed by a stalactite from "<player> was squashed by a falling block" to "<player> was skewered by a stalactite".
Stalactites taller than 1 block can now fill cauldrons.[5]
21w03aPointed dripstone can now be used to craft dripstone blocks.
Sounds drip_lava, drip_lava_into_cauldron, drip_water, and drip_water_into_cauldron now have subtitles.[6]
21w13aWandering traders now sell pointed dripstones, making them renewable.
Dripstone clusters containing pointed dripstone can now generate in regular caves as well.
21w16aPlacing a source block of water above a dripstone block with a stalactite hanging from it allows it to grow longer and to form stalagmites on the ground below.
1.18Experimental Snapshot 1Dripstone caves, where pointed dripstone can be found, can now generate naturally.
Pointed dripstone can no longer be found outside the dripstone caves biome.
1.1922w14aPointed dripstone can now be used to drain the moisture from mud, converting it to clay.
Bedrock Edition
Caves & Cliffs (experimental)beta Dripstone Base (D) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone Middle (D) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone Frustum (D) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone Tip (D) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone Tip Merge (D) JE1 BE1
Pointed Dripstone Base (U) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone Middle (U) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone Frustum (U) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone Tip (U) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone Tip Merge (U) JE1 BE1 Pointed Dripstone (item) BE1 Added pointed dripstone.
beta Dripstone (item) JE1 Item texture and rotation of pointed dripstone now matches Java Edition.
Pointed dripstone can now be waterlogged.
Tweaked visual shape of pointed dripstone to match Java Edition.
Pointed dripstone now breaks if being hit by a trident.
Pointed dripstone can now be used to craft dripstone blocks.
Changed death message from being killed by a stalactite from "<player> was squashed by a falling block" to "<player> was skewered by a stalactite".
Now uses the correct sounds for pointed dripstone.
Now generate in Dripstone Caves, though they can generate only through add-ons.
1.17.0beta traders now sell 2 pointed dripstones for an emerald.
Pointed dripstone now generate rarely in caves in small patch from layer 0 to 59.
Water and lava now drip more often from pointed dripstone.
beta no longer deal damage when doFallDamage is set to false
Pointed dripstone can now grow into longer stalactites and/or stalagmites.
beta correctly gets destroyed after the block it was placed on is broken by block updates.
Pointed dripstones are no longer available only through Experimental Gameplay.
1.19.0beta dripstone can now be used to drain the moisture from mud, converting it to clay.


Issues relating to "Pointed Dripstone" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.



Concept art[]


  1. MC-242733 — "Pointed dripstone drops an item when broken without a tool" — resolved as "Works As Intended".
  2. MC-264720 — "Mud does not convert to clay in Nether with dripstone" — resolved as "Works As Intended".
  3. MC-206555 — "Some mobs don't take damage from stalagmites" — resolved as "Works As Intended".
  4. MC-206674 — "Stalagmites cause no damage to the player when the gamerule "fallDamage" is set to false" — resolved as "Works As Intended".
  5. MC-206583 — Cauldrons below stalactites at least 2 blocks tall don't fill up — resolved as "Fixed".
  6. MC-206550 — "block.pointed_dripstone.drip_[liquid/cauldron] has no subtitles" — resolved as "Fixed".