關於an overview of all power armor models,參見power armor
關於a generalized list of locations where power armor can be found,參見Power armor (Fallout 4)

The X-01 series of Power Armor was specially engineered and employed by remnants of the U.S. military after the Great War, and offers increased protection over the older, pre-war models.— VDSG Catalogue No.9528

X-01 power armor is set of power armor in Fallout 4.


The X-01 power armor is a set of power armor created shortly before the bombs fell.[1]

A variant of the X-01 power armor was still in testing phases with the scientists at Nuka-World in 2077 as a part of a cooperative initiative between the U.S. Military and Nuka-Cola Corporation when the bombs fell.[1] This unique variant is known as the Quantum X-01 power armor, and can be found at Starport Nuka.

It was later engineered by remnants of the U.S. military after the Great War. It improves upon older suits by offering superior protective abilities.[2]


X-01 power armor provides the greatest defense among all models of power armor featured in Fallout 4. The power armor bears resemblance to the advanced power armor seen in previous Fallout games.

Similar to the T-60, it appears to have a large blind spot (mainly due to the large shoulder plates) around the arms and back as they rise over the helmet. However, the oversized shoulders would provide ample spaced armor protection from various projectiles, both covering the neck joints without restricting mobility, and by adding another layer of armor to go through.

As with all power armor in the Commonwealth, a power armor frame is required to mount X-01 power armor and spawned pieces can vary from Mk. I to Mk. VI models.

Armor parts[]

Mk Name DR HP Weight Value Repair Upgrade components Base ID
Physical Energy Radiation
I X-01 helm 220 140 150 140 12 140 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
N/A 00154AC5 (armor)
X-01 torso 320 210 300 560 20 280 6x Aluminum
2x Circuitry
10x Steel
N/A 00154AC8 (armor)
X-01 left arm 170 110 150 140 15 200 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
N/A 00154AC3 (armor)
X-01 right arm 170 110 150 140 15 200 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
N/A 00154AC4 (armor)
X-01 left leg 170 110 150 140 15 200 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
N/A 00154AC6 (armor)
X-01 right leg 170 110 150 140 15 200 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
N/A 00154AC7 (armor)
Total 1220 790 1050 1260 92 1220 16x Aluminum
2x Circuitry
5x Copper
45x Steel
II X-01 Mk. II helm 240 160 150 155 12.6 147 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
5x Adhesive
4x Aluminum
3x Ceramic
3x Circuitry
2x Rubber
0018319A (mod)
X-01 Mk. II torso 340 230 300 620 21 294 6x Aluminum
2x Circuitry
10x Steel
6x Adhesive
5x Aluminum
4x Ceramic
4x Circuitry
4x Nuclear material
2x Rubber
0018319F (mod)
X-01 Mk. II left arm 190 130 150 155 15.7 210 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
5x Adhesive
4x Aluminum
3x Ceramic
3x Circuitry
2x Rubber
0018319B (mod)
X-01 Mk. II right arm 190 130 150 155 15.7 210 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
5x Adhesive
4x Aluminum
3x Ceramic
3x Circuitry
2x Rubber
0018319B (mod)
X-01 Mk. II left leg 190 130 150 155 15.7 210 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
5x Adhesive
4x Aluminum
3x Ceramic
3x Circuitry
2x Rubber
0018319C (mod)
X-01 Mk. II right leg 190 130 150 155 15.7 210 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
5x Adhesive
4x Aluminum
3x Ceramic
3x Circuitry
2x Rubber
0018319C (mod)
Total 1340 910 1050 1395 96.4 1281 16x Aluminum
2x Circuitry
5x Copper
45x Steel
31x Adhesive
25x Aluminum
19x Ceramic
19x Circuitry
4x Nuclear material
12x Rubber
III X-01 Mk. III helm 260 180 150 170 13.1 154 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
6x Adhesive
6x Aluminum
5x Ceramic
3x Circuitry
3x Rubber
001831A0 (mod)
X-01 Mk. III torso 360 250 300 620 22 308 6x Aluminum
2x Circuitry
10x Steel
8x Adhesive
8x Aluminum
6x Ceramic
4x Circuitry
4x Nuclear material
4x Rubber
001831A5 (mod)
X-01 Mk. III left arm 210 150 150 170 16.5 220 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
6x Adhesive
6x Aluminum
5x Ceramic
3x Circuitry
3x Rubber
001831A1 (mod)
X-01 Mk. III right arm 210 150 150 170 16.5 220 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
6x Adhesive
6x Aluminum
5x Ceramic
3x Circuitry
3x Rubber
001831A1 (mod)
X-01 Mk. III left leg 210 150 150 170 16.5 220 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
6x Adhesive
6x Aluminum
5x Ceramic
3x Circuitry
3x Rubber
001831A2 (mod)
X-01 Mk. III right leg 210 150 150 170 16.5 220 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
6x Adhesive
6x Aluminum
5x Ceramic
3x Circuitry
3x Rubber
001831A2 (mod)
Total 1460 1030 1050 1470 101.1 1342 16x Aluminum
2x Circuitry
5x Copper
45x Steel
38x Adhesive
38x Aluminum
31x Ceramic
19x Circuitry
4x Nuclear material
19x Rubber
IV X-01 Mk. IV helm 280 200 150 185 13.8 161 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
7x Adhesive
8x Aluminum
6x Ceramic
3x Circuitry
4x Rubber
001831A6 (mod)
X-01 Mk. IV torso 380 270 300 740 23 322 6x Aluminum
2x Circuitry
10x Steel
9x Adhesive
10x Aluminum
8x Ceramic
4x Circuitry
4x Nuclear material
5x Rubber
001831AB (mod)
X-01 Mk. IV left arm 230 170 150 185 17.2 230 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
7x Adhesive
8x Aluminum
6x Ceramic
3x Circuitry
4x Rubber
001831A7 (mod)
X-01 Mk. IV right arm 230 170 150 185 17.2 230 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
7x Adhesive
8x Aluminum
6x Ceramic
3x Circuitry
4x Rubber
001831A7 (mod)
X-01 Mk. IV left leg 230 170 150 185 17.2 230 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
7x Adhesive
8x Aluminum
6x Ceramic
3x Circuitry
4x Rubber
001831A8 (mod)
X-01 Mk. IV right leg 230 170 150 185 17.2 230 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
7x Adhesive
8x Aluminum
6x Ceramic
3x Circuitry
4x Rubber
001831A8 (mod)
Total 1580 1150 1050 1665 105.6 1403 16x Aluminum
2x Circuitry
5x Copper
45x Steel
44x Adhesive
50x Aluminum
38x Ceramic
19x Circuitry
4x Nuclear material
25x Rubber
V X-01 Mk. V helm 300 220 150 200 14.3 168 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
8x Adhesive
9x Aluminum
7x Ceramic
4x Circuitry
5x Rubber
001831AC (mod)
X-01 Mk. V torso 400 290 300 800 24 336 6x Aluminum
2x Circuitry
10x Steel
10x Adhesive
11x Aluminum
9x Ceramic
5x Circuitry
5x Nuclear material
6x Rubber
001831B6 (mod)
X-01 Mk. V left arm 250 190 150 200 18 240 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
8x Adhesive
9x Aluminum
7x Ceramic
4x Circuitry
5x Rubber
001831AE (mod)
X-01 Mk. V right arm 250 190 150 200 18 240 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
8x Adhesive
9x Aluminum
7x Ceramic
4x Circuitry
5x Rubber
001831AE (mod)
X-01 Mk. V left leg 250 190 150 200 18 240 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
8x Adhesive
9x Aluminum
7x Ceramic
4x Circuitry
5x Rubber
001831B0 (mod)
X-01 Mk. V right leg 250 190 150 200 18 240 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
8x Adhesive
9x Aluminum
7x Ceramic
4x Circuitry
5x Rubber
001831B0 (mod)
Total 1700 1270 1050 1800 110.3 1464 16x Aluminum
2x Circuitry
5x Copper
45x Steel
50x Adhesive
56x Aluminum
44x Ceramic
26x Circuitry
5x Nuclear material
31x Rubber
VI X-01 Mk. VI helm 320 240 150 215 15 175 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
8x Adhesive
11x Aluminum
9x Ceramic
6x Circuitry
6x Rubber
001831AD (mod)
X-01 Mk. VI torso 420 310 300 860 25 350 6x Aluminum
2x Circuitry
10x Steel
10x Adhesive
14x Aluminum
11x Ceramic
8x Circuitry
8x Nuclear material
8x Rubber
001831B7 (mod)
X-01 Mk. VI left arm 270 210 150 215 18.7 250 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
8x Adhesive
11x Aluminum
9x Ceramic
6x Circuitry
6x Rubber
001831AF (mod)
X-01 Mk. VI right arm 270 210 150 215 18.7 250 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
8x Adhesive
11x Aluminum
9x Ceramic
6x Circuitry
6x Rubber
001831AF (mod)
X-01 Mk. VI left leg 270 210 150 215 18.7 250 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
8x Adhesive
11x Aluminum
9x Ceramic
6x Circuitry
6x Rubber
001831B1 (mod)
X-01 Mk. VI right leg 270 210 150 215 18.7 250 2x Aluminum
1x Copper
7x Steel
8x Adhesive
11x Aluminum
9x Ceramic
6x Circuitry
6x Rubber
001831B1 (mod)
Total 1820 1390 1050 1935 114.8 1525 16x Aluminum
2x Circuitry
5x Copper
45x Steel
50x Adhesive
69x Aluminum
56x Ceramic
38x Circuitry
8x Nuclear material
38x Rubber


Piece Mod slot Name Color Description Effects Components Base ID
All Material Military paint Green Increases Strength by 1 with all
pieces painted.
Strength +1 4x Adhesive
6x Aluminum
2x Nuclear material
Titanium plating Gray Increases Armor Health. Durability +7% 6x Adhesive
8x Aluminum
4x Steel
Lead plating Gray Increases Radiation Resistance. Radiation Resistance +100 5x Adhesive
4x Aluminum
2x Circuitry
4x Fiber optics
4x Lead
Prism shielding Gray Increases Energy Resistance. Energy Resistance +40 4x Adhesive
2x Aluminum
4x Nuclear material
4x Rubber
Explosive shielding Gray Reduces Damage from explosions. Explosive Resistance+ 6x Adhesive
4x Aluminum
6x Ceramic
X-01 EMP shielding Gray Increases Energy Resistance. Energy Resistance +30 6x Adhesive
8x Aluminum
8x Rubber
Thermal coating Gray Increases Energy Resistance. Energy Resistance +20 8x Adhesive
8x Aluminum
6x Crystal
Vault-Tec paint Blue Increases Charisma when applied to all pieces. Charisma +1 2x Adhesive
4x Aluminum
2x Plastic
Institute paint White Increases Intelligence when applied to all pieces. Intelligence +1 Free (only available if the Sole Survivor ends the game story by siding with the Institute) 0023AB92
Hot Rod Shark paint Green/Red/Pink Increases Agility when applied to all pieces. Agility +1 Free (upon finding Hot Rodder Magazine located at the Atom Cats garage)
Hot Rod Flames paint Red/Black Increases Agility when applied to all pieces. Agility +1 Free (upon finding the Hot Rodder located at Robotics disposal ground)
Hot Rod Hot Pink paint Pink/White Increases Agility when applied to all pieces. Agility +1 Free (upon finding the associated Hot Rodder)
Piece Mod slot Name Description Effects Components Base ID
Helmet Misc Rad scrubbers Removes radiation from
consumed food and water.
Identical to Lead Belly rank 3. 7x Adhesive
5x Aluminum
4x Circuitry
5x Fiber optics
6x Lead
Sensor array Increases Perception. Perception +2 4x Adhesive
6x Aluminum
4x Fiber optics
4x Fiberglass
VATS matrix overlay Increases VATS hit chance. 4x Adhesive
3x Aluminum
4x Circuitry
3x Fiber optics
Internal database Increases Intelligence. Intelligence +2 7x Adhesive
7x Aluminum
6x Crystal
5x Fiber optics
Recon sensors Sighted aiming marks enemies
with a compass pip.
Works in a similar manner to Recon sights. 7x Adhesive
5x Aluminum
4x Circuitry
5x Fiber optics
Targeting HUD Visor highlights living targets. Highlight works similarly to Berry mentats, but does not work through walls. 7x Adhesive
6x Aluminum
7x Circuitry
3x Gold
Headlamp Headlamp Adds headlamp. 1x Aluminum
1x Copper
1x Fiber optics
Headlamp Blue Adds headlamp. 1x Aluminum
1x Copper
1x Fiber optics
Headlamp Bright Adds headlamp. 1x Aluminum
1x Copper
1x Fiber optics
1x Nuclear material
Headlamp Purple Adds headlamp. 1x Aluminum
1x Copper
1x Fiber optics
Headlamp Red Tactical Adds headlamp. Light can't be seen by ghouls or animals. 1x Aluminum
1x Circuitry
1x Copper
1x Fiber optics
Headlamp Vault Boy Adds Vault Boy headlamp. Green headlamp with a Vault Boy shadow outline. 1x Aluminum
1x Copper
1x Fiber optics
Torso Misc Core assembly Increases Action Point refresh speed. 9x Adhesive
11x Aluminum
7x Circuitry
6x Nuclear material
Blood cleanser Reduces chance of addiction from drugs. 6x Adhesive
4x Aluminum
6x Antiseptic
4x Rubber
Emergency protocols Below 20% health, speed increases 25%
and incoming damage is reduced by 50%.
8x Adhesive
8x Aluminum
12x Circuitry
10x Nuclear material
Motion-assist servos Increases Strength. Strength +2 8x Adhesive
12x Aluminum
10x Rubber
8x Spring
Kinetic dynamo Taking damage recharges action points. 8x Adhesive
6x Aluminum
6x Ceramic
6x Rubber
Medic pump Detects hits during combat and automatically
uses a Stimpak when health is low.
8x Adhesive
6x Aluminum
10x Antiseptic
4x Circuitry
Reactive plates Reflects 50% of melee damage
back on attacker.
10x Adhesive
6x Aluminum
8x Asbestos
10x Nuclear material
Stealth Boy Activates stealth field while crouched and stationary. Uses action points in order to activate stealth field while crouching. 10x Adhesive
10x Aluminum
5x Circuitry
7x Fiber optics
5x Gold
Tesla coils Deals Energy damage to nearby enemies. 10x Adhesive
8x Aluminum
12x Copper
6x Fiber optics
12x Rubber
Jet pack Enables jet-assisted boost while jumping. Substitutes action points to use to propel user upwards. 7x Adhesive
10x Aluminum
9x Asbestos
12x Nuclear material
Arms Misc Rusty knuckles Unarmed attacks cause bleeding damage. 4x Adhesive
4x Aluminum
4x Ceramic
5x Steel
Hydraulic bracers Increases Unarmed Damage. Unarmed DMG +15 4x Adhesive
6x Aluminum
4x Oil
3x Steel
Optimized bracers Reduces Action Point cost for Power Attacks. 3x Adhesive
3x Aluminum
3x Ceramic
4x Rubber
Tesla bracers Adds Energy damage to unarmed attacks. +45 Energy Damage 6x Adhesive
6x Aluminum
5x Copper
4x Rubber
Legs Misc Calibrated shocks Increases carry weight capacity. +50 each leg 8x Aluminum
4x Adhesive
6x Fiberglass
Explosive vent Increases damage radius for impact landing. 20x Aluminum
8x Adhesive
16x Asbestos
12x Nuclear material
Optimized servos Reduces action point cost for sprinting. 6x Aluminum
6x Adhesive
10x Fiberglass
6x Spring
Overdrive servos Increased sprint speed at an additional action point cost. 12x Aluminum
6x Adhesive
10x Fiberglass
6x Nuclear material
Kinetic servos Increases action point refresh speed while moving. 6x Aluminum
6x Adhesive
4x Nuclear material

Paint jobs[]

  • Hot Rod Shark paint: Increases Agility.
  • Hot Rod Flames paint: Increases Agility.
  • Hot Rod Hot Pink paint: Increases Agility.
  • Creation Club Hot Rod Racing Stripes paint: Increases Agility
  • Creation Club Outcast paint: Increases Intelligence
  • Creation Club Slocum's Joe pink paint: Increases Charisma
  • Creation Club Slocum's Joe tan paint: Increases Agility
  • Creation Club Gunner captain paint:
  • Creation Club Gunner corporal paint:
  • Creation Club Gunner sergeant paint:
  • Creation Club Minutemen armored cavalry paint:
  • Creation Club Minutemen patriot paint:
  • Creation Club Minutemen revolutionary paint:
  • Institute paint: Increases Intelligence.
  • Military paint: Increases Strength.
  • Vault-Tec paint: Increases Charisma.




  • An X-01 helmet can be stolen from Proctor Teagan's shop on the Prydwen behind a Master-locked door, or a key may be stolen from the Brotherhood's knight-captain wandering around the power armor bays. Upon entering the Prydwen for the first time, one can spot him asking another knight about patrols or other related material.
  • Worn by Danse upon completing Blind Betrayal if one wishes to spare him. The suit is a full set of X-01 missing only the helmet, but like his T-60d, his X-01 has a locked fusion core eliminating the possibility of having Danse exit the armor.


  • Two full sets found at the Nuka-World power plant: one behind a terminal-locked door in the basement, another one in the power monitoring station southeast of the plant, under an electrical tower. Assuming the player starts the Nuka-World add-on at the recommended level of 30, these armors will always be at least X-01 Mk I suits as they begin to spawn at level 28.
  • One full set due west of Dry Rock Gulch, on a flatbed truck just beyond the parking lot outside of the park area proper. This suit is subject to the same level considerations as the pair mentioned above.
  • A full set of armor can be found inside Fort Hagen hangar behind a locked security door. One of the resident Rust Devils may attempt an entry, resulting in a heavily armored combatant.
  • Another set can be found at the top of the 35 Court building in the Financial District. The suit must be acquired by destroying an assaultron and a sentry bot emerging from charge pods that have buttons which unlock the central chamber containing the armor.
  • A full set may spawn hidden inside containers behind the Master locked room (not the room) in National Guard training yard.
  • A full set without helmet OR without left leg and left arm may spawn at Federal Surveillance Center K-21B at the bottom level in a corner behind the stairs.
  • A set may spawn during the quest The Big Dig in a side tunnel, protected by a mirelurk king.
  • A set can be found inside a trailer at a military convoy a short distance Northeast of the National Guard Training Yard, or almost directly west of Finch farm. It’s missing a helmet and left arm.
  • A set can be found in the swamp directly southwest of Suffolk County Charter School next to the cockpit of a downed vertibird. It is guarded by a legendary Major Gutsy.


  • The Sole Survivor must be at least level 28 in order for the X-01 power armor pieces to spawn.
    • The only exception to this is the X-01 power armor helmet found on the Prydwen in Teagan's shop that can only be stolen.
  • In the base game, X-01 armor suits and parts that can be found in the game world are capped at Mk III and will not improve past this point regardless of one's level. Nuka-World removes this cap for incomplete sets, thus offering a chance to scavenge all tiers up to and including Mk VI at very high levels. Full sets (like the one in 35 Court) retain their Mk III cap, however, with the Mk V Quantum X-01 power armor being the only exception.
  • Unlike previous versions of power armor, turning on the headlamp will illuminate the eyes, casting light from them instead of from a light attached to the helmet. The color of the eyes will change depending on the color of light chosen.
  • The unique Institute paint scheme can only be unlocked by completing the game by siding with the Institute, in which the paint scheme is automatically added to the list of modifications. It increases Intelligence by one with all pieces painted and costs nothing to apply.
    • According to The Art of Fallout 4 the "Institute Paint" is simply an alternative to the unused Institute power armor, or I-01 for short.
  • This suit's list of material mods also includes the 'Thermal Coating' material mod, which seems to be exclusive to the X-01 as well, as it does not exist for the other models. The 'Winterized Coating' is not available and seems to have been replaced with 'Thermal Coating'. Both provide the same upgrade to Energy Resistance, but the Thermal simply applies as the default armor color rather than white in color.
    • This suit's modification list also includes one suit-exclusive upgrade, known as "X-01 EMP Shielding" which appears to be a cheaper alternative to "Prism Shielding."
  • There are separate Form IDs for the five pieces of X-01 power armor Paladin Danse wears. These pieces can be spawned using the console but cannot functionally be used. They will not appear in the inventory, but will still contribute to one's carry weight.


  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One In an unmarked building named 35 Court, at the top after an elevator ride. After battling two robots (level dependent) one can access the center chamber containing the full suit of power armor. The armor will spawn X-01 after LVL 28 but may appear to be a lower grade armor (T-45, T-51, or T-60). However, upon suit entry it will become X-01 power armor.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Sometimes, when building a jet pack for the X-01 torso for the first time, it will appear a good armor's width away to the right of the rack (when facing it) and it will also be rotated 90 degrees. Once the player character enters the armor, it snaps/floats to its correct position and orientation on the back; it continues to float, not actually appearing to attach and not moving with the armor animation, though it does follow the Sole Survivor and is completely functional. Quitting and reloading the game fixes this oddity.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 If left without power armor stand and fast traveling around, can transform into a T-45 power armor that's missing random parts. This is actually due to the "cell reset" bug and affects power armor frames, not specifically the armor pieces themselves. This bug primarily affects modded games, and can be avoided by either using the console to spawn a generic frame and moving the armor pieces to the new frame or by using a mod that allows the construction of bug-free frames via the workshop.[已验证]


Paint schemes[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's project terminal, 10-20-2076 JCB
  2. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The X-01 series of Power Armor was specially engineered and employed by remnants of the U.S. military after the Great War, and offers increased protection over the older, pre-war models."