
Gametitle-FO4 FH
Gametitle-FO4 FH
You've entered a place of clarity. Understanding. Peace. While you're here in Acadia, synth-kind welcomes you, as long as you welcome us.— DiMA, welcoming the Sole Survivor to Acadia

DiMA is a modified synth on the Island in 2287. He is one of the founders[1] and leader of Acadia.


DiMA, alongside Nick Valentine, is one of two early prototypes created by the Institute to test if synths could handle independent thinking and judgement.[2] While DiMA was allowed to freely develop his own personality through experience, Nick was outfitted with alternating, pre-existing human personalities.[3] The two formed a close sibling relationship while in the Institute together and DiMA, not being able to bear seeing his brother put through such cruel experiments, decided to run away with Nick and the duo eventually managed to escape.[4] However, disoriented by the experiments done to him, Nick did not recognize DiMA after escaping. Believing himself to be the human Nick Valentine, Nick attacked DiMA, forcing DiMA to knock him out and then abandon him.[5]

Afterwards, DiMA traveled to Far Harbor to hide from the Institute, though without a programmed objective. He sat in a cave doing nothing for nearly a year before it occurred to him that he could define his own path in life.[6] He then went on to live in an old nuclear-armed submarine base that was eventually discovered by the Children of Atom.[7] DiMA befriended their leader, Confessor Martin, and eventually gave them the base as their home.[8]

Alongside Faraday, a synth scientist that acts as his assistant, and Chase, an ex-courser that DiMA was able to convince to defect from the Institute, DiMA went on to found Acadia with the intention of creating a safe place for synths to live freely and not have to hide their nature.[9] From there, DiMA was able to develop fog condensers to protect the residents of Far Harbor from the Fog, which consequently angered the Children, as the Fog is sacred to them.[10]

With tensions high between the Children, Acadia, and Far Harbor, DiMA, desperate for peace and safety for his own people, created contingency plans in the event that either group endangered Acadia.[11] For the Children, it was acquiring the key to the nuclear missile in the Nucleus, and for Far Harbor, it was acquiring the shut down codes for the town's wind farm and only power source. Then, in his desperation, DiMA chose to kill Captain Avery and secretly replace her with a synth as to have a "moderate voice" to be an example of how synths and humans could live side by side.[12] DiMA was so sickened by his own actions that he chose to remove these memories and, as a sign of good faith, put them in the Nucleus' computers for the Children to safeguard.[13]

Sometime later, DiMA and Nick are reunited when Nick and the Sole Survivor travel to Far Harbor looking for Kasumi Nakano. While DiMA expresses surprise and excitement to see Nick again, Nick is far more reluctant, not having any memories of DiMA due to their last encounter being over a hundred years prior—memories DiMA has been able to maintain through his many modifications. However, if the Sole Survivor encourages Nick to accept DiMA as his brother after finding the holotape of their fight, Nick will apologize to DiMA and the two will occasionally greet each other or chat when entering Acadia.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Perk nociception regulator color
FO76 ui icon quest

Effects of player's actions[]

Based on the player character's actions, DiMA can become an ally or an enemy.

  • If the player character opts to keep DiMA's secret, he will assist in replacing High Confessor Tektus with an obedient synth, in order to secure a peace between the Children of Atom and Far Harbor.
  • If the player character successfully convinces him to turn himself in, he will go to Far Harbor, confess what he did and then be executed by the townsfolk for his crime. The angry mob will then prepare to destroy Acadia, out of fear that they will try to replace more of them with synths. However, if the Sole Survivor has enough affinity with the town's inhabitants, they can be convinced to spare the synth colony.
  • If the player character decides to eradicate either one of the other two factions, DiMA will not turn hostile but will express disgust at the act of mass murder.
  • If the player character chooses to either destroy Acadia with the Brotherhood of Steel or reclaim all the synth to the Institute, DiMA will make the last stand with his people.


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Plasma gun Plasma cartridges Synth component


  • Although DiMA likes that the Railroad are trying to free synths he dislikes the fact that they are erasing the synths' memories, and criticizes the measures the group undertakes to carry out their goals.
  • DiMA will consider the Institute's destruction to be bittersweet, in that even though the Institute will no longer hunt them, it would also mean that there would be no more synths being created.
  • If DiMA is executed in Far Harbor, his body won't disappear and is too heavy for the player to move.
  • In the quest Forbidden Knowledge it will appear that DiMA is being teleported back to the Institute when, in fact his character is just disabled.


DiMA appears only in the Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.

Behind the scenes[]

DiMA is a take on the term 'DMA' or 'Direct Memory Access', which is a computer feature that lets hardware subsystems access system memory independently of the CPU.



  1. The Sole Survivor: "Thank you. You've given me a lot to think about."
    DiMA: "I'm glad to hear it. Acadia is open to you. Feel free to walk the grounds. Introduce yourself to my co-founders, Faraday and Chase."
    (DiMA's dialogue)
  2. DiMA: "We were prototypes, Nick. The first synths capable of independent thinking and judgment."
    (DiMA's dialogue)
  3. Nick Valentine: "Keep talking..."
    DiMA: "One of the Institute's experiments had to do with how our brains could process personality. If we could handle individualized feelings and behaviors. I was allowed to develop mine based on experience. But with you, they wanted to try transferring an entire personality into you."
    (DiMA's dialogue)
  4. DiMA: "I couldn't let them do it to you anymore. We were the only two prototypes they made. I literally saw myself in you... You were my brother, Nick. I helped you escape the Institute. We left together."
    (DiMA's dialogue)
  5. DiMA's memory
  6. DiMA: "But after my escape felt secured, I was left with nothing. No programmed task, no false memories. I spent a year just sitting in a cave. Just sitting. One day, it finally occurred that maybe I could decide for myself what to do, who I was. I've been doing that ever since."
    (DiMA's dialogue)
  7. The Sole Survivor: "The Children of Atom on this island. You were helping them?"
    DiMA: "Yes. I know their faith in radiation as a type of god is a bit... different, but who am I to judge? I was using a submarine base as a home when Martin and his followers stumbled inside. They had been cast out of Far Harbor for their beliefs."
    (DiMA's dialogue)
  8. DiMA: "And I was friends with the previous leader of the Children of Atom, Confessor Martin. I even gave them their headquarters, the submarine base they named the Nucleus."
    (DiMA's dialogue)
  9. DiMA: "Beyond that, we just want to live in peace. I don't have any grand plans for expansion. Just existing as we are now is enough.
    (DiMA's dialogue)
  10. The Sole Survivor: "You're keeping Far Harbor safe, is that it?"
    DiMA: "Not exactly. They're fiercely independent, but the Fog was starting to choke more and more of the island, so I proposed a trade. We would give them the technology to keep the Fog at bay, in return for them being a lifeline to the outside world. A safe dock and a place to buy supplies. Unfortunately, the Children of Atom view the radioactive fog as a holy portent, and their bloodied history with Far Harbor puts us at odds."
    (DiMA's dialogue)
  11. DiMA's memory
  12. What's Done is Done
  13. DiMA: "What? That's impossible. Let me see what you found... I... I did it. I killed a woman from Far Harbor and replaced her. I stripped a synth's identity from her and made her an agent."
    (DiMA's dialogue)