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Meg Groberg is the leader of the Raiders who returned to Appalachia in 2103. She was previously a member of the Diehards.


In the aftermath of the Great War, Meg's mother committed suicide, which gave her the determination to keep surviving in a depressing world.[1] While she was a member of the Diehards, Meg believed that Margie McClintock's ideal of the pacifist raider life was unrealistic and often disobeyed the Diehards' standing order to not fire unless fired upon.[2] At some point before the Scorched Plague entered the Savage Divide, Meg had splintered off from the Diehards and left Appalachia entirely with several other Diehards. During this time, they ventured from Appalachia to the Commonwealth to Washington D.C., raiding and gathering new members along the way.[3]

While away from Appalachia, Meg met Johnny Weston, a man who had infiltrated her gang by blending in with the other raiders. When Meg found out that he had simply slipped into the gang, she reacted positively and the two shared drinks. They eventually "shacked up," and continue a physical relationship with each other.[4] In 2103, Meg returned to Appalachia with her raider group, having grown exponentially in the previous years, to take ownership of the crashed Valiant-1 space station, dubbing it the Crater. It was also upon learning of the residents of Vault 76 having been colonizing the region in the past year that Meg decided it was time to let the Vault Dwellers know that Appalachia belonged to the Raiders and they were taking it back.

After the Brotherhood of Steel returns to Appalachia by way of the Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force, Meg assigns Burke, Pierce, and Sheena to fight and/or sabotage the returning Brotherhood. She believes that the Brotherhood of Steel are dangerous, and the only interaction she desires to have with them is putting bullets in them.[5]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Image Description
Icon interactions essential
This character is essential. Essential characters cannot be killed.
25 Strictly Business
This character starts quests.
  • Cheating Death
  • Fun and Games
  • From Russia With Lev
  • Buried Treasure
FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.
  • Strange Bedfellows
  • Overseer, Overseen
  • Siding with Crater
  • Secrets Revealed


  • Strange Bedfellows: Meg is first encountered after being summoned by Rose to the Top of the World to meet with the vault dwellers. The invitation was per the request of the Vault 76 overseer, so that her group could be given the vaccine to the Scorched Plague. Meg is hesitant to accept due to her distrust of the vault dwellers. If she is unable to be swayed with Charisma or Intelligence 12+, she offers a compromise: help her lieutenant Aldridge with an attack on the Scorched near the Philippi Battlefield Cemetery and she will consider having her raiders inoculated, while also granting the vault dwellers access to the Crater and Crater watchstation, rendering her Raiders no longer hostile to the vault dwellers. When the vault dwellers return with the news that Aldridge and his team were wiped out by the Scorched, Meg finally agrees to have her raiders inoculated. Upon returning with the vaccine, she is initially puzzled to find it comes as a new flavor of Nuka-Cola, but nonetheless accepts it and expresses gratitude to the vault dwellers.
  • Overseer, Overseen: Meg must be spoken to in order to enlist the raiders' help for breaking into Vault 79.
  • Cheating Death: A demolitions expert is needed to break into Vault 79. Meg asks the vault dwellers to find and recruit Lucky Lou, who has gone missing.
  • Fun and Games: Meg asks the vault dwellers to recruit Gail and Ra-Ra for the raid on Vault 79.
  • The Ol' Weston Shuffle: Meg asks the vault dwellers to recruit Johnny Weston for the raid on Vault 79.
  • Siding with Crater: Meg must be spoken to by the vault dwellers to confirm that they have cast their lot with the raiders for the raid on Vault 79.
  • From Russia With Lev: Meg asks the vault dwellers to check on Lou outside Vault 79. After hearing about his attempted murder by Lev, she asks the vault dwellers to root out Lev's mole in the Crater, then find and kill Lev and his gang. She can also be informed about Lev's benefactor Rocco (if he was spared and convince to flee Appalachia) as well as the identity of the mole, Barb, for minor raider reputation gains.
  • Buried Treasure: Meg and the heist team are gathered outside Vault 79 for the raid. She and Lou stay outside, citing the need to guard the flank and ensure no betrayals are attempted, but she asks the vault dwellers to ensure that Johnny pulls his weight to be deserving of the large cut of the loot that he demands.
  • Secrets Revealed: Meg shows up in the Gold Operations Center near the end of the quest to ensure the vault dwellers follow through with their deal. Depending whether the gold bullion was distributed as agreed, or the deal was broken in whatever form, she will respond varyingly.

Effects of player's actions[]

  • Meg can be chosen over Paige and his Settlers for a raid on Vault 79 after telling her the vault is where the United States' gold bullion reserves were stored and could make the Raiders rich beyond their dreams.
  • After the vault raid, if the gold bullion was not distributed according to plan, speaking to Meg will lead her to mention that she had to convince her faction not to start hostilities with the vault dwellers, and although their position in the Crater has fallen somewhat, she would rather have people of their skills on her side rather than as enemies. Choosing a further dialogue option to tell her that Foundation is weak will result in a minor raider reputation gain.


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
Stalker outfit


Meg Groberg appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update. Before the update, she was only mentioned in the game.



  1. Meg Groberg: "I knew a lot of people chose to end it all after the war. My own mother was in that boat. World's a depressing place now, but we gotta survive."
    (Meg Groberg's dialogue)
  2. Concerns with Margie
  3. Meg Groberg: "We've traveled the Wasteland from the Commonwealth to DC. We take... whatever we want. And we want that vault. Who's going to stop us? You?"
    (Meg Groberg's dialogue)
  4. Johnny Weston: "The story goes that I infiltrated the gang simply by acting the part. For weeks, everyone just assumed I belonged. But there's more to it. When Meg found out, she wasn't even mad. We had drinks, then shacked up. I trust you enough to say that Meg and I have a physical relationship. Beyond that, it just so happens my skill set benefits her whole operation. Now I stick around with her crew and everyone profits. I followed her around until we settled here. You know the whole business with Hal and all that. He never approved of my arrangement with Meg. I think it got him jealous."
    (Johnny Weston's dialogue)
  5. Vault Dweller: "Any thoughts on the Brotherhood of Steel?"
    Meg Groberg: "Thoughts? What I got for them are bullets. Luckily I got some folks who are real passionate about taking those bucketheads down. You wanna know more, you talk to Pierce over in the War Room. It's behind Ae-Ri's shop. Just don't get in the way. You'll regret it."
    (Meg Groberg's dialogue)

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