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Fallout Wiki

The Watoga High School announcer, also known as the Watoga High School P.A. system, is a voice box character in Watoga High School in Appalachia.


The school announcer pre-recorded announcements for the students of Watoga High School. After the Great War, the announcements system became stuck in a loop of 20 announcements, some of which were related to Halloween festivities.[1] It was also the voice for Watoga High School's Annual Monster Mash.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

FO76 ui icon quest
This character is involved in quests.

Monster Mash


Apparel Weapon Other items


It is unclear if the school announcer is intended to be Headmaster Reinhold. The character only exists as a voice type in the game's files and is never explicitly named as Headmaster Reinhold. Voice actor Brian Krause is credited as "Watoga High School PA System." The note November announcements draft is found in Reinhold's office, though there is no P.A. or recording equipment in the office.


The Watoga High School announcer appears only in Fallout 76.

