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The vicious receiver is a weapon mod for various weapons in Fallout 76.


A receiver weapon modification which improves hip-fire accuracy and critical shot damage. It does not have a visual effect on the weapon it is applied to.

Learn chance[]

Low chance
Weapon Plans Learn chance
.44 pistol Learned from scrapping Low (15%)
10mm pistol
10mm submachine gun
Assault rifle
Combat shotgun
Double-barrel shotgun
Pipe bolt-action
Pipe gun
Pipe revolver
Pump action shotgun
Radium rifle
Very low chance
Weapon Plans Learn chance
Combat rifle Learned from scrapping Very low (10%)
Handmade rifle
Hunting rifle
Lever action rifle
Western revolver
Plan only
Weapon Plans Learn chance
Gauss pistol Plan: Gauss pistol vicious receiver
Gauss shotgun Plan: Gauss shotgun vicious receiver


Weapon modifications will modify an existing weapon, and any modifications previously equipped on the weapon will be destroyed, not unequipped. Loose mods cannot be crafted.

.44 pistol
10mm pistol
10mm submachine gun
Assault rifle
Combat rifle
Combat shotgun
Double-barrel shotgun
Gauss pistol
Gauss shotgun
Handmade rifle
Hunting rifle
Lever action rifle
Pipe bolt-action
Pipe gun
Pipe revolver
Pump action shotgun
Radium rifle
Western revolver

ID table[]

Weapon OMOD editor ID OMOD ID MISC editor ID MISC ID
.44 pistol mod_44_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 002E5B3B miscmod_mod_44_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 001CE166
10mm pistol mod_10mm_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 001F6614 miscmod_mod_10mm_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 0030ABB1
10mm submachine gun mod_10mmSMG_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 0002D344 miscmod_mod_10mmSMG_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 002FD941
Assault rifle mod_AssaultRifle_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 00312917 miscmod_mod_AssaultRifle_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 0031F1D9
Combat rifle mod_CombatRifle_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 0024300E miscmod_mod_CombatRifle_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 0030DC83
Combat shotgun mod_CombatShotgun_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 00204992 miscmod_mod_CombatShotgun_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 0030DCF2
Double-barrel shotgun mod_DoubleBarrelShotgun_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 00294C6D miscmod_mod_DoubleBarrelShotgun_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 0030DD46
Gauss pistol mod_GaussPistol_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 005A243B miscmod_mod_GaussPistol_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 005A265C
Gauss shotgun mod_GaussShotgun_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 0057373D miscmod_mod_GaussShotgun_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 005A2676
Handmade rifle DLC04_mod_HandMadeGun_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 0031B1DA miscmod_DLC04_mod_HandMadeGun_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 0008F9A9
Hunting rifle mod_HuntingRifle_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 002DEB0C miscmod_mod_HuntingRifle_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 0030DD9D
Lever action rifle DLC03_mod_LeverGun_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 00061B09 miscmod_DLC03_mod_LeverGun_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 005255BC
Pipe bolt-action mod_PipeBoltAction_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 002D5D65 miscmod_mod_PipeBoltAction_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 0030DE02
Pipe gun mod_PipeGun_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 002D5E2F miscmod_mod_PipeGun_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 0030DE80
Pipe revolver mod_PipeRevolver_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 002D5EE1 miscmod_mod_PipeRevolver_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 0030DEEA
Pump action shotgun mod_PumpActionShotgun_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 0018AB3E miscmod_mod_PumpActionShotgun_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 004E026E
Radium rifle mod_RadiumRifle_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 00314FBB miscmod_mod_RadiumRifle_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 004E997F
Western revolver DLC04_mod_Revolver_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 0052708B miscmod_DLC04_mod_Revolver_Receiver_CritDMG-HipAccuracy 005282D9


  • Crafted at a weapons workbench.
  • Loose mods may randomly be found in the following regions:
    • The Forest (.44 pistol, 10mm pistol, hunting rifle, pipe bolt-action, pipe gun, pipe revolver and pump action shotgun)
    • Ash Heap (Assault rifle, combat rifle, combat shotgun, lever action rifle and western revolver)
    • Toxic Valley (.44 pistol, 10mm pistol, 10mm submachine gun, combat rifle, combat shotgun, double-barrel shotgun, handmade rifle, hunting rifle, pipe bolt-action and pipe gun)
    • Savage Divide (10mm submachine gun, assault rifle, combat rifle, combat shotgun, double-barrel shotgun, handmade rifle, lever action rifle, radium rifle and western revolver)
    • The Mire (Assault rifle, lever action rifle, radium rifle and western revolver)
    • Cranberry Bog (Assault rifle and radium rifle)
  • The vendor bot Raider at the Pleasant Valley Station may sell one mod for the lever-action rifle.
  • Loose mods may also be for sale from vendors.