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Fallout Wiki

Standard receiver is a weapon mod for various weapons in Fallout 76.


Weapon Plans Learn chance
.44 pistol Known by default N/A
.50 cal machine gun
10mm pistol
10mm submachine gun
Assault rifle
Combat rifle
Combat shotgun
Crusader pistol
Double-barrel shotgun
Gatling gun
Gatling plasma
Gauss pistol
Gauss shotgun
Handmade rifle
Hunting rifle
Lever action rifle
M79 grenade launcher
Pipe bolt-action
Pipe gun
Pipe revolver
Plasma caster
Pump action shotgun
Radium rifle
Railway rifle
Single action revolver
Submachine gun
Western revolver


Weapon modifications will modify an existing weapon, and any modifications previously equipped on the weapon will be destroyed, not unequipped. Loose mods cannot be crafted.

.44 pistol
10mm pistol
10mm submachine gun
50 cal machine gun
Assault rifle
Combat rifle
Combat shotgun
Crusader pistol
Double-barrel shotgun
Gatling gun
Gatling plasma
Gauss pistol
Gauss shotgun
Handmade rifle
Hunting rifle
Lever action rifle
Pipe bolt-action
Pipe gun
Pipe revolver
Plasma caster
Pump action shotgun
Radium rifle
Railway rifle
Single action revolver
Submachine gun
Western revolver

ID table[]

Weapon OMOD editor ID OMOD ID MISC editor ID MISC ID
.44 pistol mod_44_receiver_Base 001A05D8 miscmod_mod_44_receiver_Base 0030EAFA
10mm pistol mod_10mm_receiver_Base 001F660E miscmod_mod_10mm_receiver_Base 0030ABAD
10mm submachine gun mod_10mmSMG_Receiver_Base 0010D87B miscmod_mod_10mmSMG_Receiver_Base 002FD93E
50 cal machine gun mod_50CalMachineGun_Receiver 0003A0B6 N/A
Assault rifle mod_AssaultRifle_receiver_Base 00312913 miscmod_mod_AssaultRifle_receiver_Base 0031F1D6
Combat rifle mod_CombatRifle_receiver_Base 00242F30 miscmod_mod_CombatRifle_receiver_Base 003129E7
Combat shotgun mod_CombatShotgun_receiver_Base 0020498F miscmod_mod_CombatShotgun_receiver_Base 0030EB17
Crusader pistol mod_BoSPistol_receiver_Base 005E6FBE N/A
Double-barrel shotgun mod_DoubleBarrelShotgun_receiver_Base 0027A5CF miscmod_mod_DoubleBarrelShotgun_receiver_Base 0030EB2E
Gatling gun mod_GatlingGun_Receiver_Standard 00011BF7 miscmod_mod_GatlingGun_Receiver_Standard 003EBAC5
Gatling plasma mod_GatlingPlasma_Receiver_Standard 0001EC4E miscmod_mod_GatlingPlasma_Receiver_Standard 001F121B
Gauss pistol mod_GaussPistol_Receiver_Base 0058BCFC miscmod_mod_GaussPistol_Receiver_Base 005A265B
Gauss shotgun mod_GaussShotgun_receiver_Base 0057373B miscmod_mod_GaussShotgun_receiver_Base 005A2675
Handmade rifle DLC04_mod_HandMadeGun_Receiver_Base 0031B1D5 miscmod_DLC04_mod_HandMadeGun_Receiver_Base 00090028
Hunting rifle mod_HuntingRifle_receiver_Base 002DEB09 miscmod_mod_HuntingRifle_receiver_Base 0030DD9A
Lever action rifle DLC03_mod_LeverGun_receiver_Base 000326A0 miscmod_DLC03_mod_LeverGun_receiver_Base 005255C0
M79 grenade launcher mod_M79_Receiver_Standard 0008F0FB miscmod_mod_M79_Receiver_Standard 00527AC1
Pipe bolt-action mod_PipeBoltAction_receiver_Base 002D5D62 miscmod_mod_PipeBoltAction_receiver_Base 003444BA
Pipe gun mod_PipeGun_receiver_Base 002D5E2C miscmod_mod_PipeGun_receiver_Base 0030EAB6
Pipe revolver mod_PipeRevolver_receiver_Base 002D5EDE miscmod_mod_PipeRevolver_Receiver_Standard 001A8A9A
Plasma caster mod_PlasmaCaster_Receiver_Base 00575E81 miscmod_mod_PlasmaCaster_Receiver_Base 005A2687
Pump action shotgun mod_PumpActionShotgun_receiver_Base 0018AAFC miscmod_mod_PumpActionShotgun_receiver_Base 004E026C
Radium rifle mod_RadiumRifle_Receiver_Base 00314FAC miscmod_mod_RadiumRifle_Receiver_Base 004E997A
Railway rifle mod_RailwayRifle_Receiver_Standard 0010771B miscmod_mod_RailwayRifle_Receiver_Standard 001A8AAD
Single action revolver mod_SingleActionRevolver_Receiver_Standard 0012DC9C miscmod_mod_SingleActionRevolver_Receiver_Standard 00223785
Submachine gun mod_SubmachineGun_Receiver_Automatic1 0015B044 miscmod_mod_SubmachineGun_Receiver_Automatic1 001A8AB0
Western revolver DLC04_mod_Revolver_Receiver_Base 00527089 miscmod_DLC04_mod_Revolver_Receiver_Base 005282D7


Crafted at a weapons workbench.


  • The standard receiver is the only available mod for the M79 grenade launcher's receiver slot, thus it can't actually be crafted since it is always equipped.
  • Loose mods for most weapons exist in the game files, but cannot be found in-game.