Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Welcome to Nukapedia!

Hello, Shaka1277, we are glad you have joined the Fallout Wiki!


For assistance, please feel free to reach out to our admins or join the Nukapedia Discord server. We look forward to working with you!

Sincerely, Skire (talk) 12:48, May 26, 2015 (UTC)

Re: Main page banner - FONV in separate section[]

Hi Shaka, (you're right, talk page is a great way to contact people, as it gives us a notification. You can also use chat, if you see the person you wanna talk to is in there).
Good spot, I never actually even noticed that myself, as I only ever use the first tab, but I think the reason is that New Vegas is still the most recent game, so is likely the one people will be looking for when they come here (except for the yet to be announced Fallout 4, that is). Since it's the one most people are going to be looking for, we need to give it the best easy of access. Once Fallout 4 does come out, I'm sure we'll move New Vegas to the "Fallout Games" tab, and let Fallout 4 have it's own one.
Hopefully this explains things. If you have any other questions feel free to post them on my talk page. JASPER//"Do you like hurting other people?"UserRichard 09:32, May 31, 2015 (UTC)

Hi, thanks for responding! I'm flattered that you would take the time. :)
I see what you mean, and I see now that the banner shows Fallout 4. It just wasn't clear to me at the time, so thanks for explaining it! :)
Thanks again. Shaka1277 (talk) 19:43, June 9, 2015 (UTC)

Really Important Question[]

This is hugely important, the fate of this wikia is in the balance… I need you to answer me this very carefully…

Splash wave, Passing Breeze or Magical Sound Shower? The Wasteland Major League Man (talk) 18:31, August 1, 2015 (UTC)

Passing Breeze, easily! I much prefer slower, more rhythmic outrun music. :) Shaka1277 (talk) 09:31, August 2, 2015 (UTC)
Yeah, Outrun is one the most effortlessly enjoyable experiences in gaming history… and the music plays more than a just a small role in the experience. The Wasteland Major League Man (talk) 19:31, August 2, 2015 (UTC)
I completely agree! :) I only recently discovered that the Gorillaz have an outrun song, Stylo! Shaka1277 (talk) 07:10, August 4, 2015 (UTC)
Hmm, just checked out that song, pretty nice, I can't say I was expecting the Bruce Willis cameo… The Wasteland Major League Man (talk) 20:33, August 4, 2015 (UTC)


You added "Stub (Fallout Shelter)" to a lot of pages, but what exactly is missing on these pages? They seem okay to me. - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 23:05, August 27, 2015 (UTC)

Hey Peace'n'Hugs, I added the stub tag to those pages because I feel that whilst there will never be that much information to work with given the nature of FOS, there could be more information included from a gameplay standpoint. The first that comes to mind is the radiation suit, which provides no actual resistance to radiation damage (red health bar). Also, many articles lack description of the legs/helmet (if present) of the armor/clothing, merely describing the actual sprite. There are other things in similar articles, but I'm not sure I'd be able to flesh them out myself, hence the tags. I trust your judgement and if you feel that a rollback is necessary, I won't oppose it, but I hope you see where I'm coming from. Shaka1277 (talk) 23:15, August 27, 2015 (UTC)
The lack of radiation protection might be a worthy note on the page, but I'd just add the note then and not a stub tag. As for the images, it would indeed be interesting to add the helmet-like parts, but I think it will happen on the long run and all at once. Adding a stub on every page won't change much about it, apart from us having to remove all the tags again. Stub also isn't the right tag for this, I'd rather say "image needed" then, but as it's a widespread thing that will be tackled at once most likely, I would just avoid a tag in general. If you'd like to change it, I think a forum or a talk page message to someone with access to the files would have more success. I'll remove the tags again for now as I think they make the pages look less good while not adding any extra value, but feel free to add notes like the radiation protection one to the pages. Happy editing! - Greets Peace'n Hugs (talk) (blog) 23:28, August 27, 2015 (UTC)
I completely understand, and apologise for creating unnecessary work for you. I should've discussed it on some sort of talk page first, as I'm still relatively new to contributing here. I'll keep an eye out for folks with access to the files, as you suggested, and possibly look into adding text descriptions of the headgear/legwear myself when I get the game reinstalled. Thanks for being polite, it's very much appreciated by a newbie! Take care. Shaka1277 (talk) 11:31, August 28, 2015 (UTC)

Your theories[]

Hi Shaka. Just read your comment and profile page. Since you have a passing interest in nuclear physics, I'd be interested in hearing your theory on something that has bugged me since Fallout 4 came out...the Glowing Sea. How in the world is it that there is such an area of radiation that is that bad and can create radiation storms over 200 years after the bombs fell? As badly destroyed as the Capital Wasteland was, nothing like the glowing sea existed there. Even the divide wasn't nearly as bad...so what gives in your opinion? StormRider71 02:49, January 11, 2016 (UTC)

Hey StormRider! I just want to let you know that I haven't forgotten this post; I've just been very busy all week with work. I'll get back to you with a proper response over the weekend! :) Shaka1277 (talk) 13:37, January 15, 2016 (UTC)

Lol...no problem. I totally understand how the whole work thing is. ☺ 15:14, January 15, 2016 (UTC)

NCR dollars[]

I sorted the issue out with the hold typeface on the page for you. It was down to the link being for the same page, so instead of creating a link, it just set it in bold.Sakaratte (talk) 20:00, April 3, 2017 (UTC)

Gotcha. Many thanks for that! Shaka1277 (talk) 20:18, April 3, 2017 (UTC)

Video Forums[]

Thank you for participating in the video forums so far.

In order to work out where to go from here, I've created another forum asking the community where our "Red line" is, and whether or not I should continue to be the point person on this.

You can find the new forum here. I look forward to seeing your thoughts on this matter. Agent c (talk) 16:15, September 10, 2017 (UTC)

Hello, this is just a quick message to let you know a fourth question has been added based on the current feedback, especially from those who voted for removing the videos. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 19:51, September 10, 2017 (UTC)
Voted. Thanks for the heads up Shaka1277 (talk) 19:56, September 10, 2017 (UTC)

All Hands Meeting[]

Okay, I think its clear that going ahead with a meeting is a good idea. At this stage I would like to open the floor to agenda items. We have the following things to discuss.

  • An update on any negotiations, and other actions
  • Possible action to progress our case further whilst staying on network
  • Possible engagement with Wikia on video in line with the proposed deal- if we should participate and whom that contact person should be.
  • Possible alternatives if the situation cannot be resolved.

Please let me know if you want anything added to the agenda here

I'll be asking a number of people to speak on certain issues, but as always there will be plenty of room for discussion.

I propose that the meeting be held at 3pm North American Eastern Time on Sunday 24 September, this should be 8pm in London, 9pm Central European time, and Midday North American Western. If there are any objections please note them below and we'll look into alternative scheduling, the more objections the harder we look for a new time.

We have arranged facilities for the meeting, it will be held online. It is open to all persons who have participated in any of the video discussion threads up to today, except those employed by Fandom/Wikia inc (as this is the Community's meeting), or have been employed by them in the recent past.

Votes taken in this meeting will be taken as consensus view of the wiki, so everyone is encouraged to attend.

We have setup a discord server (Nukapedia's Fallout Shelter) located here. It is mobile friendly (via an app) and is very flexible.

Although everyone is welcome in our social space (The-Common-Room), only persons who meet the above criteria will be admitted to The-Town-Hall (where the meeting will be located). You may be asked to verify your account before this access is granted. Agent c (talk) 21:53, September 11, 2017 (UTC)

Nukapedia and Fandom/Wikia talks[]


Apologies for the impersonal nature of this message, as I'm relaying the same thing to admins and people who have previously expressed a view on featured video. Forgive me if I tell you some things you already know.

We have a call scheduled with Wikia this Friday. We need your input - and the input from as many others as possible. We're hoping to settle once and for all what our relationship is, if it can be salvaged, and what the future should be, as until we settle these featured video can't be settled.

Please, have a look at this forum and tell us what you think.

In addition to looking at our own future hosting option, we've also been in talks with other hosts. Included in these is Gamepedia/Curse. We have an ongoing dialogue with them, and if you have any questions about a possible unification to the vault, please do let me know and I'll relay any similar response we've had, and if your question is a first, I'll ask the question.

Thanks again. Remember, War never changes. Agent c (talk) 21:05, July 2, 2018 (UTC)

Hey C! I saw the tweet earlier. Planning to make time to sit down and look into it tomorrow, and see what I need to say. Shaka1277 (talk) 22:24, July 2, 2018 (UTC)

Just on another topic[]

Right, you free this weekend? I wanna get serious about what we can do with Reddit. Agent c (talk) 21:20, July 2, 2018 (UTC)

Yep, I have no strict plans either day, though I do plan on heading out somewhere at some stage, but where I'm going requires no notice/planning so I'm flexible. We can do a group chat on Discord if you want. Being in the same timezone will help. Shaka1277 (talk) 22:26, July 2, 2018 (UTC)
No problem. Just when you're about. Agent c (talk) 22:44, July 2, 2018 (UTC)