Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Hi! I'm Shaka1277. I'm in my mid twenties and currently working towards a PhD in organic chemistry. I have casual interests in astrophysics and nuclear physics/chemistry also, and I love applying this knowledge to the Great War and explaining the sources/nature of radiation encountered in-game.

I currently live in Dublin, Ireland. I've been a redditor for several years across multiple accounts and currently I (/u/Shaka1277) moderate numerous Fallout subreddits. I joined the Wikia community because I wanted to make a greater contribution to the online community, and to branch out from reddit.


  • Rumors pertaining to unreleased graphics cards.
  • My adorable mITX case!
  • Real, high-quality, ground Indian coffee. Mmmm. Instant coffee is the norm here so that was an eye-opener. :)
  • Anything related to Marvel (comics, animated shows, movies).
  • Outrun music.
  • Webpages that take more than 1-2 seconds to load. Fiber has spoiled me.

Watch out for the Shak Attack[]
