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Preparation (one Couriers view)[]

i survived by sniping all that i could at first with the anti material rifles match rounds and cleaned the rest up with esters tiny totsThatWhiteboy98 03:03, June 27, 2012 (UTC)

I survived The Couriers Mile radiation by having the Rad Resistance perk, Space Suit, Breathing mask, Constant Rad-X and a Hot Button for the Rad-Away. I survived the Deathclaws by using a Gauss Rifle from a High point at a distance. I survived the Marked Men with the Gatling Laser. The Marked Men will not follow you back to the Lonesome Road. The area is so irradiated that the Marked Men heal VERY quickly. Explosives and standard guns do not do enough damage quickly enough to do any good.

I did it with multiple stealth boys and Christine's COS rifle. Ulysses' mask, stealth suit mkII and hotkeyed rad-x and radaway. That is until I was jumping up on the area with the overturned truck to loot the ammo boxes when I got stuck in a crack... couldn't get out and had to reload my last save, which was the auto save of when I entered the place... one thing I learned from the DLC is SAVE A LOT --Living Lifeless 9 12:32, September 24, 2011 (UTC)

Fast weapons like automatics or melee with Slayer is a good way to deal with the Marked Men's ridiculous health regen. I used good ole' Knock Knock with Slayer and Piercing Strike. Of course nothing beats Deathclaws like sneak attack sniper rounds. With my Anti-Materiel Rifle, they went down just the same as the ones at the quarry. Plenty of ~Rad-X and Rad Away can be found on-site, so unless you take a while you can probably break even on your supplies of them. Do not give away your position by detonating the bombs; I did that my first time, and managed to aggro all the Marked Men and half the Deathclaws. ZakuuSoft 07:13, September 25, 2011 (UTC)

Just stock up on rad supplies. At Lvl 50 with rad x i had a rad resistance of 85% weaing only couriers dust (NCR), a ranger mask, and used rad x. The lead lined cases are useful for supplies and the loot like t51b, guns and ammo is definately worth the effort of fighting past the Deathclaws and marked men. --I like the noise my rifle makes "Carter190s" 16:35, September 26, 2011 (UTC) I dont wanna set the world of fire...

with a high gun skill and good ap the riot shotgun will take down death claws in 3 shots, and missels and rockets easily take care of marked men.

Best idea: bring a dozen mines and at least 1 stealth boy. In the box with the Stealth Boy on it (just right of the entrance), you should find another 4-6 mines. Go hide mode, then plant mines in that gap to the "right" as you came in via the Divide in case any Deathclaws decide to join the party. Then go forward up to that ramp toward the Marked Man camp, and drop mines as you slowly back down the slope and seed the area t~hat they need to come through. When ready, throw a grenade OVER the gap into the Marked Man camp, then hit your Stealth boy. Do the same for the Deathclaw camp (throw a grenade at them), and HIDE. Both groups run in looking for the threat, and start a big fight, get toasted by mines, then fight each other to the death. You just wait and pick off any survivors. Kschang 09:18, March 22, 2012 (UTC)

I can't believe i survived it on my fisrt try with my EW and criticals focused character, i first used all drugs i could (Slasher/med-X/psycho/rad-x...) and used a stealth boy,equiped my space suit and 1st recon beret and then i charged to the marked man with my fully modded Tri-beam laser, since i was invisible, they aimed on ED-E, enough to make crit. kill one by one, auto-stimpaks saved my lifes sometimes, then i climbed to the highest place to shot the Deathclaws with the unique Gauss Rifle. Turned out with 3 deathclaws forming a line trapped on the rubble, i thanked my luck and took out those 3, when i got closer to their corpses the other deathclaws came! All i could do was run backwards shot them on their lags and keeps using my hotkeyed stimpaks, when i looked i really beat the Courier's Mile! From what i learned:

1-Marked Men use hollow point ammo (one of them had a plasma caster) and they have an INSANE regeneration, the best to survive them is having a high DT (maybe the riot gear) and give a good one hit kill shot, fat mans and rockets with HE ammo, if you use Energy weapons, use the criticals with Max charge ammo, if you use guns, anti material rifle with explosive ammo may do the trick or a light machine gun with AP ammo but DONT LET THEM REGENERATE! If you play with melee/unarmed it can be a little more difficult, maybe using a Gehenna (GRA) + Pyromaniac or try knocking them and stomp them on VATS, use a stealthboy and make them shot ED-E before you.

2-Irradiated deathclaws have 0 DT,so, use fast weapons with HP ammo for infinite DPS or maybe even a Riot Shotgun + Stay back perk, if you use Energy weapons, well...I used a Tribeam laser rifle(GRA) and YCS (Both with MC ammo and worked) and try to stay away from them! stay on high places, use mines to cripple their legs and if you're luck they will be trapped on the rubble.

3-Perks, armor and items for the Courier Mile? Ulysses mask + Rad-X for Rad Resistance, i think the Elite Riot gear is your best option here with a good DT and 5% crit chance. The "Atomic" perk make's some difference here, use Grunt/Cowboy/Laser/demolition expert perks for your favorite weapons and the best ammo. I's ALMOST IMPERATIVE THAT YOU use all the chem you can! Slasher/med-X/psycho to survive the bullets and claws, and ALOT of Rad-away to survive the radiation, and hundreds of stimpaks to make sure. IF YOU ON HARDCORE MODE i suggest you have a good survival skill, enough to make a lot of different foods (eat them with the Chemist perk and they last twice as longer!) like steaks, caravan lunchs, bloatfly sliders, those other foods i can't remember now and that Old World Blues foods(or medicine?), i guess it was Black Blood Sausage and Thick Red paste, eat all that toghether and your HP will skyrocket much faster than the marked man!

Yeah, I took no chances - T-51b power helmet, NCR Couriers duster (to help me carry the loot) then pulled out the Alien Blaster. I probably could've had better DLC weapons, but I sold most of mine as I was using a friend's Ultimate Edition disc and wouldn't be keeping it. Just popped a few Rad-X, and used radaway when I needed to. I was only taking 1-3 rad per second, and probably would've helped if I'd kept Ulysses mask, too. Everything died fairly quickly thanks to the Alien Blaster's 100% critical rate. -- LordSchmee

A Light Shining in Darkness + HP Rounds turns all the deathclaws into deadclaws (For some reasons, irradiated dclaws don't have DT)

Level 21 with light armor speed perks, Rad Child, high critical perks, Lucky, 21 Turbo doses one after the other, and a lot of limb crippling. I went in blind and didn't realize the enemies there would be so much stronger, or that they regenerated health so it was an ordeal, but manageable.

Power Armor confirmation[]

Searched all the metal boxes of the place for power armor, but found none: can anybody confirm its existence there? -- 16:30, September 24, 2011 (UTC)Thalon

I didn't find it either. My STR without wearing anything to enhance it is 10. I'm thinking that this may have had something to do with not finding the Power Armor. --Bartlmay 17:37, September 24, 2011 (UTC)

I found them in the boxes on the very opposite side of the entry, and it was a suit of 45d with matching helmet. STR was 8. Also, I found a Tesla Cannon in another area. ZakuuSoft 07:16, September 25, 2011 (UTC)

I suspect the loot in some boxes is random: better wait for other people to confirm or deny it... -- 11:31, September 25, 2011 (UTC)Thalon

I found it too. It's in the very back to the left (Northeast, I think). It's inside a blown out building by a fridge laying on it's back and 3 or so First Aid Kits and 5 or some Ammo Boxes. There was also a Marked Man standing on the 'second floor' in my game. --The Montreal Screwjob 17:58, September 25, 2011 (UTC)

Indeed. I gawked at the box in GECK, and if you assume the road in the middle of that sector goes in North-South direction (which it doesn't IIRC), with you at the southern end of the road as you enter the area, then the box lies in the NW, at the edge of the area. There's 1 fridge, 4 ammo boxes, 2 Medi containers and 1 metal box, all in a "V" or an "A" shape on the ground. Really, just run at the end of the road, and it's in the destroyed building to your left. The armor is in 55% condition.

The Power Armor must be intermittent then. I found the Fridge and ammo cases but there was no Power Armor in any of the boxes within what I would guess to be 50 meters/yards of that area. I even went back into TCM two more times, discovering the respawns, and looked at that area to no avail. --Bartlmay 00:11, September 26, 2011 (UTC)

Ok, I found the correct box (the one around the fridge in the area corner), but it didn't contain any power armor, like the post above mine confirms, so we can assume that the loot inside the boxes of this particular area is random. -- 01:35, September 26, 2011 (UTC)Thalon

I found the metal box in the GECK (NVDLC04LootNukeMetalBox02). It has an equal chance to contain either T51b power armor and helmet (55% condition), T45d power armor and helmet (55% condition) or Combat armor and helmet, reinforced mark 2 (45, 50, 55 or 60% condition). -- 20:54, October 25, 2011 (UTC)

I had so much trouble with this. I was able to find it thanks to this talk section, so in return, I took a screen shot of what the area near the box looks like: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/630729409614531678/573074BA7183DA2B7061F9BC6DCF91B6C2C3E512/
Good luck! Ratchetdude099 08:30, October 30, 2011 (UTC)

The main article misled me into looking for the power armor extensively and finding unwanted combat armor, reinforced mark 2 instead. Going to change it. GryphonQ (talk) 14:08, June 21, 2013 (UTC)


I have revisited many areas of Lonesome Road, even after five in game days, and found that the area did not respawn. When I return to The Couriers Mile after three in game days I find that it is completely re-populated. Has anyone else found this to be correct? --Bartlmay 17:18, September 25, 2011 (UTC)

Depending whom you ask, some say creatures respawn and merchants restock in 3 days, others say it's 7 days. A few claim the respawn/resupply happens on Monday 00:00, at the very beginning of the week. One thing is certain - the game is quirky, and you can get merchants to restock simply by saving, exiting and loading in front of them. I've had creatures spawn around me upon quickload, while at the time of saving there was no one. An especially memorable occasion of this happened in Gypsum Train Yard, where I found myself surrounded by a family of deathclaws. After changing to some clean pants, I lowered the difficulty and managed to survive the ensuing circus of violence, with not too many subsequent quickloads. Never save the game at the heart of a known spawn location. Anyway, good luck figuring out the inner workings of FNV spawn system, and its quirks and bugs.

A dose of Turbo (or use a GRX Implant) to around a corner, followed by a Stealth Boy works well too in those circumstances. --Bartlmay 00:19, September 26, 2011 (UTC)

Red Glare Alpha Strike Mod[]

I did not find this weapon mod in the military shipping crate at the southeast corner of the map. All I found in that crate was some random DLC loot, MREs and rockets and such. This may be another item (besides the power armor) that randomly spawns. I ended up having to purchase the mod from the Commissary to fully mod my weapon and get the achievement. Gator Country 02:31, September 26, 2011 (UTC)

Which building did the courier live in?[]

I see what was a barber shop, liquor store, a few apparment building and a freeway overpass in the middle. I feel like the courier was just some homeless guy living under a freeway in the middle of a ghetto. And all the restidents had lead-lined cases with high tech weapons. I thought there would be a holotape from mom and dad, or a note, or a picture, or something. I know the area just got bombed but look how many other items are intact. The DLC was delayed over a month and the developers didnt even designate the couriers original house.--Robandbig 08:10, September 26, 2011 (UTC)

Why that? The courier is NOT from the divide, he/her just went there some time before its destruction for a simple delivery: its relationship with the divide seen as his/her home exist only in Ulysses' twisted mind, in a certain way (I'm trying to be vague to avoid to reveal further details about the DLC's story); btw, according to Ulysses' words he traveled a lot east (of the mojave), while the courier traveled a lot west: if we have to use a similar logic of the "courier from the divide" thing we can also presume that the courier comes from NCR territory...-- 15:54, September 26, 2011 (UTC)Thalon

I know im high.--Robandbig 08:10, September 28, 2011 (UTC)

Anyone hit this with the Scrounger perk yet?[]

I assume the Scrounger perk will have a chance of affecting all the cases here, just like it does everywhere in the game, right? The difference is that these cases contain INSANE amounts of ammo compared to anywhere else in the game. I got several hundred rounds of .50 alone out of here, without the perk! Maybe it's obvious, but do you think it would be worth putting a recommendation on the page to take the perk before entering here for the first time? (Not on a hardcore character, obviously, as there's already too much ammo to carry out of there even without the perk.) 01:24, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

If you are good enough to fight through obstacles to here, you are good enough to amass more than adequate store of ammo. Seriously, what do you want? Ammo? Buy from Hoover Dam, Great Khans, GunRunners, Contreirras... Money? Mojave got plenty of random encounters with easy challenges and good loots. Scrounger maybe of good use in Honest Hearts, Dead Money and Old World blues with their laughable shops, but of no use here in Lonesome Road where you can just fast travel to the Path and revisit Mojave.Laclongquan (talk) 05:35, April 4, 2013 (UTC)
It is a good question though. I came back with over 300 rounds of .50 AP rounds (with a bunch of other calibers, all special types, e.g. HP, AP, etc.; wonder if that's dependent of level as well) too, and I didn't have scrounger. Super heavy too since I was on Hardcore. Different perks support different play styles, don't minimize one because you don't use it. And if you come back from one location with a few extra hundred rounds of ammo that you cannot craft, it may be worth it. -- 23:43, May 5, 2013 (UTC)


Completed (at level 40+) with no special armour or weapons other than Dr. Mobius' glove...used rad x and rad away as required...didn't bother with any special rad gear...Just used a few stealth boys, ran around 'frenzying' Death Claws and Marked Men by punching 'em with Mobius's glove...let them kill each other...worked like a charm..then I went around casually collecting loot.--TuskNB 05:03, December 18, 2011 (UTC)

Gotten Stuck?![]

I actually got STUCK in that little "plaza" between the Deathclaw and Marked Men camp when I backed into an alcove of sorts trying to dodge hostile fire. NOTHING will allow me to move even though I can spin in place. I had to load an earlier save to get out. Kschang 02:18, March 23, 2012 (UTC)

i did it with my fav mini nuke blows everything up

If this happens again (or happens to someone else), you can fast travel so long as there are no enemies nearby. FFIX (talk) 18:19, August 8, 2012 (UTC)

Stealth glitch[]

No matter what, I always get detected by the marked men immidietly after I enter. I got spotted with a stealth boy on, not moving at all, marked men ran after me. Anyone else have that glitch? Help? 18:45, September 4, 2012 (UTC)pm-9 lover

Dont hit the two warheads[]

Until you absolutely must, in order to get the warhead hunter. Leave it until the very last moment before getting to the final stage of the game, at the complete minor details stage.

Because man, if you want this to be a reasonable hunting ground, you dont want the extra radiation they will release here. The irradiated ones will regen HP like crazy.Laclongquan (talk) 17:08, April 4, 2013 (UTC)

Heavy armor in the corner[]

I'm told that the heavy armor you can acquire in this area can vary, but in 4 plays across 2 platforms, I have only seen a set of t-45d power armor with matching helmet in the container. Has anyone else actually found something different than that? Maybe t-45d is just most often found there? -Alex3927 (talk) 18:22, September 14, 2013 (UTC)

There's already a post above covering this. It's random. I personally got the t-51. 02:59, September 19, 2013 (UTC)

Irradiated Toilet[]

The article mentions a toilet on the second floor of a ruined building that is miraculously free of radiation. However, upon finding it myself, the toilet gave the standard +5HP and +3 Rads. Unless the toilet mentioned in the article ISN'T the one with the skeleton next to it, I'm removing it from the article. Foxi Hooves (talk) 21:05, April 14, 2014 (UTC)

Layout - Mile circumference?[]

Layout currently states "one mile circumference". but there is no reference for this. My first reaction was that the area appears to be approximately 1 square mile. It is pretty rare to describe a place by circumference...so I would challenge that description without a reference.
