Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Fallout is the only RPG ever that has held my interest through multiple playthroughs (I played New Vegas all they way through six times). I could probably fire it up again any time and be totally immersed in it.

I love RPGs, and they are pretty much the only genre of game that I play. I have played lots of them and found many that were excellent and thoroughly enjoyable, but even the best of them didn't make me want to play them through again. Some games try to manufacture interest in repeated playthroughs by offering "medals" or whatnot for doing this-or-that, or playing through with different races/classes/whatever, or seeing all the different endings, but if the game itself doesn't hold your interest, it feels like more of a chore than something you do for fun.

Thanks to its embracing of user-generated content, plus the fact that the game is thoroughly enjoyable to begin with, it is possible to play over and over and never get bored. (The only caveat being that it would be nice if it weren't so plagued with crashes.) The game can be a very different experience every time. I am hoping for many more releases in the years to come.

Gameplay attributes[]

Games completed: Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4
Hours logged: 397+ Fallout 3, 1,472 Fallout: New Vegas, 1586 Fallout 4
Favorite companion: Raul Tejada Fallout: New Vegas
Favorite location: Dunwich Building Fallout 3
Favorite NPC to kill: Augustus Autumn Fallout 3, Benny Fallout: New Vegas
Favorite DLC: Lonesome Road Fallout: New Vegas
DLC most laughed in: Old World Blues Fallout: New Vegas
Most annoying achievement completed: Mill Worker The Pitt (add-on)
Favorite mod: Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition Fallout: New Vegas
Favorite perk: Mad Bomber Gun Runners' Arsenal
Perk considered most useless: Infiltrator Fallout 3 Fallout: New Vegas
Favorite weapon: MFC cluster Gun Runners' Arsenal
Greatest annoyance: Thieving punks in the Den Fallout 2
Most embarrassing admission: Taking over ½ hour figuring out how to get into Rivet City
Most disappointing NPC discovered to be gay: Veronica Santangelo Fallout: New Vegas
Most preferred NPC as an alternative: Cass Fallout: New Vegas
Favorite DJ: Three Dog Fallout 3
DJ found to be creepiest: Mr. New Vegas Fallout: New Vegas (Stop calling me your "Mrs. New Vegas"!)
Most eagerly anticipated upcoming game: Fallout 5 (Yay! It's single player!)!