Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

XBoxLogoThis user plays on Xbox 360.

UK FlagThis user is from the United Kingdom.

Dlc03watercrateThis user is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel.


I am a human being who lives on planet earth and likes to play fallout as well as other games

I also like to edit the wiki and check the forums from time to time


A list of games i've played that surpassed my expectations, they are

  • Fallout 2,3 and New Vegas
  • Uncharted 3
  • Halo (all games exept Wars and ODST)
  • Fable 2 and 3
  • Star wars: Knights of the old republic 1 (2 was good but too much cut content)
  • Portal 1 & 2

A list of games that i found fun

  • Rage
  • Just cause 1 and 2
  • Call of Duty series (massively let down by its online community)
  • Jack and Daxter
  • GTA series
  • Saints row series
  • Force unleashed
  • Jedi knight academy
  • NFS the run
  • FO: tactics
  • Battlefield 2
  • Assassins creed series
  • Arkham asylum

Games that were let downs

  • Battlefield 3
  • MWF 3 online (just felt like MWF 2 with easy kill streaks)
  • Fallout: BOS


My XBOX gamertag is I RORIEH so feel free to add me


Strength 6 = I like to break things, with my head!

Perception 7 = Great at hide and seek!

Endurance 8 = I eat Kevlar vests for breakfast!

Charisma 6 = I speak words!

Intelligence 1 = Who's intelligence?

Agility 5 = i stand on street corners with a sign saying "will run for free food"

Luck 10 - I killed the mysterious stranger

User image Carter190s 10 points

I saw this, and i cried. I WAS SOOOO HAPPY!

--I don't wanna set the world on fire 13:08, January 5, 2012 (UTC)
