Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Vault 19 cave[]

The info from the page you made should be added to Vault 19, Sulfur caves. Some info is already there, compare it, see what's missing and add that. After that, your page can be deleted (it's not Cave but Sulfur cave). JspoelJspoel Vault Boy 00:23, April 20, 2011 (UTC)

  • Page deleted! I did upload some images of the cave, I have placed them in the Vault 19 page.


Listen buddy alot of people put up irrelivent pictures on the vault. Sorry that a few pictures have offended you. good night-4TimestheSteak

Picture Authority[]

Yes Admins do and I am aware of the pictures you are referring to. They may seem nonsensical, but they could be intended for said users own user page. In such cases I give them some time to add them, if they are not added to a page of relevance, then they get deleted. User:AvatarUser talk:Avatar 23:50, April 20, 2011 (UTC)

  • What Avatar said :) JspoelJspoel Vault Boy 00:02, April 21, 2011 (UTC)
Lol, beat you to it =P User:AvatarUser talk:Avatar 23:53, April 20, 2011 (UTC)
They are kinda organised already in categorys, example Category:Fallout: New Vegas weapon images. As for the user images, they are placed into a single category Category:User page images, doing anything more than that would be to time consuming. User:AvatarUser talk:Avatar 00:03, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

World objects[]

Noticed you have done some work on the world objects, just thought I would let you know a few thing in regards to the matter. That page should only include objects that cant be meaningful interacted with. For example, things that can only be moved around, picked up and put down or sat on etc. Things that do anything more are required to have there own page. For example, toilets that can be drank from and restore HP, shouldn't be included and should have there own separate page. Eventually they will have there own overview page that will be linked to from Fallout: New Vegas world objects. User:AvatarUser talk:Avatar 20:32, April 21, 2011 (UTC)

While you are doing the container pages, do you fancy adding infoboxs to all of them like I have just done for Trunk. User:AvatarUser talk:Avatar 17:42, April 24, 2011 (UTC)
No worrys, if you run into any problems just let me know ... ohhh and for the games part of the infobox, don't forget to use FO3, FNV if it appears in both games, this way the link at the top of the infobox will link to both games world objects page. User:AvatarUser talk:Avatar 17:47, April 24, 2011 (UTC)
Well as long as they are marked up as such, it will be got around to with all the other things lol, and thanks on the congrats. User:AvatarUser talk:Avatar 19:15, April 24, 2011 (UTC)

Radio Tower[]

Wrong radio tower. That's the Pitt's tower. I think that all of the other towers are mentioned, though. Deleting. Nitty Tok. 17:08, April 22, 2011 (UTC)

's alright, we have a lot of pictures here. :P Nitty Tok. 17:17, April 22, 2011 (UTC)

Ranger patrol armor image[]

I have removed your patrol armor image from the ranger outfit page. Armor and clothing images need to stay seperate. JspoelJspoel Vault Boy 17:19, April 22, 2011 (UTC)

  • Allright, understood.


I see you're doing some linking on design documents. Don't make links like Pool cue|pool cue and Shotgun|shotgun. Just make it [[pool cue]] and [[shotgun]]. No need to add it twice when not needed. Please track back what you've done on the documents and change what's not needed. JspoelJspoel Vault Boy 20:03, April 22, 2011 (UTC)


Foodstuffs is, in fact, a real word. It means "a substance used or capable of being used as nutriment". But I understand that not many people recognize it as such. Kastera (talk) 02:10, May 19, 2011 (UTC)


Is a word. --User:Cartman!User talk:Cartman! 12:35, May 19, 2011 (UTC)

  • Sorry Kastera I just noticed your message.


I just did a Google Image Search for "welding striker" and came up with this: http://www.dpciwholesale.com/images/P/p-3033.jpg so it's safe to say that the article is misnamed. I just went ahead and merged it as requested. --Kris User Hola 14:43, July 11, 2011 (UTC)

Ghost Recon[]

Thank you so much I appreciate it loads. When you view the site you will see lots of messed up pages that are full of info that doesn't relate to the series at all. The Future Ghost 17:57, July 27, 2011 (UTC)The Future Ghost

Rivet City security[]

The tag stays, it is there to actually encourage talk on the talk page (the actual purpose of the tag). A comment in the edit history is not good enough for that. User:AvatarUser talk:Avatar 23:07, August 13, 2011 (UTC)

There isn't much more to be said, other than the fact that the page contains both faction and NPC info (evident by having 2 infoboxes). In its current single format it is not consistent with other faction and NPC pages. It needs to be split in 2 pages, one detailing the faction information and the other with the NPC information. User:AvatarUser talk:Avatar 23:17, August 13, 2011 (UTC)
And just one last thing, in future, if you require more info than what is provided in the actual split tag. It would be best to request it in the actual talk page, instead of removing the tag. Removing tag to simply try and clear down the list doesn't solve the issues raised, it is simply sweeping them under the carpet. User:AvatarUser talk:Avatar 23:21, August 13, 2011 (UTC)

Edit flame war[]

Thanks but I don't think you should be standing up for me, i've kicked a hornet's nest for standing up for the truth, I don't think you should take the fall with me. I have recently netted a zero percent approval rating on the chat, the speculation has been re posted, I'm not being taken seriously (ironic because I was trying to discredit someone) and I'm receiving death threats from Ghost Avatar. I guess I let it slip: how much of a stubborn jackass I can be some times. I'd like to make amends with the admins, but I'm pretty sure no-one ever forgives on this wiki. (Troper of the Wastelands 22:22, August 16, 2011 (UTC))

I know I've offended people (in hindsight) and I was planing on laying low for a while. (Troper of the Wastelands 03:51, August 17, 2011 (UTC))

I just met a gun named Maria...[]

Where'd you get that sweet screenshot of Maria in your Avatar? --- TandyBomb 18:32, August 19, 2011 (UTC)

Thanks again.[]

Hi LivingLifeless.

On the subject of the assassin suit, I privately sent Shadow basically the same reply you posted on the talk page.

This note is just to say thanks again for trying to get to the facts. I don't use Twitter or similar, so your efforts are very much appreciated.

All the best, --FourWayDiablo 14:08, August 22, 2011 (UTC)

Beyond the matter at hand, I'm actually more concerned about the disregard for Vault guidelines when they go against the general consensus. Not sure I can be bothered with the headaches if this is a regular thing here. Also, few people there seemed to want to offer counterpoints to the facts, which was a little dispiriting. --FourWayDiablo 15:28, August 22, 2011 (UTC)
Point taken. This is the first wiki I've joined, like you because I love Fallout, and I guess I was expecting more objectivity than on a regular forum. I try to look at the pages from the point of view of the casual end-user who wants accurate information. --FourWayDiablo 16:18, August 22, 2011 (UTC)

As it's related to the assassin suit (I swear that thing is turning into a millstone around our necks), please reply to Shadow directly if you want to talk to him. If I want to call someone an idiot I'll do it myself, but I don't think it helps. I tried a more polite approach on his talk page ^_^.

Don't take this the wrong way. As I said, I'm also getting a bit frustrated trying to get my point across here, but I don't want this to spiral down into a different kind of argument. It already went a bit cloudy on the assassin suit page, please don't let it spread to our talk pages. All the best, --FourWayDiablo 12:55, August 23, 2011 (UTC)

Blog comment[]

Don't add nonsense comments to blogs, even your own one. Thanks. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 19:22, September 1, 2011 (UTC)
