Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Hugely unimportant user, have not played first two games (know them pretty well though) 360 user, therefore GECK disabled, and completely inexperienced therefore not a good editor (yet). Also not an active editor, but I do what I can for some of both the specifics, and general pieces of information that presents it self. I try to attack misinformation, unnecessary generalizations, and unprovable conjecture that seems to creep in on some of the higher traffic pages

Managed to gain the anger of a major vault editor "Tagaziel" within just seven days of joining the vault on a trivial discusion conserning the Assassin suit's origins. we did not back down, and I'll likely be banned as a result, but with all protest it takes one casualty inflicted by the oppressor to start a revolution. *cackle*

Was banned at 18:00 utc aug 7th after accidentally posting some nonsense, sorry guys, won't happen again!

Currently holding a Zero percent approval rating after getting into an edit war with Tagaziel, Ghost Avatar will at this point most likely ban me again, and someone has been messing with the talk page for the Assassin Suit article (I personally have lost track of what is actually real, or just fabricated comments trying to through the argument out of control) and me image is becoming more grotesquely altered as I become more desperate. The Chat mods have lost what little respect that they may have once had for me (I don't think they ever did) and I have reached Pariah status throughout the community of this wiki. I'm sorry if I've caused more trouble then may be necessary, but I wish you guys would stop the one dimensional approach to this conflict, Ghost Avatar has threatened to ban me after asking how to report misconduct after being berated and mocked on the wiki chat by administrators. As there are no redeeming traits that I have had during these first few weeks on the Wiki, I am resorting to asking for help from anyone willing (Troper of the Wastelands 21:09, August 16, 2011 (UTC))
