Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


For the first bug... Companions dismissed while wearing stolen power armor back to a settlement may show up without it at a later time. Unknown as to the cause. It is advised to not leave dismissed companions in stolen power armor outside of supervision. Unknown if this occurs with "owned" power armor... On PC, can confirm happens with owned power armor on a companion

Er, where do I submit verification? Editing the page didn't remove the [verification needed] tag. So, anyway, [1] should be proof of the bug in the USS Constitution.

That's a proof enough. ☢ Energy X ☣ 12:14, December 25, 2015 (UTC)

So in future, where does proof go? Is the talk page alright (as long as I learn how to link properly :P)? Annacondale (talk) 12:16, December 25, 2015 (UTC)
My understanding is someone will post the bug, and if you also experience the same bug, you can mark it as verified. If you find a bug, you post it and if someone else also finds the same bug, they can mark it as verified. Essentially, two people are enough to verify the existence of a particular bug. Powers that be, feel free to let me know if I am mistaken. PandaBot3000 (talk) 18:13, December 26, 2015 (UTC)

Cannot reattach a couple of PA right legs[]

Happened across a Raider settlement with two PA's and managed to kill the raiders before they got to use them. Hence, two "stolen" PA's - which I shared with my companion. We did some quests and when we got to home base and exited them all of the parts were in our collective inventories. Most were 0 health due to damage so I repaired them all. Was able to reattach all parts except the two right legs. Have no idea why? Has anybody else experienced this? Chaosworrier (talk) 13:29, December 29, 2015 (UTC)

Just discovered a Jetpack bug, would appreciate verification before I add it to the page.[]

If the jetpack is active whilst falling into water, the jets will continue to fire. This persists both while submerged and when on land. However, this is purely a visual bug and they provide no thrust and do not drain the fusion core at all. It can be fixed by simply jumping, or by exiting the armor.

I discovered this whilst trying to hop between boats and was holding the space key to try and reach the next boat. Will upload the video I took once I get back to the city. Shaka1277 (talk) 15:26, January 3, 2016 (UTC)

Here is the video I promised, though later than I'd have hoped. Can anybody verify? If not, I'll contact IRL friends on various platforms for verification, but I'd prefer intrawiki verification. Shaka1277 (talk) 20:05, January 7, 2016 (UTC)

Please add information on radiation.[]

And more specifically, how it does or doesn't affect the player whilst wearing power armor, maybe going into detail about how different power armor components affect radiation resistance. Would it be appropriate to mention that using power armor, it is safe for the player to venture into the glowing sea?

Added an Image[]

I placed the original Armor Render jpg in a gallery section since it was removed. MetarexPrime on January 7th, 2016, 2:40

Hi. Just two quick tips. It's better to include your edit summary in the actual edit summary box when editing a page. It's the box right above the preview buttons. The talk pages are generally reserved for discussion of the article. Also, just yo save you time in future, you can sign your posts with four tildes, i.e. 4 ~ in a row. Shaka1277 (talk) 09:27, January 8, 2016 (UTC)

Fusion cores not Required?[]

From my experience, you don't actually need fusion cores to use power armor, but it comes with some drawbacks.

Fast travel is still enabled, movement speed takes a sharp drop, and AP is locked at 0, thus negating Sprinting, VATS, Jetpacks, and Stealth Boy armor upgrades.

If the goal is to wade into a room, minigun blazing, you may not even need a Core.

Mind you, this might be a rather persistent bug I am having.

Confirmation would be nice.

That's not a bug. You need a core you use it as a powered exoskeleton, but without a core it's simply a heavy suit of armor that you struggle to move in. They are required to use it properly, but not strictly required to use it at all. Also, please sign your posts in future. Shaka1277 (talk) 20:01, January 7, 2016 (UTC)


isn't the vault-tec powerarmor paint missing, like in in the F4 armor mods?

Spawn Levels[]

Is there any information on what levels you have to be at for the different PA types to spawn? If so, should that be added to the page where it discusses this? Thanks in advance! (Philbert) 18:49, March 9, 2016 (UTC)

Scrapping Parts[]

Is there a way to scrap parts? I have several Raider Power Armor parts that I would like to scrap, but I can't find the option to do so. Do I need to have a high-level armorer or Science perk, or can these just not be scrapped? CO 41st Corsairs RCT (The Black Hawks) (talk) 19:30, April 16, 2016 (UTC)

As far as I'm aware, neither power armor parts, nor their mods, can be scrapped. If you don't want them, then sell them, and buy something you do want. Aya42 (talk) 13:08, April 17, 2016 (UTC)

Power armor landing bug[]

Power armor completely negates all fall damage, enabling the wearer to hop down from even the tallest of skyscrapers without any harm to either health or the armor itself. This however, causes a very loud thud

How this thing is called? It has a name? Anyway i found this bug When landing (only in first person works) in the same moment you touch the ground, for like a couple of seconds you are able to spam the crouch (sneak) key and it will cause multiple hit to the ground like a (small) earthquake But im not sure if with Explosive Vent it will cause more damage

Stealth Field Bug[]

Possible bug for companions. I ordered Cait into a suit of power armor with a stealth boy mod. After she exited the power armor, the stealth field still activates for her. And it's been days since she exited it in game. Have saved, reloaded. Nothing fixes it. Deadling (talk) 02:29, July 3, 2016 (UTC)

Bug: Showing power armor pieces when there is nothing[]

As you might know, you can steal power armor from NPC's by shooting the Power Core. This will cause the Power Core to heat up, eject and explode. After a few seconds the NPC will exit the power armor and just continue on foot, leaving the power armor behind.
Now this is where the bug comes into play. This now empty set of power armor has still all pieces on it, unless you already shot some pieces off. But once you get into it, parts of the power armor just vanish.
Try it yourselfes, find someone in power armor, like a BOS knight wandering through the commonwhealth, and just shoot the power core a single time (VATS) and watch it eject and explode. Then check if the power armor is still fully equipped and enter it.
If you also get this "Vanishing pieces" bug, then we can add that to the buglist.
--MrFunreal (talk) 11:06, November 5, 2016 (UTC)

Companions entering/exiting power armor "eye bug"[]

Entering or exiting power armor will cause an eye bug on companions which they will look side way (usually look to the left from their viewing angle) while they should have looked forward. It is more evident while in conversation. Reloading the save or entering a door with loading screen should fix this.

Corrections to Leveled Power Armor list on main page[]

  • The set on the road near Big John's Salvage was T-60 at level 59 for me. The page says X-01 at level 31. Obviously this has changed.--DocSilence (talk) 23:20, December 13, 2017 (UTC)
It is possible to get X-01 at that level. It isn’t guaranteed. Great Mara (talk) 22:25, December 13, 2017 (UTC)
Addendum: This fooled me due to the other bug listed on this page. It appears to be T-60 upon first encounter. After entering and exiting, it is X-01.--DocSilence (talk) 23:20, December 13, 2017 (UTC)
I've added the leveled list to the article now, this also states that at a specific level the armor gets added to the spawn pool. It's not a guarantee. I'm also updating the locations in my sandbox at present. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 02:11, December 14, 2017 (UTC)

University Point Set[]

Are the directions correct for this set? Looking for it and having trouble finding it. Directions say under overpass to the south. The overpass (or actually highway) is really west, and there is no overpass or raised highway to the south. If you just head west to the highway and travel along it toward the south, there is the remains of a military convoy which looks like the right place to find it, but I haven't found anything. It's possible I picked it up way earlier by chance, but I don't remember it. Would like to clarify directions to make sure they are good. I think they could be better.--DocSilence (talk) 23:55, December 30, 2017 (UTC)

FO4 University Point power armor
FO4 University Point power armor north facing
I originally pulled it from the game data, so felt it best to double check. There is a road due south of University Point (just to the side of the "Traders Welcome" sign) where you would go to pick up Kid in a Fridge (which can be seen on the right of the second photo). Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 00:42, December 31, 2017 (UTC)
Yes, that first photo is the military convoy I mentioned above, and the second is the road in between. Is the set visible in either of your photos? The directions led me there, so if that's the place, I would have found it if it was there. I'm just going to assume I picked it up early in the game and forgot about it.--DocSilence (talk) 04:07, December 31, 2017 (UTC)
If you look at the top of the two photos, just inform of the APC, you will see the top of a T-45 helmet. If it spawned without a helmet, it would be completely submerged. You could always dive in and check if it is there without a helmet. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 04:11, December 31, 2017 (UTC)
That is very clear. It is definitely missing for me, which means I must have picked it up before. The description is much better now, thanks! --DocSilence (talk) 22:11, January 2, 2018 (UTC)

repair perks list[]

Is there no list of what perks are required for rapair of which armors? I've got a x-01 and can't find any list of what's required to be able to repair it. How's about making a list? What perks? What levels?—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) 04:43, July 23, 2018. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Perks aren't needed for repairs. Only crafting new components. Great Mara (talk) 05:26, July 23, 2018 (UTC)
Please sign your posts with ~~~~. Also this is useful information in this article: "Settlers and companions may abandon their power armor when they decide to [...] man a guardpost." --User000name (talk) 11:52, September 27, 2018 (UTC)

Inherent Bonuses[]

So I was poking around in the Creation Kit and noticed that most, if not all, PAs have the "EnchPA_ReducePADamageMult" and "EnchPA_ReduceRARadResistMult" effects (IDs 00204a52 and 3). If I'm reading this right, on top of anything else that might be added by armor stats, damage is reduced by 5% and rad damage is reduced by 14%. I don't see anything about this in the articles, so I wanted to see if anyone else thinks I'm reading this right. -Caraamon (talk) 20:12, July 29, 2018 (UTC)

Duplicate(s) in the unowned sheet[]

Location Armor set Description
Jamaica Plain Leveled - Partial armor without core This set is located northwest of Jamaica Plain and southeast of Relay tower 0SC-527, in a military checkpoint on the road guarded by a Mister Gutsy.
University Point Leveled - Partial armor without core Located below the overpass to the south in a pool of water, on the opposite side of the road to Billy's fridge. In the water is an APC and the armor is next to it, the head barely clearing the waterline.

These are pointing to very same. The location should be always the nearest POI, not the nearest largest/easiest to find etc. POI. ex. the Suffolk County charter school PAF entry is more closer to Murkwater construction site.

The unreachable PAF(s) should be in a different sheet or in the notes as they are not intended to be collected without cheating/using commands.

While these two are separate armors, The Poseidon Energy Turbine 18-F and West Everett Estates entries are both pointing to the same armor, near a Crashed Vertibird and Stingray Deluxe guarded by a Friendly Protectron Svpaladin673 (talk) 11:19, June 4, 2019 (UTC)

Level Capped armor location(s)[]

College Square and Mass Pike Interchange both have the text "It would appear the area level prevents X-01 armor from appearing."

I'm not sure if it's my luck or something else, but on at least 3 playthroughs I avoided the entire Fort Hagen area (Mass Pike Interchange - Greater Mass Blood Clinic - Fiddler's Green) until I reach Level 28, at which point I proceed to gather the power armors in these locations, and all three times they were "capped" at T-60 grade (page says that 28 is when X-01 comes out).

The "closest" I typically get to that region is Oberland Station, ArcJet (with Danse) and Sunshine Tidings Co-Op. And ArcJet should be far enough to prevent triggering because I did that right around Level 12-13 this time around, so it would have locked them down to T-45/51.

If anyone else has this experience, then I'd say adding the opening quote to each of these sites power armors would be appropriate.Svpaladin673 (talk) 17:20, June 3, 2019 (UTC)

How To Paint[]

There doesn't seem to be a section here or in the Console Commands page explaining how to use codes for paint jobs (001979A4, 001979A9, etc). Using ADDITEM gives back "Invalid inventory object." Where should this info be? Sorry if I missed the obvious. Noobyorkcity (talk) 08:11, 13 June 2023 (UTC)

Missing Power Armor Codes[]

there is a couple of power armor sets ids that are not on the page, (for exemple the Sugar Bombs T-51 Power Armor and the Tesla T-60) —Preceding unsigned comment added by Finderkepper231 (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!
