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apparently Jericho will complain about blood getting in his eyes during melee combat even if he's wearing the biker goggles he asked for...

  • Ze goggles! Zey do nothing! --Squeegy 02:15, 2 April 2009 (UTC)
  • On a related note, Jericho preferred to wear normal glasse(1 DR) over a vault security helmet(3 dr). I had to take the glasses away to get him to equip it.

Reference to Series[]

I don't know if that was already discussed before, but shouldn't it be mentioned that his name may be a reference to the post-apocalyptic TV series "Jericho"? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jericho_(TV_series) He also looks like one of the characters of the show - black and sporting a goatee. That may be a bit of a strech though. Note: I'm gonna mention it, if someone disagrees remove the edit and explain why.

That's a direct reference. Visually and by name. Ash Nuke AshRandom (Talk) 00:00, 23 January 2009 (UTC)

I noticed that this reference was just removed with the reasoning that there is nothing linking the character and the series. Well, the name is a clear link if not neccessarily a reference. Considering that the series is of a post-apocalyptic nature, airing presumably during the period when the game developers were going through their creative cycle, I think this constitutes enough for a reference. If it was a reference to the city or the pro-wrestler, I could understand the reasoning. I'm a big fan of the work Gothemasticator does to remove pointless and unlikely references, but not in this instance. Ishotamaninnewreno 07:06, December 6, 2009 (UTC)

Here's a picture of the black goatee-sporting character from the TV show. Please compare with Jericho from the game. I'm willing to hear others weigh in on the similarity, but I don't see it, regardless of AshRandom's and Anon's posts above.
In addition, Jericho is the name of a town in the TV show and a character in FO3. It's also a name from the Bible. Am I supposed to think that if there is a "Matthew" in some post-apocalyptic TV show, then if there's a "Matthew" in the game, it's a reference? I'm just not seeing how these relate.
One name is such a thin bridge to cross. There was a similar case with Moira Brown and somebody named Moira in a post-apoc-themed book, but nothing else corresponded. I think it's the same here.--Gothemasticator 07:35, December 6, 2009 (UTC)

Well, if in your above example there was a post-apocalyptic TV show called Matthew, and a character in the game called Matthew, perhaps, but more importantly, Jericho isnt a common name. If there was a character called Ahasbai, a post-apc TV show called Abasbai, and a character in the game called Ahasbai, it becomes a little more clear. The same applies for that Moira 'reference' you mentioned, Moira is a commonly used name so probably not a reference. The 'black and sporting a goatee' character reference was always a bit spurious, therefore I didnt bring that up. Ishotamaninnewreno 07:57, December 6, 2009 (UTC)

I still don't get the character-has-same-name-as-a-town bit (or same-name-as-a-TV-show). If he had the same first and last names as the main character on the TV show, I might buy it. There's just nothing else that fits about the TV show. We just need more to go on than coincidence.
And, Jericho may not be common, but it is Biblical, and the game has a record of a few (and one ridiculously prominent) Biblical references.--Gothemasticator 08:10, December 6, 2009 (UTC)

Meh, its your call anyway. 08:45, December 6, 2009 (UTC)

Did this really need to be discussed..? No-one knows for sure, despite definite statements. Merely pointing it out would've been enough. Wish people put this much effort into the actual wiki pages. [lazy, unlogged Saccade as: 01:49, February 15, 2010 (UTC)

Picture of Jericho[]

There is an image of Jericho at No Mutants allowed (http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/album_page.php?pic_id=2823)

I have another jericho picture[]

I have a small sized picture of jericho does anyone want it.

Oh yes please! I can't get enough of his rugged good looks and manish charm.

Note in Main Article[]

Just deleted this. May be wanted in article if someone wants to rewrite. Note: I lost Jericho after i was captured by the Enclave - after the videoscene Jericho was lost and nowhere to be found (others have experienced this after the virtual reality part of the main quest) - he will return to megaton after some time so don't worry too much


Can you really put packs of cigarettes in his inventory and he'll smoke them? I put a whole carton of cigarettes in his inventory. It's still there, but he still complains about not having cigarettes.

Yes, he will use smoking animation when given any of following items: Cigarette, Pack of cigarettes or Carton of cigarettes (not using it up though). Nevertheless he will still complain about how hard it is to get cigarettes, about being out of smokes again and that he could use a smoke. RDGST 17:09, 21 November 2008 (UTC)

This is actually incorrect. He will smoke cigarette REGARDLESS of whether or not you put them in his inventory. He has his own, and even if you manually give him some he never actually "uses them up." It's part of his default character animations/speech.Redsteven 22:39, 5 January 2009 (UTC)

I play on the xbox 360 version and he doesn't smoke unless you put some in his inventory, you take em back and he stops. He also never uses em up, so if you put one in his inventory he will smoke forever. For me he only complains when he doesn't have any cigs in his inventory. --Thq95 14:25, 10 January 2009 (UTC)

Are you sure? He complains regardless of his inventory for me (PC version, but i highly doubt there is a difference between versions for this)Redsteven 20:34, 10 January 2009 (UTC)

Im %100 sure he doesn't smoke unless he has at least one cig in his inventory and he doesn't use em up. Yeah I was wrong about the other part, I turned the general sub-titles on and was finally able to get him to complain "Damn, am I out of smokes again?". Mostly what I heard from him was the "<cough> damn" line. --Thq95 05:21, 11 January 2009 (UTC)

If Jericho has on the hellfire helmet he will still smoke btw.-- 07:50, 30 May 2009 (UTC)

At one point, Jericho complained about not having cigarettes (one of the many cigarette comments, I don't remember which one). I turned to look, and he wasn't smoking. I gave him a pack of cigarettes, and he started smoking immediately. Any other time afterward when he complained about cigarettes and I looked at him, he would be smoking.Deadlykris 20:54, May 22, 2010 (UTC)

Post Megaton Explosion[]

Does anyone know if Jericho is still available after you nuke megaton even if you did not make contact with him beforehand? (Global1ff 11:49, 16 November 2008 (UTC))

He isn't, you could in turn just tell him to come with you when you blow it up, then fire him. He'll wait around the Megaton ruins, but he doesn't automatically survive the bomb when you blow it up. Realek 15:42, 14 December 2008 (UTC)

Jericho and the ending[]

Does anybody know what Jericho says if you ask him to get the G.E.C.K or what he says when you ask him top put the code into the machine.

I think only Fawkes will get the Geck and Jericho will say "F#%$ no, do it yourself" when asked about the purifier activation. --TheFrogger 22:05, 31 May 2009 (UTC)
check Take it Back! for the purifier, not sure about the GECK. --Voidvector 15:29, 14 December 2008 (UTC)


Could we get someone with a PC version to volunteer to put up his stats like we have for Fawkes and Star Paladin Cross? I'd do it myself but I'm on PS3. 10:41, 14 December 2008 (UTC) Grav

I have posted the stats after you hire him at level 20. They are different from the one posted on this page. So feel free to verify, specially using a low level character. --Voidvector 15:35, 14 December 2008 (UTC)

Im confused[]

Jericho wont go with me when I enter the Freedom Street Station. I have tried several times to get him in the station, but he wont go in. Oh, and im playing on Xbox 360. 06:34, 10 January 2009 (UTC)

Anyone there? 06:34, 10 January 2009 (UTC)

Ther are just some places that your hired companions won't go.Like i had Charon with me and he wouldn't go into a metro station(can't remember the name).I'd walk a few steps and i'd hear the mesh gate slam behind me. Just go to the Freedom station by yourself.~Anonymous User UPDATE:It was the Freedom street station. Does anyone know why your folowers won't go there? 19:06, 23 January 2009 (UTC)


"When the article says he will disappear after a certain point in the game, when is that point?" 22:13, 11 January 2009 (UTC)

>>> In my case he disappeared just before i met my father in vault 112. Additionally jericho may not enter all locations if no message indicates his death try waiting in a quiet part of the wastes or a friendly town for 4 or 5 hours he ussually returns.

Also remember you can tell your companion to wait. For example when i cannot use jericho or i risk his disappearance i tell him to wait in my hotel room in tenpenny tower. This way he is there after quests that conflict with companions and he has all my items rather than losing them by my companions "accidental termination".

I think another is when you (Spoiler) get the G.E.C.K. in vault 87 and you get taken to Raven Rock. (End Spoiler)

He disappeared right when the enclave captured me. 23:20, July 3, 2015 (UTC)


I play on the Xbox 360 and the patch didn't bring Jericho back for me (he disappeared at some point from megaton), but I was able to get him back from the glitched void using this video from youtube... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKnevXb9PKY I simply "pushed" the missing npcs all the way back to megaton, once you get close enough to megaton they will automatically enter the town and function normally. All you have to do to get out of the void is fast travel to megaton. --Thq95 06:19, 18 January 2009 (UTC)

He wont heal himself.[]

So Jericho has only 1 bar of life left, ive provided him of 19 goaddamn stimpacks and he doesnt use them WTF? is this normal

  • As far as i know, he will only use stimpacks when in a battle. Just go around megaton, kill one mole rat and bingo, his HP is full again.BSMaker 03:16, 24 January 2009 (UTC)
  • thx

Jericho has never used stimpacks for me either, and I've had him as a follower twice now (on the 360). The first thing I did both times was give him 30 stimpacks (I usually carry 70, +/- 5 or 10, so I give all of my followers 30 as soon as I hire them), and both times he was killed in battle, he still had all 30 stimpacks in his effing inventory. I would think that 30 would keep him alive for awhile even in a difficult battle (along with the upgrade to armor and weapons I give him), but when things heated up, he'd end up dead every time. The second time this happened, I reloaded to a save prior to adding him as a follower, picked the lock on his door, and reverse-pickpocketed the 30 stimpacks into his inventory while he slept (just before waking him up to join me as a follower). I thought perhaps if they were "his" then he would use them, but no such luck. When he was killed he still had all 30, and he didn't start out with any. I've come to the conclusion that either this is a random bug, and it doesn't happen with everyone, or perhaps it depends on what you're playing on (maybe it's a 360 bug only?). Either way, I can confirm that Jericho doesn't use stimpacks 100% of the time (or at all in my case). - Fembot G.g3 09:25, 5 February 2009 (UTC)

Confirmed here via three different games on the PS3 -- the followers all have issues with healing. I'm most fond of Charon because he actually seems to USE the stimpaks you give him (I gave him 50, within a couple of heavy battles he had used 5. Good boy!) I have no idea whether or not the AI for the followers is different based on character, so this could be a fluke. Either way, I hope they patch this or something. It would be much more useful if they actually used the healing items when their health got below 50% or something, whatever would seem most intuitive for an actual player to do during the game, rather than waiting until one health bar is left and getting blown away by a single bullet. 'Twould be nice if they could use the drugs as well (can you imagine Jericho jacked up on Chems? ha.) Ihugmutants 23:48, 18 March 2009 (UTC)

Also on PS3, have been through a lot of hair battles, he won't heal himself. He heals quickly outside of combat or just after, but not through stimpack (I think all followers do this).

Equipment Effect Stacking Exploit[]

EDIT: I wrote up a description on how to use this exploit on the Fallout 3 followers article. Hopefully it's clear. Dcruze 20:26, 8 February 2009 (UTC) his health would regenerate on it's own for me and i never gave him a stimpack and i'm playing the xbox 360 version.oh and by the way don't let them have a fat man or pick one up they will kill them self

Jotun Hates Jericho?[]

I think I may be completely backed into a corner in my current play-through, all because of good ol' Jericho. I'm on Hard, level 11, just brought my first slave back to Paradise Falls (Red, from Big Town) and I've been hanging around in town. I'd been there before (notably before I got Jericho), as Grouse just let me in rather than making me wait until I'd picked up a slave. I have insanely negative Karma, so everybody here stays out of my way and there's a dude who gives me items, etcetera.

For the record, my Jericho's currently armed with his default weapon, wearing Talon Combat Armor and a hockey mask. When I walked into the slaver barracks, a crap-ton of characters were in there--more than I've ever seen. Jotun was standing near the door and Ymir was across from him. I've played through four times so far and have never seen either of these characters in this location. While Jericho was with me, Jotun kept brandishing his weapon and saying "I thought I told you to get out of here"--to Jericho, not my character. He'd pull it out, threaten and then put it away, sometimes several times within the span of a few seconds, which looked pretty funny. Enough of this posturing turned the entire barracks hostile and Jericho was gunned down in seconds. They didn't come after me until I accidentally pulled out my weapon in the room. I let everybody shoot me, died, reloaded, blah.

I tried doing this a couple more times and the same thing occurred. Then, I got the bright idea to leave Jericho outside and go into the barracks alone. No one was hostile to me inside the barracks, but as soon as I got outside (where Jericho was, natch) it was a bloodbath. Everyone in town is now hostile, and since I'm a moron and have exited a door, I've autosaved myself into this position. I had just started the VIP slave quest and now I'm screwed. Never done this quest on any other play-through so I'm pissed off, haha. I've also got the business deal with Pronto and have given him 4 or 5 relatively rare guns.

It's worth noting that I never whipped out my piece (except for the accidental that occurred during the first time the barracks turned into a no-man's land--my auto-load reset it), cracked off a shot, threatened anyone, or got caught stealing, though I have robbed the place blind by now. They just really, really want Jericho dead and I don't think I'm leaving town with him alive, if I can even get out of this ridiculous maze myself. He had like five dudes whaling on him at once, there's not a gun quick enough.

Has anyone else had this happen? Is there any particular reason why the Slavers would have something against Jericho, besides the difference in faction? It's like it takes a certain amount of time for him to be "noticed" here, so I think Jotun and Ymir are bugging out, but if anybody has any input on pre-set hostility in this game I'd love to hear it. Just never had anything like this happen. Hell, I've dragged Fawkes back through Little Lamplight and the kids don't even acknowledge him... had Charon as a follower in Tenpenny Towers and nobody gave a crap.

Maybe Eulogy's just really pissed off that I stole his hat? Ihugmutants 00:18, 19 March 2009 (UTC)

i think jotun warns you that because i went in the barracks alone and he told me the same thing after ten or so warnings they attacked me..they didnt last long against me deadly accurate wazer wifle...but i think he just doesnt like it when you're in the barracks.LuciusZelgius 02:31, 28 March 2009 (UTC)

Thanks for the response! Oddly enough, I've never had Jotun become hostile unless I had Jericho with me. The ten or so warnings seems accurate, though. I managed to rescue the game by reverting to an earlier save file, and the same thing happened: Jotun threatens Jericho in the barracks, repeatedly... except this time I was smart enough to get my ass out of there. I've never had the town become hostile again, and Jotun just displays his usual dumbtastic jackassitude when outside the barracks, so at least we've figured out it has something to do with entering the building... Jotun is very protective of his father, so it's possible that Ymir's presence there might also have triggered the event.

Maybe Jotun knew what he was doing, since I did plan to rob the everloving heck outta the place as soon as his back was turned. Ihugmutants 04:33, 1 April 2009 (UTC)

In all likelyhood, this animosity was prompted by tresspassing in the slaver barracks. I've been attacked in the barracks and it took me a minute or two to figure out why everyone started yelling and turned hostile when I'd previously been tolerated (if not welcome). They become off-limits at night, like most stores. This can be easy to miss for a couple of reasons. First, the actual stores in Paradise Falls (Lock & Load and the clinic) ironically do not become off-limits at night, giving the false impression that in PF anything goes. Second, you don't get the auditory cue of losing karma for going through the barracks door because Paradise Falls is an evil place, so breaking their rules isn't an evil act. The clues leading to this conclusion are that Ihugmutants mentioned that the barracks were crammed full of people (getting ready to call it a night), and that Jotun kept telling Jericho to get out (which is a generic scripted warning for trespassing). That Jericho was attacked and the player wasn't is curious, but it might be either due to very evil karma making him welcome in the barrakcs, while Jericho is merely plain ol' evil. Having never been very evil, I wouldn't know.
Mabye this will help when i was in their for too long they attacked me and the 1 girl there that has a really bad attitude with a name was walking passed Jotun and she stoped and her told her to go away but she didnt so he took his sledge and killed her then everyone just went back too what they were doing

"Useful" bonus to Perception[]

In the Notes section someone remarks that adding Red's Bandana gives Jericho a useful bonus to Perception. I dont really think it is useful to give companions any bonus to perception at all. Companions tend to dive into combat at the first sight of an enemy, very often when you are trying to avoid combat. Once they get into combat its almost impossible to pull them away. Giving a companion a boost to perception means you increase their sensitivity to the proximity of enemies.. I'd rather decrease my companion's perception than boost it. 23:09, 6 April 2009 (UTC)

As far as PER goes, it seems that all followers have a "magic" 10 which allows them to chase after enemies beyond any actual values you or your followers are meant to have. However, such lines as "Be cautious" spoken by Fawkes are automatic and not scripted for "oh look there's an enemy around the corner" situations. The only difference givings statted equipement would make is to give the slight skill bonuses to make them suck a little less at non-standard equipment.


In the article, he says he his the 3d biggest swearer. I think he's 1st. Never met Dukov, and McReady dosen't swear alot.

I think its the quantity of the swears rather than severity. He may say F---once or twice but he dosent say it every other word. On the other hand, MacCready says things like S---, which is not as bad, but he says it about once a line. (Alot more than Jericho) --TheFrogger 22:00, 31 May 2009 (UTC)

I don't think Dukov swears all that much. I've only heard about how he wears out his girls every night. Unless the writer of this article considers 'clown shoes' cursing

Dukov does mention once that he "enjoys slapping his balls against Cherry's ass". This may be concidered raunchy, if nothing else.
the least foulmothed (but still foulmouthed) is probably lucas simms, as he say's f [_] ckin' once if you insult him, and d@mn once if you disarm the bomb.Wrpen-99 13:59, February 22, 2010 (UTC)

Jericho and essential characters[]

I've had a couple really interesting...'glitches'? concerning Jericho.

  • 1) The first three games I played through I was never able to aquire Jericho as a follower so on the third game I decided it might be fun to try and kill him, knowing he'd be really hard to kill and wanting a fight that would last longer than 3 seconds (I don't know why but all my fights up through level ten lasted VERY short periods of time, as if I was playing on Very Easy but I didn't even know how to change my difficulty then) but when his health depleted he dropped as if dead but a message came up saying "Jericho is unconcious!". (FYI - this was on the Xbox 360) The other day after completing the Broken Steel DLC, I decided to go and drop an MIRV shot on the town at I think 2 in the morning. Jericho was in his house so he was left undamaged. I fought the entire town and killed everyone except the kids (I figure on having some sense of morality) and then Jericho came after me so I shot him once with the Tesla Canon and then a couple times with the Gauss Rifle (having all DLC completed) and he dropped unconcious. I decided I wanted to keep fighting since he did almost nothing to me damage-wise (Level 24, I'd have though his damage would progress) and he started to get up so I shot him with the Gauss Rifle again and he just exploded. I didn't get any messages about him being unconcious that time.
  • 2) After reloading that game to before my Megaton massacre I recruited Jericho and then went out with him and completed a few random missions. While I was in the Rivet City Market I gave him my Gauss Rifle and then talked to that android (can't remember his name) and suddenly Jericho went postal when I left dialogue with the android. A similar occurance happened once when I mezzed one of the kids in Little Lamplight. None of the kids were hostile to me after mezzing the kid but Jericho still attacked all the kids.

There were a number of stupid and some even rather humorous incedents with him including him starting to flail like the Feral Ghoul Reavers of the Broken Steal DLC after having been idle for a long time. (Meaning he was flail-smoking, which I found hilarious)

Absolutely none of these incedents I've listen have happened more than once to me. I have a level 27 and everytime I try to kill Jericho again he is knocked unconcious like before and he hasn't gone postal before or since for me.

Jericho and multiple followers[]

I've taken a look at his dialog options in GECK and it looks like Bethesda forgot to do a follower check when you try to hire him. I don't play evil so I can't test it easily but it looks like you could get whatever followers you want via other methods and still pick up Jerry provided you meet the karma requirement.

I killed him by mistake[]

Does he come back later?Ellerkerm36 21:59, 19 May 2009 (UTC)

Haha no. Fat Man Spoon 22:01, 19 May 2009 (UTC)

OMG ITS A RAAAIIIIDEEER! *V.A.T.S, shot at jericho three times, shot 30 seconds manually at him, he dies* OH FUCK WAIT THAT WAS JERICHO

Making Jericho useful[]

Do what I did. Get Dogmeat first, then turn evil, and hire Jericho. Grab some Enclave Hellfire Armor, or Tesla Armor (I gave him my set of Winterized T51B Power Armor from Operation Anchorage (my set is the sim set, thanks to Bethesda placing the wrong set in the simulator). If you give him Enclave H.Fire Armor, it's best to have 100 repair to repair it fully. Then give him a Heavy Incinerator and around 1000 Flamer Fuel. Whenever he spots an enemy in the distance, he fires away and always hits them, thanks in part to his 45 to 100 Big Guns stat. This makes him extremely useful in combat.

T 20:58, 28 May 2009 (UTC)

Jericho is damned useful even without the Broken Steel DLC. I have him set up with Linden's Outcast Power Armor, Eugene, and Burnmaster. Burnmaster is particularly impressive against the robots of Fort Constantine. Goetter 02:44, October 3, 2009 (UTC)

Jericho's "Lung Cancer"[]

Someone has added:

" If you place a cigarette, Pack of Cigarettes or carton of cigarettes into Jericho's inventory, he will chain smoke cigarettes when idle. If you do, his condition will get progressively worse, going from coughing to choking up blood. Note that if he is wearing a helmet that covers his mouth ( a Power Helmet for example) he will not do this. "

I think this is what you call "a buncha horse manure". --Penumbra 20:33, 31 May 2009 (UTC)

I put it in. Its true. He coughs when you wait, he slows down when running (someone else put that in), and after a while, he coughs and says: "... Is that blood?" --TheFrogger 21:57, 31 May 2009 (UTC)

Confirmed (XBOX 360, Broken Steel, The Pitt & Operation Anchorage + Latest patch). T 00:13, 1 June 2009 (UTC)
No worries. Go ahead and take it out if I'm wrong. --TheFrogger 01:46, 1 June 2009 (UTC)

I stand corrected and will see it for myself. --Penumbra 01:08, 1 June 2009 (UTC)

I still call BS (brahmin shit). I removed the part about coughing up blood. (he does it even when not smoking). -- 09:54, 15 June 2009 (UTC)
I don't believe it's a progressive thing. He does indeed say something along the lines of "Shit! Is that blood?!" after coughing, but it's just one of his scripted lines. He also does ask the PC to slow down so he can catch his breath, but will continue to run with him/her at a constant rate regardless. His lines certainly suggest that he has a combination of emphysema and lung cancer, and considering his age and chain-smoking habit, would be likely. None of this has any practical affect on him as a follower, though. He will perform just as well as Clover, Butch or any other NPC you choose to recruit. 18:08, October 8, 2009 (UTC)

Where in Megaton?[]

I made him wait and went 7 days without talking to him, I got the "Jericho is waiting in Megaton" message, but I can't find him there. I waited in his house for about 24 hours, I looked near Mr. Burkes house, I even looked outside the entrance, but I can't find him. Does anyone know where he could be? --TheFrogger 22:08, 31 May 2009 (UTC)

He might have gotten warped into a wall or something. Try using your radar to locate a blip that appears to be stuck in something, just incase. T 00:14, 1 June 2009 (UTC)
Did you look in Moriarty's Saloon? Fat Man Spoon 15:06, 1 June 2009 (UTC)
Oh, you beat me to it. I found him in there. Thanks anyways though.--TheFrogger 20:53, 1 June 2009 (UTC)


(moved these from the article) -- 10:51, 15 June 2009 (UTC)
  • Occasionally, his right hand becomes grossly distended, with fingers over a foot long.
  • Jericho can be a second follower. The cause is still unsure. Dogmeat went missing and instead of "Dogmeat returned to Vault 101" appearing some time later, Jericho's "Jericho has returned to Megaton" blip appeared. When I went to investigate, Dogmeat was still gone, not at his place in front of Vault 101, but when I spoke to Jericho I was given, and allowed, the chance to re-recruit him.(Had him until I got Clover, now I have both.) More investigation is needed to see if this is a repeatable bug. For those who try to replicate what happened: Megaton's blown up, Clover was hired after Jericho was fired, & Dogmeat went missing some time before the Jericho blip appeared. Long periods of time between Megaton's detonation and Dogmeat's disappearance, but short gap between lost dog and re-hired Jericho along with Clover. Dogmeat was found later near where he disappeared, and initiated conversation after running to my character.

-Crazy-8 16:48, 23 February 2009 (UTC)

  • A strange bug with Jericho in Vault 87. After entering the Test Labs from the Living Quarters for the second time, Jericho doesn't follow you through the door into the new area. Going back through the door, Jericho's body is laying on the floor and the prompt said 'Talk Jericho'. trying to talk with him gave the result of looting a body, but he was no longer carry any items I had given to him or any items he normally wears. I reverted to a previous save and tried making him wait on the Living Quarters side of the door while I travelled through to the Test Labs and back. This time I saw him go ragdoll and fall over with a plasma-rifle like sound (possibly just noise from crashing into objects), and had the same 'Talk Jericho'/empty inventory result. In the end I gave up and dismissed him before entering the door, so far this has had no noticable effects, but needs confirmation. (PS3 & 360). Yep Same Thing Happend To Me IAwnserFalloutQuestions 20:59, March 23, 2010 (UTC)


i was waiting for the junk caravan outside of megaton and i got a message that said "Jericho has returned to Megaton" i had never hired him so does he just leave and come back later for no real reason or was that a glitch possibly realated to the fact that i have 3 followers

Jericho Loves to disappear[]

I created a new character to try and get all the followers to follow me, when at the end of the game when i had Jericho he disappeared again. He vanishes in the wasteland sometimes same with, vault 101, citadel, and a whole bunch of other places(this took place in BROKEN STEEL) anyone have any comment?

Jericho bug.. Solution??[]

jericho was ,y follower until he got killed in the waste.... so i hired i new one Charon and Clover as my new teammates.... after raven rock iu got a message: jericho returned megaton...but i did not find him there.... so as a effect i only can have 1 follewer at least... any idea how 2 fix it???

system: PS3


the strangest thing.....im walking around in the wasteland and all of a sudden it says "Jericho has returned to megaton" Whats so strange is that jericho died awhile ago. when i go back to megaton hes not there

In my opinion Jericho has the most personality for a follower, I love him.

i agree, i also like charon(and most ghouls for that matter). i do not however like fawkes, he is irritating.

You take that back! fawks has plenty of personality, rite Fawks? Fawks: "There is safty in mindfulness."--Radraider 21:17, October 3, 2009 (UTC)

you can like him all day long if you want. he does have an interesting personality, and even makes for interesting conversation. but i can't handle his constant screaming. i do love watching him run, it reminds me of Chris Farley.


I was fighting Jericho in the saloon in Megaton, I had given him Tesla Armor and a Minigun but fired him,so I came in and shot him with the Victory Rifle knocking the Minigun out of his hands so he pulls out his Nail Board to fight me but his Minigun(still on the ground)started shooting and killed me.What happened? --Lone Ranger 03:04, 16 August 2009 (UTC)

It was obviously possessed. You'll have to get Confessor Cromwell to perform an exorcism. --Macros 03:13, 16 August 2009 (UTC)

He is a total dick and you lose karma if you kill him thats what happened to me.

ya ok so i fired jericho and dogmeat (the dog folower) and then i save turn off my console then i turn it back on load it and all of a sudden jericho turns to dogmeat and says "Fuck You" anyone else find the wierd lol--Blodymaryman 01:10, November 28, 2009 (UTC)

Jericho a ass[]

Jericho is an ass. And also this happened to me but I lost karma for killing him.

Jericho dead?[]

When I first came to Megaton, i had good karma so Jericho wouldn't be my compainion.
I then defused the bomb, but continued to rob, steal and pillage until my karma was low enough to get him as my follower. I have never done anything wrong inside Megaton in order to avoid the townspeople trying to kill me whenever I use my house.
So i returned to Megaton to get him as my follower, looked for him all over the place.
Found him on the porch outside Mister Burke's house, dead and with nothing equipped...
Anyone have this problem before?
Any way i can make him alive again? 21:42, November 7, 2009 (UTC) Russ

Fawkes and Jericho[]

An entry in Jericho's page states "If you enter Moriarty's Saloon with Fawkes and Jericho is inside they will begin to shoot at each other.". I tried this out on the PC (I took Fawkes into the saloon when Jericho was inside) and Fawkes and Jericho did not shoot at each other or even become hostile towards each other. This is on the PC, with Broken Steel, Operation Anchorage and The Pitt installed. I think this entry might need to be removed, or at least amended. 08:23, December 28, 2009 (UTC)

I moved to the Bugs section, and rephrased it a bit.--Annonnimus 08:49, December 28, 2009 (UTC)


It says Jericho was born in 2212, but this seems unlikely, as this would make him 65. Is this correct? Marshmallow2166 21:38, January 9, 2010 (UTC)

He's an old guy, as he used to be a raider, and settled down. Seems a bit too old for me, maybe 40 or so, but i'm not saying it isn't likely/true. Tzaro the Outcast 19:27, January 22, 2010 (UTC)

Jericho and Nathan Vargas were both born in 2212 yet Nathan looks in his 70s whereas Jericho looks like hes in his 40s. User:AJ the Fa Man 8:34, March 1, 2010 (UTC)

You would think the hard raider life would have aged him more than Nathan (if they ARE in fact the same age) and Jericho would be the one looking older. Maybe it was from all the blood he got on his face from all the people he killed, some freaks believe that if you bathe in young people's blood it makes you look younger... or something... idk... maybe I've just been awake too long. Snakewyvern 20:46, May 22, 2010 (UTC)


Is Jericho mezzable? CheezeWEEPツ 20:38, February 3, 2010 (UTC)

Not when I just blasted him (his is susceptable to the gogo-ray like anyone else). Though - you could just go find that out for yourself... 02:00, February 15, 2010 (UTC)

What happened to this article?![]

Jericho is probably *the* coolest follower (maybe even NPC) in the game.

Therefore, why the hell is his main article page so lame all of a sudden..? It used to be loads better. Now it's just a few factoids. At least it has the important info still, like the reference hex and stuff. For one - where have all his quotes gone? I used to enjoy reading them here and then "collecting" them while wandering out in the wasteland... And I never heard the one about the goggles (that wasn't in the original quote set). So, I think I'll probably list them all there again, unless one of you nay-sayers goes and removes them, citing Jericho-hate as your only, pathetic reason. [Lazy Saccade as:] 02:04, February 15, 2010 (UTC)

I think Jericho should be first priority for EVERYONE who's participating in the NPC revival project here, because he is so badass.

I added more quotes but i was using a GREAT modle. I feel like using that as the current page. Bmoreravens12 02:12, March 13, 2010 (UTC)

The article has been edited according the Fallout 3 NPC overhaul project guidelines. As part of the process, quotes sections across the wiki are being reduced to a few notable and unique quotes for each NPC.--Gothemasticator 05:14, March 13, 2010 (UTC)

Ok sorry but that dose not make scence. Are we not trying to IMPROVE the NPCs when we can't without people getting rid of stuff like quotes? It's not a complete page... Bmoreravens12 19:21, March 13, 2010 (UTC)

Many quotes are common to several or even all NPCs and therefore are not worth listing on every NPC page. Many other quotes are only slight variations of a common quote - also not worth listing. Finally, many quotes are largely redundant. For example, Jericho has several slightly different quotes involving cigarettes. Best for the article to just list a few notable and unique quotes. And, in picking those notable and unique quotes, it makes good sense to include only one regarding cigarettes. This is the kind of reasoning behind the changes. Note that these changes apply to all NPCs, not just Jericho.--Gothemasticator 03:45, March 15, 2010 (UTC)

Who lives in a grenade under the sea?[]

The article lists Jerico yelling pinapple when fighting super mutants. He yells this with any incoming grenade. Super mutants are probably more likely to throw them so this may have been where that came from. All companions except dogmeat yell something when a grenade is incoming. KaisarDragon 17:41, April 28, 2010 (UTC)

Answer: Spongebob Squarepants!

Hostility and a few other things[]

If you turn him hostile while having him as a follower and then fast trip to Megaton, all the residents will turn hostile. Fast-traveling back to the spot where you turned Jericho hostile will be deserted, presumably he disappears from the game. I didn't try killing him after he turned hostile to see if it has the same effect, will try later.

Another thing is that if you have him in your party and kill Gob and/or Nova, Colin Moriarty will not turn hostile, but the black Megaton Settler who acts as a bodyguard will. Additionally you can kill anyone who walks into the bar without anyone outside turning hostile as long as nobody walks out the door. Trying this alone will result in everyone turning hostile regardless of whom you kill and where (with the notible exception of Mr. Burke)

Once in awhile when loading a save, he is nowhere to be found if he's your follower. Walking around a town for a few in-game hours or encountering an enemy solves this. I'm guessing he was just wandering around looking for more cigarettes.

Last thing is that if you save on the rocky area surrounding Oasis, he will randomly die upon loading. I'm guessing the game sometimes spawns him over a ledge or beyond the limits of the map, but I don't own the PC version so it's just speculation.

HairBySnowflake 17:52, April 28, 2010 (UTC)

Hostility after killing all of Megaton[]

In the Notes section of the article it says that if you kill everyone in Megaton with Jericho as your follower he won't turn hostile but if you fire him anytime after that he will attack you. However, I killed everyone in Megaton with him as my follower then blew up the town then fired him about a week later ingame and he did not turn hostile towards me. I was able to re-hire him with no trouble, I even fired him again to see if he would turn hostile and nothing happened. Perhaps him turning hostile towards you is simply a bug and the note should be rephrased or moved or something. Shooting the brahmin will piss him off tho... thank god for auto-saves. I'm on the 360 version btw. Snakewyvern 11:53, May 19, 2010 (UTC)

Nicely done guys[]

Some good things happening with the NPC overhaul project - nice work guys :D Saccade 10:01, June 13, 2010 (UTC)

(when the fuck am I gonna remember to add my sig, huh?)

fourth arm?[]

aparently if you pick jericho up at megaton after blowing it up, he will say something simmilar to "thank christ, I thought I was going to grow a fourth arm around all this radiation" now then, he may just be refering to his genitalia, but this still worries me, I mean fourth? Katikar 14:15, June 14, 2010 (UTC)

It's a very sneaky gang reference b Bethesda. Gangs near Washington D.C. have a subculture which refers to their respective guns as an arm. Jericho is referring to his CAR as his arm. This is a common conversational misunderstanding in some cultures, I'm afraid you fallen into the trap :) 5chiz0

son, you best be trollin'. Of course he was bragging about his junk, that's the whole joke. You can't "grow a fourth arm" (like an actual arm) from radiation unless you've already got a "third arm" down south. 10:02, September 5, 2010 (UTC)
You're confused,; his junk would be a third leg, not a third arm. He was referring to his gun as his third arm, I think. --Kris User Hola 14:51, September 5, 2010 (UTC)

Speech Check[]

What exactly does passing his speech check early on reveal?

Passing the spech check with Jericho reveals that Colin Moriarity has a key that opens a cabinet with a combat shotgun and both Gob and Novas wages in. However the key was cut from the game leaving you with the only option of picking the hard lock on the cabinet. Dark Apocalypse. It's coming! 12:26, June 19, 2010 (UTC)


So wait, Jericho's 65 in the game? Jesus, that's a bit old to be running around helping vault outcasts kill Super Mutant Behemoths... 5chiz0

Yup, Jericho's 65. He doesn't look it, though. Nitty Tok. 12:47, July 27, 2010 (UTC)
That's what happens when you have an active lifestyle :D Kris (talk) 12:59, July 27, 2010 (UTC)

Little detail![]

I'm not sure if this is triggered by killing the Sheriff in Megaton, wearing his Sheriff's coat, or both...


When I entered Megaton and spoke to the Sheriff for the first time, I chose all of the hostile dialogue choices, which made him try to kill me. I won the fight, and looted his clothes.

I then put on the clothes, and walked around town.

When I approached Jericho when he was sitting at Jenny's bar, and he turned to me and made a remark about how he isn't going to respect me just because of my badge.

I did NOT enter a conversation with him, I just walked close to him and he said this.

Bethesda really thinks of everything, don't they?

Harden Simms (Lucas Simms's son) says "You might wear his badge, but you're not my dad." happens when you wear Lucas Simms's coat. Wertoret 17:51, October 5, 2010 (UTC)

Another quote[]

I recently achieved good karma (running around with bad karma for most of the game before that) and Jericho says somthing like: "What's up kid? I thought you where some kind of bad ass!". -- 23:24, August 8, 2010 (UTC)

Changed "Article"?[]

I saw one time noted in the Article about Jericho that you can find a holotape of his "rape" conversation with Jenny Stahl under Jericho's bed in his house, but I'm guessing it was removed from the page? But anyway, I looked under his bed and all through his house, but nothing. Anybody know if there really IS a holotape?

Most likely the reference was removed because it was false. --Kris User Hola 11:26, October 13, 2010 (UTC)

Jericho and Jenny[]

Anyone got a transcript or a recording of Jericho's conversation with Jenny? The one that references his alleged rape? I'm thinking of doing a "lets play" but I'm not sure if I'd want Jericho if he's definitely a rapist.

Jericho referring to himself?[]

I have a PC version of game, and decided to create several Jericho's for my amusement. They follow without even being told as an individual. What's odd, though, is that sometimes a Jericho will talk to another Jericho, saying "Hey Jericho, what's up?" and some hostile response. Isn't it a bit odd Bethesda put the audio for Jericho talking to himself? 01:15, July 5, 2012 (UTC)

Jericho has a crush on Nova

One time, when I was in Moriarty's saloon, I was just fucking around the bar and checking out what the cock is going on. In the bar, there was Jericho being grumpy as usual. I decided to ignore El Jericho ( I do that to most of the NPC's.) , so I cannot get into any trouble, and at one moment, I heard him smoothtalking Nova.

He was requesting her for another chance.

"Hey, uhhhh, Nova? So, you wanna try this again sometime?" - Not exactly what he said, but it is in the same tone.

Of course, Nova rejected him and broke the old man's heart.

It was pretty fucking hilarious.

So, have you experienced this during the game?

-- 22:03, July 16, 2012 (UTC)FillipTheBreadFapper
