Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki
Gameplay articles
Fallout/Fallout 2Text mention only
Fallout 3Carton of Big Boss cigarettes
Pack of Big Boss cigarettes
Fallout: New VegasCarton of Big Boss cigarettes
Distinctive cigarette butts
Pack of Big Boss cigarettes
Pyramid cigarettes
Fallout 4Carton of Grey Tortoise cigarettes
Pack of Grey Tortoise cigarettes
Fallout 76Carton of Grey Tortoise cigarettes
Pack of Grey Tortoise cigarettes

Cigarettes are one of several ways of ingesting tobacco, alongside cigars.


Harmful to one's health and addictive, these combustible, inhaled tobacco products were manufactured before the Great War.[1][2] Both the habit-forming tendency and health effects of smoking were well known.[3] Despite that, cigarettes remained a staple of popular culture, advertised nationwide[4] and without the surgeon general's health warnings of any sort.[5] To stave off any possible health concerns, asbestos filters were common on some brands.[6] Some companies also added a collectible aspect to marketing: Grey Tortoise sold packages with limited run collectibles, such as the Cryptid trading cards, to entice repeat purchasing.[7]

There was no smoking ban in indoor spaces, nor at workplaces,[8] recreational venues,[9] or even upper class resorts like the Whitespring Resort.[10] In fact, smoke breaks were a staple of work culture and these machines commonly became places for workers to socialize, regardless of gender.[11] This popularity also made packs and cartons of cigarettes popular bribes.[12]

As a result of this tobacco craze, cigarette vending machines were omnipresent, including in hospitals. Some medical robots were even programmed to suggest a cigarette as a way to deal with anxiety or overstimulation.[13] Enterprising citizens could readily purchase their own vending machines with little oversight and gain a reliable source of income.[14] Even the futuristic Sierra Madre Casino & Resort did little to curb tobacco enthusiasm, with its replicators capable of processing cigarettes with no restrictions.[15] The Nuka-Cola Corporation decided to bank on smoking's popularity as well, creating cigarette-shaped confectionery called Cappy's Candy Cigarettes, complete with a branded ashtray and likelihood of nicotine in the candy.[16]

The popularity of cigarettes survived the Great War with little trouble. Smoking cigarettes remains a common habit regardless of century or region.[17][18][19][20] Even super mutants are prone to smoking, with some becoming chain smokers.[21] The ready availability of pre-War cigarettes also make them useful as payment,[22] or collateral for settling debts.[23][24] Smoking-related expressions also persist.[25] However, the scale of smoking means that the supply is steadily dwindling, and packaged cigarettes steadily become harder to find, especially in areas with limited agriculture that rely on scavenging.[26]


Game items[]

Cigarettes were mentioned in Fallout and Fallout 2, with Viscious a chain-smoker, but don't appear as an item.



A single cigarette. Not worth much on its own, but still a cigarette. However, it's already been partially smoked.

Pack of cigarettes[]

Pack of cigarettes

A whole pack of cigarettes, contains up to 20 cigarettes;[27] worth more to anyone than a single cigarette. Comes in both the Big Boss and Grey Tortoise brands.

Carton of cigarettes[]

Carton of cigarettes

A carton of the cigarettes that contains up to 10 packs of cigarettes (or 200 individual cigarettes). Comes in both the Big Boss and Grey Tortoise brands.



  1. Christine Royce: "Sounds like I smoked a mile of cigarettes."
    (Christine Royce's dialogue)
  2. Detective Monday's case notes
  3. Allemane's code
  4. Cigarette ads can be found in most cities, from billboards to full building ad spaces.
  5. Packaging of all in-game cigarettes
  6. Component breakdown of cigarettes in Fallout 4 and Fallout 76
  7. Cryptid trading cards
  8. Molly: "Complimentary beverages are provided for employees. Please label any food or cigarettes you leave in the break room."
    (Molly's dialogue)
  9. Cait: "Still smells like cigarettes and stale beer in here."
    (Cait's dialogue)
    Note: This line is spoken at the lanes in Back Alley Bowling.
  10. Alexis: "Are you a smoker? Would you like a cigarette? Cigar? Maybe a Whitespring lighter?"
    (Alexis' dialogue)
  11. RobCo Sales & Service Center terminal entries; Power substation A terminal, Log 082: Substation B
  12. RobCo Sales & Service Center terminal entries; Power substation A terminal, Log 090: Official Approval
  13. Nurse Handy: "Feeling anxious? Over stimulated? Try smoking a refreshing cigarette. Dispensers are located on most patient floors."
    (Nurse Handy's dialogue) Note: This line is spoken by the Nurse Handys at the Milton General Hospital.
  14. RobCo Sales & Service Center terminal entries; Power substation A terminal, Log 080: Cunning Plan
  15. Vending machine recipes in Dead Money.
  16. Bradberton terminal entries; Little Nuka Gift Shop, New Products!
  17. Robert MacCready: "Man, I could use a cigarette."
    (Robert MacCready's dialogue)
  18. Nick Valentine: "Never cared for sea travel. Ruins my cigarettes."
    (Nick Valentine's dialogue)
    Note: This line is spoken if Nick is asked for his thoughts while on any large boat, such as the ones at Libertalia.
  19. Water caravan employee: "{103}{}{Hey, you got any smokes?}"
  20. Rave partygoer: "{176}{}{Hey, you got a cigarette?}"
  21. Viscious' character description: "{300}{}{There is a small pile of cigarette butts in the corner of the room.}"
    "{301}{}{The super mutant walks to one side of the room, and lights up a cigarette.}"
    "{302}{}{You see a super mutant with a cigarette dangling from his mouth.}"
    "{303}{}{The super mutant flicks the butt into the corner.}"
  22. Brotherhood of Steel scribe: "One of the scientists fell off some scaffolding and broke an arm."
    Scribe Bigsley: "And how the hell is that MY problem?"
    Scribe: "They're complaining we've "confiscated" all the medical supplies."
    Bigsley: "Well, I need SOMETHING to pay the caravan drivers with. I ran out of cigarettes and booze last week."
    Scribe: "So what do I tell them?"
    Bigsley: "You mean, besides "Go soak your heads in the basin!"?"
    Scribe: "Sir?"
    Bigsley: "Fine. Grab some meds from the supply, but tell them: "That's it." Put up railings or something."
    Scribe: "Yessir."
    Bigsley: "And hang a sign outside my door that reads: "Welcome to the Babysitters of Steel.""
    Scribe: "That's funny sir."
    Bigsley: "Not really."
    (Brotherhood of Steel scribe and Scribe Bigsley's dialogue) Note: DLC03WQBigsleyScribeConv06
  23. The Courier: "I find it hard to believe you ran from the caravan without taking something."
    The Courier: "Perhaps there is something else of value you could put toward the debt?"
    Lady Jane: "[SUCCEEDED] I'm short 90 caps or so, but I have a few cartons of cigarettes and some sensor modules I could put toward my debt. At this point I'll have to return to California to start anew. I haven't got a cap to my name."
    (Lady Jane's dialogue)
  24. John Cassidy: "{355}{}{Sure could go for a smoke.}"
  25. The Chosen One: "{144}{}{Sounds like I'm going to have a hard time getting past him.}"
    Granite: "{145}{}{That's the understatement of the year. I pity ya, pal, really do.}"
    The Chosen One: "{148}{}{I've got things to do. You're all dead men anyway. Try to enjoy your last few minutes on this earth. Smoke 'em if you got 'em. Goodbye.}"
  26. Jericho: "Goddamn cigarettes are getting' harder to find."
    (Jericho's dialogue)
  27. Big Boss package