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This is a transcript for dialogue with Molly.


1DN015_DirectorSceneSir, wonderful news. The Nucleostrictive Plating Project has finally produced a working prototype.Robot: Director Elwood, HR has requested that I remind you to respect employee's personal space.A1a
2Robot: Sir, wonderful news. The Nucleostrictive Plating Project has finally produced a working prototype.Director Elwood, HR has requested that I remind you to respect employee's personal space.Robot: I must apologize for the Director. He hasn't been himself lately. Must be the office flu.A1a
3Robot: Sir, wonderful news. The Nucleostrictive Plating Project has finally produced a working prototype.We do not want another incident like we had with the secretary. Please keep your hands to yourself.Robot: I must apologize for the Director. He hasn't been himself lately. Must be the office flu.A2a
4Robot: Sir, wonderful news. The Nucleostrictive Plating Project has finally produced a working prototype.Sir, if you continue this behavior HR will be required to send you back to sensitivity training.Robot: I must apologize for the Director. He hasn't been himself lately. Must be the office flu.A3a
5Robot: Director Elwood, HR has requested that I remind you to respect employee's personal space.I must apologize for the Director. He hasn't been himself lately. Must be the office flu.Robot: Payroll systems indicate that I have been authorized to provide you with a completion bonus at this time.A1a
6DN015_RewardScenePayroll systems indicate that I have been authorized to provide you with a completion bonus at this time.Robot: Here is your bonus minus taxes and benefits.A1a
7Robot: Payroll systems indicate that I have been authorized to provide you with a completion bonus at this time.Here is your bonus minus taxes and benefits.Robot: Unfortunately, due to a lack of current projects we must layoff redundant staff members at this time.A1a
8Robot: Here is your bonus minus taxes and benefits.Unfortunately, due to a lack of current projects we must layoff redundant staff members at this time.A1a
9This is not a reflection on your work and we will be happy to provide you with a positive reference.A1b
10Shutting down.A1c
11DN015_RobotCleanRoomRepeatI have been instructed to inform you that Director Elwood has issued mandatory overtime due to uncompleted milestones.Robot: Have you completed the research on the Piezonucleic Lining Project?A
12RobotMolly: I have been instructed to inform you that Director Elwood has issued mandatory overtime due to uncompleted milestones.Have you completed the research on the Piezonucleic Lining Project?Player Default: The prototype is done.A1a
13Player Default: The prototype is done.Wonderful. Mandatory overtime mode disengaged. Clean room override disengaged.Robot: The director will want to see this immediately. Please follow me.A1a
14Player Default: The prototype is done.Please see Dr. Elwood-Woolum for project assignment.A2a
15Player Default: Let me out of here you stupid robot!Employment will be terminated for any researchers attempting to leave before completion of the project.B1a
16Player Default: I'm not sure where to begin.Please see Dr. Elwood-Woolum for project assignment.X1a
17Player Default: What am I supposed to do?Perhaps you could begin by familiarizing yourself with the current state of the research. The console at your workstation should provide access.Robot: Have you completed the research on the Piezonucleic Lining Project?Y1a
18DN015_RobotCleanRoomStartRobot: Please enter the Clean Room.I have been instructed to inform you that Director Elwood has issued mandatory overtime due to uncompleted milestones.A1a
19Consequently, staff will not be allowed to leave the labs until the Piezonucleic Lining Project has been completed.A1b
20Please report to the Project Lead, Dr. Elwood-Woolum for specific research assignment.A1c
21Starting Decontamination Sequence.A1d
22Please enter the Clean Room.Robot: I have been instructed to inform you that Director Elwood has issued mandatory overtime due to uncompleted milestones.A1a
23DN015_RobotEmploySceneWelcome back, ma'am.Robot: Would you like the Orientation before beginning your work in the labs?A
24Welcome back, sir.Robot: Would you like the Orientation before beginning your work in the labs?A
25Player Default: Sure. Why not.Wonderful.Robot: Please find an open seat and we will begin the presentation.A1a
26Player Default: No, let's just move it alongDue to staffing needs, we can forgo the Orientation at this time.Robot: Please follow me to the research lab, so that you may begin your work.B1a
27Player Default: Orientation?The Orientation is intended to provide the new employee with a history of the company to enrich their working experience.Player Default: Sure. Why not.Y1a
28Player Default: Uh... yeah. I guess.Please note that employee enthusiasm is factored into your yearly reviews.Robot: Please find an open seat and we will begin the presentation.X1a
29RobotMolly: Welcome back, ma'am.Would you like the Orientation before beginning your work in the labs?Player Default: Sure. Why not.A1a
30DN015_RobotIntroSceneWelcome to the Cambridge Polymer Labs.Robot: Employment opportunities await in the field of scientific research. Shall we begin your application now?A
31RobotMolly: Welcome to the Cambridge Polymer Labs.Employment opportunities await in the field of scientific research. Shall we begin your application now?Player Default: Sure, I'm game.A1a
32Player Default: I don't have time for this.I am required to inform you that this is a secure facility and access by non-employees is restricted to the lobby.Robot: Due to increased demands for staff in all fields, we have condensed the employment test accordingly.B1a
33Player Default: Sure, the world may have ended, but why not sit at a desk all day?Let's see what employment opportunities we have available for someone given your qualifications.Robot: Due to increased demands for staff in all fields, we have condensed the employment test accordingly.X1a
34Player Default: What?Employment benefits include competitive salary, health coverage, accidental death coverage, and two weeks paid vacation.Player Default: Sure, I'm game.Y1a
35Player Default: Sure, I'm game.Let's begin the interview.Robot: Due to increased demands for staff in all fields, we have condensed the employment test accordingly.A1a
36Player Default: Let's begin the interview.Due to increased demands for staff in all fields, we have condensed the employment test accordingly.A1a
37Question one.A1b
38Do you possess previous experience with Polymer Synthesis?Player Default: Yes.A1c
39Player Default: Yes.Calculating test results. I am pleased to offer you the position of "Researcher." Expect a bright future in Polymer Research.Player Default: Sure. Why not.A1a
40Player Default: Polymer Synthesis? What are you talking about?Calculating test results. I am pleased to offer you the position of "Janitorial Staff." Expect a shiny future in the field of mopping floors.Player Default: Sure. Why not.Y1a
41Player Default: I could bust your chassis open and we could see what Polymers you've got in there.Calculating test results. I am pleased to offer you the position of "Security Personnel." We look forward to having you chase off interlopers.Player Default: Sure. Why not.B1a
42Player Default: Sounds like you need me regardless, so lets get down to brass tacks.Calculating test results. I am pleased to offer you the position of "Lab Assistant." Expect a bright future in observing test equipment.Player Default: Sure. Why not.X1a
43Player Default: Sounds like you need me regardless, so lets get down to brass tacks.Calculating test results. I am pleased to offer you the position of "Sales Coordinator." Expect a loquacious future in haggling for military funding.Player Default: Sure. Why not.X2a
44DN015_RobotOrientationPlease find an open seat and we will begin the presentation.Robot: The genesis of Cambridge Polymer Labs lies in the research of a group brilliant graduate students.A1a
45Robot: Please find an open seat and we will begin the presentation.The genesis of Cambridge Polymer Labs lies in the research of a group brilliant graduate students.A1a
46Jon Elwood, Ericka Woolum, and Wilfred Bergman met during their time together at CIT. This slide shows them at their graduation.A1b
47Their research into nucleostrictive and piezoelectric polymers caught the attention of Col. George Kemp in the fall of 2073.A1c
48In the spring of 2074 the company was founded, with a generous grant provided by the Defense Experimental Research Project Initiative.A1d
49The research produced here has resulted in several of components used in the Liberty Prime project that led to the successful defense of Anchorage.A1e
50The company enjoys a strong relationship with the military and welcomes your addition to the research team that helps build a better America.Robot: Please follow me to the research lab, so that you may begin your work.A1f
51DN015_RobotToDirectorSceneThe director will want to see this immediately. Please follow me.Robot: This is Director Elwood's office. I expect he will be quite excited to see the prototype.A1a
52Robot: The director will want to see this immediately. Please follow me.This is Director Elwood's office. I expect he will be quite excited to see the prototype.Robot: Sir, wonderful news. The Nucleostrictive Plating Project has finally produced a working prototype.A1a
53DN015_RobotToLabSceneRobot: Sales staff are provided with a business suit, the cost of which will be deducted from your first commission.Please take a moment to dress in your proper work attire and follow me into the clean room.Robot: The research staff will greet you on the other side of the clean room.A1a
54Robot: Please follow me to the research lab, so that you may begin your work.Complimentary beverages are provided for employees. Please label any food or cigarettes you leave in the break room.Robot: Sales staff are provided with a business suit, the cost of which will be deducted from your first commission.A1a
55Robot: Complimentary beverages are provided for employees. Please label any food or cigarettes you leave in the break room.Sales staff are provided with a business suit, the cost of which will be deducted from your first commission.Robot: Please take a moment to dress in your proper work attire and follow me into the clean room.A1a
56Robot: Complimentary beverages are provided for employees. Please label any food or cigarettes you leave in the break room.Here is your lab coat and clip board.Robot: Please take a moment to dress in your proper work attire and follow me into the clean room.A2a
57Robot: Complimentary beverages are provided for employees. Please label any food or cigarettes you leave in the break room.Here is your security uniform and flashlight.Robot: Please take a moment to dress in your proper work attire and follow me into the clean room.A3a
58Robot: Complimentary beverages are provided for employees. Please label any food or cigarettes you leave in the break room.Here is your jumpsuit and mop.Robot: Please take a moment to dress in your proper work attire and follow me into the clean room.A4a
59Robot: Please take a moment to dress in your proper work attire and follow me into the clean room.The research staff will greet you on the other side of the clean room.A1a
60Thank you for your attention and welcome to the team.A1b
61Please follow me to the research lab, so that you may begin your work.Robot: Complimentary beverages are provided for employees. Please label any food or cigarettes you leave in the break room.A1a
62-Please enter the clean room and proceed to the labs to continue the tour.
63Please save all questions for after the tour of the facility.