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A carton of cigarettes is a miscellaneous item in Fallout: New Vegas.


A box containing several packs of cigarettes. Cartons of Big Boss cigarettes are abundant in the Mojave Wasteland, and can be found in many locations or purchased from merchants. Like other cigarettes, they can be traded but cannot be smoked by the player character.


Map Location Description
HELIOS One On the reception desk; on the table in a corridor with overturned locker; near the same table, on the floor, in front of the NCR sleeping room.
Lucky 38 Casino floor, Lucky 38 penthouse, Lucky 38 presidential suite (19 in total)
Crimson Caravan Company Blake's store on a shelf
Mojave Outpost barracks 7 on the shelves behind the bar
Mick & Ralph's 5
Jacobstown lodge 5


Dead Money Cigarette cartons may be exchanged for 20 Sierra Madre chips at a vending machine, either in the Sierra Madre itself or at the abandoned BoS bunker in the Mojave.

Behind the scenes[]

The brand name "Big Boss" alludes to the popular stealth/action series Metal Gear and Metal Gear Solid. One of the primary characters in both series is code-named Big Boss, and is nearly always portrayed smoking.


See also[]
