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I think jules the synth being held hostage is a random encounter because I went to the same house I saw northernlion get that scene in and all that was there for me was fragmentation mines on the floor. —Preceding comment was unsigned. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

I also got this encounter, just outside of Concord (SE). Wasn't sure if it was random or not. You should add it to the page if you think it belongs here. I am sure eventually someone will confirm or correct with up to date information.Degrelescence (talk) 23:23, November 19, 2015 (UTC)


Found a random encounter location near the Police Station housing the Brotherhood of Steel team. Tested it....by dying several times. Each time another random event happen, —Preceding comment was unsigned. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Not enough information to add anything to the page. Can you tell us more about what events you encountered? Degrelescence (talk) 23:23, November 19, 2015 (UTC)


I got the Art vs Art event, a smooth talking trader with mostly crap and his 2 guards, some drug dealer and her 2 guards, a super mutent group with dog fighting a Mr.Gutsy.. (Mr.Gutsy kicked their asses.) and lastly I found a wondering guy named Timothy wearing some kind of Instatute jumpsuit, asking me if I knew where bunker hill was and that he needs to get there....you can tell him if you know, I didnt, lie, or say sorry and let him go. —Preceding comment was unsigned. Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

I am guessing those are 5 different events? You should add them to the page if you think they belong here. I am sure eventually someone will confirm or correct with up to date information.Degrelescence (talk) 23:23, November 19, 2015 (UTC)

Scavenger & Refrigerator[]

While traveling towards Fort Hagen I found a scavenger standing by a refrigerator, he kept saying it was his, he found it first. While constantly talking about trying to figure out a way to open it and that jimmy was right, saying it was right where he said it'd be. Once getting close enough to the fridge to see how to open it, he turned hostile. Inside was a sniper rifle, not sure if it's just a random gun though. Gladion20 (talk) 00:26, November 22, 2015 (UTC)


I have found a water beggar scenario but with rad away. They claim to be dying and think they are irradiated. 18:39, December 2, 2015 (UTC)

I think this might be a random occurrence. I found a group a settlers and a minister circled around a grave near Somerville Place. I think it was about 4 NPCs with 3 marked as settler and one marked as Pastor but I can't remember (I know he was wearing the Pastor's vestments). When I walked up the Pastor gave a short eulogy and maybe one or two of the NPCs said something about the departed but none of them could be interacted with.

A preacher, actually. I had it some time ago while exploring the south border, found a power armor that I brought home, and upon returning it was changing.

I kinda wonder if it would be worth noting down every "encounter" as I've also seen a few NPC-less encounters, like a random-lock chest with generic loot in a small crater (like it was blasted away to there), a van in a fairly good shape with a skeleton and a torn note, a group of 11 radioactive waste barrels, a dead brahmin surrounded by 3 frag mines, With NPC : 4 rad waste barrels and a glowing stingwing, same with glowing rqdscorpion, 1-3 glowing mirelurks buried in the ground, an old car with 2 feral ghouls around, a vampiric bloodbug and black bloatfly hovering a dead brahmin Mortbise (talk) 20:59, December 16, 2015 (UTC)

Art & Art are fighting[]

I had the ART & Art-Event approx. 7 times, first time it was like in the description, second time also, afair, but when I encountered the scene the last times, the two were always shooting at each other till one was dead (no Art initially on his knees)


So I spent 2 good hours yesterday checking what the game had to throw my way at a random encounter spot, wrote them down here, and when I come back to add another, most of what I added is gone for no reason.

Why ? Some of them certainly aren't quite flashy, but they still are random encounters, how do they not belong here ?

Mortbise (talk) 16:59, December 17, 2015 (UTC)

Random Encounter Locations List?[]

Is anyone working on a list of where these random encounters take place? That would be quite useful. Maybe I just haven't found the right page, but adding it here would seem reasonable.PandaBot3000 (talk) 20:47, January 14, 2016 (UTC)

I agree. Would be very useful, I think. Lionheartedcat (talk) 20:55, January 14, 2016 (UTC)
Several of this can probably occur virtually anywhere. They are triggered by a "change location" event node (found in the game data). I'm not sure what exactly counts as changing location though. --Alfwyn (talk) 21:19, January 14, 2016 (UTC)
I think I understand what you're saying Alfwyn, but even with the random locations there are definitely many fixed locations where things happen, such as the road by Med-tek research, the south end of College Square, etc. Places where you are pretty much guaranteed to find some random encounter. If we could at least get a list of those locations I think people could really use that info. Especially when trying to find level 4 vendors before they get killed by something random.PandaBot3000 (talk) 02:38, January 15, 2016 (UTC)
I get alot of them heading east from vault 81. Also the bridges to East Boston. --Dagbiker (talk) 22:41, January 29, 2016 (UTC)

3 Supermutants and 1 settler (kidnapping?)[]

I had this now twice in different places, one near Abernathy farm where often groups of supermutants can be seen, they are far away so that they can be seen, but no fight will happen, except when the player attacks. The other encounter happened near Red Rocket. In Red Rocket there are often the same groups of supermutants, but they come near enough to attack. Happens only when I am there, RR is a 0 settler settlement in my game. The encounter is similar, but the 3 (fairly weak) supermutants have a human named 'Settler' with them. He is not bound and walks docilely with them until you attack. It is easy to kill the 3 supermutants and the Settler stands still. If you go near him he starts to run toward Sancturay, in both cases (from Abernathy and from Red Rocket). If you try to talk to him he has normal settler dialog, without the option to trade. The number of settlers during this is constant in all settlements, so nobody is missing, it does not increase so the settler does not really go to a settlement and he cannot be recruited. It is quite hard to talk to the settler afterwards, you have to sprint after him and he will only hold for a short time and say nearly nothing. He does not thank you or anything. (Next time I have this I will use VATS to check if this is a synth) 11:18, January 15, 2016 (UTC)

Settlers for hire[]

I'm not sure how to use this thing, so excuse me and apologize if I make a mess. But the "Super Mutants and Settler" thing I did encounter that just east of Cambridge Polymer Labs. Also I encountered 3 or 4 settlers fighting Raiders just outside of Arc Jet. Both cases the settlers asked to join my settlements. I already posted them on the Random Encounter page (sorry if that was a mistake but I grew tired of waiting for someone to post it).


i dont know how to edit this and i dont want to mess with the page also im not a native english speaker so im linking a random encounter here http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fred_O'Connell

Named Ghouls[]

Oddly enough, I met them at the Dartmouth Professional Building fighting against some raiders (If you were wondering, the ghouls easily beat the raiders somehow with no causalities). However, I could not find Rosa's Son in this encounter.

Encounter Types[]

I've pinned down several random encounter areas, and have been farming them or save scumming them to get specific events. I've noticed that there are distinctly different types of encounter areas, where specific events will occur that won't happen in other random encounter areas. There is some overlap where certain events will play in most if not all different types, but there is enough that separates them that it should probably be marked down on the main page if it can be verified. I'll give each type I've noticed temporary names for the purposes of discussion, and give examples of encounters that don't overlap and where to find them.

"Static" Encounters. Encounters that only seem to occur at these locations include Duke (Fallout 4) by a car, settlers gathered around a grave, a Vault-Tec van with a note, or a burning pile of tires, among others. Near as I can tell, things like the van, grave or tires will remain there for the rest of the game once triggered and no other events will occur at that location. One such static encounter location is directly north of the Ranger cabin, over the stream and past the power pylon raider camp. Another is directly in front of a wrecked tank due north of Relay tower 0BB-915.

"Troll Bridge" Encounters. These seem to be the only areas where, among other possibilities, raiders and gunners can be found demanding tolls from either the player or from settlers that can subsequently be rescued, robots inforcing curfews are also common. Two such areas are by a wrecked truck on the dam north-east of Sunshine Tidings co-op, and the road leading to Recon bunker Theta.

"Campfire" Encounters. These are the areas where corpses with notes will spawn, and characters such as Fred O'Connell, Gene and Art can be found, with the former two tending to wander off after spawning. These often repeat and very easy to farm, as a different encounter seems to occur every time you fast travel far enough away and then return. One easy encounter location is a short ways east of Ranger cabin, past a power pylon and into some vegetation you'll find a camp-site where these events will occur.

"Roaming" Encounters. Usually occur on a road, where you'll run into things like The Scribe, a protectron handing out flyers, super mutants or raiders with prisoners, and generic wandering traders. One easy location is the train tracks under the cliff directly south of Tenpines Bluff. Fast travelling there will almost always spawn an encounter coming from either direction on the train tracks, though it can sometimes trigger a different encounter type spawning either a short ways west of Tenpines or in the wrecked house by the train tracks towards Outpost Zimonja.

"Siege" Encounters. Generally a building occupied by one group, being attacked by another. Usually scavengers fighting robots, but can also be friendly minutemen (after you've become general) fending off a raider attack and raiders attacking scavengers. One such building is along the road south of Lexington apartments

Nagodreth (talk) 11:09, February 01, 2016 (PST)

  • I'm sad that I just found this post. Sounds like you've done some serious work! It looks like a good start to a new section on the page where people can list locations and encounter types so we can map all the locations of these random encounters. If I find any useful info I think I'll start posting under your talk post until something else opens up. Good job! PandaBot3000 (talk) 12:45, March 9, 2016 (UTC)

Faction vs faction[]

What about a list for faction confrontations, like Darthmouth.

Mapping these Encounters[]

As previously stated by someone, they do seem to come in several different types (camping, siege, etc)...and as previous person did state they are fixed locations on where certain ones occur. So it shouldn't be difficult to start mapping out these locations which can help a lot if directions to certain ones don't really help.

For example I'm having problems looking for Ron Staples, as I'm trying to gather up all the level 4 merchants that are random encounters or traveling, and I'm focusing on looking for him in the northern part of the Commonwealth, but I couldn't find the campsite that's listed as "North of The Museum of Freedom".—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 23:40, April 6, 2016 (UTC). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

As the creation kit for Fallout 4 will be out this month hopefully, we will have an accurate way to tell if these are fixed or not in that way.--Kingclyde (talk) 23:40, April 6, 2016 (UTC)

For Those who are wondering...[]

Yo may have noticed that there has been some recent changes to this pages. one is the "categorisation" of the current encounters, which is a bit of an mess (probably due to editors not bothering to communicate with each other about the changes, like me. heh). The encounters are sorted in the same way the Vault Dweller's Survival Guide done as it is quite reasonable. one encounter however needs to be verified since there is no trace of Three Assultrons so if somebody would kindly find more evidences to support this & a few others not mentioned by the Vault Dwellers Survival Guide, that will be appreciated.


I was reading the quotes wrong only to realize that they were a part of the VDSG as I just figured out what the VDSG actually is, so my edits can be undone and again I apologize for deleting the quotes, as I said I was not aware of what VDSG was and thought it was custom or something. --Lieutenant113 (talk) 01:20, April 13, 2016 (UTC)

Dreth the Gunner - is he a toll guy or something else?[]

Hey folks, so I've noticed a guy named Dreth that hangs out with two other Gunners in various locations. I fought him once by shooting first and asking questions later, and every other time I've seen him I just avoid him. Does anyone know if he happens to be a toll collecting person, or is this yet a different random encounter that hasn't been listed yet? I probably should just walk up to him at least once, but I was doing it in the new survival mode so I didn't want to take any chances, if you get my drift. So does anyone know Dreth? PandaBot3000 (talk) 07:27, April 15, 2016 (UTC)

Comments now[]

Ok I'm the same person who commented on mapping out these encounters. Well the Assaultron encounter I recall happened to me, I'm not sure if they said "what a pretty boy" but I encounter it a while back in one of my playthroughs, just a bit north of the Diner where Trudy is, where you first encounter Trashcan Carla. As I said, I'm not sure if they said that since I was talking to Carla when she suddenly pulled her gun and the fight occurred.

Also when I said map out these encounters, previous commenters are correct. Camping encounters, Bridge Encounters, and others that are set on a location can be marked. Even if they aren't stating which one of the encounters it is, it still tells you that certain location can be home to a particular encounter. Like campfires will often have campfire encounters, the 7 mines, etc. While I'm not sure why you would need a creation kit to map out what we already can tell, its not my place to tell you how you should go about something. (It would be nice to have something to go on, I'm still looking for Ron Staples and added Smiling Larry to that list)

Finally, what about encounters that occur due to Dlc? I was simply exploring and came upon raiders or some faction fighting the hostile robots.

Jury rigged Eyebot pod station[]

Found this twice now, once outside Coast Guard Pier and another near Fort Hagen satellite relay, consists of a small generator, scavenging station and "jury rigged eybot pod" along side is a the corpse of a scavenger with a scavenger's journal, a dead servomech eyebot, servomech swarmbot and servomech junkbot. The eyebot station is fully usable, naturally I believe "Automatron" is required for this encounter, I don't know if there is a page for Automatron specific encounters, but it's not linked here if there is. I can't take quality screenshots or videos atm, so if someone could verify this for me(so i know I'm not hallucinating and for evidence and stuff...) that would be good. --THe silent H (talk) 12:09, April 24, 2016 (UTC)

Protectron leaking radiation[]

Shortly after I got the robotics expert perk, I fast traveled to ArcJet Systems, and in addition to the random encounter that was taking place around the statue, there was a deactivated Protectron just a few feet from the fast travel point. I was able to activate it by hacking it and it proceeded to follow me around, leaking low-level radiation (about 2 rads) until I fast traveled away again, and I haven't seen it since. I assume this was a random encounter of some sort, though I haven't seen it again. --Abatesnz (talk) 03:31, April 27, 2016 (UTC)

Gus and Kat encounter a reference?[]

Does anyone else think the Gus and Kat encounter is a reference to the anime "Ghost in the shell"? There's an episode (stand alone complex, episode 12) where a large robot not dissimilar to a sentry bot travels through a city with a young girl. See link title for a synopsis of the episode (12).

Ok its been what 2 or 3 years since Fallout 4's release, and even today we still have no map that can assist in mapping out these random encounters. I am about to start making a minor map of locations I know of with what random encounters I have had there.

Missing few encounters in this list[]

In this page, there are 7 missing encounters in the list.

Bullet if you pass speech and complete without fight in Kid in a Fridge quest. He will be with 2 o more gunners. I found him on a bridge and started to shoot me.

Trader Rylee for campsite encounters after the Longneck Lukowski's Cannery.

Ness, who offer a Meet Ness at the Crash Site quest, I think it's a fluid encounters.

Skrap Rat, no sure what type of encounter but some say it's near Near Med-Tek Research.

Charge card, a guy named Parker Quinn near South Boston Police Department. I don't know it's random encounter.

Wattz Electronics Barker, a protectron watcher give me a Wattz Flyer. Maybe to mark location, Wattz Consumer Electronics.

Stash's Story, Stash and her bodyguards Lexa and Simon. There are 4 random event in the order, choke point then fluid then campsite (Stash´s corpse) and fluid (Simon join the Raider)

Another tip. I think it should be there an advice or mention about some random encounters may dry up because I didn't know.

Like this, I copied from The Scribe page

"NOTE: Players wishing to farm this site for merchants, need to avoid ALL encounters, NPC or enemy forces, who appear here if they are not who or what the player is seeking; reload the nearest autosave or quick save and try again. Clearing the various encounters here by taking any relevant action (dialogue, fighting, etc.) will cause this area to "dry up," meaning no further encounters of any sort will happen again."

--GTAPeople (talk) 16:23, September 11, 2017 (UTC)

Bullet is part of the Kid in the Fridge quest, and is explained in detail how to trigger etc on the quest page, so not sure if he qualifies as random encounter. --Rotting apple (talk) 02:14, September 12, 2017 (UTC)
I think it's random encounter because there is a random encounter like Unhappy Scavengers, which is related with Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution quest. I believe that trigger if you side with robot. --GTAPeople (talk) 02:53, September 13, 2017 (UTC)

I found another random encounter, Fred O'Connell. He's a merchant but he doesn't have to sell and he is going to Vault 81 to restock.

And there another, Ron Staples. A special merchant, who can be hired then assign him to food store. --GTAPeople (talk) 02:31, September 13, 2017 (UTC)

Gruel, a well armed raider chef who travels throughout the Commonwealth looking for ingredients for his food. He's hostile. --GTAPeople (talk) 22:02, September 17, 2017 (UTC)

All Encounters from the VDSG Strategy Guide.[]

Have I mentioned this page is a damn mess? I feel like I can't emphasize that enough. Anyway, here's the names and descriptions of all encounters listed in the strategy guide. Several of them are already on this page, but in the wrong place or with a bogus quote attached. I know some of them may seem like they're in the wrong section, but I'm literally holding the book in my lap right now.

Static Encounters[]

I actually mostly fixed this section, but the unlisted encounters have no descriptions yet. The only ones missing are...

10) Vicious Dogs and Farmer: "Three vicious dogs are attacking a farmer ill-equipped to defend himself."

15) Stingwing versus Radscorpion: "Two examples of mutated wildlife aren't getting along."

Fluid Encounters[]

Here's where we run into the real mess. Gonna be listing them all, even ones that are already on the page.

1) Smiling Larry: "Have you bought anything from this trader? His two guards look tough."

2) Mister Gutsy: "A Mister Gutsy is on patrol, looking for Chinese infiltrators. Have you seen any?"

3) Workshop Armor Vendor: "Are your workshops impressive enough? If they aren't, hire this chap." (the guide doesn't specify, but I assume this is The Scribe)

4) Brotherhood of Steel versus Raiders: "If the Prydwen has arrived, these two factions encounter each other. Diplomatic relations are strained to nonexistent."

5) Brotherhood of Steel versus Deathclaw: "If the Prydwen has arrived, these Brotherhood of Steel scouts find themselves facing an apex predator."

6) The Gossiping Trader: "Chance upon a trader who has some pertinent rumors regarding the some[sic] primary locations across the Commonwealth," (yes, the typo is real)

7) Super Mutants versus Raiders: "These two factions are constantly battling for territory. Usually, though, the territory is a stronghold and not out in the open."

8) Deathclaw Hunting: "My, that's a big-clawed, scaly beast you've inadvertently stumbled into."

9) The Brahmin Vendor: "Do you need a Brahmin for your workshop settlement? Then you're in luck."

10) The Brahmin Farmer: "A livestock farmer is making his way in the world."

11) Ness Encounter: "You encounter a woman named Ness."

12) Radstag Herd: "Up to four of these majestic, mutated beasts can be witnessed."

13) "Preston Garvey": "Some chancer appears asking for a donation to the Minutemen. Pay up, refuse, or confront him."

14) Feral Ghoul Pack: "You see a pack of frothing ferals. You'd better get back because it'll be dark soon, and they mostly come out at night. Mostly."

15) Sated Radscorpion: "A mutated wildlife encounter with these viscous stingers."

16) Dogs versus Mole Rats: "A pack of dogs chasing a Mole Rat."

17) Revenge of the Forged: "Complete Loaction Quest: Out of the Fire and you may be attacked by the Forged."

18) Bobbi's Recruiter: "You're stopped and asked to help out in Goodneighbor; there's a Ghoul named Bobbi who needs your help starting Side Quest: The Big Dig."

19) One Man and His Robot: "Once Side Quest: The Big Dig is over, you may meet Mel again."

20) Swanson's Revenge: "Did you complete Side Quest: Human Error? Then you may have angered Swanson, who turns up all hot under the collar."

21) Vault 81 Prisoner: "A group of raiders are holding a vault dweller hostage. Can you help, and find out the vault's location in the process?"

22) Darla Goes Home: "If you finished Main Quest: Unlikely Valentine and Darla isn't dead, you may see her heading home."

22) Heading to Trinity Tower: "Super Mutants are taking a prisoner to their highest stronghold."

23) The Exile: "If Brotherhood of Steel Quest: Duty or Dishonor is complete, you may see Clarke fleeing from a group of Feral Ghouls. They aren't so friendly now, are they?"

24) Gruel's Recipes: "Did you kill a strange Raider with a chef's hat on? Then check his corpse for some rare ingredients and recipes."

25) Escaped Synth: "You spot a synth in Institute janitorial attire who requests the location of Bunker Hill."

26) Radstags versus Dogs: "An interesting conundrum: Which animal will be victorious?"

27) Super Mutants versus Mister Gutsy: "Can the greenskins overpower the pride of RobCo Industries?"

28) Kat and Gus: "A child merchant named Kat and her impressively dangerous protector Sentry Bot Gus are wandering the landscape. Time to trade?"

29) Predator's Lunch: "Did you see that Yao Guai or Deathclaw chasing down that dog? Glad it wasn't you!"

30) Radscorpion's Lunch: "A Radscorpion deems a Raider to be the tastiest morsel around."

31) Stash, Lexa, and Simon (Part 2): "Did you meet the merchant Stash and her bodyguards? You might want to talk to Stash about Simon's chem addiction."

32) Simon's Side: "Simon gave in to his addiction; later you find he's sided with some Raiders."

33) Paranoid Scavengers: "A group of scavengers aren't that welcoming, though the note on the leader's corpse reveals a rethink in tactics. Too late now, though."

34) Wattz Electronics Protectron Barker: "Have you heard about the bargains at Wattz Electronics? You will if you meet this Protectron."

35) Gunner Patrol: "Two gunners and an Assaultron (or two Gunners and a leader clad in Power Armor) are patrolling the Commonwealth."

36) Brotherhood of Steel Patrol: "If the Prydwen has arrived and the Brotherhood of Steel are active, you may encounter two soldiers and a scribe on patrol. If attacked, they call for backup. A Vertibird arrives and drops off two soldiers in Power Armor. Gulp!"

And I'm done for today; this only the first two frickin' pages. And I still need to get through the quotes for the Static Encounters.--DirtyBlue929 (talk) 00:00, April 28, 2018 (UTC)

Buggy Hatch Is Buggy[]

After playing this game for 3 years, I have yet to find anyone within 100 feet of this hatch, explosives or no. Each time it simply sits alone with noone near by, save for maybe the ghoul doctor living above a radioactive pool of liquid. The explosives guy never arrives, the hatch is never blown, and if I activate it, it opens a wee bit and then gives me the option to "CLOSE." It just goes back and forth between "BLOW" and "CLOSE." Wouldn't this be considered a bug? Noobyorkcity (talk) 05:29, May 20, 2018 (UTC)

'Malfunctioning Robots'[]

Hey, i'd like to know if there's any videos or evidence of the aforementioned encounter. There isn't any audio file with these lines, and no transcription of them on the Assaultron page. Is it indeed too rare?

Matt2077 (talk) 16:39, May 10, 2019 (UTC)

Smiling Larry - small settlements[]

Smiling Larry does need the required vendor stand to be recruited, but can confirm on pc that Smiling Larry can be recruited to Red Rocket without even needing to trigger Dogmeat's molerat encounter. meaning a settlement that comes unlocked, with zero settlers. (not 30 settlers)


Has anyone actually even seen this one? Great Mara (talk) 16:27, 27 May 2023 (UTC)

I checked all possible dialogue, but "What a pretty boy" is never said by anyone. So it looks doubtful it exists. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 17:13, 27 May 2023 (UTC)
It appears to have been one of the first things added to this page, with the anonymous user that adding it having added the Art vs Art encounter, Preston Garvey impersonator, and A girl and her robot, etc.: Special:Contributions/ Maybe they misheard? Are there any encounters involving assaultrons? Great Mara (talk) 22:50, 31 May 2023 (UTC)